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Archived questions from:
7 October, 2009 (see latest questions)
(More questions from October, 2009)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
She told me to get porn then changed her mind, what gives?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
My wife and I were talking recently about porn, just in general. We don't watch it or anything. During the conversation I brought the fact that one of our favourite TV shows was used as a basis for a pornographic film. She said that it sounded hilarious and that we should get ...
(210 words) I think my mum touched me inappropriately am I wrong?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I am slightly disturbed by something my Mum just did. I am 33 years old and my Mum is in her late 50s. I hugged my Mum and thanked her for being so supportive of me during some really difficult times at work. As I hugged her, her hand slowly got lower and lower and she ...
(147 words) Where is the line when you're dating and heading further into your committment?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (?)
36-40 -
Not another question about porn!? I'm looking for some specific advice on here, and I can't seem to find anything else online specific to what I'm dealing with. I've been dating my guy for two years now, and I'm pretty sure we're going to end up getting married after fi...
(1145 words) The way he acts around girls I find to be too much
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Ok so I've had this boyfriend for 2 years. We broke up on 2 occasions throughout this time, 1x cuz he wanted "a break" but then went out with someone else n lied to me about it. I decided things deserve a second chance so we went back out. We started fighting alot about 6months ...
(513 words) Are my friends ditching me
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
How can I stop being jealous of 2 of my friends? Basically I used to be best friends with one girl (A) throughout school we then went onto college where a another girl(S) we went to school with was in our class and I quickly became friends with her but still had the friendsh...
(223 words) Advice on making a move on my shy boyfriend?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5632 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
So my boyfriend and I have been dating for about 5 months now. We work togther at least 2 times a week, and try to see eachother on our days off together. Our days off usually mean hanging out at his apartment with his roomates and me staying the night. When we go to bed, we...
(375 words) He has his girlfriend to love but what about me
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
K so I guess I kind of like this guy.. We use to date.. He has been texting me recently saying like do u regret breaking up with me and stuff like that.. He keeps saying he wants to mess around with me but he has a gf and today he asked me if I would date him again and I was ...
(92 words) How can I deal with my friend going out with my ex?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5606 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
Hello agony aunts. I'm feeling depression,anger and jealousy all at the same time.The thing is my gf who i've been going out with for over 5 months just up and dumped me like i was nothing to her. She says i wasn't good enough for her. It truly hurts me. I cried all night ...
(231 words) Can I give my baby up for adoption overseas?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Hi is it possible that I give my 7months old baby for adoption overseas?I really wish to know because I want her far away from me but want to get information about her well being from time to time.please help me....
(41 words) Does he actually like me? Or should I just assume we're friends?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Does my best friend like me? Yesterday my friends said he walked by our homeroom but didn’t stop by like he usually does, he just looked in. Grace said it was because I wasn’t in there and he was looking for me. Today he stopped by and talked with me then I left for a little ...
(192 words) What does he mean by the fact that he thinks I'm boring?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5632 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
What does it mean when a guy says your boring? is sexually or he just doesnt have any else to say? and how do i become less boring?...
(28 words) What is the best way to ask out a stranger?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
I really fancy a girl that works in a local shop, but dont know how to ask her out. How could i tell if she fancied me ? P.S we're both teenagers...
(32 words) How can I make him feel appreciated and cared for without having sex?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Hi I recently met a guy and we went out a 3 times. I asked him if he is interested and he said yes. He asked me the same and I answered yes. He told me that I did not show him that. I was surprised becuase I thought I had showed him enough. My question is how can I show him t...
(158 words) I don't feel like he feels the same way that I do for it just me?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
how do i tell if this guy i am talking to really likes me or is he just leading me on... ok so we started talking in May ... during the months of june and july we didnt talk because my phone had got cut off so in august i got a phone and we started back talking again.. so one ...
(196 words) What can I do for my breasts
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I went on a 3 month holiday during which I ended up gaining 40lbs by accident. Up to that point I had always been thin and worked hard to stay that way. On the holiday I was doing volunteer work and was really busy so the weight crept up on me without me realising it. When...
(234 words) Is it unhealthy to have sex during my period?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5631 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Okay bear with me... it will make sense when you get to the end. My parents raised our family as naturalists and we would go to different nudist resorts for vacation a few times each year. When I was 17 I met my future husband at a nudist resort in our home state and we sta...
(324 words) How do I get over my feelings for him?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
please help me i'm confused the thing is that i used to like this guy at my school wel he looked a little interested and now he is dating a girl who use 2 be my friend and we argued over the guy so i gues we are enemies.. And now almost every one knows about my crush and so on ...
(102 words) Should I have a child while I can? Or is he just not Mr. Right?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
51-59 -
i met my partner 18 yrs ago when i was 19 and he was 43, i realise this is a very large age gap but we had a happy relationship for about 15 years, the only problem we had was my desire to have a child, it always seem to cause a row if i brought up the subject, it all came to ...
(349 words) What do older women see in young guys?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
51-59 -
I'm really struggling with this concept. I go on another chat forum and there's an 'older' woman in her 50's that sleeps with loads of blokes. She's married, her husband knows she sleeps about. But the bit I find strange is that she sleeps with youngens. She has older children, ...
(81 words) How can I show her that I care?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
My girlfriend and I have recently stopped having sex, because we felt it was happening too much but she recently brought across that she still loves me but shes not happy anymore but she tells me she cant picture her life without me. I give her everything she wants, Im always ...
(108 words) How can I get over my shyness?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
36-40 -
How do I increase my self-confidence? I was valedictorian of my high school and captain of the football team, but I can't help feeling like I'm a huge loser. I mean, I've never been on a date, never had a girlfriend, didn't go to prom, never held hands, kissed, etc. It's not ...
(85 words) Married with kids. Is the type of sexual assistance I give my man enough?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
My husband and I have 3 kids under the age of 7 and I work part time. I am pretty exhausted chasing the kids, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and have lost my sex drive for the past 9 months. I am concerned that it will never come back like it used to be. I am still pretty ...
(211 words) Should I keep trying to befriend this girl?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
There is this girl that i want to befriend,but she keeps on giving me excuses which are firstly that her family is too strict on her and doesnt what her to have a boy friend,we went further to discuss,she told me that she has many guy asking to be her friend but she doesnt want ...
(155 words) He accused me of things I didn't even do, so why do I still love him?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I broke up with my abusive ex yesterday. He's been treating me really badly over my past (for the record - I didn't sleep around, I was a virgin when I met him! But I had made out with other guys, and he knew a couple of them. But all that happened before I started dating him, ...
(413 words) He's verbally abusive, and I think that I want out.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Hi I am 29 and have been living in a verbally abusive relationship, I THINK. In the last 5 years things have gotten worse for me, i dont think theres a time that anything nice is said about me and if we do have a conversation its usually negative about someone else then is ...
(174 words) Is he really going to leave his wife for me? Or is he just saying the things I want to hear?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I really need some advice on my situation. Have been seeing a married man for 2 and half years and both in love with each other and see each other lots, had few holidays and weekends away etc. He has 2 children under 18 but not babies and been married 20 yrs but w...
(328 words) Are his parents trying to keep us apart? What can I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I am in a long distance relationship, I live in the UK and my boyfriend lives in Ireland. We're both 17 and met and fell in love just over 2 years ago, and we get to see each other usually 4 times a year. We'd figured out how he would visit me this time because our October ...
(651 words) We put on gay porn and had sex am I gay
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Ok i have a problem, A few weeks ago I bunch of my buddies and I went out to a bar we got really drunk and one of my buddies decided to crash at my house. We were bored and put on porn, we weere just talking when we looked up and didnt ever realize that we had put it on gay ...
(202 words) My girlfriend wants kids, but I don't think I do. How can we get through this?
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
I've been with my girlfriend for almost three years now. I'm almost 28 and have two kids, 6-8 from a previous marriage. What is preventing our relationship from progressing is that I have had a vasectomy and am not really sure if I'm going to want to have it reversed. I'm wo...
(256 words) I feel pushed away by her busy schedule. Is there anything I can do?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 7 October 2009 (M)
36-40 -
my girlfriend is slowly losing time for me because she has a million and one things to do. What do I do? I feel pushed away. Mentioning it will just cause arguements because it's not something she can help. ...
(39 words) I have had a bad past. Should I tell him about it?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (?)
41-50 -
I have been in love with this guy for about four months. We agreed to have ourselves tested for sexually transmitted diseases. I have been diagnosed with two curable sexually transmitted diseases, though I have never had any symptoms. I am not surprised because I have had more ...
(256 words) How can I acheive an orgasm?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I am a young woman, and a lesbian, and I've never had an orgasm. I have tried with both just myself, my partner, and even with a vibrator to see if clitoral stimulation would work, but I get no pleasurable feelings from it, it only feels weird, in a bad way. I do get pleas...
(84 words) How do I let him know I'm ready to lose my virginity?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
ok well me and this guy have been seeing each other for about 4-5 months...he hasnt tried to kiss me ... he used to talk about sex but now he isnt. i dont know if i should break it off with him or what. i like him a lot and he says the same about me.he says that he is trying to ...
(104 words) What should I do about this controlling relationship?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Last year after a very intense relationship of which I was 16 he ended it so I wanted to end my life and tried to do so. This year in April I met a guy at my church group, he is kind and treats me ok, so far not tried to use me, which is nice. We are good friends, but he is so ...
(180 words) Will he choose me or her? Can he be trusted?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
me and my now long distance bf had just broken up a few weeks ago, when it first happened we'd decided to be friends. then later i told him how much i missed him (i broke up with him) and he agreed that he missed me too, and we both still loved each other. so we kind of started ...
(573 words) Was I in the right for asking him to end a friendship?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
i was recently really uncomfortable with my boyfriend spending time alone with one of his friends who happens to be a girl. she constantly asks him out, and he always has to be alone when he sees her, either watching romance movies, going out late at night, parks etc which i ...
(172 words) Can a big move somehow get him back?
This question has
5 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F) -
I'm not sure if I'm stalking my ex or if I am taking proactive steps to get him back. I mean surely its OK to want your ex back and to try to do things to make that happen? But what if the things you had to do were really really massive and the chances of getting him back were ...
(1134 words) How can I get him to leave his girlfriend for me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
hi guys, Ok your all going to think im total mad for this but i really cant help it, Im doing everything for my ex bf, who dumped me coming upto a yr now, i give him money sometimes when he really needs it, buys him drinks and will always listen and try to advice him on thi...
(218 words) What does he want out of this relationship? Is he even taking it seriously?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
hey aunts!!! not sure if im young, naive, or what but im really anxious to know how this guy feels about us...i posted a question on "how serious i should take when a guy tells me we're not having sex but making love" and i got some excellent responses... i guess now im...
(303 words) How do I get over his past?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I know I've been posting a fair few questions lately, but I really need help with this... I've been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months now, I'm 17 and he's just turned 21 and we're in a LDR. So far he's never given me a reason not to trust him, but I always get paran...
(379 words) Does he even care that I've moved out?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Hello My b/f and I are going through a very hard time right nw. I have recently moved my things out and is living with a friend. I need him to show me effort and that he cares and loves me. Then I will consider moving back. He seem to be doin it so far. When I moved...
(194 words) My g/f's ex is threatening to kill us!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (?)
36-40 -
Hi, I have this huge issue my girlfriends ex keep hassling her and me saying he wont leave us alone and threatening to kills us...........But this ex was also a friend we expect to get married one and my girl pls advice on how to deal with him..........
(52 words) Pregnant and sex hurts but I want it!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
im pregnant and put off sex as it hurts my lower back and inbetween my hips is this normal?i no pregnant women dont tend to want sex when pregnant but thats not the case with me i do like to have sex but i get put off as i know it will hurt someone help please...
(56 words) Does sex hurt because new guy is bigger or do I have STD?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I broke up with my last boyfriend about half a year back and have been seeing a new guy for about 2 months now. My last boyfriend was my first, we always used contraception so I am unlikely to have caught anything from him but am going to get a health test tomorrow to be ...
(171 words) How do I end this affair and just be friends?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5626 days ago
7 October 2009 (?)
36-40 -
I hav known this guy like forever, we kinda dated som years ago jus a short time, but we always remain really good friends, we lost contact for a while an met each other again, since then he was married only january dis year an has a 2yr old son, his relationship is really ...
(203 words) He's mad at me...should I make first contact or let him do it?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
When your guy is really mad at you .... Do you think the no contact thing is the best way to go? is it best to wait for him to call even when you were at fault? (and you know he is angry) Or do you think you should call and push for resolution of the conflict? H...
(79 words) I think I'm depressed, and my doctor won't help me. Help!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, I'm a 20 year old female and I believe I'm suffering from depression. I'm constantly tired and just don't want to get out of bed. I have no energy to do anything anymore and I'm beginnin to really hate my job (think this is making matters worse!) I'm really down and feel ...
(182 words) I look great now - is that the only reason he wants to be with me?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
51-59 -
Hello, I'd love to hear your opinions. I'm 37 and have been divorced 5 years with three great kids. Since my divorce my self esteem has been pretty low and I ended up putting on 3 stone in weight. Two years ago I became friends with a man 8 years younger than me, see him ...
(203 words) Could a woman please translate what she's telling me here?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
I've been with my girlfriend for about 9 months and have grown to love her alot. We are opposites in some ways ( I'm a yuppie. She's a hippie) but our core values are the same. We both adore animals. We both love cooking and baking. We both see ourselves living on a farm being ...
(270 words) He hurt me - do I really want to see him again?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5630 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
My friend and I were sleeping together. I was very much in love with him and he was with me, so he said, but it all went horribly wrong and we didn't talk for 7/8 months. To get over him I moved 300 miles away but it's not helped, it just means I won't ever run the risk of ...
(144 words) Torn between two men - what do I do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
51-59 -
I have been married for almost 20 years.I began an affair with my first true love 6 months ago. I can't continue like this. I am so torn. I don't want to hurt either, I love both. The person I am having the affair with is out of state. We have met only once, but talk to ...
(106 words) Why would my gay friend invoke these feelings inside me?
This question has
1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I am a 29yr old straight woman. Most of my male friends are gay. This of itself is not an issue for me. Many of them are physically gorgeous, but I never think of them as anything more than friends because they are gay, therefore, off limits. But there is one guy, John. ...
(812 words) Am I normal? Is he the one?
This question has
1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have been my bf for 5 years. However sex just doesn't turn me on! Reading romance novels, thinking of the process of sex, get me going.. But sex itself.. I feel not much- AM I normal? or maybe he's just not for me?...
(58 words) Should I pick up the next time he calls?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
HELLO ! everyone. Ok I have been talking to a guy for about a month now we've only went out once but we've had sex twice. He has a kid and a demanding job. I don't really see him and hardly talk to him. But everytime he time he hits me up I pick up the phone and I'm right back ...
(105 words) Why did she keep this secret from me?
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1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
I'm confused. Why would someone got out of their way to not mention a relationship? I've known someone for almost 2 years and 65% of that time she was actually with someone. She went out of her way to keep it a secret because she would always say it was friends that she was ...
(162 words) I'm a teenage guy and I have no idea if I'm gay or straight.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5628 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
Im a young guy, and i have always had sexual urges towards men.I also have sexual urges towards women but not as strong. However I have been completely and utterly in love with women, but my sexual desires towards men have gone unchanged.I have never felt strongly about another ...
(166 words) Best friend resents my ability to bear children. How can I make this work?
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1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I've been going out with my best friend's brother for a while now we live together and have a child on the way. My best friend has polycystic ovaries which has left her in a state on whether she can conceive or not, I recently helped her through breaking up with her partner as ...
(475 words) How do I find get back the old confident me?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
I was seeing this girl in work for a few months. She was 8 years younger than me. I'm 31 she's 23. I am divorced, no kids, was in a relationship for 9 years, split up early in 2008, we just drifted apart. It was for the best. Anyway I didn't really feel like dating again, saw a ...
(1075 words) How am I supposed to sit with a bunch of guys I don't know and watch porn? Who's in the wrong here?
This question has
11 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F) -
Last night my bf started yelling at me heaps because when I met his friends I was quiet and shy. However, I do feel I had good reasons for acting the way I did. Here is why: 1. I didnt even technically "meet them". I mean, he didn't introduce me to them. We went to my bf's...
(926 words) Would he be offended if I just bonk him and creep away?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I met a man online about 6 weeks ago and we have been texting ever since every day morning noon and night. We are meeting up next week but he lives 2 hours away. I need to know what would be the most sensible meeting arrangements. If he comes all the way to meet me will he ...
(87 words) He had sex with my ex-friend - how can I get over my insecurities about it?
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1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I'd just like someone to help me figure out why I have such a problem with this. I'm 17 years old, almost 18 and I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend (19, almost 20) for over a year now. This is my first proper relationship and he's the only person that I've ever had ...
(378 words) She will think that I don't trust her, but how do I question her?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
36-40 -
Hello Friends, I have been in a relationship my girlfriend for past 9 Months. Its a long distance relationship and currently i am living in Washington and she is living in Canada. In these past nine months we have learnt a lot about each other. We have discusse...
(423 words) I'm desperate for a baby - is this man a suitable father or should I look elswhere?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now - I am 34, my boyfriend is 39 - we are in love and happy. However I would love to get married and have a family but, although he is very loving towards me, he doesn't talk about the future. He says he would like to have ...
(380 words) He wont commit but he wont back off either - could someone explain?
This question has
1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
im going to try and explain my situation as well as i can i had been seeing someone for a year. for the first three months i did not even call him because i did not want to end up where i have now, fallen and heartbroken. he called me all the time and did things for me. s...
(576 words) His 'jokes' keep striking a nerve - what do I say?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Last night, my boyfriend and I were talking on the phone. I said hold on, and when I came back, I made my voice deeper to sound like a guy on purpose. We laughed it off, and he said, "Oh yea, like I'll fall for that." I kept going along, "Yes, can't you see with my manly ...
(159 words) We are at a standstill. Now what?
This question has
1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
Me and my 24 year-old girlfriend have been dating for 3 years. We have now reached a point where I want us to get our own place together, but she still wants to stay at her parents' place. Last year she said if I got my place first then she would get hers, we would live seper...
(341 words) How can I find out everything I need to know about this man?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5631 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Hallo everyone I hope you can help me out on this one because I'm lost and yet in love. It goes like, I met this man 39 last year, he works in Canada so he visits every 3 or 4 months. So more like a distant relationship. I'm a single mum and he told me he is a single dad,...
(318 words) Being in a ghost relationship?
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2 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Hi everyone! I'm really in desperate need for some advice about the "relationship" I find myself in. I already know that the right decision should just be to abandon it, but we all know that is not so easy when feelings are involved.So here goes: I am 25, European and the...
(1109 words) How do I tell my g/f I need less loving?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 7 October 2009 (M)
Hi! I am 47 and my girlfriend is 32. She is Dutch and I am American and we live in Central Europe. She is really sweet and all, but she likes to have pretty energetic lovey-dovey everyday, especially in the morning, write before I start work. Because the lovey-dovey is s...
(114 words) It's hopeless! Girls won't give me a chance!
This question has
9 answers
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4740 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
I am going to collage right now, i am 19 and single and have not really ever had a girlfriend. In high school at graduation someone told me that almost all the girls thought i was gay because i didn't ever harass or grope anyone. This just upset and infuriated me because its ...
(535 words) Everyone has his new number but me!
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9 answers
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5605 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
hi, me and my guy are moving around for the past one year, it was all great initially, but now for the past one month things are getting worse, recently he said he needs a break for 3 months since he has some family issue and his exams are also coming , i trusted and left him ...
(215 words) I really really want a gang bang!
This question has
6 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
My husband and I have been tryign to spice up our sex life so we have watched porn and stuff to get osme ideas. We did a swing thign with a neighbour of ours. But my ultimate fanasy is a all male gang bang. How do I tell him that I REALLY REALLY want this. ...
(55 words) Is she making lame excuses?
This question has
4 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
41-50 -
My long distance gf doesn't call me the way she used to. I thought she is having problem. I wait and being there for her to talk to. Months passed. Things get worse. If she missed my call, she doesn't call back. The last time she called, is a month ago. I talked to her...
(112 words) Do I pick up the next time he calls?
This question has
2 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
HELLO ! everyone. Ok I have been talking to a guy for about a month now we've only went out once but we've had sex twice. He has a kid and a demanding job. I don't really see him and hardly talk to him. But everytime he time he hits me up I pick up the phone and I'm right back ...
(105 words) Will I ever feel attracted to her sexually like I used to?
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1 answer
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Hello. This is actually a question my boyfriend wanted me to ask. He says : " Ever since my girlfriend had a baby , I do not feel sexually attracted to her at all. She has lost all her baby weight but I just dont see her the same anymore. She had a c - cection so it's ...
(260 words) Should I talk to him about becoming more than friends?
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1 answer
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
well me and this guy have been friends for like ever! nothing sexual at all but we decided that maybe it would be fun to do. and he ahs liked me for awhile now and i have liked him but he left for college in august and its been hard ever since cause we hardly ever talk and the ...
(229 words) Should I just get over my boyfriend having phone sex?
This question has
3 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
my boyfriend saw 2 of his ex-girlfriends this week, randomly. which didn't bother me. but 2 gays after he saw them, we were having phone sex because he goes out of town for work. and he was getting into it and he almost said their names twice. he said he was sorry and that it ...
(97 words) Is being attracted to a different race wrong?
This question has
8 answers
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5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
26-29 -
im 13 and i wondering if youre this race and your more attracted to a different race, is it wrong? like a chinease but im latino. help...
(27 words) He's accepted a job that will keep him away from home for 4 weeks at a time; I'm afraid he'll look at porn while he's gone
This question has
7 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
My husband recently accepted a job (without my opinion) that will keep him away for 30 days at a time versus coming home every 2 weeks as he did before. He works on a riverboat with men only and with this new job, I will only see him for a total of 4 months out of the year. ...
(452 words) Is my guilt ruining our relationship?
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1 answer
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5518 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Hello all, Im a 27 yr old female. I have been feeling very insecure. I have been in a relationship with my bf for 4yrs. I cheated on him he has pretty much forgiven me. For some reason I have been overly clingy. I keep thinking he is cheating! I dont even want him to go to work ...
(102 words) Is there any chance that initial spark can be rekindled and we can start over at a slower pace?
This question has
2 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I hung out with this guy a few weeks ago and we had really hit it off. To make a long story very short, it started off sweet but within three days we were getting really physical, and I was afraid he was planning on just using me for sex. I got nervous, and playfully h...
(478 words) Is he just being polite or is he interested?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
ok so here it goes. everyday when i walk to campus i pass this really cute guy. each time we pass each other he makes eye contact with me and smiles. is he interested? or is he just being polite? im not good at reading guys signals so i need some help here. any ideas?...
(55 words) I just found out he was released a week ago and I'm scared!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5632 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I'm 33 yr old single mother of 3 boys.I been threw 7 yrs of a bad marriage divorced 10 yrs now.It made me stronge and cold. My problem is i dated a guy for 3 yrs,we broke up and he went nuts.One nite he went crazy trying to find me back and forth he drove he finally was pulled ...
(126 words) Should I say something? I'm super afraid of getting hurt.
This question has
1 answer
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
So me and this guy have been dating for just a little over a month. Unfortunately, somethings happened about a week after we got together that put some distance between us and we werent really able to see or talk to each other. As a result, we havent been able to hang out much ...
(176 words) Eliminating erotic thoughts of an instructor
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1 answer
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
my question how do i eliminate such erotic thoughts of an instructor. the situation is i have an odd relationship with my instructor. she basically saw me grow up. i had the hots for her which is normal but got confused when she began subtly flirting with me. she spoke in ...
(98 words) I'm 14, liking a 22 year old and my parents don't like it!
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4 answers
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5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
ok...well im 14 and i like a 22 year old...we have been talkin for a few months now and he promised to wait until im 18 befor we date. but neither one of us can wait that long. we wouldnt do anything bad like sex or anything like that...but my parents are flippin out. hes ...
(103 words) How do I get this relationship moving along?
This question has
4 answers
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5581 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
36-40 -
So I just started seeing this girl and I can't really read whats going on in her head and I'm not really sure where to expect things to go. We've gone out on 3 dates so far, due to logistics we can only see each other on the weekends, I've seen her every weekend since an...
(359 words) He has the urge to try other girls?
This question has
4 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I need advice... I asked my boyfriend (we've been on bad terms since he left for some reason) if he has the urge to try out other girls (since I'm his first, trying not to count the girl he got drunk/cheated with) He said 'eh kinda, but it's low on my list'... How ...
(104 words) Is there something I can do to grab a guy's attention?
This question has
4 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, i am 20 years old and i have yet to snag a boyfriend. I consider myself to be a really nice person who is always there to help others when they need it. But for some reason guys only see me as someone they could be friends with...nothing more. is there something i am doing ...
(141 words) I want my ex to be happy but it hurts!
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1 answer
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5541 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
about 6 month ago, me and by girlfriend broke up after 2 years together, nothing happened we just couldnt see each other as much due to college so we grew apart, about 2 weeks ago she got back in contact with me, is was abit awkward but everything was fine we spent the day ...
(209 words) How do I get my boyfriend to propose?
This question has
6 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I am 22 years old and i have been in a relationship with my 25 boyfriend for almost 5years what can i do to try and get him to propose. we always talk about the future, but i dont think that he is going to propose at least no tome in the near future, what should i do?...
(58 words) Anyone with experience in the U.S. Navy?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Well I'm considering joining the U.S. Navy. I think what I'm worried about most is that I'm 25. I know it's not OLD but it feels like it is to just be getting into that line of work. I sometimes feel like I have a lack of fulfillment in my life I guess you could say and I ...
(138 words) I feel like I am dating Jeckyl and Hyde. Help!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5631 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I was in a very unhappy marriage for nearly 10 years. Now, I am a single mother of 3 (all under 10 yrs old). After the divorce I started seeing a man I had been with for a short while before I got married (we were both very young at the time). It has been about 4 months t...
(479 words) He told me acted that way because he was angry at me and grieving. Is that reasonable?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
51-59 -
My fiancé and had been getting along really well. He is close to fifty. He was laid off and was struggling to deal with that and the fact that his dad was very sick. We went up to a cottage together where, one night I got really mad at at him. I was drunk and behaved badly, ...
(200 words) Do you think if I'm patient she will realize I'm the right guy for her?
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
Im head over heels in love with this girl who lives on the same dorm floor. I spend about 4-5 hours a day with her. We talk about everything... her relationships with her family, how high school was, sports, books, music, movies, literally everything. We do laundry together...
(263 words) We had an argument, and he's threatening to go back to cutting. Help!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Please help me.. My boyfriend and I have a strong relationship, and I love him to death. He is kinda half-emo, and he's cut himself before. I don't want it to happen again.. We got in an argument and he's threatening to cut himself this Friday.. I don't want him to do this t...
(101 words) Is he intimidated by me because I'm older?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I like this guy and he knows, I feel he has been giving me signs he likes me, but I don't know if he's intimidated by me to talk to me because I am older than him. So I don't know if he means he wants me to go talk to him or what because I'm a really shy person also. One day ...
(91 words) When will it grow
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7 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
Im 14, 15 in a month and i am very insecure about the size of my penis. Im not as endowed as some of the other guys at school. and it kinda brings me down. It kinda makes me feel bad about myself when i cant fill my pants up properly. Yeah, im pathetic right...thats what i ...
(152 words) Will he know if I'm a virgin
This question has
13 answers
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5631 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
im seeing this lad and i told him im not a virgin, and we both want to have sex i dont want him to kno that im a virgin will he find out after having sex with me?? i cant tell him im a virgin either but i use tampons and ive been fingerd a few times i need helpp.!! x...
(61 words) Love problems
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (M)
30-35 -
Some one please help! See theres this girl I like in my classes but I cant tell if she likes me or not. I keep having the feeling she does, but then one part of me is saying "no she doesnt" I'm so confused right now!! I think she likes me because she keeps flirting with me...
(88 words) How do I clean up
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Not so much a question about a problem, just looking for some opinions and advice on something sex related from other couples. Always after having sex and my bf comes inside me, it always seeps out. We don't use condoms because I'm on the pill and we're in a serious long ter...
(76 words) I need help about sex
This question has
2 answers
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5633 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
im seeing this lad and i told him im not a virgin, and we both want to have sex i dont want him to kno that im a virgin will he find out after having sex with me?? i cant tell him im a virgin either but i use tampons and ive been fingerd a few times so im not tight ... pleaseee ...
(66 words) Men and sex
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2 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have a question about what men like during sex. I have been with a few different people, but my new boyfriend likes something that none of the others have. He likes to lick my butt. I have had boyfriends who liked to play with my butt, and who have liked anal sex, but he ...
(101 words) Should I tell the truth about my shady past
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8 answers
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5630 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
5yrs ago I was at a very bad place in my life I was addicted to crack and pills and in an abusive relationship. I lost my job because of drugs and to support my and my bf;s addiction I beganing doing things I am very ashamed of. I slpet with dealers for drugs, took money from ...
(194 words) I think he uses me for oral sex
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5 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
i have been dating this guy for 6months now. and i really like him. I dont feel tho that he feels the same way. it some times feels like he only meets up wit me for oral sex. how do i stop this and make him actually love me? should i stop all contact with him and make him do ...
(64 words) Ex keeps running through my mind
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1 answer
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
41-50 -
It's silly but I can't stop thinking bout my ex. I miss hanging out w/ him and talking to him. We had a brief relationship that ended a cpl months ago.I've never felt so comfortable and happy w/ someone until him *he said the same bout me*.We made each other laugh and ...
(191 words) Do I trust him or trust me
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3 answers
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5634 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
my boyfriend of 5 months lives about 35 minutes away from me and i only see him once every 2 sometimes 3 weeks. we have managed to make it work so far. he says he loves me and i love him too. the only thing is that he's cheated on me about 2 months into our relationship. he ...
(142 words) What do I do about my issues
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
i love my boyfriend to death, but somethings driving us apart. i think its me, he hasnt changed much, but i just never feel happy anymore. its nothing hes done to make me unhappy, and i dont mean unhappy in the relationship, i mean just generally depressed. i have really bad ...
(251 words) I feel uncomfortable about my body with my boyfriend. How do I address it?
This question has
3 answers
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5635 days ago
7 October 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I, an American, am overweight. I'm 5'7", 195lbs, a size 14/16, and it's all in my gut. :( This is partly do the fact that when I was younger, I had surgery and was put on steroids--I was 150 pounds by the time I was 2 (seriously)! My bf (of 10 months) has never said anyth...
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