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Archived questions from:
9 December, 2010 (see latest questions)
(More questions from December, 2010)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
I wasn't who he thought I was... haven't heard from him in 5 days, help!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hey... so I did a very bad thing.. I lied to this guy over the internet about my appearance (not by choice) I just got caught up in something that I never should have been. soo.. yea it was this one dating site called Tagged.. anywayz at first I just liked this guy.. but then ...
(258 words) Mom said she would throw me out the house if I ever fell pregnant... and I just found out I AM!!!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
I am 15 and pregnant. My boyfriend and I had sex with him and the condom fell off. So I got scared and took a pregnancy test. I turned out to be pregnant. I have not told my mom yet because the last time we talked she told me if I get pregnant I won't be living with her. I ...
(65 words) The only thing I feel when I'm with him is sadness and loneliness...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I wonder if anyone else has ever been in my situation. And if yes what can one do? I'll start with some background. I am 30 years old and have never even dated anyone. I have many friends and I have a good education, job etc. I'm not ugly or fat or too skinny or anything. ...
(601 words) Does being fat mean you've got no self esteem?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hi everyone. Well I'm overweight. My parents are annoying me all the time saying 'I have to lose weight or I'll die'. I'm not that fat, it's only them who say things like that to me. My mom also says I have no self esteem cause I'm fat and I don't love myself since I'm fa...
(297 words) Is it worth giving it a go or am I reading way too much into it?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Ok, so this is the situation so far. I met my now ex colleague while we working together. At that time I was engaged, and one day we were having a chat and he dropped in the conversation that all the guys on our team were talking about which girl in our office they found most ...
(222 words) Parting talk...
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5205 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
She now feels sickened to look back on our relationship. And whilst this hurts I can appreciate why this is. Being physically intimate with someone means a lot to her, and being her first and then it ending like that has affected her. Because neither of us have tal...
(415 words) Girlfriend keeping me on a leash or making a genuine attempt? Should I text back?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
So my girlfriend and I dated for a couple months and then I had to go out of town for a job for 2 months. Right after I left, she got the job of her dreams and was extremely over the moon to have found success and "the guy of her dreams." (Her words, I'm not a narcissist. ;)) ...
(568 words) My wife wants us to separate... advice welcome!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
My wife and I are approaching our 9th wedding anniversay we are both 33, we've been together for 14 years, and it's all falling to pieces, we have had many years of heart ache and trouble with her family and to be honest my intollance of how they behaved towards her rather than ...
(430 words) When he's good he's very good but when he's bad he's horrid!!!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hello x Me and my boyfriend has been together 2 and a half years, in the first 6 months everyhing was fine until his 21 year old sister (I'm 18 and he's 19 by the way) started butting in our relationship and spreading a lot of lies about me to her family, all the family s...
(237 words) Ex no longer interested. I need to move on with my life... Help!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I had a relationship of 8 months with this girl, we loved each other a lot and we experienced together many things, we planned to marry in the future when we finished our studies. But a big fight made her take the decision to break up with me, i never thought she would do it ...
(283 words) Foreplay is almost impossible because she's so ticklish... Help!!!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
51-59 -
My girlfriend is very ticklish. It is a bit of an issue when it comes to foreplay because I can't hardly touch her without tickling her. Most other women I've been with seem to respond well if we're kissing, and I then start to run my tongue along their neck, nibble their ear...
(283 words) My girlfriend is upset that her ex boyfriend is dating one of her friends!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
51-59 -
My girlfriend found out recently that one of her (former) friends is seeing one of my gf's ex boyfriends, and she was quite upset about it. My gf broke up with this guy about two years ago. My gf claims she dumped him after he tried to pressure her into group sex, etc. ...
(242 words) Is his reason genuine for not wanting to see me...?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I'm in a long distance relationship with a guy who lives in the USA (I live in the UK). We've been lucky enough to see each other for a week 4 times in the last 8 months, and communicate daily by skype. Everything has been perfect (apart from missing each other) until the last ...
(285 words) Anal tips needed!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (?)
41-50 -
I am thinking of having anal sex for the first time with my boyfriend. I tried many years ago with another boyfriend and even though lube was used it was painful and felt like I was doing a poo! I wondered if anyone had tips as to what the best way of doing it is? I know I ...
(122 words) Help!!! Unhappily married...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I am a 29 year married female with a 3 year old son. I have been married for almost 8 years and throughout our marriage have had ups and downs. Something has been missing for a long time. I am a full time working professional and throughout my entire marriage my husband has ...
(212 words) I want to leave with my daughter and move on with my life. Am I wrong for wanting to be happy?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5203 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I am 22 years old. I have been married to my husband for a little over 3 years. We have a 2 year old daughter together and he has 3 children from a previous marriage. In the beginning of my marriage my husband was great, we did everything together. The past to years our ...
(302 words) Thinking of my past is ruining my relationship!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5206 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
This is long, but if you would be so kind to read and answer, I would be so grateful. You can even just scan the question... I just need some answers. Thanks. I'm confused and I have been quite tearful these past few days. My boyfriend and I have recently had our 1 month anni...
(902 words) Is he avoiding me, or am I over-reacting to the whole thing?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I'm a bit confused. Two weeks ago, my boyfriend stopped being all cuddly towards me. Like.. he would constantly talk to me and me really sweet, but he stopped two weeks ago, almost cold turkey. I mean, we'd still talk about other stuff, ranging from school to sex to anything ...
(277 words) I know I screwed up... but how do I get him back?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
So last year i liked Frat boy "a".. and we had a thing.. and he screwed me over so stupid me thought i should mess around with one of his frat brothers that he isn't that close with... so I had slept with frat boy "b".. and went on a date with him and hung out with him every ...
(160 words) Why is he making it out to be all my fault when he has a hand in it too?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
theres a guy that has been in a relationship with a girl for 8years that i fell for and i fell hard but ive known him for a long time well i cheated on my boyfriend with him and hes making it all my fault why is he making it to be all my fault?...
(55 words) Every time we talk about a relationship the conversation gets awkward!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
ok cupid heres one for you, im in love with my best friend (its a boy btw) but i dont want to be at all its just weird when we're together but we both try to stop it but nothing seems to work and its not exactly like we an avoid each other either because we sit with eachother ...
(104 words) Disappointed because I have problems with maintaining an erection!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
I am a 66 year old guy still good looking to some extend and I still feel strong attraction towards the opposite sex and love to be around with women, and I am still able to walk up and strike a conversation with them and I think I have enough charm and wit to hold on to them ...
(145 words) I slapped my boyfriend for pulling up my skirt!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
heyy guys right yesterday me and my boyfriend was all alone at home and we were kissing and huggin and stuff like that then he pulled up my skirt and i slapped him and we argued and he called me jody{thats not my name} i am so anrgy wiv him i dont no wat to do guys can u pl...
(63 words) I'm falling for my female band member!!!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
26-29 -
Ok, here my situation. I'm the lead guitarist and singer in my 4-piece band, we do proper gigs at pubs and blues clubs. My co singer is a lovely lady by the name of Megan, and she's the problem. You see, from the moment i met her, I had a crush on her, and now i think its more ...
(200 words) Nervous about giving my boyfriend a blow job!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
hey guys, just a quick question. When i was with my ex, i tossed him off and gave him a blowjob, the rest isn't necessary for my question haha. i was just wondering why now i'm nervous to do those things with my boyfriend even though i've already done them. He want to do more ...
(109 words) Can't be with the one I love because of the kids. What do I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
51-59 -
I need some major help here. I have been with my husband since I was 13 and married for 15 years. I analyze why because I love him but never felt what I should. I had a rough childchood and clung to him. He is great but we are so different and I tried to end things in our early ...
(432 words) Why do guys like anal sex with women?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (?)
36-40 -
Why do guys like anal sex with women? Is it because it feels different or a bit "dirty?"...
(18 words) I think he's taking time to cool down?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hello dear friends, hope u can help me with my agony :(. So my boyfriend and i broke up a month back, we live 13 hour flight time away from each other. We met 9 months back went out for 3 months then he had to move to another country. He was very suspicious at start, d...
(364 words) Are there any sure signs that a guy is a sex addict?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (?)
36-40 -
One of my guy friends is VERY flirty. We used to be FWB a few years back. He has a reputation of being a "dog". The thing is, even though we no longer sleep together, everytime i see him he always finds an excuse to touch me. He never shuts up about my boobs and gets a hard ...
(121 words) His former hookup is trying to worm her way in our relationship by suggesting a threesome!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Sorry, this might be a little long. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 months. There's this girl that he use to hook up with. They stopped talking about 6 months ago and about a month ago she texted him asking to hang out. He told her no that he had a girlfriend and she ...
(130 words) Best friend is dating my ex!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I'm still in love with my girlfriend, who broke up with me almost 4 months ago. It makes it worse that my best friend is now dating her, and they have been together for about 3 months. I've just started talking and hanging out with him again, because I've been dating again and ...
(321 words) He told me not to tell anyone we were talking, then he gets back together with his ex?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5203 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I'm 16 years old and told I look a lot older, last year my sister got married and I was a bridesmaid. I was standing at the bar getting a drink and my sisters friend (23) put his arm around my hip and said "your beautiful" and "I love your dress", so I kinda flirted back and ...
(572 words) I want to get him back, but as a friend.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Please read this before answering the question I have posted below: So... Over the past week I have come to realise that he is interested in another lady, and his feelings for her are prett...
(166 words) My gut is telling me he's still hung up on her!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5207 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Dear Cupid, I have been dating this guy for about a year. We have our ups and downs like everyone else, but there's one thing I can't seem to get over: his ex. I'm generally not the type to be insecure and unsure of myself, however, there's something about the situation th...
(258 words) I noticed spotting since I started taking the birth control pill. How long did it last for you?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hi everyone! This is more a question for the women. I'm 19 and just started taking Loestrin 24, the birth control pill. One of the side effects is spotting which my gynocologist told me could happen. For me this brown spotting has been occuring for four days now and I h...
(150 words) My friend says he is only with me until he finds someone older. Am I being foolish for accepting this?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5202 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I've been seeing this guy for 5 months now and he's absolutley perfect! except he is 8 years older than me. So we agreed that we won't become boyfriend and girlfriend because at the end of the day we want different things. He says he is so crazy about me but doesn't see a ...
(96 words) Girlfriend got pregnant and ran off with someone 32 years older than her!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
My 25 y/o cousin (I'll call him Tom) and his girlfriend had been trying to get a baby for a year now. Now you're not going to believe what comes next: yesterday she dropped the bomb on him: 1. she was pregnant and 2. She wanted to end the relationship with him and continue ...
(285 words) I'm married but am friends with benefits with a co worker
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I am married for four years been together for nine years. And we have a six year old son together. My husband is a control freak had to know where, when, who and what!! And if I ask him to do anything especially when it comes to my family the answer is always no. We always ...
(301 words) I can't wait much longer to be given the title of his wife, do you think he'll give it to me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Its been just over 5 years with my fiance, we have a house, a 3year old, lots of debt...We have had a wonderful 5 years together. Like any relationship, we have had ups and downs....Last year I proposed to him. We have always agreed we want to spend the rest of our lives ...
(273 words) Is there any chance of him compromising with his social anxiety?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
We have been married for 26 years and I love my husband dearly, but he developed some sort of social anxiety over the years which just has got worse and worse. When we first met we had lots of friends and socialised, partied a lot, and I mean we knew each other years before we ...
(369 words) Am I ready for this baby?
This question has
23 answers
- newest was posted
5159 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
im pregnate and dont know if im ready for this boyfriend wants the baby but im not sure if i do. we have known each other for two years but we have only gone out for 2 months.i think we are to young for this baby.i have only told my best friend and my boy ...
(149 words) I am afraid I am infertile and wont be able to have a child!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5198 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
i am starting to get more and more of a fear of not been able to have a child when i am older.... i have had loads of health problems these past 2 years i dont mean with my periods or any thing... but i do get really bad periods bad pains and have been hostpitalised I ...
(181 words) Am I being too sensitive?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
When my boyfriend does something that upsets me, and I try to talk to him about it, he always tells me that I am "over-reacting," and then doesn't understand why telling me that makes things worse. Am I being too sensitive?...
(41 words) My wife has feelings for a much younger "friend".
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Dear Cupid, how is everyone doing. I am a happily married man with a sitaution. My wife has admitted to me that she had an affair with a younger man and said that she was falling in love with him. But the whole time, she said that she never fell out of love with me and ...
(131 words) Was she sending me signals?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
I need some advice on how to get this girl in my class. We have this study room requirement where we have to fulfill a certain amount of hours or we don't pass the class and since she was way behind I offered to help her out. This allowed me to A) Start talking to her more fre...
(214 words) I get that guys love their friends, but is it fair that I'm always second best?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 5 months now, some days he will tell me he loves me and thinks I'm great other days he barely speaks to me. Then we had this whole argument of how he chose me over his friends and he never got to see them, and i was like well okay be ...
(120 words) Am I wrong for believing in my values of a marriage?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
My husband have been together for 18 years and have 3 children. For the last 2 years we have been having problems and it started out with stupid small things like he doesn't do this and she does that. But for the last year year has started texting other girls. He hides the fact ...
(411 words) Is it unreasonable of me to ask my boyfriend to invite me to co-ed parties his ex will be at?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Is it unreasonable of me to ask my boyfriend to invite me to mixed parties that my boyfriend's ex is at? He excludes me from 90% of them because he says he wants to be able to hang out with them alone. But they go partying, and drinking and everyone else brings their boy...
(57 words) Am I doing the right thing getting back with her?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Ok, I've got a trust question which probably is nothing new for this site. So, here goes: I'm currently seeing this girl (we'll call her N) that I've been with for 14-15 months. We got together close to the start of her freshman year of college while I'm a year older than ...
(890 words) He walked out on me and our son!
This question has
3 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
51-59 -
I have a seven month old son, the father left me when I was seven months pregnant my heart still feels for him and I just found out that he is seeing another woman and I am heartbroken. I don't understand how he can just let go of us so quickly he hasn't even tryed to rekindle ...
(90 words) Ladies, I need your female insight on this one!
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Female insight needed please!!! I broke up with my gf (of nearly 3yrs) 5 months ago as I felt I wasn't making her happy and that made me unhappy. Iv'e since done a lot of soul searching but know deep down I still love her. We agreed to meet having recently seen each o...
(266 words) Should I settle for the unfit woman or wait patiently for the woman who is respectable?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5182 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Hey I'm looking for some thoughts on my situation. I've taken a liking for a woman I met 2 months ago. The thing is I've since found she has a history of messing with married men and married women. She's also a compulsive lier but I'm still attracted to her. She's expressed ...
(155 words) He has a girlfriend, but never talks about her!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5196 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
There's this guy I work with I like and recently we've become closer as friends. He seems to really enjoy my company and has confide in me some very personal things. But now I have come to the conclusion that he has a live in girlfriend! I'm 99% sure, the only small doubt being ...
(432 words) Is she strange or am I overreacting?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5143 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
hey is love really a bitch ?? i've been knowing this girl for quite a long time now, or do i, she asked me out, we dated, lasted 3 months, sex 2 weeks, then a day came, i snapped, she broke up. she dated my friend, then broke up, then another friend, now she is in a ...
(290 words) I can't bear to leave my 'underground' lover!
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4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
A senior added me on msn and started talking to me after orientation and things were going platonic for a month or so before we started going out on dates. But he doesn't ever want to be seen with me in public and is afraid of meeting our schoolmates. About 3 months later he ...
(196 words) Is my boyfriend gay? Help me interpret the signs!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5197 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I am very confused :) My boyfriend of 6 months has contradictory signs about whether he is gay or not. Well he is quite feminine and sensitive and I have accepted that about him. I have thought that this is because he grew up with women only in his family. He i...
(728 words) I'm more attracted to his intelligence than his appearance. Will this resolve?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I've started seeing this guy and its going really well. He's really sweet and we have intellectual conversations, but the problem is is that I feel that I'm attracted more to his intelligance than appearance. After breaking up with someone else and then meeting this guy, h...
(100 words) Should I tell his girlfriend about him? Should I name and shame him on the radio?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I cant get this guy out of my head. I was interested in this guy who I worked with nothing ever happened then one day he grabbed me and we kissed and then nothing happened for a few months and on a night out we kissed again then nothing happened anyway we ended up just having ...
(316 words) Am I overreacting? At school, all he talks to is girls, all girls.
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5 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hey I really need some advice I really love my boyfriend we've been together for a year and two months I'm really fisterated.. I feel like I can't trust my boyfriend.... I mean I do but I don't at the same time when were is school all he talks to is girls alllllll girls. Mainly ...
(112 words) How do I repair my relationship with my sister?
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F) -
i have 3 sisters and i really only get on with 2 of them. Wel when i say i don't get on with my youngest i mean we fight adn argue all the time. She is in her teenage years has a quick firy temper and everytime we talk we always end up arguing. So to save the fights and ...
(212 words) Am I being taken for a fool by my online girlfriend?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Ok so I've been dating this girl for 5 months online (met at a concert) but we're starting to have trouble like Im deciding i don't want to take all her crap anymore. She says her computer has a virus and can't use browsers (Im sure yoy can) so she can't readd me on Facebook ...
(246 words) Is this really over? I don't want it to be but we can't go back to where we were!
This question has
3 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Please can someone offer me some advice? I have never written on any of these chat things before- I don’t even do facebook! But I need an outsider opinion. I have been seeing my boyfriend for 3 and a half years. He is 30 and I am 28. The first couple of years were great, w...
(623 words) If he is genuinely interested in me, then why doesn't he ever call me?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5207 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I met this guy online and have been talking to him for about 4 months now. We've gone on 1 date a few days ago, and it went pretty well: met up for a casual dinner. Then he pleaded with me to come back to my place which I agreed, and we made out light until early next morning. ...
(150 words) How do I make a straight guy love me?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5166 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
what do i have to do ??? i am a 16 years old guy,i am a gay and i really love a guy in my school. unfortunately he is straight he is even horny and pervert when it comes to girls...... the problem that i think that he hates me...he only calls me when it comes to studying......
(154 words) I sense it is not over between us but what do I do now?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5201 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
So the issue with us is commitment. We know each other for a long time. We used to be friends until things gradually started to change. After months of flirting and dating without a label (no sex but some kissing always him pursuing me, trying to be with me every day, calling ...
(364 words) I want to tell him what makes me hot, but how?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5200 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
How do I explain to the guy I'm dating my favorite way of getting my nipples hard? I have large breasts (34ddd) so guys usually love them, and this guy is no exception (although I am quite small other than my breasts and feel a little imbalanced sometimes).... Anyways he sucks ...
(103 words) I said yes when he asked me out but now I am questioning my decision....
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
There's this second year guy,i have a crush on him and he admitted that he likes me and immediately asked me to go out with him...I,also immediately said yes,i don't know if it was because i like him that i don't ever want to hurt him or because ever since i was a child,i was ...
(90 words) Ex admitted he cheated but instead of bringing closure it hurts even more!
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2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Its been a month since i heard from my ex he contacted me last nite. The last time we spoke it ended very badly because i messeged a girl i assumed he slept with on his recent holiday! He had just spent a month with me and my family we had a silly argument and agred to talk ...
(183 words) Should I tell him that I know he lied to me? Or just let it go?
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2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Been with BF for 3 years now. Met him when he was going through a very messy divorce. He lost his way cheated on me, I found out. We went through all sorts of hell and therapy to fix our relationship. He explained that he couldnt believe that the first girl he met after leaving ...
(261 words) I need to study, not be with this boy!
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
dear, boy luv me n he want me to be with him forever...actually the problem iz that i dont want to be bound in such relation...i wnt to complete my study...but he dont understand me...and i make desicion to broke up with him and i said him by decision n he replied the ...
(86 words) I can't always tell if my boyfriend has orgasmed/ejaculated when we have sex
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4 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hey, I'd love some opinions on this, especially from any guys...basically, I can't always tell if my boyfriend has orgasmed/ejaculated when we have sex. Once or twice I knew he had 'cos his legs were shaky and there was an obvious wet patch! But sometimes this doesn't happen ...
(131 words) Am I asking too much after 14 years together?
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2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
hi, i would be grateful of some advice about the situation i am in pls, my b/f and i have been on and off for 14 years he lives with his mum and works full time i am living in a house with our daughter who is 13 i am 31 he is 33. the relationship has been very difficult, he ...
(280 words) Should I stay with her or not?
This question has
4 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I have known this girl for almost my entire life and we are the best of friends. She is the type of girl that flaunts around and has had many boyfriends before. well recently i thought that maybe i could try to be with her and she said yes. so we started going out than like two...
(412 words) Who has the greater chance of being the dad?
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5 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
i am 18 and 27 weeks pregnant, there is a doubt that my boyfriend can be the father of my baby because i cheated on him with another guy. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a few days before receiving my next period, but this period was shorter and lighter and i am ...
(86 words) What can I do to make her happy again?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
my girlfriend is in the bad mood she dont want to talk to me i dont know what did i do wrong,i really love her so much i dont know what to do to make her happy again.please advice me...
(40 words) Why does everyone have a problem with my choice to remain single?
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5 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (?)
36-40 -
Why do people have a problem with single humans? Everytime I turn around I have a well meaning friend, or relative trying to ram some girl in my face. Meet so and so, come to this party, talk to her. It's absolutley insane!!! I have no interest in entering into a relationship ...
(109 words) I'm worried that he could just stop loving me at any time!
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hi guys... My guy and I are of the same age, we're both 21 years old... I am just wondering... we're dating for almost 8 months... It's almost perfect... He's not the perfect lover neither am I but I do believe we have the perfect love... We're doing very fine right now and we ...
(136 words) Should I follow my sister's plan and get away from him?
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5 answers
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hi. I hope there is some advice you guys can offer me. Ive been with my boyfriend now for nearly 2 years. We were kind of set up at a party and one thing lead to another. We really began to like each other. After 3 months of meeting. He asked me out. Things were good. I lived ...
(544 words) Why wouldnt my LDR girlfriend give me her facebook?
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10 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
hey , i just wonder why wouldnt my long distance relationship girlfriend give me her facebook ? shes telling me that she would get jealous if she sees other girls postin on my fb and i would get jealous too seein other guys talking to her, but what does she really hide ? it de...
(92 words) It feels like he doesn't care about having a good sex life!
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1 answer
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Ok my situation is..i have came right out and told my fiance before that i want Sex more often and want it to last alot longer, but it seems like he does not care to satisfy our Sex life, this is really bothering me because i should not have to be the one to mention it again ...
(154 words) I lose the words when I try and tell her how I feel! Help!
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Hey people, just need an opinion on this situation im in and maybe some help. Theres this girl in my group of friends and I just think shes amazing and I have had a crush on her for quite a while now. We're pretty close like we sit next to each other in class and we text most ...
(159 words) Should I move on or wait a while for her?
This question has
2 answers
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5205 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
So I was seeing this girl for about a year. We did everything together and had everything but the official title of boyfriend and girlfriend. About six months ago I had some personal issues that came up that were going to take me away for a while so I told her that I needed a ...
(214 words) My mum called me a whore for having sex aged 17, but she is the one with 12 kids all to different fathers!
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8 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (?)
30-35 -
So today me and my bf had sex, anyway my mom found out because my sister is a snitch and she only looks for ways of getting me into trouble, anyway so my mom was bitching me out about having sex with my bf. She started calling me like a whore and stuff. I told her she is a hyp...
(179 words) I'm a married woman and want a relationship with my lesbian friend.
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2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I'm bisexual and married. How do I ask my husband if he would have a problem with me dating a woman I've become quite close to. She doesn't know I'm back living with my husband so how do I approach her?...
(41 words) I think he is cheating or might have cheated on me in the past, how do I know for sure?
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
is he cheating on me? well the stury goes, me and my boyfriend have been together for about a year and im not so certain he really means it when he says he loves me. a little while back i logged on to his old myspace account which he gave me the password to check any mail sent ...
(454 words) How do I get her to fall in love with me again, more than she was before?
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1 answer
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Bonjour, i hope you guys are doing fine , i just have a small problem with my ldr girlfriend, we just got back together after a break up of 2 weeks , and our relationship aint as balanced as it was before, its easy to tell,anyway lately she started hangin around with her guy ...
(320 words) I orgasm too quickly with a condom on!
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2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Okay, So this probably sounds opposite to regular logic, but: Every time i wear a condom during sex i orgasm far too quickly. As in within a minute. Every time I've ever had sex without a condom i've lasted 10-15 at least. Has anyone else experienced this or ha...
(85 words) Am I being tested?
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Alright people, it's been a while since I've actually posted anything on here haha, been busy with finals and stuff. Now that it's done, I need to ask everyone this, because it's really been bugging me for a long time now, matter fact it's been bugging me for the last month ...
(573 words) How can I get over a broken heart?
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I met this boy in collage and had an "unofficial thing" for a year on and off. When we would hangout or be together it would be great, and we would have so much fun together. But when we were off he would hookup with other girls. He texted me after not talking for 2 months and ...
(129 words) How do I approach the girl I like?
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
26-29 -
ok i like this girl in high school her name is tianna and she has two periods with me. She is really pretty and nice and we talk ever so often and shes all alone most of the time...i really want her but im nervous how should i approach her without being uncool?...
(53 words) He is declaring his love on Facebook for a woman he hardly knows! Have I lost him for good with my stalking behaviour?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I am new here. I am hoping someone out there will be able to give me some advice. Let me first just give you a quick update of past. I have recently split from my boyfriend of 2 years where we lived together nearly from the beginning. We were so happy and in love, we ...
(1263 words) We have been together a year and I want a committment from him, am I moving too fast or should I move on?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Here's my story: My boyfriend and i have been dating for a year. I have been asking him for a commitment, marriage, because i want a baby. Is it too fast to ask? Im 28 and he's 34, we met right after he had ended a relationship of 10yrs with whom he has a 6yr old. I ...
(264 words) How do I tell my ex I can't anymore because my life is not the same. He's too late.
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2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
51-59 -
I want to try but I'm not sure if it will work. I fell hard for my exbf and I put my all into it but he was like whatever. Anyway he broke it off and of course I did the woe is me I can't go on without you. Any I hated him more and more the longer time went by because I wou...
(535 words) I don't understand how he can say he has no sex drive but still masturbate daily!
This question has
2 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hey everyone! I have a couple of issues and would greatly appreciate some insight. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now and have a child together. He is 32 and I am 25. When we got together, we were having sex 2 or 3 times a day. We moved in together ...
(383 words) Is our relationship doomed forever?
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1 answer
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
My current ex-boyfriend as of two days ago and I broke up because I blew something he said out of preportion and things got really out of hand. I said some pretty mean things and so did he. We decided to call off the relationship because we just don't seem to see eye to eye ...
(205 words) 13 year old son sexting. What should his punishment be?
This question has
17 answers
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5105 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
51-59 -
Just caught my 13 year old sexting with a girl in his class. They sent each other pictures of each other and everything. Not sure what his punishment should be. His phone was taken indefinitely. Not sure what else I should do. What do u all think?...
(47 words) I want to see what else is out there, and I want him to do the same! Is this a good idea?
This question has
3 answers
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
i have found myslef on this site a lot lately posting questions it seems like.and once again im confused as to what i should do. i love my man so much but frankly im not in love with him in any way at all anymore. we have been together a few years and it seems as if our ...
(1139 words) I can never establish a relationship with a guy!
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1 answer
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I really need a male perspective on this one. It seems like try as I might I can never establish a relationship with a guy. I've been acquainted with this guy for five years we started hooking up a year ago, but it's been rather sporadic. He's someone I can totally see ...
(370 words) Products to remove hair efficiently? And should you use lotion to make it smell better down there?
This question has
3 answers
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5204 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 10 months now, and all we've ever done physically is make out. He's not a virgin, but I am, and recently we've talked about trying oral together. I'm comfortable with our relationship moving forward to that, however I have a few ...
(202 words) She doesn't want to try and work on our marriage anymore, what is really going on?
This question has
3 answers
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5205 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Me and my wife have been together for almost 7yrs and have been married for almost a 1 1/2 yrs. She now says she's not happy anymore and doesn't have feelings for me anymore. She says its because all the things she's been asking me to do like kissing her, holding her hands etc. ...
(186 words) What should I do about this guy Ilike?
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1 answer
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
hey im having the huge probably, im gay and no one knows! i like this one jock in my school he so cool, sweet, and cute and i fell for him. no one know im out and he seems to be interested in me but im afraid to get close to him, and then he became my best friend and then ...
(198 words) In love but afraid to tell him because I know he likes someone else!
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
What should I do if I love someone, but am afraid to tell him? I know that he has the hots for someone else. The thing is, she doesn't feel the same way about him. Should I tell him that I'm in love with him, or do you think that would make him feel awkward?...
(55 words) My ex is spreading rumours that I had sex with a 21 year old! What should I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4989 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
theres ths guy that i dated and he broke my heart. im still not over him and now hes calling me bad names and now theres a rumor that i was sexing a 21 year old an im only 14! gross! i just dont know what to do :(...
(50 words) I don't want to be his booty call!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I'm a little nervous. My "friend" made a comment as he left my house after fooling around about loving "booty calls." The thing is, I don't want it to be a booty call. I don't know the way to try to tell him gently that either he has to be a man and commit to me or to ship out. ...
(62 words) He gets cranky after sex, am I doing something wrong?
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
Hey. Im 15 my boyfriends 18. His all nice and everything all day then when we have sex like an hour later his all cranky. Am i doing something wrong?? his my first. I love him. we argue about his ex because im friends with her and he hates her and everything b...
(127 words) She said she was pregnant but now she's saying she is not, what is going on?
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
41-50 -
She thought she was pregnant, why she said that to me? is it that she did not have her thing that comes monthly for 3 months until 2 weeks ago? And she said she had not had sex with anyone but me. She stopped talking to me for like a month because she was to afraid to talk ...
(196 words) How do I stop feeling isolated?
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1 answer
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I am currently in my third year of university... and in my first year I had some friends and one really close friend (lets call her X) I started going out with a guy and after a while he figured out that he liked one of my other friends (who I will call B) more than me. Duri...
(421 words) I love this older guy, and he seems to like me but only wants to be friends.....
This question has
4 answers
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5198 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
So me and this guy whos much older than me work together. Over a year weve been talking and getting to know each other. I really like him and he seems like he likes me but whenever i ask him he says he wants to be friends. However we exchange pictures all the time and talk ...
(137 words) She lost her virginity to another guy because I was a jerk to her in the beginning, how do I get over this?
This question has
6 answers
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5190 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I have a problem. There was this girl that I talked to and I was her firs kiss. First guy that she ever had feelings for. I liked her to but didnt really think much of it. I stopped tralking to her after about 5 weeks and just left her hanging. The mostI eve did with her ...
(378 words) Am I being selfish? My boyfriend and I hardly see each other!
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
So I've asked somewhat of a similar q before.. but what I'm wondering now is - am I selfish? I'm used to dating guys that have alot of free time and my bf has not had alot of time lately(when we met he did).He has 2 jobs hospital and reserves(2 wknds a mo=reserves).Rec...
(568 words) In love with a foreign internet guy! Please help, what do I do?
This question has
4 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hey, My problem will seem somewhat ignorant I guess. but i also guess i'm hoping that someone will not think i'm crazy im not sure. To start i've been talking to a wonderful guy on the internet. ive seen him on camera he talks about his family and his lifestyle and is ...
(672 words) Family won't accept him because of race
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3 answers
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Okay i dont know what to do! I have a great boyfriend! But my family wont accept him because of race, i have just been made redundant now i dont know wether to move closer to where my bf lives wich is 2hrs away and get a job there, but my family wont talk to me again! But i ...
(83 words) Nerves when talking to my girlfriend?
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1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
26-29 -
I have all of these nerves whenever I start to talk to my girlfriend, and then my face turns bright red! The hardest part is that she's not comfortable arround me either. We both know that we love each other, but when ever I try talking to her she always goes and talks to her ...
(74 words) Do most people feel unsure about moving in with someone for the first time?
This question has
3 answers
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5200 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
When I was younger I loved to have options - like at school I was the smartest kid there and so I had a lot of opportunities and possibilities and could do anything with my life. Now I'm settled on a single career path which is ok, but I miss having infinite possibilities. ...
(484 words) Why is he being so complicated and difficult about everything??
This question has
3 answers
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5207 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
ok so about a week ago my bf and i decided to break up. lately ive been just being nice to him. before we started going out we were pretty good friends. but today i tried to be friendly to him and it totally blew up in my face. i tried to get us to hang out (him, me, and our ...
(302 words) Hate oral sex
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4 answers
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hey my husband wants me to suck him, and i just hate suck i dont know what to do?...
(20 words) Do online dating sites really work?
This question has
7 answers
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5205 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hey guys my question is: Does relationship sites works? I am a girl and I decided to try find someone in a relationship site. After applying a lot of guys have showed up,I was talking with a guy and I liked him,after one week he asked me to hang out with him and I accepted...
(236 words) Husband's comment "I don't support no bitches" has made me want to leave
This question has
4 answers
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5199 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
51-59 -
hello i been maried to my husband for 2 years now. I meet him on aol..though come to find out we had meet in the pass but I was married at that time..I have been a full time working mother just up until the thanksgiving holiday and got laid off. I told my husband we needed ...
(257 words) How do I find a girl with my same interests at my college?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Its been about a month since my bad break up with my girl friend of two years whom I thought was "the one." She started dating another guy almost immediately after we ended things which seriously hurt and broke my self esteem a bit. But now I feel its finally time for...
(281 words) Scared about having sex with an older guy
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5 answers
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
So I'm like with this guy who I really like, were talking about having sex. He is much older than me and he has already lost his virginity, i haven't. I feel like there are so many things wrong with me, and it makes me not wanna have sex with him. My vagina makes noises like ...
(128 words) Why do men get defensive when asked to wear condoms?
This question has
10 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
hi dear aunts and uncles. why men don't like wearing condoms and get defensive when you ask for it? they always throw the 'you don't trust me' line. that doesn't work with me be cause i believe that no glove no love is the best thing to do. but they make up some stories that ...
(101 words) How do I make my boyfriend trust me again?
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3 answers
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Just wandering what some ways to make my boyfriend trust me again. I have a friend he doesn't like and I didn't know until here recently and he is on of my friends that I talk to and hang out with during my 2nd period class. My boyfriend has it in his mind I like this guy and I ...
(64 words) I like this guy but I'm not "out" and I don't know what to do
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1 answer
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
i need help, idk what to do. i hate this because i am starting to like this on person i feel like im gay but idk he soo sweet cute caring and idk what to do im afreid because im not out and sometime it scares me because no one knows. please help idk what to do :(...
(61 words) Girlfriend talking to her ex all the time!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Just a question for you all to answer. So i have been dating my girlfriend for about 3 months now. Lately i have been catching her talking to her ex from 7 months ago allll the time. and going out for drinks and lunches quite often. One night they both and some others w...
(147 words) I don't know who to date!
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
now i like two guys thy r both sweet and half of my friends want me 2 date the one tht knows me the most and because hes the cutest. also cause we make a cute couple.thn the other half wants me to date the other guy. he knows me 2 but not like the first guy. he cares 4 me but ...
(70 words) Ladies, what do you think of a 40 year old virgin? No, not the movie.
This question has
13 answers
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5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
51-59 -
OK, here is a simple and straight-forward question for the ladies. I am going to be honest, and I want the HONEST truth, as you see it. I am a male, 39, going to be 40 in 3 months. I am a virgin. Mostly I am a virgin because I believe sex should be shared with one's life...
(185 words) Fantasizing about sharing my wife.
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1 answer
- newest was posted
5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
51-59 -
So for the longest time I've fantasized about sharing my wife. The thought of another man pleasuring her makes me crazy. To date I've only e-mailed back and forth and shared pictures with other men. Her and I have discussed it briefly and have even placed ads on CL but never ...
(103 words) I'm fed up, but I still want him in my life
This question has
1 answer
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5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
There are a number of reason why I want to break up with my boyfriend; ;Feeling anxious about him due to mistrust . Feeling like I'm not involved in his life as much as I feel I should be (He'd rather introduce his friend to new people because "he's a boy" and not me ...
(825 words) Should I get my ex back?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5208 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
36-40 -
So my ex girlfriend and I have been separated for over three months now and she's with somebody new, whom she met fairly quickly after we broke up. I miss her desperately and in the back of my mind I always held out hope that her and I would get back together. However she told ...
(87 words) Is it ok to date a married but separated man?
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5 answers
- newest was posted
5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I have a male friend who I've been friends with for years. Lately we have been spending a lot of time together. There is a problem he's married but seperated. Him and his wife are seeing other people and the only reason they have not divorce is because of medical benefits. I ...
(93 words) I chose the wrong guy, now my second choice is taken!
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3 answers
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Need some advice! I have a male friend who's been in love with me for years and years. At the start of this year I proposed that we get together to see if there was any spark, he was seeing someone else at the time so said no at first but then ended it with the other girl. I ...
(212 words) My soon to be nutritionist cousin eats like a pig!
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2 answers
- newest was posted
5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi I have a cousin I live with who is studying to be a nutritionist. Most people's jaws drop upon hearing this because she is pretty overweight. She is always talking about food (I have never seen anything like it). I am beginning to think she has a food addiction. Everytime I ...
(165 words) He's not giving me the time of day!
This question has
1 answer
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5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
there is a guy in my class i know him almost a year i noticed him stare at me a lot. first i didn't talk to him now we talk but just about class project or home work he looks at me and when i look at him he turn his head away and yesterday i wanted his help he ignored me and ...
(121 words) My husband hugged the barmaid!
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2 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
51-59 -
My husband and I have been having problems in our marriage for almost 5 years. He goes to the bar he says to play keno, for the last 5 years now. I finally met with him at 'the bar' he frequents for his company Christmas Party. Almost as soon as I walked in he introduced me ...
(209 words) Why do men cheat with nasty females?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
5190 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have been in two serious realationships both ended with them cheating on me. The problem is the female they choose to cheat with are nasty girls who don't care what they do or who they do it with. So my question is why men cheat with nasty girls...
(51 words) I like my best friend, but he's talking to me about another girl!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hey, So basically I have feelings for my best friend, but here’s the problem. Whilst at university he has started liking this girl and they have become pretty close. As much as I don’t want to give up on my affections for him I think I have to. Now when he texts me talking ...
(281 words) Dating gone wrong
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5209 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
30-35 -
hey, im so confussed i dont know what im doing wrong. when i met boys it never comes to a realtionship, we text,met up and do everything a couple do and then as soon as it gets serious boys always seem to just want to end it. its really getting me down now and im starting to ...
(85 words) His babymama drama is killing me!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 9 December 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have been with my boyfriend for some months now. I am 21 and he is 24. He has 2 kids from a previous relationship with 2 different women. I met my boyfriend way back almost 6 years ago true significant friends and we've been friends ever then but sinds june 2010 we start ...
(943 words) Why can't I put this cheating abusive man out of my head?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5203 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
41-50 -
well, my story goes like this, im a single mother,hard worker good all around person i will like to think. i meet this guy many years ago when i was married and we were friends...many years went by and we got intouch about 1 month before he went to prison for 4 years, we became ...
(711 words) I have never seen him NOT have an alcoholic beverage!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5176 days ago
9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Hey guys I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and we have just moved in together everything is fine apart from all the time I have been with him I have never seen him not have an alcoholic beverage and I am worried that this is going to among us especially as he...
(78 words) I've got a unique situation involving my BFF, and a guy we both like!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5210 days ago
9 December 2010 (F)
26-29 -
My BFFL and I both like this guy, but he has a girlfriend. My BFFL doesn't know I like this guy, but I know she likes him (she told me). This guy likes me but, like I said, he has a girlfriend. You might be thinking "If he dumps his GF, and asks you out SAY NO! He's a ...
(115 words) Did I do the right or bad thing for the both of us?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 9 December 2010 (M)
30-35 -
well me and my know ex girlfriend were having lots of fights and my friends and some of her friends were telling me that she said that i was annoying her and pissing her off.So i was just thinking about it and i was trying to work things out but that made things worse so i ...
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