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Archived questions from:
14 August, 2010 (see latest questions)
(More questions from August, 2010)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
He's 39 and I love him, but he has a real questionable history! What should I do?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
First off: I know it's impossible to judge, but PLEASE try to help me. I don't need to be punished more than I have been recently. I've fallen in love with a 39 year old man. I met him online two years ago, and we have been talking practically every single day since. It st...
(826 words) I put way more effort into our relationship, what should I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
I really don't know where to start. I really feel like writing the whole story, but then my this post would be too long for anyone to consider reading it, and I would be left with no answers. Anyways, let's leave it at that we've been seeing each other for 5 months, during w...
(382 words) We're dating, so how do I get to the point, where I can actually kiss her?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
dear Cupid... ok I know how stupid I am going to sound but I just need to get this off my chest. ok I'm going out with this girl and I love her with all my heart and I want to kiss her but I don't know how to get into the situation in which I can kiss her. it's not that I ...
(102 words) Should I tell him that I only think of him like a grandfather?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
Dear Cupid There is a guy that I camp with. I have known him for about 3 months now. He is about 65 or 70. I kind of have feelings for him. Not like I want a relationship but kind of like I love him like a father of grandfather. Am I in love with him, or is it just because ...
(97 words) I want to have my first kiss but can't find a bf! Help!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
I haven't had my first kiss yet and i am 13 yet but every one i know has. i really want to have my first kiss but i cant find a boyfriend that i can have my first kiss with ENY HELP PLEASE ..........
(44 words) Am I too young to date this boy, I really like?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
i am 13 and i have been going out with this lad who is a year younger than me but acts and loooks a lot older ;... i only think this is a teenage crush thing but i do love him... he always tell me he 3s me ...the thing is 1. am i too young 2. i never tell my parents ab...
(108 words) Caught in an emotional affair knowing its wrong
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5324 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
Hi . I am in a dilemma . I am a professional single Mother . Knew my male friend for sixteen years and knew that he was in a " marriage of convenience " as he and his wife both care for their son with additional needs , who is now twenty three years old . The male friend and I ...
(145 words) Clueless or Cheater?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
PLEASE HELP!My husband freaks out at me for no reason, if I ask about porn, or masturbation. Just so you know, I love both. No issues here. :) He's denied both,over and over, even calling me crazy, and telling me I'm calling him a pervert to think something like that about ...
(385 words) Met on adult chat room, he's filling a void, but not sure that is a good thing
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I would sometimes use an adult chat room to masturbate. A little while back I think over a month, I fell into a conversation with someone, we began chatting to each other about silly things, while tired and hung over (non sexual) - for almost 12hrs. We have stayed in touch,...
(147 words) Why can't I get wet for sex?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
Hi, I want to know one thing why dont i get wet during sex as i know most women get wet? how and why? and is getting wet makes any different in feelings of sex?...
(36 words) I'm 19, he's 16, is it even a good idea to date him?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hello...I have recently fallen for a guy who is about 3 1/2 years younger than I am. I recently turned 19 years old and a college freshman. He is a high school sophomore. I never would have even considered a relationship with someone with that age difference before I met ...
(269 words) He doesn't seem to understand that he is disrespectful to me!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 August 2010 (F)
Will try to make this short as possible. Been together for 17 yrs, married for almost 8, seperated now for a year. He has drug/alcohol/gambling/porn (and or seductive pics of ppl on is facebook)issues. Says he hasn't drank in a while, but I know he is still using RX meds. He ...
(271 words) How can I make my husband want me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
Hi, Can anyone help me do sex with my husband for longer and how to make him need me all the time and think of me only what will attract him as i see he's not giving any attention on anything i do? i want to change and make him need me all the time pls help i'm so tensed...
(61 words) Help me, i,m thinking about a girl other than my wife
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
hi, i would like to start off by saying that i am married, been married for 5 years and been together for 10 years, very happy indeed, my problem is that i started talking to this girl age about 27-30 at my local petrol station, she was slightly intoxicated, several vodkas s...
(329 words) Love my wife so much but no desire in intimacy
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
51-59 -
I have no more sex desire with my wife for the last 6 years, we have been married for almost 9 years with no children.Naturally my wife doesn't has a hot curvy body.Our intimacy only lasted for 2 years. I do have an affair outside recently, she has hot body and our sex is e...
(163 words) Husband loves me but never touches me?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
Would you believe your husband ,that he still loves you,if he is never touching you,or looking at you nice' ,like before? He does have ED, with no medical causes,as he was checked by his doctor very well. WE are married 22 years now. I heard some mental illness can cause this, ...
(118 words) He doesn't tell me he loves me anymore! What does this mean?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months now and two months ago he told me he loved me. I was so happy, especially because I am the only girlfriend he's ever told he loved. At first, the few days after he told me, whenever I would say "I love you" he would say "I love ...
(121 words) Young in love, but has the idea that its not going to last
This question has
1 answer
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Oh man. Alrighty will to start this off i am 17 and in my senior year of high school. I have been dating my boyfriend for about 9 months now and love it. We NEVER fight, which is very odd but very stress free. He already graduated and now is 21. The age thing is always ...
(367 words) I'm desperate and want to run away from my husband, please advise!
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
5312 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I'm an indian.I got married in 2007(traditionally arranged marriage).my hubby and me never got along well rite from the beginning.I grew up as an independent girl, did all my work myself since 12 old(I've no mother, my dad's got a family of his own).My husband and his family ...
(448 words) Why do I pee when having sex
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Iv'e been with my boyfriend for 4 years. We are both 17. Last month it was our first time to have sex. I'm on the pill and we used protection. The first time we did it, it felt like I really needed a pee. We had sex again last night this was our second time and I peed????? I ...
(71 words) I am willing to do anything to make him happy so that he can return the favor
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
i recently posted the question: Why do men stop trying once the relationship is no longer brand new? i got a few replies and one of them stated that this works both ways meaning women can also stop putting in the effort after being in a relationship for a while. my man know...
(152 words) Is the other woman something I need to accept?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5322 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
My partner of about 5 years told me that he feels bad but thinks he is in love with two women. He has known the other women since school. Up until now it’s not bothered me because ive always thought of her has his best friend. What brought the conversation on is that im pregn...
(264 words) Is it reasonable to want to be on good terms, with an ex who I work with?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
It’s been four years since my I broke up with this one guy. It was not amicable at all. At that time, he was still in love but for reasons to detailed to list, the relationship was over for me. We work at the same place and do not speak to one another. However, I was thinking ...
(231 words) I'm an tryin to leave a four year abuse relationship! Has anyone here had to do this before?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hi everyone I joined this site because I am going through a hard time,I am trying to end a 4 year abusive relationship .I don't have friends to talk to.When I say I don't have any friends I really mean it.So I hope that I could find some people who are going through the same...
(75 words) We are caught in this distructive relationship!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I''ve posted 2 questions on here already. but i am just confused and in dire need of advice. i am still dealing with this guy going on three years. and i think that we are in love with each other, but we both have explosive tempers, then we "make up". i feel that we a just ...
(216 words) Is it love or convenience what he wants from me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I have been living with my bf for about a year now. I moved across the country to be with him. I recently got a great job with great schedule; but with a lot of stress and responsibilities. When I get home I am extremely tired; and adding the fact that I stand on my feet the ...
(412 words) Do guys appreciate a girl who says no to unsafe sex?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Do guys really think better of a girl, who, wont have sex without a condom. A lot of people say that guys really appreciate and that. But in ways it sounds like away to get people into safe sex. Cause i know my boyfriend sometimes will be like "well there's the pull out method" ...
(82 words) What do I do about this girl who wants a relationship?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
OK so my life is pretty much stable in my opinion but to others I'm a fool. So I met this girl online we have been talking together for 3 years now but have never met. Her family isn't so fond of African Americans and her siblings well I only have spoken to 2 of them. Her ...
(500 words) Online ED drugs?
This question has
1 answer
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
51-59 -
I have occasional problems with erections, and have been prescribed Levitra, but it is over $15 a pill. Do any of you know a legitimate and reliable online pharmacy that sells ED drugs cheaper? Are the places that dont require a prescription all bogus? [Moderator's note: Pl...
(77 words) My mum hates my girlfriend, how can I sort this out?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
I am a 32 year old man recently i met a 21 year old lady on the net we been talking almost everyday on the internet she is in collage and is not that financially well off or as a prominant family as me but i love her to bits. We been taking things slow and just visited and meet ...
(259 words) How do I stop my irrational jealousy and enjoy the fact that I have a great guy who loves me?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5315 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me how to control irrational jealousy when I am out with my boyfriend? I have a group of single girlfriends and they often invite my partner and I out. As we have only been together 7 months we don't really have friends that are also couples, s...
(374 words) Fiance broke things off. Cold feet?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5324 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
Me and my fiance had been together for nearly 4 years. 2 weeks ago she asked for a break, then 7 days later broke up with me. No sign of loveloss from her though. There was no discussion about our relationship and no real problems before this, through thick and thin we had ...
(91 words) She's on her 3rd boyfriend but I want her!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I go around saying that the only thing worse than failure is regret. Now I regret messing up. I did't realize how much I liked this girl, now she is on her 3rd boyfriend and its killing me. I have to do something to get this under control. I have to get her back. Anything, ...
(205 words) I don't want to play with fire...
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5321 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
It all started when my collegue asked me to join him to play billiards.He taught me how to play.After that incidence,I would always caught him staring at me,and to my surprise,I found myself acting nervous/excited when he's around. Then, he started to offer me food and help at ...
(118 words) I love him but I'm on the verge of dumping him!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
So my boyfriend and I just got back from vacation, and we usually see each other on Saturdays, but like 2 days before he tells me he's helping his parents move furniture. The problem with this is, that I don't believe what he said and he hasn't really been keeping in conta...
(118 words) I am fed up. Is my boyfriend just confused or possessive?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
my boyfriend acts like he really has feelings for me one moment, then the next he acts as if he is not interested in even what i have to say. but when i want to break up with him, and tell him that i found someone else, he becomes angry and livid and curses me out. why does he ...
(120 words) My friend acts like my partner, but he never makes the decisive move!
This question has
1 answer
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I needd help!!! I have been mates with this guy for over a year now. We got chatting through a friend of ours via email, and soon started to chat on the phone. We got on very well, it was nice to have someone that understands me. Well we had at the time just come out of long ...
(513 words) I'm tired of the headgames with him!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
headgames i have been seeing this guy on and off for almost three years now. and he constantly changes his attitude towards me, one day he wants to be with me, the next he's to busy to even call me. now i am tired of the cat and mouse. i tell him that i am tired of the hea...
(106 words) Why don't men notice when we go to the trouble of looking good for them?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
The other day I spent alot of time doing my hair for my boyfriend to look good for him and he didnt even notice! what is with that? I only had to point out the fact that I had spent ages on making an effort to look good for him and only after that did he say I looked pretty. I ...
(79 words) My boyfriend's best friend is in love with him
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
My boyfriend recently told me that his best friend (not him lol) is gay. The way his friend told him that was pretty much by telling my boyfriend that hes been in love with him for a long time. I have nothing against gay people. a few of my friends are. And frankly i find i...
(128 words) Does my g/f have a borderline personality disorder?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
Dose my girlfriend have borderline personality disorder . Here are some of the reasons I'm asking. Getting remarried to the same man twice, being married 4 times, having two children with two different people, spending them selves into large debt,using prescription sle...
(79 words) How do I find the words to say what I feel?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
I have been best friend with Karter for 2 yrs, he always complains about friends of his that hit on his younger sister Jen, and he made it very clear that she was off limits to all of us the day we met her. She is 20, sweet , smart and totally hot. She is the total opposite of ...
(349 words) Is she avoiding sex just to get gifts?
This question has
17 answers
- newest was posted
5045 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Hi Girls, I am with my girlfriend for the last few weeks and we have known each other for the last 6months. I am doing evry thing I can to woo her even at this point by giving her expensive gifts, flowers every week, expensive dinners etc.. The problem is that she doesnt like ...
(142 words) I feel I should break up with him but its not easy to do!
This question has
1 answer
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
All, I haven't wrote the full story in my previous post on 13 August "He's betrayed me again and again, should I give him another chance?" Many thanks for some advices u gave. I just very complicated now. I really want to know how to end this relationship. I found it's ...
(599 words) I think my g/f might be looking for love with her friend?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
51-59 -
For couple of days my girlfriend started to stop contacting me. Everytime I call her she is bad mood. Lately I discover that she has a guy best friend that so close to her. Does my girlfriend starts to look for new lovelife in her bestfriend? Can you give an advise what to do?...
(54 words) I've started an annoying habit and don't know how to stop it!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
26-29 -
Dear readers, I am gay and I am happy with it it makes things easier but since this it's harder for me to pretend to be straight I know I'll have to tell everyone someday but that day isn't near maybe a few years on. The problem is I feel quite upset at times because I d...
(124 words) Signs to know if someone loves you?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5318 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
i am nathan rodgers i am 25yrs old. I how do i know if my girlfriend loves what are the signs..can you help please...
(24 words) How could my husband be so coldhearted and leave me on my birthday?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5324 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I have posted on here before regarding whether my marriage should continue the way it is... anyway, just to make it even more fun, my husband ended our marriage on my birthday. I am devestated. Reasons why he says are that he will never trust me. How do you get someone to ...
(96 words) Sex was so brief! But was it genuine embarrassment or signs of something else?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
I recently met this guy.. we are incredibly attracted to each other.. our chemistry is through the roof and we talk daily.. and tonight we had sex for the first time.Well i was super nervous to have sex w/ him but figured i dont normally do this (sex w/ someone right away) and ...
(316 words) I like him and we're meeting up! How can I suss out if he is interested in me too?
This question has
1 answer
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5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hey all, could anyone give me any advice on the signs to look out for that suggest a guy is interested in you as more than friends? I'm out of practice when it comes to dating. A guy at work who I'm friendly with has dropped me a few compliments recently, and has asked if we ...
(141 words) Shouldn't morning sickness have finished by now?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Im just going to get straight to the point. 5 months ago i had unprotected sex and you guessed it got pregnant, i know it was stupid but me and the guy were and still are in love i dont regret my decision just wish i could of changed the timing. Only 3 people know the dad and 2 ...
(122 words) What can I do with this desperate longing to have a baby?
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2 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
ever since i was about 15 i have felt ready for a baby, then i just thought that its hormones, well im 19 now, and my need is even stronger, it hurts sometimes when i think about it, i want a child so so so much, and then when i think about it more i panic that i wont ever have ...
(105 words) All we do is fight..and now I've cheated...should I simply move on?
This question has
5 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 - story is a pretty pathetic one. I have been in a relationship for over a year with this guy. Initially it was amazing...but the last few months,well;they were pretty bad. I'm pursuing my MBA and 3 months ago i was really busy with my internship. I was overloaded w...
(313 words) My mom told me I can't have any children because my 2 sisters already have 7 between them!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
i'm 16 and i have two sister aged 25 and 32. one of my sisters has 4 kids and the other 3 and my mum and dad always said that we would have to be careful how many kids we all have when we are older because they said that its best that all 3 have just 1 or 2 kids so altogether ...
(168 words) Its been 10 years since I've dated anyone else!
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3 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I've been asked out on a date for the first time since breaking up with my ex (we were together 9 years) and really need some advice, please. I broke up with my ex a year ago, have done my crying and being angry (we broke up because I found out he was cheating on me for the ...
(405 words) She wants to do her own thing but still have a relationship with me
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
So I've dated this girl for seven months and we broke up about two or three months ago. At first things were supposed to be a break, but i found out she's making out with a large number of guys. That caused me to get angry and basically explode on her. She decided that she cant ...
(511 words) I became my dad and pushed my wife away from me!
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3 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Hi my name is Alex. Well I've had my relationship with my wife for a year now. I realized that I've had changed to a man that she didn't want to be with anymore. I became my dad. I became controlling, and lazy and became disrespectful to her. I wasnt keeping up with my ...
(389 words) Torn between a friend, a stranger and my conscience.
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3 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
My friends in love with a married man and he has decided to separate from his wife. They have a lovely kid who is maybe just a year old and one which is few years old. I feel for the woman and the kids though they are strangers and my conscience wants me to get in touch with ...
(128 words) How can I trust my wife again and how can I make her trust me?
This question has
11 answers
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5324 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
I have, like most men, some serious Retroactive Jealousy issues. I also have struggled with temper problems in the past. I have been able to control these things for the better part of the last 10 years. Recently, my wife of 7 years and I were on vacation with 5 other cou...
(662 words) I need to get over him but I work with him!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5299 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
From my previous question. I am seeing a married man on and off. Most of the time I broke up wiith him. But since we work in the same place I can't seem to get over him. I want to break fee from him so badly pls hlep....
(48 words) Sex still hurts her
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2 answers
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5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
alright so my girlfriend and i had sex for the first time like a month ago and we have had sex like 5 times sence and it still hurts her...why? shes always wet when we do? she said the first time it was really painfull and the more we do it the less painfull it is but when will ...
(90 words) I screwed up my relationship and I really want her back. Please help?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
Hey guys. Well, the title says it all. I badly screwed up my relationship. I always hurt my girlfriend in the past and she just kept taking all my BS until she can no longer take it anymore. We were together for 4 months, by the way. So anyway.... I used to always think she was ...
(943 words) I flirted and he got the wrong idea -- how do I let him down easy?
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2 answers
- newest was posted
5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
So I met this guy online (he's My friend's friend) and we chatted on facebook,texted each other and skyped and really got to know each other, and i really, REALLY do not like him...i mean he is nice..but he is extremely clingy and annoying,and is sooooo not my type. I don't ...
(202 words) I like the guy, but the ex is in the way
This question has
4 answers
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5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hey, so I like this guy at my college and we have been friends for a few months now, he is super nice and sweet and I really like a lot about him. However, there is this girl who dated him before and she is always around him. I know for a fact that they're not dating anymore ...
(285 words) He hardly ever wants sex
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1 answer
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
It's been a year now since I've moved in with my boyfriend who lives with his family, thing is I am extremely sexual, I always feel for sex, but my boyfriend who is 27 and I 34 hardly ever wants to,he is always tired and he says he doesn't want the sex to get boring. What ...
(105 words) Will this guy grow up and realize he has wrecked an amazing relationship because he was too lazy?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hi there, Iv'e never sought help from internet sights before but i'd really like to hear from guys and girls that have been through similar experiences as me. My boyfriend and I have just broke up for the 4th time in 2 and a half years of a long distance relationship. We...
(808 words) My LDR won't tell me what's bothering him
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I've been dating this guy, A, for three weeks. We met thru a friend on a night where we both were desperate for a relationship. We have almost everything in common and he gets me. Almost a perfect relationship. Though it would be perfect if he told me why he's sad at the ...
(98 words) Agreed to an open relationship but hate the idea
This question has
3 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I really need some help with my relationship.. im so depressed now//? i love this guy.. i love him a lot.. i would take a bullet for him.. we've been dating for like a month now, and he told me last week that he wants to keep our relationship open. i told him that i can't hand...
(215 words) First time same-sex attraction, and we're not sure what to do about our feelings
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5316 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I'm curious about developing a romantic relationship with another woman I know. How do we proceed? Neither of us have experienced this attraction for another female and don't know what to do with our feelings. We've known each other for awhile, and know a lot about each other ...
(102 words) Broke up, had sex with an ex, and feeling awful
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Well, my boyfriend broke up with me today and I'm an absolute mess. He claims to have too many problems going on to be able to do his part as my boyfriend and doesn't want me to wait around while he figures his life out, and that he still wanted to be friends but I know that ...
(429 words) We broke up, but I'm stuck with her dogs
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8 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
My girlfriend and I have been on and off for the last 2 and a half years. She had two dogs when we meet.Shortly after our meeting she had to sell her house. (which I helped get ready to sell with her)After this she had no room for the dogs which I took in at my house. She l...
(144 words) She's on a dating site now...
This question has
7 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
41-50 -
Hi, I've been in a relationship with a female for almost 3 years. Things were good at first, but we started having problems. Well long story short, last week she told me she didn't want "titles" - meaning boyfriend or girlfriend status. On top of that, she says she wants t...
(146 words) Could he just be using me?
This question has
4 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I've been dating this guy for a couple of weeks now, i really like him, however he keeps on touching me where i dont want to be touched and the only time he does this when he kisses me even if its just a peck. He wont hold my hand or even act like we are boyfriend and ...
(97 words) I want to quit the relationship, I can't fight for what I want
This question has
2 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
plz this my first time of fallen in love with a girl,and is also the first time a girl has ever care for me as she was my mom,we av been dating a month plus now,so her parents invite me to their house,so wen i get there i met with the mum,she gave us some advice and told us ...
(273 words) Is my boss just flirting, or is he interested?
This question has
10 answers
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5320 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
I have been at my job for about 8 months now. The first 6 months it was just work between my boss and I. But the past 2 months something has changed. He calls me Blondie and no other co-worker has a nickname of any kind. He has been touchy feely. Not in a bad way. Playing with ...
(214 words) I told her once before that I liked her and it didn't turn out well
This question has
1 answer
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I've been having dreams about the girl I like, but usually they're all the same. We usually kiss or I cuddle with her but last night I had a dream about her like no other. In this dream she just plain flat out told me she loved me and wanted to be with me. Then we cuddled and ...
(225 words) Had a bad experience with oral and now am nervous about trying again
This question has
1 answer
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend has been on vacation for the past week and is getting back tomorrow night. For the past few days, we've been talking about sex and how we can't wait until he gets back, etc. First off, I am all about trying new things. He's recently been opening up to me about s...
(414 words) The abuse in my past left me associating sex with pain and fear
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5324 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
36-40 -
Hi everyone - I have a bit of an awkward and very personal question...sorry if some of this is just TMI... I was sexually abused as a young child and raped on two different occassions when I was young. Now, I feel like I am completely ruined sexually. Men make me nervous....
(265 words) Husband has little sex drive and doesn't seem to appreciate me
This question has
3 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
Hey, I am a 36 year old and married for 17 years. Although my husband is very very nice and caring, he never was romantic and always had a real low drive. Now its come to a stage that once a month, that even if i approach him and he is up to it then. I have tried talking to ...
(166 words) I want to preserve the friendship after moving out
This question has
1 answer
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I lived with 3 girls this past year at college. One of which I had previously lived with and two of which I had not. Throughout most of the year I could feel the 3 of them bonding more with each other than with me. At first it didn't bother me. Later on I started realizing that ...
(238 words) FWB, but tired of putting myself out there and always getting hurt.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5325 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
I have been talking to this boy for over a year. He has asked me out in the past but now he is with someone else. He says he loves me and cares about me and I love him. I wanna be with him but I dnt think he feels the same. We're friends with benefits now. I'm unsure of wat he ...
(114 words) My kids were rude to my ex. Did I do the right thing?
This question has
6 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
My girlfriend and I have broken up and gotten back together many times in the last 2 and a half years. When we have broken up sometimes I would vent my frustration to my adult children, not in a vicious way but just trying to get some answers and someone's point of ...
(250 words) She couldn't take my pride, how can I get her back?
This question has
1 answer
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
I'm a guy who puts pride first most of the time. I had a girlfriend, we've been together for 2 and a half year. I know i was not a good boyfriend for her but she still loved me. Now we broke up, she said she was tired of pain. I know I was wrong and I want to correct my ...
(177 words) Why does a fairly talkative girl become quiet and shy in my presence?
This question has
2 answers
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
30-35 -
[OP original title] I've begun to notice that a girl I'm acquainted with acts very different in my presence. She seems to be pretty chatty and loud when talking to most people but she's the complete opposite around me. Whenever I talk to her she seems a bit flustered and I rare...
(172 words) Boyfriend wants me to choke him during sex.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hey peoples! , My boyfriend recently asked me to choke him while I'm giving him pleasure and i've never done it before so how do you do it? x...
(38 words) How do I broach the subject of being sexual?
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2 answers
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5326 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
30-35 -
Hello, the other day I was wondering how I could broach the subject of doing something sexual with my boyfriend, not sex, something like oral or what I would prefer is a hand-job. He's not very outgoing usually but when it comes to touching me or vice versa he's very confid...
(186 words) He's with his ex and sneaky. How can I get him to stop dating her?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5323 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
26-29 -
bad news!!! my best guy friend who i have a major crush on just got back together with his ex. i dont know if he is tricking me or if he is telling the truth. it is the middle of the summer, he goes to his friend's house and my house, so how did he get back together with his ...
(123 words) How can I find out if she likes me back?
This question has
1 answer
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5327 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
26-29 -
ok mme and this girl, call her danni, have just started going out but i really like her and im not sure if she likes me, anyways to find out?...
(30 words) Confused about my relationship with a colleague - is he just a friend or more??
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5324 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I am a married woman - have a 4 year old. Marriage isn't going great guns at all - husband hasn't touched me in years together and I haven't touched anyone except this colleague of mine I am gonna talk about in just a bit.. There's a colleague of mine, younger to me by 5 ...
(1026 words) Sleeping With Adopted Blood Sister
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3 answers
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5323 days ago
14 August 2010 (M)
36-40 -
My Sister was adopted when i was 2 years old and when i was 18 i managed to track her down and went to meet her, at the time i was still living at our biological parents house and my sister decided she wanted to meet our mum and see what she was like, when she came to visit she ...
(217 words) Worried about my first threesome this weekend!
This question has
17 answers
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5323 days ago
14 August 2010 (F)
51-59 -
Help! I am having my first threesome this weekend. It involves my fiance and another man who is a complete stranger. What should I do? What should I expect. Any ideas will be appreciated....
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