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Archived questions from:
14 February, 2011 (see latest questions)
(More questions from February, 2011)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
I'm shy! Hes shy! How are we going to get around this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
Hi, I like this kinda shy guy at school but the problem is that i'm kinda shy too. He stares at me in class but every time I look over at him he quickly looks away. What should I do to show him I like him? Should I do anything at all?...
(52 words) I worry every day that my girlfriend is going to end things with me
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
I am a a recent college graduate while my girlfriend is still in school. She is currently spending the next 4 months studying abroad. We've been together for two years and this is the first time we've ever been apart like this. Its been 5 weeks since shes left. For the first ...
(186 words) Why did he marry me?
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
Why did he marry me? we both have kid. I have mine full time and he has his 50/50. but he insistes on spending every waking moment with his kids. no matter what. he misses nothing. he is obsessed with their sports, their everything, we never see each other because he is ...
(132 words) Why are there xx's in his messages to a co worker?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
my bloke keeps emailing and texting a woman he works with, I understand that they have to work together, but should each line end with XX? Its getting me really annoyed now, as I've asked him to stop doing it but he still carries on. If I was to text one of my work mates and p...
(76 words) Her actions don't mimic her words
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
my girlfriend has told me numerous times that she loves me. but this past saturday was our anniversary and didnt remember until i reluctantly told her 11 58pm, wondering if she would remember. Then for valentines day I took her out for dinner and gave her a heart necklace which ...
(130 words) I'm obsessed with my old friend
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4352 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
This may sound stupid, but I am and have been obsessed with an old friend of mine. Now its nothing like the stalking or following kind, I just can't get her out of my mind, we are't even in the same state anymore. We met we were 12, it was in middle school and I was quickly ...
(140 words) Should I stop seeing him now before its too late?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
so im 19 and i kno im setting myself up for heart break but i just dont kno how to stop myself, i met this 23yr old guy in november of 2010 and we just started out as friends and it was made pretty clear from both ends that we were in no way looking for a relation as we both ...
(302 words) The whole time married lover had me hanging on, he was lying and was with his wife!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
How does my ex feel now? I'm 26 years old and my ex is 36 . He was separated from his wife when I met him, I tried not to get into anything with him because I knew he was separated- not divorced- but he convinced me it was okay, and he didn't care what anyone th...
(591 words) Guys are interested but I hate being single!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
i've broken up with my first love, i've tried to have a rebound and plenty of guys are interested in me but i am really hating being single. I feel like such a failure who will only ever watch it work out for others. He dumped me and told me he didn't care about me, he ...
(99 words) How can I feel so strongly about 2 women, as I have been a one woman man all my life?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
First, I am married to a loving and beautiful wife of almost 30 years. I couldn't live a day without her, she needs me, and we have two wonderful children. That said, before we met, I had a relationship with a young woman with whom I never spent enough time over our 3 month...
(736 words) I want to ask him out but I know I'm not his type
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I am in high school and I have this huge crush on a guy in my science class. I want to ask him out but I know that I'm not his type and I'm scared he might reject me. He stares at me all the time and he goes out of his way to talk to me. What should I do?...
(61 words) Why has life always been such a battle for me?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, Can someone answer me shy is life so shitty. I've constantly had to fight for things, left school at 15, due to parents divorce, made homeless 17 due to parents. Spent years going through different rooms in sheltered accommodation, living on dole. Finally try to g...
(470 words) I don't know how to bring up having the implant to my mum
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
My boyfriend and I have planned to have sex within the next month or so. But we desided that we weren't going to do it untill I had got the implant, but I need to talk to my Mom about talking me to get a implant in the first place.. but I don't know how to go about asking ...
(71 words) I hate myself so much for falling for him
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I really need some help as im quite desperate. To cut a story short, I started liking a guy about 6 months ago and ever since its got even more and more deeper and stronger. I barely saw him and he never made the effort to speak to me if he did. One night we ended up having ...
(224 words) I thought we were going great but hes giving me the cold shoulder
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I recently told a close friend I have feelings for him and have done for a while, he told me he had his suspisions and he likes me aswell. He started hanging around with me more and more and I was really happy. But lately he's started acting really weird with me, not really ...
(121 words) My ex is confusing me please need advice!
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
hi, I will try and make this not to long. I met my ex 6mths ago, we dated for about little over 3mths. things were perfect in the bigining, I really felt he was my soul mate, I still do in my heart. I have low self esteem and i was allways insecure and affraid when things g...
(349 words) How shall I get him on his own?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
How do I get him on his own? I dated this boy for a few months (about 2 years ago), but I dumped him for various reasons.. But I've liked him alot since! He'd had a couple of girlfriends since, but it really does not look like hes completely over me. It was really awkward ...
(349 words) I’m finding it incredibly hard to get myself out of this yo yo relationship with this boy who I can't decided is right for me or not
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I only turn 16 tomorrow, and I do not wish to bore you with my pathetic problems however for the past year I’ve been romantically involved with a guy from my year at school. Because I liked him for so long before he asked me out; when he did it was amazing! However he did ...
(1570 words) I'm not the valentine he proposed to. I can't live with my mistake
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I'm destroyed. My exbf proposed to his valentine today and it wasn't me. How do I put back the pieces of my broken heart? Last year he proposed to me but I blew him off because he revolved his world around me which made me look at him like a weakling and donked all over him. I ...
(98 words) Do girls remember their ex's penis?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
5139 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Do girls remember the penises of their exes? If they do, do they compare them with their current boyfriends? ...
(19 words) Is my husband's friend attracted to me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
Is my husbands friend attracted to me? *C* has been coming to my home every week or so fro supper. he worked with my husband for years. he lives about 300 miles away and would come to my husbands work place when he had to work here in the area. when he would see me I could te...
(308 words) What do you do when you walk in on your brother having sex with your best friend.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (?)
30-35 -
What do you do when you walk in on your brother having sex with your best friend. Saturday night we had a party. I have my own apartment and had some people over including my brother. He is 2 yrs younger than me. Anyways, my friend sammy spent the night and my brother was ...
(157 words) He sent me a gift. Do I send him one back?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I've met this nice guy online on a dating website for 8 months now. Things are getting well between us. Nothing serious yet. We haven't met in person yet as he's living overseas. He just told me that he sent me a Valentine gift and it's on the way. My question is "Do I have to ...
(98 words) I want to find out if my husband is cheating for sure
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
Lately my husband has been adjoined at the hip with his computer. He's also been working late at the office. He'll get up in the middle of the night after I'm asleep and get on the computer again. He says he's just finishing up work, but it's like this every night. He's been ...
(206 words) It it normal not to enjoy sex?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I've only had sex a couple of times and although I feel like I want to have sex I never really enjoy it when I have it. Is this normal?...
(34 words) I've worked at getting over him, but little things keep reminding me ...
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
I split with my boyfriend around 7 months ago, and i previously asked for help on trying to get over him. I took the advice on board and tried to get over him, but theres a problem. It seems to work, but then small things remind me of him and i start to miss him so much. Im ...
(131 words) Should I surprise my wife with a sex toy?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5139 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
My wife and I have been married for 20+ years. Our sex life is fine, but I'm looking for ways to spice things up a bit. Here's my question: Do you think it would be wise for me to surprise her with a sex toy (we've never used them before, and have never talked about using ...
(156 words) She's becomming distant but won't tell me why
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Me and my girlfriend have been together for 9 months, always got on really really well. She has a son and we both decided that I would be his dad after about half a year as his real dad doesn't want anything to do with him. But, about a week ago she suddenly started being ...
(187 words) His actions make me believe he doesn't love me
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
Ok cutting a long story short. After waiting 4 long years, where I saw this bloke on and off but knowing there was no relationship as such, although always had the feeling he thought more of me than he would say. Then giving up on him. He emailed me saying "Hope you are well i ...
(337 words) We're supposed to be moving in together, but it's turning into a triangle
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
i am a 20 year old male in my first year of uni. Ive had many upsetting problems over the past few years ive felt ive not been able to talk about with anyone. Since ive been at uni though ive opened up and trusted two girls in particular with everything ive been troubled with. ...
(219 words) I'm 19, he's 15. Should we not date?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (?)
30-35 -
dear cupid, soo, i think there's a chance that i might be going crazyy. on saturday, i was at the mall with a friend, and we ended up meeting three of her friends and hanging out with them for a while. one of those friends happened to be this incredibly gorgeous guy (he...
(404 words) 5 year relationship never cheated on her but tempted to
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4731 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
ok well not sure if im in the right or wrong but need help im 23 years old nd just recently moved in with my gf of 4 1/2 years she is 22 and everything is good but the intamicy and sex life is not there nd she tells me not to be mad and i pretend it dont bother me, but after a ...
(376 words) Is my sexual fantasy sick?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5137 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I have never felt sexually fulfilled in a relationship and I am ashamed that I cannot be normal. I have a shameful fantasy that I have never told a soul about because it seems too taboo to talk about. I have fantasies about tying my gf's wrist, gagging her and having sex w...
(137 words) My ex still contacts me I think as a friend but I still want to be with her
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
hi, im really down and confused so appreciate another perspective my girl of 6 years finished with me 3 months ago. her decision. we been having problems for few months. our sex life had really changed and we were like best friends. she is very spiritual and caring girl who ...
(728 words) How to make her think I'm interesting?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
im in love with this girl who i see everyday because we go to the same college and were on the same course as each other along with my best friend. my best friend is also in love with her and he told her last weekend via msn. she told him that it wasn't going to happen ...
(353 words) When we are fighting to whole world comes down around us but when we are good, its so good!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Ive dated a guy for three years off and on this last break up lasted a year and we were both with different people now were back together and things are different he is jealous and rude, i cant even pick up my phone with out him looking at me weird or saying something he says ...
(210 words) Horrible experience at a wedding being single! How do I stop it from happening again?
This question has
1 answer
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5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (M) -
Hi I'm a single man(35)and I attended a wedding at the weekend which was a bit of an ordeal. Im single so I didnt have anybody to accompany me which is why it was such a hard experience to go through. I'll be honest and say that it was my first wedding ever (Dont ask, its a lo...
(533 words) I have trouble putting my feelings into words so I typed it all out. Is that ok?
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Hello everyone, I need some advice on this: First off, I have an autism spectrum disorder, and I've always had trouble putting my feelings into words, first time I told my gf I love her, I was a little drunk, second time not at all, but since that second time, we haven't said ...
(155 words) What makes me unworthy of finding love?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5117 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
I'm 25, still single and beyond lonely. I've never had a girlfriend and have never really dated for that matter. I have a college degree, am serving in the military (finishing my enlistment and getting out in a couple months), and have a good group of friends. I'm told that ...
(233 words) I didn't even get a free ecard from my boyfriend
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I don't know if I'm being over sensitive, but I spent two days with boyfriend of 9 years. We are in a LDR now, so we met in the middle, split the cost, hotel, meals etc,, of the entire weekend. I thought we would at least be sending each other ecards today since it is Valentin...
(114 words) This guy chose his gf over me, I cant help but feel hurt
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hi! I have a question, but first a little bit of background info. I have a friend who I was romantically interested in, and who was getting ready to leave his partner, as she was controlling and abusive. I'll admit that we had a bit of a physical/emotional affair, and I fe...
(190 words) How can I assure my boyfriend? Our past is bothering him
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
How can i assure my boyfriend? we used to go out over 2 years ago and were very much in love but because of his drug use i gave up. i got with other guys but he was always on my mind. now we are back together n he doesnt do drugs anymore and has even quit smoking. but he keeps ...
(219 words) My husband is flirting with other women
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I really have serious issues with my marriage and I don't know what to do. I am married for a bit over two years. We didn’t know each other for long (just two month) when we decided to get married. I found out few days before our wedding that music, that was his obligation to ...
(1438 words) The girl I'm chasing happens to be married!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
So, Im in the army, and oversea's at the moment. this woman that I chased for well over a year sent me a email saying she wanted to start "dating" me all of a sudden ok, all good. yeah im down for that. Im over here doing the right thing, not cheating and what not We b...
(246 words) So for Valentine's Day my boyfriend got me lube and a dildo, where's the rest of my present?
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My Boyfriend got me a dildo and lube for valentine's day and I'm really upset because that is not at all what I wanted. What should I do?...
(28 words) How can love turn to indifference in a second?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
When D-Day came my xMM dumped me like a hot potatoe after a year of telling me how much he loved me...does he still care for me, think of me or did his feelings evaporate with the panic of W finding out? I just find it so difficult to understand how love can turn to ...
(94 words) Is it a bad sign when a newlywed is having sexual fantasies about someone else than his wife?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Married three months...thinking about an this a bad sign? or does this happen?? No plans to act out on the fantasies but they are there...What does this mean? I'm trying to push them out of my mind and it feels wrong that this is happening 3 months into our marriage....
(51 words) Why is he staying in touch? What does he want?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (?)
41-50 -
I have an ex who has stayed in touch from time to time. We broke up in Dec - it was amicable, he broke it up, it was a LDR. Anyway I am wondering why he is staying in touch - I usually wait until he contacts me first and then reply politely. He usually just texts quite short ...
(119 words) Is it just weird to love your best friend?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
hey cupid, well here it is...i think i love my best friend (a boy btw), an im not sure whether he fancies me back or not, cos we might aswell b a couple. he gets me makeup an gives me guitar lessons an weve met eachothers family an hes even slept at ma house (nout happend) an ...
(179 words) How do I swallow without upchucking?
This question has
19 answers
- newest was posted
5079 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
Hi all, Okay, here goes, I need advice about a sexual thiing, so I will get to the point! My partner is offended that I don't swallow and says if I loved him I would (it would mean a lot to him) but I just cannot do it, it makes me want to reach. Has anyone got any advice o...
(84 words) Was a vibrator for Valentine's Day a bad idea to get my man?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
so for Valentine's day i couldn't figure out what to get my man. I was talking with a friend a week or so ago and she suggested i get a vibrator to spice things up a bit and give it to him with a dirty note. even though our sex life is great like it is i decided that this was a ...
(197 words) Teacher ignores me, why?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5125 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
There is one teacher in my school who totally ignores me. Well I don't have any classes with him, but sometimes I do have him for exra help, and then he just like talks, talks and kinda doing his own business. I don't mind, I mean he's just my teacher and that's what he is ...
(219 words) We hooked up, and I'm not sure if he's interested in something more than a booty call?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
So I just broke up with my bf last week and I have already met i guy that im interested in. We have known each other for years and he was always the person i thought I was never good enough so to speak to have a chance with him. But this last weekend we started talking again ...
(98 words) Accidentally sent my ex an online Valentine's Day card!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
I sent my x a sexy online v card- I had written it last year and somehow it went out this year even though I thought I had deleted all cards from there. He replied back and said he loves me and is thinking about me and endearments. I'm not sure how to reply. I do still love ...
(74 words) How do I tame my hubby?
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3 answers
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5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I'm 28yrs old with a child. Got married in 2008. My hubby is a nice n loving Person thou not romantic,but has a bad temper.he has hit me twice n i just feel its so wrong. He always compares me to his ex and uses abusive words on me everytime we have an argument or ...
(153 words) Lost my brother and now my fiancé is moving on as much as I want to reconcile with her
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Had been in a five year relationship. We were engaged til mid last year. My brother had been killed in war, shortly before christmas of 09. For kind of the first time in our relationship I wasnt able to tend to her needs as i was going through and still am a hugely traumatic ...
(956 words) After my boyfriend verbally abused me, he at least owes me a call on Valentine's Day!
This question has
4 answers
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5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Dear Cupid My bf abuses me verbally often. Most of the time ill never fight over it. 2 days before i got so pissed off when he started abusing me mentally, hence we had a fight. He told me not to call him and i didnt. He called me yesterday (just 1 single call) and i didn...
(145 words) My stepson messaged me to ask me out to dinner?
This question has
7 answers
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5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (?)
51-59 -
Let's just start with me saying that I am divorced. Been so for about 2 yrs. I've been married twice. I have 3 kids of my own. 2 girls and 1 boy. All from my first marriage. My second marriage, no kids, but my husband had 2 boys. One is in his teens and the other in...
(145 words) My boyfriend wants to move out!
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6 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend thinks it's a good idea for him to move out. We are both very young (19) and have been together since we were both 16. We've lived together for I'd say a year and a half, maybe even more. We've had issues like this in the past where he needed his space, but then he ...
(214 words) Who is the victim here.. ... Me, my partner, or the wife I didn't know about?
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5 answers
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5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years. I dated him in high school, grew up around him, so I gave him more trust than I should have. I knew something wasn't right, red flags, but had no idea what it was. I did notice he wouldn't talk about his ex wife, kids, and just...
(777 words) How do I tell a girl, she's the one for me??
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
How do I tell a girl that she is the one for me? Anything? Thanks....
(15 words) My meds helped make this relationship possilble, but they're also getting in the way of me being all she needs me to be
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5 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
51-59 -
First of all, I have to give some background information on myself. I am 44 years old and have had mental problems all my life. My father was an extremely abusive person and I grew up either being beaten, or watching him beat my mother. I developed nervous tics, had troubl...
(774 words) It wasn't a perfect relationship by any means, so why am I still thinking about her six months later?
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
I can't stop thinking about a girl I dated over 6 months ago. I guess you could say I cheated on her, as I was seeing multiple girls at the time without her knowledge (this is normal for me. I'm typically juggling two or three girls). We never had a "we're in an exclusive ...
(427 words) Don't want to be a rebound, but want to keep her interested until she's really ready to date again
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I met this girl who had just broken up with her bf a month prior from when we started talking. and weve hung out once and had a great time and we flirt and she calls me cute little nicknames like sugerplum, and cutie pie. but i know she hasnt gotten over her ex. But shes ...
(185 words) I feel like our relationship isn't working out because I feel like it's turning into a lie.
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half. I love him he's my bestfriend and I honestly wouldn't know what to do without him. We do have our occasional fights (who doesnt) I often don't feel like they are a big deal, but he doesn't know how to approach my ...
(323 words) I made a big mistake when was drunk and now my ex hates me
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
I was with my girlfriend for a year and a half when she broke up with me out of the blue. We were in college together and I'm pretty sure she left me for another guy although I was never able to catch them together acting anything more than friends. Summer came and I made an ...
(307 words) Why is he so worried that I'll dump him?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
My BF is always so worried I'll dump him because of his ex's and some girls at school want me to dump him....i Told them i'm not gonna and i told him that too so why is he so worried?...
(40 words) What can I do to prevent razor burn?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Girls only please! My boyfriend and I are planning to have sex for the first time next month. I'm a little nervous, but excited. The only thing knocking my confidence is my shaving. I used shaving foam and new razors, and moisturizer afterwards, but there are still spots/cuts...
(67 words) Has this man lost interest in me? Everything was going well until Friday!
This question has
3 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I met this lovely guy online and we began talking (this was about 6months ago). Anyway, we lost contact and about three weeks ago we started talking again. We went for a drink, and spent hours talking. It was great. He texted me the next day to say thanks for a a lovely n...
(371 words) I'm 17 and I was wondering if its wrong to befriend a 12 yr old girl...?
This question has
15 answers
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5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
So yesterday I had a "houseconcert" of piano, quite like an exercise for the real concert in 2 weeks. It was organised by my piano teacher. It was at his house. Unlike the usual concerts, it was a warm concert because there were only 9 people playing. So I talked to everybody. ...
(234 words) My boyfriend and I wait on the other to act first and it's driving us apart! Help!
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend doesn't put any effort into our relaionship. We really like each other, but we seem to be waiting on the other to act first and it's pulling us apart. He doesn't touch me unless we are alone and that rarely happens. And we have never gone on a date, we've tried a ...
(110 words) Is he hanging onto me until someone else comes along? Am I wasting my time?
This question has
10 answers
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5139 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I’ve been seeing someone since November. He says we are in a relationship but it does not feel like it to me. We live about a 5 minute walk from each other but we only see each other either once or twice a week and its only for a couple of hours. It is always on his terms when ...
(348 words) After 5 months of reconciling with my partner, I'm attracted to another guy. Should I stay or should I go?
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3 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I need some help!! 5 months ago my partner of four years told me he didn't love me anymore but then decided he did a few days later. I got close to this other guy as he was splitting up with his gf and we was kinda helping each other through it. Trouble is i like him. Whe...
(199 words) I absolutely refuse to get back into a relationship and want to be single for the rest of my life. Is that way of thinking abnormal?
This question has
5 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
About a month ago, I dumped my boyfriend. Long story short, I simply wasn't happy. He wasn't necessarily abusive... it was because he had some emotional issues, manipulating, no motivation, and lack of direction and ambition in life. Plus he would guilt trip me, and he ...
(200 words) Are my standards too high to get a girlfriend?`
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15 answers
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5137 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Hello all, I'm a seventeen (Virgin) year old boy. I do want a girlfriend but I'm worried that my standards are too high. I don't believe in ANY sexual contact whatsoever, I wouldn't date a female if she had voluntarily given her virginity away or if she'd ever "made out" ...
(76 words) Tempted to get back with my ex, yet interested in a another girl...and I'm leaving for a job in Japan in 2 weeks! What do I do?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
My gf and I split up about 5/6 weeks ago and whilst it was very hard we realised that we both need different things in life but we are sort of staying in contact as we think there might be the potential to get back together at some point once we’ve (or I, I should say) figure ...
(302 words) How to tell a girl you're dating that you're a virgin?
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4 answers
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5137 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Hi, I'm a 27 years old guy and I have never had sex in my life. It's an bothering fact especially when you live among people for whom it's no big deal to have sex from younger ages. The reason i haven't had sex so far may sound stupid but it's always been important for me to do...
(141 words) I guess what I'm asking is: is it totally irresponsible of me to leave a job when I don't have another to go to?
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M) -
Hi All In a bit of a bind. I have been working in sales for over 10 years now. I took a break in 2006 (during the height of the economic boom in Ireland) to go travelling. Thinking of course that it would be exactly the same when I returned to Ireland. While I wa...
(468 words) I'm scared to sleep with other people!
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I have recently broken up with a guy I have been seeing for 3 years. He is the only person i've had sex with and i'm scared to sleep with other people. Is this normal? I still feel like he is the only person I want to sleep with even though I don't want to be with him. I on...
(87 words) Feeling guilt for disowning my paedophile father
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3 answers
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4938 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
About 6 months ago I disowned my father. He divorced my mother when I was 3 after cheating with a much younger woman. When I was 7 he went into prison for sexual harassment on school children (although he never touched me). We had a good relationship when I was little as he...
(261 words) Insecurities are going to ruin our relationship
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1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years, and we've lived together for 5 months. We are very much in love, and he is definitely the best influence in my life (I have a depressive, judgmental family, struggle to relate to people well enough to make close friends, and have a ...
(265 words) What signs do guys show that they like you as more than a friend?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
So there's this guy that I really haven't had any feelings when we're just classmate in our school but as years go by when we reach 4th year college. I didn't really expect that one day, we will be close friends. Me and him started to talk every day, spent time together an...
(297 words) My ex is punishing me for breaking up with me!
This question has
2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Here it is valentines day and my exbfs doing everything he can to make mine blue. He broke up with me but's punishing me because I stopped feeling sorry for myself and pushed myself out the dumps. He didn't give a horses butt how I felt that he went back with his exgf. He's ...
(279 words) How to stop my gal from drinking?
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1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I live with my girlriend and she goes for drinks at her friends' place every night. I go work at day time and we spend time with each other. Even if I ask her not to drink everyday , she wouldn't listen .It disturbs me a lot as I feel insecure and plus her health conditio...
(75 words) Is my vagina broken?
This question has
5 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
This is rather embarrassing but i'm not sure what to think of this ... so me and my bf of a year have been trying new things in the bedroom relentless to say i don't know why but i don't like it when he goes down on me ....i know its weird but for some reason it doesn't feel ...
(205 words) Now he only cuddles if he wants sex!
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Hi. I am 29 and have been married to my husband for about 1 1/2 yrs. We have 2 children. We were together for about 1yr before we got married. At first, he was very loving and affectionite. He would always kiss me and cuddle with me. In the last year, the kisses, hugs, and hand ...
(174 words) Role playing questions
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
a little while ago, my boyfriend thought that we should start doing the whole role playing in bed thing. it sounds fun and all, but what if it starts to become akward? i also tend to space out, my mind goes blank, and im only paying attention to the pleasure during sex. im also ...
(109 words) Does she want me to or not?
This question has
2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
26-29 -
Hi ppl so I just got my forth girlfriend and we kissed like three times but I'm a little shy around girls and well all my friends and her friends say I should like touch her more like hold her hand and hug her and stuff like that but we've only been dating for like a week and ...
(64 words) Do I forgive him for sleeping with a random girl while drunk?
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
i've been with this guy for a year already. throughout the relationship, i did get in contact with my ex for a couple of times. but my boyfriend still accepts me. however, nothing ever happened between me and my ex. my boyfriend ever kissed my own cousin when we are still ...
(88 words) What if my boyfriend ignores me on Valentine's Day?
This question has
3 answers
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5135 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
There's obviously a problem in my relationship if I ended up searching...'what if my boyfriend ignores me on Valentine's Day?'. It takes two to tango and this is true for my situation as well. When I started going out with my boyfriend (we've been together about 10 months n...
(301 words) Living with my ex and we still have feelings for each other
This question has
1 answer
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I absolutely have no idea where do I stand. I am 25 years old, and a lesbian, I broke up with my ex girl friend after 3 years of relationship.But we still share the same room or stay under one roof .She has a long distance relationship with another woman ever since we broke u...
(303 words) I feel distant from him and we're back to being shy with each other!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
Hi,I'm 15 this year and I have been with my boyfriend for 1 year 8 months.Our relationship was pretty good until this year.We were shy around each other at first but after that we opened up and really enjoyed being with each other.We strayed off a bit for a few times but came ...
(307 words) My gaming broad invited me & another lad on our 1ST date WTF?!?!
This question has
6 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Ok everybody now this is blowing me away so I need to know if this is normal or if I'm the nut job? Imma a gamin addict and Ive been gamin with a girl that I'll call A. Ok so me and A weve been gamin for a good 18 months. Nobody would ever figure we never met until today. We're ...
(272 words) Best friend has valentine's day blues
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2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (?)
26-29 -
My best friend's girlfriend had broken up with him two days before valentines day.What should I do to make him feel better?...
(22 words) Confused! Do I still love this guy?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Dear everyone, My life is a huge mess. I know I'm being stupid because I'm so young, but I can't get rid of this feeling. When I was 14 I started to really like this guy. I'll call him Jacob. Jacob was a grade older then me, and he started to talk to me because he found I ...
(690 words) He calls me his illegal girlfriend?
This question has
1 answer
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
im 6 years younger than the guy im in love with and he flirts with me and alls me his illegal girlfriend all the time but he has a in love what do i do?!...
(36 words) Boyfriend and best friend conspiring behind my back. I don't trust him now!
This question has
2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I went through my boyfriends txt msgs and found a conversation between him and my "best friend". He sent her msgs telling her tht he has been having dreams about them making love, getting married and having a family together. My heart dropped completely! He made her promise not ...
(160 words) If I break up with her what does she have?
This question has
2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I am 21 years old, and have been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years now. Lately, we've been fighting and arguing almost every day. The fights we have are always about stupid and pointless things. I very rarely get upset about things, but it seems like she gets mad or upset ...
(177 words) I don't know what to write in the valentine card!
This question has
2 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
First Valentine's day with a boyfriend... we have been dating for 2 months, haven't said "I love you" or anything like that yet, and I need help with what to write in a Valentine's day card for him, so far all I have is Happy Valentine's Day, but i need some more it is really ...
(62 words) My crush likes my ex!
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2 answers
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5133 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Hey everyone. So I am a closeted guy who has a crush on a guy who is closeted. I know he is gay and not out because of something I found(another story). Anyways, number one, I feel that he does not like me back. Number two I feel that he has feelings for my ex who I was with ...
(176 words) Did my friends actions mean anything or should I not be concerned?
This question has
4 answers
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5142 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
Last weekend I went out with my husband to Elle my work colleagues birthday drinks in the city. Elle had invited her boyfriend, work colleagues and other friends, after quite a few drinks in the first bar we left to another pub. Later that evening I was dancing and I could hear ...
(131 words) Two guys, one gal. Do I choose one? Keep all three? Or start again? Is my sex life too varied for even me?.
This question has
3 answers
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5140 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
So here's my problem: Six months ago my boyfriend and I (lets call him A) of one and a half years broke up. For some reason, I thrived to have another person with me at all times so I instantly went to my old boyfriend (lets call him B) for support. B and I dated for 4 year...
(366 words) 3 guys...who do I choose?
This question has
2 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I'm having troubles with three guys. I think my friend likes me. He's been one of my closest friends for about 2 years and I always thought of him as a brother. But recently he's been texting me he loves me. I thought he was just kidding, but I'm not too sure. He keeps ...
(302 words) Falling in love with my step brother...what do I do?
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6 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
ok my dad just remaried and i have a new stepbrother im 13 and hes 15 we still live in a 3 bedroom appartment and when my dad has me and my brother his new wife has her sons one is 11 and my bro is 11 but my new stepbrother who is 15 is realy sweet all three boys share a room. ...
(336 words) I thought he wanted to be with me. in what way did I misread the signals he gave me?
This question has
2 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
i was at a party last night at a school that was a 20 dollar cab ride away from my school. this guy who asked me to dance. We danced for a while and ended up making out on the dance floor. then when the party was clearing up he asked me to go home with him. I told him that...
(139 words) After all the ups and downs and all that we've invested in the relationship, he wants to call it quits...
This question has
4 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Let me just start by saying this is going to be very complicated but I would really appreciate responses. I was with my boyfriend for almost 7yrs. We have a daughter n I am currently pregnant. Recently he told me he doesn't want to be with me anymore, which came as a shock be...
(563 words) I want to save my marriage. But my husband rejects me sexually. What would you suggest I do?
This question has
2 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
hi ny husband is 35 and we have been together for 4 years and married for 2 and a bit, when we first got together our relation ship was great i had all the sex and cuddles kisses i could ask for, then i moved into my own home with my 3 kids and asked if he wanted to come liv...
(1009 words) 18 and I've never had a boyfriend...
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hey. I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend. I haven't had my first kiss yet. I find it kind of embarrassing because most of my friends have lost their virginity by now and been a few relationships. The reason I haven't had any experience with guys is because I haven't wanted ...
(233 words) Feel as if I'm losing my best friend...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
My ex and I dated for 10 months and we both decided that the flame had pretty much burnt out but since have remained the best of friends. We still hung out, called and texted all the time up until a couple weeks ago then found out she's starting to see someone. She has become ...
(100 words) I broke up with him, but I still love him. How can I forget him?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5119 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I used to love this guy very much,helped him in school til he completed and started working.Somehow ,somewhere we encounterd some problems which led to our break up.He is now dating some else's and i cnt forget about him since i stil love him dearly and this attitude is ...
(77 words) Having trouble dealing with my dad's death...and my partner doesn't understand.
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4 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Hi i recently lost my dad and it was a shock. I'm not dealing with this well at all and need to see a counselor. If this doesn't work i may need to go on to take anti-depressants as my doctor thinks i'm depressed. My partner does not understand and is making things more ...
(116 words) I'm getting feelings for one of my guy friends, should I break up with my boyfriend?
This question has
3 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years and he is without a doubt my best friend. I was completely in love with him but when we went off to college, we were fighting a lot and some of my feelings for him sort of evaporated. Now, I think that I ...
(96 words) We had unprotected sex three times and now she's scared she's pregnant
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
My girlfriend started dating about 3 weeks ago. We had unprotected sex 3 times within a couple days of when we started dating. She also is not on birth control or anything. Last weekend she asked me to give her space cuz she is scared about being pregnant. I took it a little ...
(115 words) My ex of 4 years is getting married and I'm feeling sad about it
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Hey guys. Hoping and praying for some words of wisdom...I just found out that my ex, who I was with for 4 years, is getting married. He's marrying the girl he started seeing 2 weeks after we broke up (I suspect there was some crossover, but he never admitted it) It's be...
(136 words) How do I love myself?
This question has
3 answers
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5143 days ago
14 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I'm so sick and tired of guys making me feel like I'm not good enough! For years I have felt worthless and never enough for anyone, but now I know this needs to stop! The only way I can change this is by loving myself but after having hated myself for years I find it nigh ...
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