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Archived questions from:
4 February, 2011 (see latest questions)
(More questions from February, 2011)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Confused about our relationship status
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I've been seeing this guy for a number of years and he says we're "just seeing each other" and "it means nothing..." When is it going to "mean something" and go further then just "seeing each other"? I dont even know what seeing someone means.... So whats the deal? Why is the r...
(57 words) Harmless flirting or wanting something more?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5136 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I'm in a pickle! Tell me what you think! I was at a work placement this week for my Uni course and there was this guy...I spent most of the afternoon with him, general chat about what he does, how long he's done it, etc. I thought he was Gay...he then made a point of pointing ...
(160 words) Boyfriend feels insecure that he feels so secure in our relationship
This question has
1 answer
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5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend of a year and a half told me that he feels insecure that he is so secure in our relationship. He freaked out because he thought that I was going to be the one he married and that was it (we're really young and def not looking to get married anytime soon or ...
(94 words) Boyfriend seems to have alot of women who want to date him
This question has
1 answer
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5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
My boyfriend of one year lives 5 hours away. He recently told me about this girl that wanted to date him shortly before we met. They still talk or text several times a week. She recently sent him a message stating all her reasons why they should be together. I suggested he back ...
(116 words) The man of my dreams, but now I'm scared!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
about a year ago i had a dream that i was sitting in my house with a man, in the dream i cuddled him and i knew that his name was d****. i woke up thinking who the hell was that? sometime later, this man turned up in my real life, with this same name at work! (i have had a ...
(324 words) Is it too early to ask?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5137 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I started dating a guy at Christmas and we are getting along great. I know he likes me and I like him. The only issue is I have a wedding coming up in March and I dont know if I can ask him to come with me. The wedding is of a very close friend of mine and I would love for him ...
(118 words) What can I do about my parents negativity?
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2 answers
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5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My parents constantly nag me about dating. They like my boyfriend they just don't like that I'm "wasting my younger years being in a relationship because there is plenty of time in the future for that." I'm 20 and I've been dating my boyfriend since my senior year of high ...
(97 words) Should I be honest or keep my mouth shut?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5147 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
I have had the same primary for years and he is well like by and respected by all through out the entire hospital. Over the past several months I have had to see him more due to some recent medical problems. I am in my early fifties married with grown children I love my ...
(305 words) He is just not interested?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I have met a guy on a dating website and we have been out 2x now for something to eat and drink. Physically I quite like him but I feel that the conversation is's hard work... He also so mean and never offers to pay me a drink...complains alot about his...
(165 words) He's sweet but tells me possibly fake stories. Should I be trusting him?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Okay.. This question has more to do with trust than the issue at hand.. My partner of several years told me when we met he had a long term girlfriend of a year before meeting me with whom he'd broken up a few years before meeting me.. This expanded to her owing him money for a ...
(321 words) My step-brother wants to "hang out"
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2 answers
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5149 days ago
4 February 2011 (?)
30-35 -
So my mom remarried about a year ago and my step dad has a son who is 23. I haven't gotten to know him a lot but he is cute and all. Anyways he has had my number for awhile and he is texting me a lot now and wants to "hang out" sometime. I'm not stupid. I know what he wants. ...
(91 words) I think I could have counselled him better
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Hi all, Ok, I work in education (not a teacher) anyway, one of the students was being teased by his classmates and I pulled him to one side and said to him "do they always tease you, do you want me to do something about it?" he replied with "well... at least they don't...
(214 words) I'm 23 and I feel like I wasted my life!
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I just turned 23 and I feel old. I remember being a pre-teen, looking up to all the twenty-somethings and wishing for time to speed up so I could move out, and do all the things adults are allowed to do. Now that I am I wish I was ...
(485 words) Broke up after 10 yrs she already searching eharmony
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2 answers
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5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
we have been together for 10 yrs have 2 kids. I told her I wanted to end it a month ago because I catch her in lies all the time....including cheating on me 7 yrs ago in which I found out 2 yrs ago...we have been arguing a lot the last year or so. Dont want to make it hard on ...
(103 words) He's my soul mate but I'm not his
This question has
1 answer
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5148 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
i love my husband to bits, he's the reason i didn't go to university, gave up pursuing my dream career, i even left my family and home to marry him. nearly 5 yrs into the marriage and i still feel he loves me but isn't 'in love' with me, and that tears me apart every time i ...
(165 words) She's ended the relationship because she thinks I'll cheat
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
There is this girl on my course, we have been on and off seeing each other for a year and a half. She does not want to be in a relationship with me because I have either slept or kissed other girls. she says that if we were in a relationship I would cheat on her, but I ...
(69 words) Does this silence mean he's not in to me?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I met a guy about a month ago at a party, and we hit it off right away. He asked for my number when he left, and over the next few weeks we were constantly emailing and texting each other. it was typically him that contacted me first, but I really enjoyed it. A few wee...
(506 words) Was he interested or was he flirting for fun at my work placement?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I was at a work placement and there was this guy. We sat chatting for a long time. I basically stopped him doing any work the whole afternoon. We chatted and laughed. Then I went to talk to someone else and whilst I was talking to them he walked past me, brushing his pen down...
(132 words) Anxiety
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hey Guys, I know this is a dating/relationship/sex forum but here goes... Didnt think I would be writing again so soon. Here goes... Summer is almost here and I am in my final year of college. I have to set my first out of 7 exams in April which isnt far when you thin...
(249 words) Who do I choose?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
okay, so i met this guy when i was in 7th grade and he was in 10th grade. we started dating at the end of my 8th grade year and we fell in love with each other shortly after that. we dated for 5 and a half months and then i broke up with him because he was rumured to be ...
(242 words) Mr. Shy can't go in for the kiss!
This question has
2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I'm in tenth grade, blaaah. I just don't know. I like her a lot, I do. But when we walk off, we are in the hall, everything is so perfect, I go in to kiss her, but I'm too shy to end it. I can't kiss her, I want to, I do. It's just I'm to shy, instead I'll hug her, ...
(89 words) I saw him on the bus!
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3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I actually saw him BEFORE I got one the bus.. anyway, I was waiting for my bus yesterday when I noticed the person beside me smelled like cigars. (which I love) I looked at the person standing to my right and my heart started to race. He's probably 17-18. (1-2 years older than ...
(242 words) Would baby oil help and be safe for my pubic region after shaving?
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2 answers
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5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Is it ok to put baby oil on the outside of the vagina? I just shaved an saw little red bumps starting so i put baby oil on it to see if it would make them go away. Thanks...
(39 words) My cheating ex will not leave me alone but we also have kids together.
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Dear cupid ive been dating this dude for almost 5yrs and we have 2 kids together and he was my first and he cheated on me 6times and he got caught this last time and he told me he wants to be with her and two weeks after that happened he asked me to have a secrete thing going ...
(161 words) Wondering if I'm just a booty call to him. What do you think?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5141 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Ok so I am 36 met this guy online about 4 months ago.. we hit it off dated for a month or 2 before we took the relationship to a physical place. The problem is, now that is kind of ALL it is. He is in the he middle of a divorce (legally separated) and a full time single father. ...
(110 words) Is she doing it the wrong way? Or is it just me? I'm unmoved by it.
This question has
1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
When my partner performs oral sex, it doesn't do much to arouse me. It isn't uncomfortable or anything like that, oral just doesn't do much to stimulate me. I can hardly feel her doing anything at all. Handjobs stimulate me perfectly well, and I'm able to achieve orgasm e...
(128 words) I thought it was going well but then he got a girlfriend
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Well i dont know where to start, its kind of complicated and now im really confused :/ soo pleasee any advice would be greatt. So basically i met this guy on fb hes 20 and im 16 (i know big gap =S) i tried talking to him, but he didnt seem very interested.. so i added him on my ...
(396 words) Why isnt he replying to my texts or calls, has he done a dissapearing act?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
i met a guy about 2 months ago, a single dad of 1 (a 2 an a hlaf year old girl) we got on really really well an he wanted to take things further, we since been in a relationship an hes met my family an friends and has agreed to come out for my birthday at the end of this month, ...
(179 words) Contacted by my love from college, and it's awakened the old feelings
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5150 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
51-59 -
Well I guess I should start from the beginning. I am a male and of Arab decent (Lebanese) born in the United States. I come from a family that is very Anglo looking, with blue eyes and light brown hair. I have been married about 6 years with two beautiful daughters. About 10 ...
(1594 words) I think he's getting bored
This question has
3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
ok, so i've been with my boyfriend for not too long, like a month or so, and its been going well...ish. we're both a little messed up[family issues and all] but we help eachother out. anyway, its almost Valentines day, and he seems to be getting...i dont know, bored. he told me ...
(227 words) Tips for my first job interview?
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
So not a relationship question but I don't really know anyone else I can ask. I have my first ever job interview on Wednesday, I'm speaking to the lady on the phone on Monday for her to tell me a little bit about the role. I've got the whole 'dress smart' thing but I have ...
(199 words) I'm not happy with the constant break ups
This question has
1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend and I have been in a serious relationship off an on for the most part of 4 years. We are 22 and 23. He was in a bad car accident which has left him with am arm the dose not completely straighten. I was not with him during the accident but we got together shortly ...
(194 words) I want to marry her, but she chooses to date the guy who treats her like garbage!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Dear Cupid, I was dating this girl long distance for two years, we fell completely in love. My family lived in the city she lived in and me a different one. We had picked out an engagment ring and planned to get married with her moving to me. At the time i was slefish and ...
(260 words) My boyfriend is annoying me and making me wonder if I should stay. What do you think?
This question has
1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now, and he's really beginning to annoy me. Background info: I moved in with him after my mother threw me out of the house, cut me off and stopped speaking to me. There are some little things, for example, he has a ha...
(250 words) I feel so insecure in my relationship..
This question has
1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I have been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now.These days im going through really hard times in my life and i always ask my guy to be there for me. He goes to work full time, come home study and talk with me on the phone for less than 1 hr and go ...
(211 words) Does this guy I like seem interested in me? And what should I do next?
This question has
1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Ok, so I found this guy in college already looking at me whenever I happen to look at him. He smiles everytime we make eye contact while walking past. At first, when I saw him looking at me, he used to look away smiling. After that he looks at me until I look away. We don't ...
(333 words) Is this recently divorced man straight or curious?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (M)
51-59 -
Ok, I have recently become friends with a straight guy. He is divorced after being married 14 years, but he is still close friends with his wife. He has a daughter and is very stable. He and I hit it off really fast and we connected as friends. I give him rides to and from wor...
(160 words) Should I go with the original life goes on plan?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
So I had been seeing this guy since September, so for about four months, we go to the same college and last semester we even had some classes together. We only hung out outside of class once or twice a week because college schedules are hectic, and he is in the Army. We talked ...
(252 words) Should I explain why I can't be his friend anymore?
This question has
5 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Hi - I need to decide what to do but I do not know what is best ... The situation is pretty standard. Me and him started to talk every day, we liked each other and inevitably we made everything we could to get together. We have been seeing each other all around Euro...
(419 words) Ladies, would you ever change your personality for your boyfriend?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5149 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Ladies, would you ever change your personality for your boyfriend? Personality as in being more assertive, more sexy or just overall more "loving" to them even though you have been doing just fine since your relationship kicked off. Just a simple question I would like to kn...
(58 words) Marriage or master's degree, which should come first?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5150 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Please advice me, I am 25 male, handsome, working as economic analyst, but want to have my master within 2 0r 3 years, but same time want to marry....should i do master first and then marry or i should marry and then go for masters.... i will appreciate if u give ur adv...
(65 words) 3 months after breaking up, I sent my ex a friendly email. How do you think she took it?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
So my Ex and I split up about 3 months ago. Things didn't end well between us. She always accused me of cheating which wasn't true. Finally, I caught her on an online dating site and called her on it. We then split up. After a week, I tried to work things out with her. I sent ...
(185 words) Me and my boyfriend wish to remain neutral in this situation!
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
hi! I'm a little stuck because my bf's best mate (lets call him J) and my best mate (lets call her K) were going out but then K broke-up with J and know I'm in the middle because each time I wanna talk with my bf-J will be there and J just will not be around K. Really, if i ...
(105 words) What do we do about this East coast meets West coast LDR?
This question has
1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
This is a long story, but I'm gonna try and keep it short. I met a girl online about two years ago, and ended up in a long-distance relationship with her. I love her very much, and she says she loves me too, and I believe her. Our relationship is very exclusive. We...
(297 words) Is he trying to tell me to date others, or does he want me to tell him there is no one else???
This question has
2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I've been seeing this man since November and we were having a talk about relationships, etc. He is going through a lot with his last relationship, we both are really, and are enjoying our time together. So, for the past two days, we have been talking and he has made comments...
(178 words) Is my out of control pubic hair normal for women?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hey, I'm worried about my pubic hair. Its dark and curly and also feels kind of spiky. I cut it every few weeks so it doesnt stick out my underwear. Is this normal? Do most women have hair like this? Im particularly interested what white people have to say because they ...
(55 words) My ex wrote me a letter and told me to go on with my life!
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
I am in such a pickle here and don't know what to REALLY do. I am torn between how I feel about this man and intellectually knowing what to do. So I would appreciate any and all advice/suggestions anyone might have. The man i have been involved with for abetter part o...
(340 words) My parents told me the girl I'm dating isn't socioeconomically acceptable!
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Dear Cupid, I'm 24 and i really love my girlfriend so2 much...however, my parents don't approve of this girl.. they consider her as not being of the same level socioeconomically....i don't care what her parents work as, or what type of house she lives in, all i know is that i ...
(104 words) After 5 years, my boyfriend says he loves me but isn't in love with me?
This question has
5 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
Have been going out with my bf for 5 years and while he says he loves me he is not "in love with me!!!" I consider this to be an insult after all this time and praps I should just end it! I think I deserve better! Please advise as I do love him to bits(However life goes on!)and ...
(65 words) What do guys think of girls who blush?
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
What do guys think of a girl blushing? My skin is white and it seems that I blush a lot and my cheeks turn red quickly. I only notice it when someone tells me, "you turned red", and then I start feeling the heat (probably because I'm getting more embarrassed). Sometime...
(86 words) My boyfriend's son makes me jealous and plays us all against each other!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I have been with my boyfriend for 18 months now and from day one his (now 5 year old) son has lived with us. I really like his son, he is a good kid and pretty well behaved, but often I am overwhelmed with jealousy and I want the weekends to come quicker so i can pack this kid ...
(607 words) I prefer lesbian porn over heterosexual.
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3 answers
- newest was posted
5142 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I like to watch lesbian porn and whenever my boyfriends at work and I'm on my own I go on the internet and watch it. I love my boyfriend so much and I've been with him nearly 2 years but I don't understand why I like this more than heterosexual porn? It's not an obsession or ...
(138 words) I asked a man I have been seeing if he was seeing anyone else, and his response confused me!
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I asked a guy who I have been seeing if he is seeing anyone else and he says this: "You have been monopolizing all my free time...much to the chagrin of anyone" What does he mean??...
(39 words) What does it mean if he never talks to me about his girlfriend?
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
There's this guy that I have known for just a year, but we're becoming really close lately. I like him. but i'm trying so hard not to admit it to myself, because I know he has a girlfriend. We get along a lot, we kind of read each others minds, he so gets me and I trust him a ...
(221 words) I feel like the more my ex ignores me, the more I want to contact him!
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2 answers
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5150 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I am really struggling, I know it's for the best but I am finding it so hard not to contact my ex today. we met last night and it's pretty muh confirmed it's over.. I hate it, I want him so much and now I feel so helpless.We said goodbye and kissed each other which was weird ...
(227 words) Should I keep trying even though there's a chance that I'll get hurt?
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3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Okay; me and my ex were together for just under 4 years, we broke up 2 months ago. We're both adults ( I'm 22 and he's 23) we lived together for 2 years. We had a very loving relationship, and still love each other; however, due to many things like my insecurity about his ex ...
(662 words) Four girls and I don't know who to choose!
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8 answers
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5150 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I do love a girl (A) and she loves me too.And we're now in long distance relationship since three months.. But one thing is that she's in relationship with next guy S too.. But she's in love with me and we've been like this since seven months.. And we're continuing like this.. ...
(445 words) Sex is virtually nonexistent in our relationship!
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
I have been with this girl for 4 years. It was wild at first but then after the first 2 years it slowly started going the other way. For the last 2 years we have grown apart and hardly see each other, once a week, or twice if I'm lucky, and its always me asking her to come ...
(379 words) My online lover said if I took the job that would be the end of us!
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3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Dear Aunts, So here's the story: I met this guy online a year ago and it started off with a friendship. He was a bit loner and so opened up to me when we first met. He talked about his bad childhood, his life, and even his dreams about meeting the right girl even if took ...
(541 words) 4 days till I fly to visit my boyfriend and he's disappeared?
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I my boyfriend during my year abroad. We spent 5 amazing months together then I had to go back home. We both agreed to continue our relationship and we fixed the dates when i will come back and visit him. After a few weeks he started to ignore me(didnt txted me, and didnt't ...
(326 words) She said she didn't fancy me because I wasn't Asian?
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9 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
I started dating this woman a few weeks ago. I found her very attractive and we seemed to sizzle together. We went out 6 times and I thought we were like 2 peas in a pod. On the last occasion we had a very long intimate session. We had planned a Friday night and Sunday together ...
(99 words) Is there anything wrong with me for wanting to work things out with my abusive boyfriend?
This question has
8 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
My bf of 2 years has become more emotionally abusive lately. Everytime i try more to be nice to him, he pulls off more, but still i couldnt hate him at all. I know i shouldnt take this abuse anymore but i couldnt leave him either. I really want to hate him and stop wantin...
(83 words) It is normal that I'm attracted to men twice my age?
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11 answers
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5143 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Is it normal (from a psychological point of view), that I am attracted to older men in their 40' s . Not all of them , it all the depends on their level of maturity. The way they talk about life , their experience ..It moves me in a way that no other men my age could. And ev...
(98 words) I don't know if I fit in this relationship anymore?
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
This is long, so thanks if you read all of this. I've been with my girlfriend for a year and a half now and we love each other. I am 17 and she is 18. For the first year of our relationship, everything went great. We were two pees in a pod and couldn't be separated. We sa...
(470 words) Eenie Meeney Miney Mo Which one should I date?
This question has
3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Should i go for a new girl at my college of same ethnic group, or accept the love of next girl, or try for my ex-gf or continue on going relationship with my girlfriend despite of she being in relation with next guy?...
(43 words) Is watching porn while your in a relationship a form of cheating?
This question has
19 answers
- newest was posted
5145 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Is watching porn while your in a relationship a form of cheating? I've found out my boyfriend has watched porn a few times and confronted him about it. I told him that I feel degraded when he looks at that stuff because he has ME, so why should he need to look at other naked ...
(168 words) How do I move on when he's a part of my life every day?
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I have asked for help on my failing relationship several times before, with the conclusion always being that I need to move on and get over my current boyfriend. If it was that easy, I would have done it months ago. How do I move on when he's apart of my life every day?...
(61 words) Is it too late to tell her I love her?
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4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Is it ever to late to tell the one you love you love them? She thinks I don't love her but I do. She has a girlfriend. I wonder if she loves her girlfriend the way she loved me? Does she still love me? Will she accept my apology for hurting her? Will she look at me the same? ...
(121 words) My exboyfriend might be playing games or is it something else?
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
By the way I'm 36, and he is 37. I've known K for almost 5 years. We met online back then and met a few times in person since then. It's mostly been phone and text messaging. We started to date in November and it didn't work we kept fighting so we broke up and took some time ...
(377 words) I want to flirt but I don't know how
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4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
26-29 -
i want to be able to flirt with the guy i like!!!but i just don't know how!!i am so enbaressed!! i just want tips on how to get him to like me and all!! please help!!...
(38 words) Should I indulge his unique fantasy?
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I recently discovered a whole new aspect to my fiancée, I mean, I knew he dabbled once, but several weeks ago, I discovered photos of him dressed as a woman. He responded to an ad online to be "transformed" and went atleast 9 times over the past two years, so it was fairly ...
(729 words) Should I go after my professor? I'll be graduating in a few months!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I'm a 21 year old female and I really like my professor. I want to know how to get into a lasting relationship with him. He's 26 years old and we are already very good friends. Much of our current interactions involve a LOT of joking around and teasing, basically a lot of ...
(85 words) I got myself in quite a problem and feel so guilty for doing this, did I make the right decision and what can I do to be happy?
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
26-29 -
I dont know where to begin with this predicament, but I'll do my best to explain. I have this friend, i'll call her "K". We've been friends since the beginning of the school year and soon after me and my ex broke up as well as K and her ex broke up, we did begin to have fe...
(721 words) Is he the type that he doesn't want me but doesn't want anyone else to have me?
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Ok so i was messing with someone for awhile and I started falling in love with this kid but he never told me how he really felt. Before he would tell me that he would date me at some point. He was great with me tho but then on the other hand it seemed like he was just playing ...
(197 words) Very confused about my marriage. . . . Please give me some insight.
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7 answers
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5145 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
My husand and I have been together since May 2008. We have been off and on until we got married in August 2009. I had a son previous to meeting him, but he's pretty much been a father to my son. We recently had a son in June 2010. Ok, I may not have been the best wife or a ...
(555 words) Should I stay with the girl I'm with and be happy or try for another girl and possibly be happier?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Ok so I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years now and i love her very much. But my mind kept wandering towards another girl, and for almost a year now i still cannot get her off my mind. I am so confused. I have dreams about her i love seeing her. Yet when i am with my ...
(189 words) I still like him but it didn't work out because of the distance. Do we try again?
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5 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I had a long distance relationship and I still like him. We both found people that we like in our own states, but nobody I have dated ever treated me like him(even though long distance.) I found out that he still ikes me, but last time we dated it didn't work out because we ...
(65 words) We promised we'd still be friends if we broke up
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I had a crush on my friend, which I have known since 2nd grade. We made a deal that if or when we broke up we would still be great friends. It's been a month sine we have broken up and so far I have been keeping up to the deal but he hasn't. I have started seeing somebody else ...
(68 words) My boyfriend admitted to emailing another girl sending her his phone number, but nothing came off it. Should I give him another chance?
This question has
2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I need advice.. I have been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half now and about a month ago I found that he had emailed another girl sending her his phone number. I confronted him about it. After a long talk and a lot of tears, he says that is was pure stupidity a...
(166 words) I want to explore having sex with a man but my girlfriend won't allow it
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4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Dear cupid. I am 24 year old and am currently in a relationship with a woman. we have a pretty healthy sex life and love each other like crazy. i've never had sex with men in my whole life, and im certain that i won't feel for men. i knew i'm gay since i was 9 and have dated a ...
(183 words) Its so hard to break up with someone when you don't have the power to stay away!
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4 answers
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5150 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and I have been together about 2 and a half years. We always planned to move in together this year but things just never seemed to favour that plan, so as it is we see each other once or twice a week. The first year was pretty good, but from there things hav...
(522 words) She loves me but doesn't know if she wants a relationship right now
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
So what should I do, me and my girl we've been dating for 5 1/2 months and we recently had a fight. The fight was pety and it became an even bigger fight over things completely irrelevant. I said a few things that I regret, like telling her " she was the the problem in her ...
(268 words) How can I increase my sex drive? Its extremely difficult for me to get into the mood!
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend is two years older than i am. We have been together for just over a year and a half and are thinking about getting married in about two years (on our four year anniversary). I was his first girlfriend, first date, first kiss, first girl he ever even held hands wi...
(338 words) Will he come to me in time?
This question has
6 answers
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5150 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I have a friend that i love. we're both boys. we're friends. we're both gay, just believe me leave it at that it will help me find a better answer if we leave it at me knowing he's gay. anyways, he's not ready to go out with me (i can tell) even though hes really flirtatious. ...
(150 words) My man is very selfish in the bedroom
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5 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
Ok? Another question. My man is very selfish in the bedroom. He never touches me in any place. He doesnt do anything dirty. He doesnt do oral, only like once a week and i have to beg for that. He never touches my vagina in any way. LIke he thinks its going to bite him. Ive ...
(205 words) Horrific noises during sex are really embarrassing me!
This question has
11 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
So, I'm in a new relationship and he's the biggest I've ever been with. He likes to eat me out, or go down on me or whatever, but whenever he does, my vagina makes this farting noise. It's completely embaressing for me, and completely takes me out of the mood. He says it doesnt ...
(89 words) He Left and Didnt Say Goodbye.
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I live across the street from this cute guy, I never thought anything would ever come out of it. We have been speaking since August, and for the last two weeks we have been hanging out constantly. From what I know he was hitting on me, flirting with me, calling me and asking to ...
(152 words) She says the sex with another man is just for relief, nothing else
This question has
7 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
41-50 -
i met a girl 4 months ago at a friends birthday,shes amazingly attractive and fun to be with,after a few dates we started having sex and is really good sex full of passion and shes very open minded,shes 27 im 29. she told me from the start about her job which is working ...
(257 words) Girlfriend is obsessed with my ex!
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
My girlfriend is obsessed with an ex of mine. Shes friends with her and they get along fine when they see each other but shes always comparing herself to her. Last night they ran into each other while out with friends and from 10pm to 3am, i've had to reassure her abo...
(161 words) Is there any way I can learn to open up of my own accord?
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1 answer
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
The other night my boyfriend said he sometimes gets upset because I'm not very good at saying what I feel about things. He gave the example of us moving in together - we've been talking about it a lot lately but he said everytime he asks me about it, I brush off the questions. ...
(241 words) Obsessive ex is trying to contact me 25 years later!
This question has
2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
25 years ago, I dated a guy, "Ted", for the summer before I headed off to college. He got way too serious and did not take it well when I broke things off. Ted became obsessed. He called constantly up to 30 times a day, left me letters and poems on my car and even slept on ...
(320 words) I'm never even given a chance by a girl, and I'm getting desperate!
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3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
I don't even know where to begin, but this is what i feel. I'll try to keep it short and to the point. It's like I have no future. For years i've tryed to be as positive as I can around girls, I have many different types friends in many circles. I'm quite outgoing (I like...
(368 words) I'm scared he won't love me anymore because of stretch marks on my butt!
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Okay I'm 17 turning 18 and I'm in Love with my boyfriend and he loves me too we are sexualy active were going to Do it in the shower but I'm scared he won't love me anymore because of my hiddious stretch marks on my butt. Every Time we talk about it I want to cry because ...
(87 words) I think my man is cheating since he sleeps on the couch!
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
okay my man has always been good to me he works nights lately on his off days he leaves in the afternoon and does not return to late at night so i been saying hes cheating now he is mad in sleeps on couch when he comes in every time i wana talk he tells me to get out his face ...
(184 words) I need advice on how to break off with my married lover
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4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
MOD NOTE: Aunts/Uncles PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL IN YOUR ANSWERS!!! I am writing to ask a question in hopes to get answers that will be helpful and constructive, not judgemental and deconstructive. I unfourtantely got involved with a married but " separated" man. Obviously this is ...
(160 words) Do I watch her bewith someone other than me?
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3 answers
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5145 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
51-59 -
My bestfreind that was in an abusive marriege with a man,so then she turns to wemon,and she said she was gay,we meet while we are both broken hearted,and i get to know her,and we become bestfreinds,we have slept together,on more than one occasion,and i fell for her,she has told ...
(268 words) Do I Listen To My Heart Or Listen To My Head Yet Again??? Please Help!!!
This question has
3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
So I've liked this guy since September. We have loads in common and I fell for him hard. I backed off for awhile, because he was in a long distance relationship but in the beginning of January they finally broke up. I was going to make my move on Valentines day, (I know its ...
(168 words) Good places to meet single girls?
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2 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I am a single guy (18) and I don't know what some good places to meet single girls are. Being I live in a small town also limits what I can do. Please help me....
(35 words) Boyfriend has never had an ejaculation in his life?!
This question has
4 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I am currently in a relationship and things are great we get along fine and we understand each other, my only issue with my boyfriend is that he cannot ejaculate. Weve had very brief conversations about this because he tends to avoid the subject but from what hes told me, hes ...
(123 words) Dating a guy with the same name as my ex is leading to trouble
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2 answers
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5149 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I broke up with my ex of 1 and a half years in July 2010 and though we have talked a few times since then, in general I have moved on and started dating again. The problem is that the guy that I am dating (we have been seeing each other for a few weeks nearly every day...
(279 words) I'm married but didn't realize I would miss my lover so much!
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5 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
51-59 -
I just ended an year-long emotional affair with a woman I truly cared about. I am married and I have two daughters. She is married with a family of her own. I saw her at work everyday but have since asked for a transfer to another office in a nearby city. It has been killing...
(194 words) Dating 6 months and things are getting weirder and weirder
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2 answers
- newest was posted
5148 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
i have been seeing a guy for 6 months and things are getting weirder and more confusing everyday! at first he begged me to be with him and i told him i didn't think either of us were ready yet but he insisted and persisted and i finally gave in. so we had been building our ...
(312 words) Sleeping with a guy who doesn't make it clear what he wants. I'm so confused!
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2 answers
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5151 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
30-35 -
hey guys. urgh, sorry this is long, but please explain this! i slept with a guy ive known for a few years now (we'll call him mike), we went to school together. we were flirting for weeks and bada bing bada boom.. you get the rest. anyway i asked him before we slept together if ...
(1171 words) How do you make a friend to a stud when you aren't attracted to him?
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2 answers
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5153 days ago
4 February 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Hi any women reading this. Say you have a really lovely guy friend that you are close to. You don't feel sexually attracted to him. 1. How would he have to be so that you wouldn't object to having sex with him (physically, mentally, emotionally)? 2. How would he have t...
(79 words) My fiance is chatting with his ex girlfriend 3-5 nights a week!
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1 answer
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5149 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
51-59 -
Hi My Fiance and I been together for 8 yrs, Been living together in the house we bought for 4 yrs now. We are having a few issues, which I hope we can work out. 4 weeks now he has been chatting with an old girlfriend on the computer in front of me, at first it did not bother me ...
(171 words) I don't want to continue sleeping with him if he's not that into me!
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3 answers
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5152 days ago
4 February 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I have been dating someone for 7 weeks, we are both 27 and have been sleeping together for 4 weeks. (it was a bit soon i know) We both work 10 hour days, 5 days per week. My question is, he seems too casual and i wonder if its a case of "he's just not into me". We dont see each ...
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