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Archived questions from:
17 August, 2010 (see latest questions)
(More questions from August, 2010)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Advice on secretive ways to keep in touch
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Hi guys, Well, My girlfriend recently moved from New York To Arizona. I am stuck here in New York. Her mom never liked to see us together. EVER. She tried to separate us many times. Of course, we always got back together. Thats love. You cannot talk to her mother. She does...
(465 words) My Plan to get back with my girl (please critique)
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5321 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I need help with this situation, as I'm slightly confused. 5 days ago, I saw my girlfriend for the first time in 3 weeks, as she is off working at a camp over the summer. We have been dating for 4 months and we haven't seen each other on a consistent basis since the end of J...
(732 words) How do I come out of my shell?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
So im a really shy person. I party and chill with my older brothers friends, ive known them for 4 years and they lovee me, but i just cant seem to stop being shy around them, and it holds me back from becoming close friends with them, how can i come out of my shell and become ...
(61 words) Havn't been on a date in a while, what should do to prepare?
This question has
1 answer
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5193 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hey, I'm looking for some advice on how to get the guy! I've been asked out by a guy at work and am a bit nervous. Haven't been on a date with someone I actually like for 7 years. Split up with my ex 6 years ago, after he cheated on me for the second time. Was heartbroken ...
(312 words) Please help I want to be with her
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5318 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Ok there is a girl that I really really like I've only known her for 6 months but it feels like I've known her for years I have told her that I like her but she never tells me how she feels towards me this has me unsettled I don't think it's for me to ask her how she feels ...
(106 words) Need a quickie divorce help!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
hello everyone! hey we need to know if there's a way for us to get a fast divorce in the state of utah and that it doesn't cost us an arm and a leg. we both agree to an uncontested divorce and we'd like to have it done fast if possible so we can both get on with our lives. ...
(70 words) Am I wishing for something that could never happen?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5320 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
She's married, I'm single and not in a relationship. She comes over often when her husband is at work. At times she has lied to him that she's been over by me but I'm sure the neighbors are watching. One day her husband called her from his place of work and told her to bring ...
(244 words) Lost in his words
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
Ok so I was with with guy called James and we were together ancouple of weeks and I was really starting to think it could work, but in the back of my mind I always thought that his ex girlfriend Jane who is so much better and prettier than me, would win him back. Then one day ...
(186 words) My brother walked in on me!
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
5319 days ago
17 August 2010 (?)
30-35 -
I had bought some lingerie at victoria secrets and I was trying it on in my room and my brother happened to walk in and see me in it and made a comment. It was kinda weird. He told me I looked good in it. Is that suppose to be flattering or awkward?...
(56 words) Broke up 3 days ago how do I get him back?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and I broke up 3 days ago. We were going out for 2 years! It was sort of a mutual breakup, we both decided we bickered about small things too much, the only difference was that I wanted to work it out and try to fix it and he was stuck in his way and did't agree. ...
(297 words) My girlfriend flirts with a guy that likes her
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
This guy likes my girlfriend, and always tells her that, they flirt alot and tbh, my girlfriend doesnt exactly fight back against it.. hes older than me.. i dont know if my girlfriend is 100% on mee cus people have said that shes cheated on mee? but i dont believe them.. Hes ...
(112 words) How do I ask her on a date?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5318 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
dear cupid i do fancy this woman that lives in the same street as me how do i approach her. it a long time since i went out with a woman. she is single like me but a bit younger than me....
(42 words) I'm not sure if I should meet this guy alone or not.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5320 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I'm not sure if i should meet this guy alone or not. My friend must have told him about me, my friend is female, by the way, because she said he kept asking her to ask me to meet up with them both. she also said that he really likes me, and he said that before we had emailed ...
(426 words) Tattoos... a turn on or a turn off?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Help, i find tattoo's a real turn off my gf is planning on getting one, im worried it would make me feel less attracted to her tattoo's i dont mind on other people, i keep my opinion to myself unless asked on what i think about tattoo's in general. she knows my position o...
(167 words) Is there any way that I could become more than friends with her while still protecting her?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 17 August 2010 (M)
26-29 -
So, I am really good friends with this girl. We're both going to be sophmores in the same county but we go to different schools. We have really gotten to be pretty close but we never see each other due to sports or lack of effort, on her part, not mine. We've only been to the ...
(453 words) In love after only 2 weeks???
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Is it possible to be in love after only 2 weeks? We have been some what friends for 2 months and started dating and have completely fallen for each other. We feel connected in so many ways. We feel as though we have known each other forever. It feels as though our souls are ...
(121 words) What is it about receiving head that men like so much???
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
A friend and I were talking about oral sex and we were puzzled as to what "makes it good" for a man? So, here is my question what is it about receiving head that men like so much??? What makes it good?? and why?...
(44 words) Moving on from an alcoholic
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5321 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hello, Ive been with an alcoholic for a year now, he doesn't drink everyday, but when he does he can't stop and can go on for four or five days. He told me he was a bad person and warned me of his drinking when we first got together. When sober, he is everything to...
(253 words) Getting a blow job while asleep...
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Hai Everyone out there... Im really curious and excited about getting a blowjob asleep, Me and my GF have discussed it and she really would like to wake me up with a blowjob, but she asked me a question, that "If I give you a blowjob while you are sleeping, would you get an...
(133 words) Broke up but I've found out I'm pregnant!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
ok here it goes boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago after 5 years of a relationship. he said we never get back together not a chance so i sent an email to all his friends saying how much i loved him and to look after him. and he wouldn talk to me also found out i was ...
(157 words) What condoms to use to keep things fun?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
I'm looking for suggestions on this. My wife and I have been married for ten years and she recently went off the pill. We are not looking to add anymore kids to the family at this point and started using condoms again for the first time in years. My question is what should I ...
(96 words) I suspect my daughter's partner may be gay - what should I do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
I saw my daughter's boyfriend in the back of our car holding hands with his best friend when I turned round and they immediately pulled away from each other. immediately he became narky and critical of my daughter and struggled for next few days to speak to me or come into ...
(117 words) Do you think he's angry with me?
This question has
17 answers
- newest was posted
5320 days ago
17 August 2010 (?)
36-40 -
My ex "friends with benefits" i guess you could call him was talking to me the other day and asked if i was dating anybody, he has a new gf which is why we are no longer sleeping together, i said i was dating somebody and he asked if it was serious which i said i wasn't sure, ...
(109 words) I don't want any drama involving his ex contacting me!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
ok so, I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 months and last night I called him and he told me that his ex/ babies mama went through his phone and now has my name and number and that she may harass me. He said she has been coming around to his house more just to like check and ...
(126 words) He won't tell me if he likes me or not and I really want to know
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
We have been friends for years (ever since first grade) and I never thought of him more than my friend. We have texed each other for months.... His sister knows this and has no problem with it. We stay up all day and night texting each other. He calls me Hun all the time. All ...
(112 words) Do I have to resit my test if I move to the USA?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
hello everyone, just a quick question i am moving to america soon and im just wondering that if i get my drivers licence in the uk do i have to pay for another one in america or would i just be able to transfer my uk licence into a us licence? ...
(55 words) Two guys drama!!!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5319 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Six months ago I fell in love. With two men, Matt (19) and Austin (17) Matt is a quiet, nice, dirty minded guy, though the army turned him weird and he has three main personalities: Matty - The name his ex gf called him, he's the nice one, the one I can talk to, joke with. ...
(290 words) What's the best thing to do... and how?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Background - I was with this boy for over a year and I only broke up with him because I was depressed and didn't want it to affect him; I loved him when we were together and I still do, and he's always telling me he loves me still. After we broke up, i missed him and wanted t...
(186 words) My drunken slutty sister is out of control
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5321 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
My older sister and I are at our wits end with our younger sister. She is married with 2 kids that are 10 years apart in age (18 and 8). She treats the youngest, a sweet little girl, like crap and seems to resent her for ever being born. The oldest, a boy, is a grunting ...
(529 words) Sometimes I feel as if there's hope... other times I feel I've lost him.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
my bf broke up we have been together 3 years and he wants me to fight for us bc my behavior was very clingy ever since we decided to get engaged and stuff, i guess i was scared to lose him! long story short, he has cut down everything. he told me its over and calls me once if ...
(314 words) How can I ever forget my childhood sweetheart...?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5308 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
I am a wreck. I have been ever since my girlfriend was murdered at University in 2007. We had been together since we were both 15 and had made plans to get married after she had graduated. Obviously, her death was completely unexpected and I cannot help but feel it was by fault...
(144 words) I caught him cheating on me with my ex-besfriend!!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I just sarted dating this boy. I really like him and he said he would do anything for me. I'm not sure if he really likes me though. I caught him cheating on me with my ex-besfriend. He doesn't know that i know, he said he had something important to tell me. The thing he had to ...
(106 words) I COULD have been living my dream!!!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
hi I am 20,living in bangladesh. i was in a relationship with my bf who lives in new york. Had a little fight and he stopped calling me. on those lonely days i tried to divert my mind and went in to som chat rooms where i found a pilot bangladeshi living in australia. He was e...
(201 words) Why have I got such low self esteem?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
HELP! - Why have I got such low self esteem and panic so much? I have always been a worrier - but lately I so much worry about EVERYTHING!! - I am beginning to hate myself - I worry about my frizzy hair (that is always frizzy no matter what I do), I worry about my shape, I ...
(95 words) Do virgins turn guys off?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I'm 18 years old and I'm still a virgin. The guy that I've been talking to just asked if i am or not, and I'm scared that things will change between us or he will think of me differently when i tell him that i am. I'm not "saving myself" for marriage so to say, it just hasn't ...
(74 words) The confidence game!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
Hi, Im very confused about what do confidence means? Does it mean that you have to pretend, that you love yourself, even if you are not? Does it mean,that you have to show people that you are better and stronger than them, so they would not hurt you? Is this about pretendi...
(200 words) My husband's been browsing escorts on his phone!!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5312 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi all, Just wondered if anyone had any advice for me about a very personal problem... I have recently discovered that my husband has been browsing escorts on his mobile phone (i dont really understand the phone and found this all by accident when he asked me to look somethin...
(361 words) My bf is terrible at keeping in contact!!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
This is starting to really annoy me. My bf is terrible at keeping in contact. Even when i first met him txts/ phone calls have always been quite slow. We have been together 6 months and i guess hes comfortable now so its slipped even further. Yesterday for example he did text ...
(168 words) I'm doubting whether or not this guy is for me!!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hi. I need advice. I've been with my bf for 5 years..and i do love him. He has his idiosyncracies of course but overall i know he's a good guy and loves me very much. He'd do anything for me and he's told me so. My family tho lately seems to have a different opinion. He didn...
(220 words) Do I deserve better?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I don't know what to do. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. Our 5 year anniversary meant nothing to him. He told me that. He never even remembered even though he knew it was a big deal to me. I'm going back to Uni soon and he's never once said he's happy for me ...
(212 words) He doesn't seem to make any effort for me any more...
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 17 August 2010 (?)
41-50 -
Hey guys I've got a small problem. My bf of 2 years is working so hard, he works 2 jobs and 12 hours a day. We barely see each other. When we see each other I wanna make it special. I take him to restaurants or surprise him with something else. When we go out I dress up very ...
(186 words) Father figure teachers
This question has
1 answer
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5308 days ago
17 August 2010 (?)
30-35 -
Alright, i finally graduated at 19 almost 20. I am so thankful for one teacher who never stopped believing in me. At first, i wasn't so fond of him, but soon it grew and grew. As i was growing up my mom did all the house work and bills and everything else. My dad was a mechanic ...
(834 words) Why does he treat me this way when I would do anything for him?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
My husband has worked for his company for 9 years now and the past year and half he has worked closely with another woman who works there. She has been harassing me with emails telling me of "their relationship" plans of sexual innuendos etc... (even plans to have a baby ...
(805 words) Should I end my 3 YEAR AFFAIR???
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5319 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
I have been having an affair for three years. We are both married. I'm trying to figure out: If I should stay in my marriage, end it and tell my husband? Or get out of my marriage. It's not fair to my husband to continue this in this way. Also, should I tell the wife o...
(79 words) My husband wants me to dump my friend!!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
So two years ago, when my husband was just my boyfriend back in the day, we both had this friend, "Angel" something happened and she ended up threatening to beat up my husbands two younger sisters. Right from the get go of that incident I told each and every single one of them ...
(223 words) He might be losing his love for me
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I've been with my bf for over 2months now and its been great yer we agrue and that but we don let it affect are realtionship. anyway ive had cancer for over 3months and yes he knows but thats not the problem. the other he sent my friend a text tell her that he still has ...
(192 words) He would rather watch porn than spend time with me and his new baby!!!
This question has
1 answer
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have been with fiancee for a little bir. I am 22 and he is 27. All my past relationships i was either cheated on or abused. I didnt think good guys existed, but when i got with current bf, he showed me what true love,i still have trust issues cinsidering my past, but i think ...
(158 words) At a crossroads in the relationship
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi Everyone, help me find my sanity and put this little mellodrama into perspective. I'm a grounded, confident, 30 something that has always had a solid steady dating life, and while I haven't found the one, I take the ups and downs in stride. I know I'm not special, but I'm in ...
(573 words) I don't want to associate with drug addicts anymore...but I just want some more friends
This question has
8 answers
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5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
this sounds well sad, but i dont have any friends! i mean ive got 1 or 2 literally thats it, theirs my best friend who i live with and our next door neighbour, my neighbours mental (i mean literally shes bi-polar and hears voices and makes things up all the time) and i cant...
(239 words) My sister is trying to break us up!!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
ive been going out with my boyfriend for just over a year and we are totally in love. but theres a problem with my sister. my boyfriend had a three day fling with my sister three years ago. when we started dating she was obviously annoyed but a year an half later and i am still ...
(153 words) I haven't spoken to my BF in 3 weeks. What to do?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5139 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hi everyone, I've never done this before. I'm not sure what to do anymore. I have lots of friends and the few I have told - i have trusted their opinion but i would like to hear more....opinions. My boyfriend of 8 Months has recently 'disappeared'. It's been 18 days since ...
(293 words) Should I take a pregnancy test?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hello everyone I need help. I had Unprotected sex on the 4th of this month and used the pull out method I'm not sure if any semen got inside of me but about a week later I started having really bad nausea mostly during the night time and my acid reflux was 10 times worse then ...
(174 words) Do I have a reason to be annoyed at my boyfriend's dad for scamming the system?
This question has
1 answer
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have have boyfriend I love dearly but his family really ticks me off. Or I say he and his family get on my nerves. He always bragged about his childhood when he was back in his country when they vacationed in these nice resorts and on christmas his dad would send them money ...
(332 words) Her parents HATE me!!
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2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
I have been dating a girl Lauren for a few months now. Her parents HATE me, there is nothing they liek about me at all. SHe comes from a well to do upper class family. Lets just I don't. They have coem rigth out and told em to stay away form her and that I will ruin her life if ...
(249 words) How can I build up my confidence around women?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Hi how can I build confidence to ask a girl out. A couple of years ago my mum died and I lost contact with alot of people got heavy on weed and I aint had a girlfriend now I dont no how to go about it...
(46 words) I still really love him but I also love my new bf. What should I do?
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
hey guys, i was hoping you could help me out! I've been in a relationship with a boy for three weeks, and he broke up with me last night because he said "i found another girl and i want to save you the pain," but then he told my new boyfriend that someone pressured him into ...
(134 words) I attacked my Husband!!
This question has
12 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Today I got into an argument with my husband. The row started getting worse and then i pushed him and slapped him in the face. I also scratched him when he pushed me back. I've done this a few years ago and thought I'm over my 'anger' feelings. I am not sure what might be tr...
(210 words) Does she love me or not? I am so confused!
This question has
2 answers
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5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
For the past two years I have been in love with a 34 year old woman in my office I am 47 but the age thing is unimportant to her. She has been living for the past five years with her boyfriend who seems abusive to her. On several occasions she has said to me that she would love ...
(757 words) He has a girlfriend now so what does he care who I'm seeing?
This question has
6 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (?)
36-40 -
A guy friend of mine who i used to have a casual thing with recently got a new girlfriend so we obviously had to go back to just being friends. The thing is i told him i'm seeing somebody now and now everytime we talk on facebook or whatever he brings it up. Always asking ...
(143 words) I need this to end one way or another, before I get 'caught'!!
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2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I split up with my ex of 5 years over trust issues I had and the fact we could not handle arguments well. He never cheated on me but did things like texting his ex at 3am which to me came close. After we split, I got together with a work colleague. He was everything I wanted ...
(192 words) What can I do to let her know I still care for her?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
My girlfriend and I broke up about 2 and a half weeks ago because I was unfaithful. We still speak regularly and have remained close even in this difficult time. Just last night I brought a television stand to her house, put it together, ad set her television up. When I was ...
(192 words) Am I a bad friend for giving up on her?
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Last year, me and my boyfriend broke up over a small thing and during this time, my best friend who really enjoyed my boyfriend's company, got involved and she took his side. This of course, broke my heart, because we've been friends for 4 years, around the same time, I've ...
(552 words) Does it mean you don't love her?
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2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
If you don't stand up for your girlfriend and defended her to your family members and adult children etc. dose it mean that you don't love her. ...
(30 words) I want to settle down, he says he doesn't want to be "trapped"!!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I'm 33 and my boyfriend is 40. We have been dating for 6 years. We have a good, committed relationship, but it seems that we want different things out of life. I live in the middle of nowhere (and love it!), and I want to settle down and have a family. He lives in the cit...
(291 words) Am I just jealous of his family or do I have a reason to be annoyed?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have have boyfriend I love dearly but his family really ticks me off. Or I say he and his family get on my nerves. He always bragged about his childhood when he was back in his country when they vacationed in these nice resorts and on christmas his dad would send them money ...
(332 words) He beats me up... but I always forgive him.
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
(78 words) My husband is into BESTIALITY PORN!!
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5308 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
Help!! I have just discovered that my husband of 30 years is into bestiality-porn!! I dont have a problem with him watching porn, which he has not lied to be about, but I have recently noticed that he has been downloading tons of disgusting images and movies. I dont know wh...
(122 words) I devoted a year of my life to journalism, but now I'm not sure its what I want!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Right - I topped my class in journalism, but I now desperately need some counselling! During that time, and consciously, I made journalism my LIFE. I treated it as a year-long interview and it affected my relationship with my boyfriend (which I know I cannot blame myself for...
(667 words) Why would she go back to her ex?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
The story of my life is a pretty common one but still i needed to tell someone that is objective and doesnt know me so he/she will not judge me as harsh as my friends did. I had a relationship with a girl that we go to the same university for 3 months Now in the summer vaca...
(464 words) I'm having trouble being "just friends" again with my co-worker!
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12 answers
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5305 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
I am so confussed... I met a man at work, both of us single, but separted ( failed relationships) for the first few months of working there , we started to flirt and chat, which came easily for both of us, I'm a wee bit chatty and tend to chat alot with everyone. At first I had ...
(326 words) She has a Boyfriend, but I can't stop thinking about her!!
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5 answers
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5318 days ago
17 August 2010 (?)
36-40 -
I have liked this girl for a while and she has a boyfriend and the other day she came to a party at my place on a Sat. At the end of the night we got together and on the Monday she said that it was a mistake and she just wanted to forget it. i felt like had been kicked in the ...
(96 words) How can I be the person he wants me to be?
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3 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
i've been going out with my boyfriend for 2years and 6 months and i've always been the one who needs all the attention or basically always is the one that needs it. in the past me and my boyfriend have had problems with me being to needy and we actually had to take a break for ...
(193 words) If he didnt care about me surely he would stop looking at me?
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1 answer
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
right well, me, my bestfriend, and two boys who we liked snuck out at 2o'clock in the mornin together. me and the boy i liked went on are own and left my bestfriend and the other boy. we just sat there and we kissed a couple of times and we lay under the stars and just talked. ...
(328 words) How can I get his attention and show him I like him?
This question has
4 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I have an french exchange student in my school. I've only spoken to him once or twice but i really, really, really like him. the problem is I dont think hes interest, and why would he? we've only spoken once or twice. I'm really shy of him but i'm also aware of him when he'...
(97 words) Am I dating the wrong guy if I don't want to get involved with him sexually?
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have been dating a guy for two months. We met in my work where he was a customer. He attracted to me on his visits and I looked forward to seeing him every weekend, on his shopping trips. However, as we started dating, he expressed his fondness for me, and I realised that his ...
(214 words) Does he like me?
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2 answers
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5321 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
im a guy and met this guy.. we kissed three times and had sex once.. its love at first sight should i expect something from him? does he like me? thnx...
(34 words) I feel a bit violated after my friend tried it on with me, but should I tell my boyfriend what happened?
This question has
10 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have been for my bf for about 8 months he makes me very happy, but last night i went out with some friends most of them male i am quite friendly with one in particular there is alot of banter between us. I went back with him and his housemates for a smoke i was tired he offer...
(166 words) How to have a special day after 5 weeks no contact?
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1 answer
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and i are not going to see each other for 5 weeks. How can i make the day we see each other really special? I know the fact that we are seeing each other is special in it's on right, but i'd like to do something more. Thank you....
(54 words) Am I making the right choice?
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
51-59 -
I was in a relationship for 12 months but she had an eating disorder illness which part of that made her push me away. I don’t blame her for that and I know the illness is not easy for her to cope with. The pushing away happened 4 times but we always got back together after t...
(255 words) Swollen testicles causing discomfort.....
This question has
8 answers
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5318 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
ok so sometimes my right testicle will swell slightly, its not that bad but it is causing discomfort. Also the lower abdomen is swollen on the right side just before my testicle and is slightly harder than the left side. When in this state if i sneeze or cough it sends a sharp ...
(140 words) Can a woman get Thrush even if she is not sexually active?
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5 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
51-59 -
Hi, I know what Thrush is. Can a woman get it even if she is not sexually active?...
(21 words) How do I get the old me back?
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Why since I was five yrs old I was called gay. I'm not i like women all too much but its been hard to deal with. I fell off a roof 25 or so feet and lived through is so hard to deal with I stayed busy for the first like 8 months ok by selling drugs just happened but I ...
(168 words) I love him and want to wait but the lack of communication is making me crazy!
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5 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
So confused. Plz help. I met my bf 6mnths ago online. He works away and I only see him every 5 wks. When we see each other it is wonderful and very happy, he then goes and we basically just text msg lots every day. When I actually speak to him I feel like I have to rush or that ...
(242 words) I can' t forget him; what do you think I should I do?
This question has
1 answer
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5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Could you help me? Here's my screwed up situation: He liked me for over a year and showed it, like staring and trying to talk to me but I was quite shy and didn't really talk back that much, and never told him I liked him back. That was all of last year but at the start of ...
(435 words) Why do men always choose to ignore me or disappear instead of explaining themselves?
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5 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
So my q is why do some men choose to ignore or disappear instead of say whats going on or explaining. I dated this guy(2-3 mo)who was head over heels into me.We hung out daily,he contacted me daily.He chose to hang out w/ me instead of his friends even though i pushed him to ...
(710 words) My ex still loves me but has a new girlfriend and he cant leave her, will I ever get another chance with him?
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2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
my ex boyfriend and i went out for only 3 months. but we were so in love. we were going to move in together when i had finished school. it was the happiest 3 months of my entire life. we fought...but only over text message...but then we made up and always said i love you so ...
(304 words) Any thoughts on her behaviour with other guys?
This question has
4 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
I'm with this girl and I am generally happy with her. She's had a bit of a past, more so than me, meaning she had a period when she was casually dating a string of guys but nothing serious. I'm fine with that, too. Now, she seems really into me and frequently tells me she lov...
(272 words) He wants to be with me but has a girlfriend! I don't even know how I should be feeling....
This question has
2 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
This guy I like has a girlfriend he tells me he wants to be with me and that he wants to give it a shot he will NOT however break-up with his cheating girlfriend after dating three weeks sh has not! kept it in her pants, and I told him no cheating on her. I like him a lot and ...
(150 words) Is it normal to be so upset when he is only going away for a few days on a business trip?
This question has
4 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I want to know if I am going crazy or what??? My bf and I have been dating for a year now and we are so in love with each other we are always together, well 99% of the time. I have never been so happy with anyone in my life I left during last spring break and went to DR. And ...
(209 words) I'm in love, but I know he talks to other girls! How do I get him back?
This question has
1 answer
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
ive been with this guy for bout 10 months. I grew to love him. ive been there for him since day one. everything was fine between us. when he needed help with anything i was there. if he ever cheated i never knew because i didnt want to feel hurt and i didnt want to snoop and ...
(867 words) She says she loves me but doesn't want a relationship, do I even have a chance with this girl?
This question has
4 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
my question is that you are in love with this girl and she tells you that she loves you but she is not ready for a relationship and she wants you to be there for her and yet you want her to be near her but you get hurt because she say she loves you but doesn't show it. do i ...
(66 words) My sex life sucks so I have turned to other men, and now I cant seem to stop!
This question has
4 answers
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5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
hi i really need help and want to change. ive been married for 20 yrs got married really young and life was good for a while but my sex life sucks, and ive turned to other men to fulfill my needs. i just was in a relationship with a guy younger than me and it was great but i ...
(165 words) Is it truly possible to love one person but actually have someone else that is your soulmate?
This question has
4 answers
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5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
51-59 -
Here is my problem. My wife and I have been married 20 years. 13 years ago she left me for another man and had an affair for about 8 months. She came back and we reconciled. However, since then, deep in my heart I wondered if this was the right thing. I've only started to admit ...
(236 words) I feel so overwhelmed by my friend's insecurities!
This question has
2 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (?)
41-50 -
Two of my friends always obsess over their weight. Going out to dinner with them is agonizing because they don't EAT at all! My friend Emily got a pizza and ate half of a slice. My other friend Jackie got soup and only ate half of it. They constantly complain about how fat ...
(231 words) Can I trust my boyfriend again after what he did to me?
This question has
2 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I know this is long but please read it. I really need advice because I am confused about keeping this relationship going or not. I will try to make this as short as possible. First of all I would like to say that even though I am about to write a lot of bad stuff that happe...
(858 words) Falling in love with my "non-serious boyfriend."
This question has
9 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
[OP original title] Back Story: I met this person at a bar. Went home with him. Slept with him. Hung out the next weekend. Had the conversation that neither of us was looking for anything serious. My reasoning: I was freshly out of a marriage. His reasoning: I had ki...
(212 words) Who do I choose? My boyfriend is boring and this other guy isn't.
This question has
4 answers
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5318 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Dear Cupid, I have a boyfriend for 4 months now. I have been talking to this other guy who is 18. I like the boy who is 18 but I also like my boyfriend. My problem is my boyfriend is very committed more than I am. The 18 year old is very funny and nice, we talk every night...
(145 words) Women, what kind of porn do you like?
This question has
13 answers
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5322 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
straight women, what kind of porn do u like?...
(9 words) What does it mean when he called me "poppet"?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
Well I was recently called poppet by my best friends brother (Ian) and he won't tell me what it means ; I was wondering if any of u guys know what it means? It would help me bunches :) ...
(44 words) He asked to see someone's boobs, but everyone is telling me it's what boys do!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5275 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
me and my bf have been together for 3 years. we were at his sister wedding reception and I found out he asked another girl to see her boobs. I kown this girl shes married with kids and not at all interested in him. He and his sister have know her for ever shes like 7 years ...
(280 words) Can only orgasm from missionary. Is something wrong?
This question has
6 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Husband and i have been married for 4 years, sex is great everytime but we are still stuck with the missionary position.I can only climax with him on top of me.We have tried different positions but never reached orgasm with any.I have heard great things about women on top but ...
(111 words) His reply was another bulk email -- what does it mean?
This question has
3 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I met my ex almost 4 years ago(we were friends at first ) Since back then I have randomly received emails(forwards) from him that were addressed to me and a ton of other girls. Back then ( in lust, naive and not thinking clearly and so very eager to make excuses for him) i ...
(355 words) Does "I don't know" , mean she doesn't want to be in a relationship?
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12 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Okay, people of dearcupid, I have a question. I have been in a relationship with a girl for about 5 months now and all has been more than good in my eyes but I have a few questions on things that have came up to stress to you to possibly get your input. I met this girl th...
(996 words) Tired of playing the field...
This question has
2 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I'm tired of playing the field now. I want to be with one person and actually have a good long lasting, loving relationship. I talked to a friend told her about this guy I've been talking to and everything has been good. Me and him somehow have been talking about our sex ...
(352 words) Should I become a christian in order to have a chance to date her?
This question has
6 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
i have a crush on this girl. Through her i get to know that the next boyfriend she have should at least be a christian. She dont know that i have a crush on her yet. I am a free thinker. To have a chance to be her boyfriend, something inside me is telling me to join my frien...
(83 words) Is it a one night stand or rape?
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13 answers
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5321 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I've been wondering for a long time whether what I experienced was just a one night stand or rape. A while ago I went to visit a friend of mine at school. We went out, and I drank way too much. I remember I was flirting with this friend of hers most of the night. As the night ...
(235 words) Masturbation is a chore!!!
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4 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
hii, i have a big problem, All i think about is sex, this isnt an exuse but its like im addicted. Im hooked. i have a girlfriend who ive been with for 17 months now i love her more than anything we have sex once or twice a week! but twice a week isnt enough,when i wake up i ...
(91 words) Do I just come straight out and say "it" or do I wait for HIM to say "it?"
This question has
5 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hello :) my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 6 months and I know that I am in love with him, I can't stop thinking it and how badly I want to tell him. A couple of weeks ago he came over to my house after going out one night and he was kinda buzzed, and he was abou...
(227 words) Are these kisses real???
This question has
6 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Okay, so this is kind of a weird question, but I'm really interested to know; Do the kisses you read about in books and watch in films actually exist? I don't know if its because I've never been in love with someone, but every kiss I've had with a guy has never been anything ...
(94 words) I'm at a high risk of being hurt of these rumours are true...
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7 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I'm seventeen. I work at Krystal and recently, a beautiful girl started working there and she's my age. We're the only ones still in school that work there. I've liked her for awhile and finally after work I just told her. And she replied by saying she'd felt the same way. ...
(125 words) He was drunk and kissed her...
This question has
4 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I've been with my boyfriend now for almost 3 months... not very long. However, we've developed such an amazing connection. Strong, amazing, happy feelings I haven't felt in years. He's become both my close friend and lover. most importantly, he's gained my trust. he was cheated ...
(482 words) Finding a girl I've seen online whom I've never met or spoken to...???
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4 answers
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I can see how this might come off as strange or creepy but i'm really looking for advice/opinions on this. I recently joined an online dating site in an attempt to find a girl as similar to me as possible and it looks like I might have suceeded. The only problem is that ...
(158 words) If it was just his friendship, why do I have a hard time liking someone else?
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1 answer
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5324 days ago
17 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
last year my brother's best friend confessed to me but i told him I only liked him as a friend and he said he understood. I always felt like the timing was wrong because I liked someone else and it seemed like that person was interested too (that never worked out but it's not ...
(517 words) Is a 6 year age difference too much to date someone?
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9 answers
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5323 days ago
17 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
if theres a 6 year differance in between you and someone else would it be ok if you date them? this is just a random thought im not actually saying i wana date a 10year old, im just saying is a 6 year age differance too mutch? i have a friend and shes 10 and it was just a ...
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