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Archived questions from:
16 March, 2011 (see latest questions)
(More questions from March, 2011)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Two months till my wedding and my bridesmaids suck
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5099 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Okay guys so my bridesmaid suck! It's two month till my wedding and my bridesmaids haven't told me anything at all..... I told them rbe my vbridesmaid like 5month ago.....I had to go and buy them their dresses that's how uninterested they are....I set a date to go out to go ...
(93 words) She misses me, then gets a new boyfriend, but still wont let me out of her life! What is going on here?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Why do girls tell there ex they miss them of they got to gether with a new guy three weeks into the breakup? My ex told me she found some old pics of us and they made her sad cuz she misses me, but she knows I want her back and she has a new bf. I tried no contact but she ...
(84 words) I think I have fallen for my friend, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. What should I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
i am a 22yrs old virgin who doesnt really believe in love because i have not seen the 'perfect guy'. but recently i started having this funny feeling for my close friend and i think have unconciously fallen in love with him but he doesnt know. how do i go about it cos i dont ...
(80 words) He has a girlfriend but tells me he loves me! What should I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
26-29 -
i really need help with this guy. he has a girlfriend and they have been dating for almost a year but he tells me everyday that he loves me and that he wants to be with me for the rest of his life. i do not know if it is true or not but almost everyday he tells me that he made ...
(140 words) What have I done wrong?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, So i am a 16 year old girl in my last year of school, it is extreemly rare for me to fall for boys thease days and get hurt because i am to focused on my grades at the moment, only a 4 boys have upset me in the last 3 years including the one i am having problems with at ...
(313 words) I broke into his house, got arrested, kids won't forgive me but I need him!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
51-59 -
Hi My boyfriend and I had a huge fight over someone saying I said something about him that i didnt. he is feeling a little off right now and paranoid as his x wife and him are fighting custardy after his 13 year old daughter saying she wanted to live with her dad and his x ...
(536 words) He has trouble getting inside me during sex
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5100 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Im 19 Im in a commited relationship with my boyfriend where both virgins and are ready and want to have sex but when we try he has trouble getting it in and after a couple of attempts im soar and cant continue .We have no idea what to do,Weve done the fore play to make sure im ...
(84 words) Highly possessive, unstable mother of only son
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4689 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
36-40 -
Hi everyone, I'm here to complain (and search for some ideas) about my mother. = The backstory = I'm an only son, my parents divorced when I was 5. It happened because my dad went off to search for love elsewhere and my mum found out. My mum is the eldest of five sis...
(456 words) G/f's moods from ADD?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (?)
30-35 -
i have a bit of a problem my gf she has ADD and i'm ok with it but the problem is when she takes her medication for it she becomes extremely moody almost everything i do that would be perfectly fine without medication is turned to a fight its gotten to the point were she almost ...
(91 words) So far it's just a crush from a distance
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I've started an internship at a workplace and have only got a few weeks left and there is this one particular guy that I have taken an interest in and find really attractive. However, we haven't actually spoken and at the moment it is just a crush from afar. Any suggestion...
(72 words) Player brushed me off
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Hey everyone. please help me! There is this guy I have known for 4 years we study together. We can never be together and he is known to be a sort of player and is not liked by many girls they think he is an arsehole! But everything has always been above board when we speak, he ...
(240 words) Body isn't quite perfect after childbirth
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I am a 27yo F. I have a 6yo daughter. I use to have a flawless body pre-baby. Post-baby, is.... jus.... terrible. My skin on my stomach is saggy... no matter how much I work out it is here to stay. I look and see other women complain and all the ones I have seen have nothing ...
(172 words) I'm 14 and have fallen in love with a guy three years older
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
26-29 -
i've fallen in love with a boy that is 3 years older than me, i'm only 14 but we've talked for so long about wanting to be with each other and we've talked about our future together but my family doesn't want me talking to him and they dont know that i have been for so long. ...
(69 words) Is he going to ignore me forever and will I never be able to get any answers?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I was seeing a man for 4 months. I found out he was doing a few things to me behind my back. He had lied about his age, he had another women he was spending time with. He never took me on dates,i just felt hidden. It all began to add up. I did confront him and of course ...
(329 words) I became a Debbie downer but I've changed -- can I get him back?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me 2 months ago. I'm 28 (he's 30) and our relationship was pretty serious. When things were great, we talked about getting married, settling down, and having kids. Things changed obviously and we found ourselves in a place where neither of ...
(376 words) Is it wrong of me to feel violated, and absolutely fuming that my boyfriend's colleagues had the audacity to stick their noses into my business and spread lies about me?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hello, I don't know whether I'm just being silly here or whether I'm right to be as upset as I am. I've been with my boyfried for two years now and I love him and he loves me. Recently at uni there has been a guy who I just consider a friend but I know for a fact that his fe...
(430 words) I still think of him. After a wasted year
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5105 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
He loved me. Said it 100 times a day. It was like a blessed relationship. Then he totally got introvert. Avoided even talking to me once a week . Used to get angry or just keep silent. Wasn't calling for weeks. I tried everything mostly by being patient. Told how much I love ...
(254 words) I get attached to one girl... how do I stop this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I have the nice guy syndrome, but I think I'm slowly getting over it as I'm getting more and more attention from girls. I poke fun at the girls and then the girls generally reply with a flirtatious "you're so mean!" I tend to get more attention from the girls while out with ...
(144 words) Why has he suddenly gone quiet?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Hello! I'll try and keep this brief! I've been chatting to a guy online for the last month, everyday. It first started off with 4 emails each everyday. Then as I've been off work it was more frequent, sometimes chatting for 5/6 hours etc. He works abroad but his home town...
(288 words) Is he going to ever propose?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hello everyone. I've got a question about engagement. I am 20 (21 in Sept.), by boyfriend is 21 (22 in Sept.). We have been dating since May of 2009, so will be 2 years here in a few months. My mom got married in October of 2010, and about a month prior to her wedding we ...
(267 words) Do I keep the box of momentos from my son's bio father's funeral, or get rid of it because it will hurt my fiance?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I was going through my son's closet today and I found a box that has mementos from my son's biological father's funeral in it, we will call him "Cord" I don't know if I should show it to my fiance, we will call him "Michael" or if I should just hide it, I don't know what ...
(168 words) What should I do which would end up not hurting anyone?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
hi to everyone one of my friends has this girlfriend. they've been together for about 2 years but they broke up about 2 weeks ago and then last week they got back together. my friend doesn't treat her right and she knows that as he doesn't trust her and she hasn't done anyt...
(269 words) When choosing someone to marry, do you use your heart or your head?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I really need help... I have been with my boyfriend for more than 5 years. We have gone through so much together. We really had our trials but in the end what got as through is the foundation of our relationship. He's really my best friend. My biggest problem is, Im not ...
(233 words) What happened to my G-spot?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
ok so i'm 23, and i'm kinda having a problem. When my bf fingers me he can't seem to find my G-spot.He used to be able to find it. I'm kinda scared..whats wrong with me?...
(35 words) Normal guys don't turn down hot girls, do they? Is he lying or gay?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5106 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Okay so I'm a 16 year old girl and I like(d) a guy in my class, we really started talking a lot more this year and I know that he liked me a couple of years ago. So There were signs that he liked me too, like , he wrote to me and he never had before, he took his arm around me ...
(422 words) I'm a virgin and sex is daunting!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I am 19 years old and i am still a virgin. I am ready to finally have sex but i find it very daunting and being that intimate with someone is rather scary. I have someone i would like to be my first but i keep avoiding it because of this. How can i get past this as i dont wan...
(88 words) Is he leading me on just until his girl comes to this state? Or do you think he wants to make sure I'm worth breaking up with this other girl for?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Alright. I've been talking to this guy for a week. We both kind gave eachother these kind of vibes and so I finally got the nerve to ask him out. He has a girlfriend that he's been seeing for 3 weeks. She lives in a different state and is not coming to our state until like ...
(243 words) Is she communicating with me because she is lonely? Or is there a chance?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Ok so this is a bit of a long one. About 5 weeks ago my girlfriend of 3 years who I was living with found out that i had been sending erotic emails to women on and off for almost a year and that I also met with an old friend for a date after we were having some relationship ...
(314 words) I want to reinvent my life completely but don't know where to start?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Im in such a dilemma. It all started when i was 15 years old and i got into a relationship with someone who was 19 years old. Looking back on it now it was an abusive relationship emotionally. I was in my last year of middle school, i stopped hanging out with friends, i stopped ...
(692 words) Does Love Begat Love?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5088 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
Just a philosophical question for folks... Can you MAKE someone love you by loving them first??? Cliff Notes version of the background story: I am/was married. (we have separated) I met a man and started a relationship with him in January. (it was not an affa...
(197 words) Do people put too much weight on the institution of marriage, and too little value on the PERSON they marry?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
5105 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I sometimes worry when I see a young person "pushing" for marriage, and seeing marriage as the ultimate goal in a relationship, while worrying little about the "issues" that exist within the relationship and on building a healthy relationship and valuing every step of a ...
(229 words) Sometimes I want to walk away from this as I know I deserve better, but I do like him.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Sorry, but this is going to be long. Ive wrote a couple of times on here and had good advice but I am still no farther foward with this guy. We have now being going together for 5 months, we live 5mins from each other. Im 19 and still at college, hes 26 and has a good job. I ...
(484 words) I don't want to say "you were the one that got away"!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
26-29 -
dear cupid the boy who i have the biggest crush on is leaving school for collage in less than 2 weeks! lately we've been getting close to each other, no more awkward silences, i don't want to loose him and never see him again. what should i do need help a.s.a.p please ...
(67 words) What can I do that's romantic and not too expensive for a welcome home?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hello everyone. I'm in a lesbian relationship with the woman of my dreams. Been together nearly 7 months now. She's sexy, smart, funny and takes care of me so well. She's always spoiling me and I love her to bits. Her job means she has to go away sometimes, for usually a ...
(138 words) My ex-girlfriend seems to be trying to make me jealous!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Pardon my ignorance, but when a girl breaks up with her boyfriend of a year, and gets another one three weeks later...isn't she supposed to be happy with her new bf and moved on... ...but, My ex keeps asking people how I am and saying "Make sure you tell him I asked how he i...
(256 words) I hate having sex with him, is this normal?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I hate having sex with my husband,but I still love him even after 13 years of relationship. He was my first and only sex partner...Is that normal? What should I do?...
(31 words) She is making me suffer, I want my identity back! Please help me, I'm depressed!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4836 days ago
16 March 2011 (?)
30-35 -
Hi guys... I had changed schools and when I came I had the respect and all and I was friends with a girl everyone hated very much at that time. She was alone. Yet, I told myself that it dint matter. Then she never ised to let me talk to anyone. And eventually I tried ...
(498 words) After 7 years I still pity his ex-wife
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
ive been dating to a guy for 7 years. now we are both seperated. The problem is that he still feel guilt about what he had done to his wife and still pity her. Sometimes he wants to be alone to choose between his wife and me. He cant have the decision, but it is unfair to me, ...
(103 words) My ex has moved in with her new guy after only 6 months together, is this too soon?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
36-40 -
So here's my situation, it's been a good 6 months that my LDR ex and i have been broken up. She said that we were on different paths in life and I never understood that because we both loved each other and had made future plans together as well. And we had been dating for ...
(160 words) Promise rings......
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
What are some things I should know about giving a woman a promisory ring? What does it mean on both sides?...
(21 words) The way these guys talk about me is hurtful, what should I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
hi..i speak friendly and socially to all my classboys..but in front of me they speak as a friend and behind me they speak like they love me..this hurts me a i need to ask them directly or leave that way till they say directly to me or i shouldn't talk to them..????...
(53 words) Should I go to my ex's house and tell his family he cheated on me?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
What should I do? are my friends right? ? My ex boyfriend cheated on me, betrayed my trust and my love for him. I loved him so much and he hurt me and lied to my face over and over. He told me he doesn't want a relationship and wants to be single a...
(245 words) How long should I wait before I am sure that I have made the right decision to finally divorce my husband?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5108 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
51-59 -
I have asked my husband for a separation due to the fact that I was hurting so much as a result of his words and actions. We have been married for 13 years. He had 2 emotional affairs; 3 years into our marriage and another one 6 years thereafter. I forgave him for that and we ...
(497 words) Have I made the right decision in love?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
I have refrained from any kind of sexual relationship with my "boyfriend" if I can call him that. We have know each other 27 years. Both went off and had children for other people and rekindled again in 2000 and now have an 8 year old. However since then: - I have never ...
(264 words) I cant cope with my fiance being bisexual!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
My Girlfriend and i have been together some time now and we are engaged, we're quite young but i know i feel strong enough to make this commitment as does she, however she has cheated on me twice before but promises me that it was stupid mistakes and i believe her and i am over ...
(238 words) I love him and want to forgive him but how can I, and should I?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I was with a guy on and off for three years, I went away for school and we broke up because we couldnt really deal with long distance, however in the past week we were planning on trying again, then this weekend I find out he had sex with another girl, I love him and want to ...
(66 words) How can I be a player?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
How do I play players back who have hurt so many girls? What is their game and mindset? I want to think like them so hopefully I can hurt them when they get their guard down. Any tips or suggestions? ...
(42 words) I want to have a casual relationship but I always end up getting attached!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I have been screwed over in a couple of relationships all the time mostly got cheated on, or guy leads me on or simply just being used and I'm sick of getting hurt. I was naive then but not anymore. Now I just want to go the route of casual dating or casual sex without having ...
(116 words) Question for the girls on attraction to men......
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5082 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Hi girls i have two question i have always thought of! 1-Do you by nature get attracted to normally hairy men, like some hair on the chest and legs and do you enjoy it if you do? 2-Do you feel the sexual desire a man feels when he sees a pretty woman with a good bo...
(88 words) Will my old name be on my marriage certificate?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
I changed my name by deed poll years ago. I am now getting married and will have to reveal my previous name to the registrar when we give notice. Will my previous name be recorded on my marriage certificate. I am getting married in the UK. I am anxious that my former name is ...
(69 words) Why is he waiting to propose to me? Would it be wrong to leave him over this?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Okay me and my boyfriend have been together about 7 years off and on. I care about him alot and love him. During our years of being together I have cheated once during a time that we were not doing to good. Now, we have moved past that which was over 3 or 4 years ago. Since ...
(176 words) How do I tease him a bit more?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
What can I do to tease my boyfriend a little more? He usually initiates removal of clothes, but lately as soon as we're naked, and I start heading down south to give him some oral loving he says tease me a bit more. I asked him about it and he says he wants me to hold off a...
(82 words) Does going away together mean sex?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5107 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hi I'm 17 and might be going away with my long time boyfriend for the first time. Is it likely that he might be thinking that we're going to have sex for the first time then? We're adventurous but haven't gone "all the way" yet. It'd be in a pretty remote place, where we'...
(157 words) He always keeps me waiting!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
When my boyfriend arranges to pick me up when we go out he is ALWAYS late. If he says 7.30 then its usually 8.00 o clock. He texts and says 8.00 then he will text at 8.oo and say make it 8.15 or sometimes he just turns up half an hour later and says nothing and I am just sat ...
(135 words) Dating a European guy and this normal in his country?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4991 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
OK, It is my first time to have dates with foreigner, and i am a little confused. 1,He said he never married and then i decide to have dates with him. But later he told me he has girl friend in his country and she lives his house with her two children. These two children...
(311 words) Please help me decode him........
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
i know him since childhood .. he is 5 years elder to me and I used to call him Anna (brother) .. thats how any girl here calls a guy who is elder to her .. anyways .. after he finished schooling and left school in my 5th grade we hardly ever met or spoke to each other .. have ...
(614 words) What is he doing on facebook?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Help. My boyfriend of 5 months is constantly adding 'random young girls' on facebook. Since January he has added 100 girls. As soon as he adds them he removes them from his wall, so it looks like he never uses facebook. He never writes on his wall and none of these girls ever ...
(222 words) Threesome gone wrong.....
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5108 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
41-50 -
Recently my girlfriend has been talking about a threesome with another girl and I wanted to let this happen because it was one of her fantasies. So by chance my birthday was last month and we final had our chance. She was not happy with the outcome and I feel this was a ...
(126 words) I cant stand his flirting with other women anymore!
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3 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
my husband enjoys chatting texting and flirtung with other women. he is not sexually active with them. but he has been doing this from the time we were newly weds. what do i do. i cannot fight anymore for this relationship. the lies and deciets just becomes worst. ...
(55 words) Is it truly possible to forgive betrayal? And if so, how does one start?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I've been with my partner for 5 months now. In the past she cheated twice even though we talked about working out our issues. i still can't get over the fact that she cheated. There's no trust here anymore, and she hasn't put forth any effort to show me things will be different ...
(116 words) What qualifies as casual sex?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Hi everyone, maybe you can help me out with an issue I'm having. I've just began exploring casual dating but not sure whether I'm fully ready or comfortable with it. I don't even know if I fully grasp the concept. I've been in one serious relationship that ended over a y...
(397 words) Should I remain a friend? Or make my move? Despite his Gf, who he complains about.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
i like this guy but he has a girlfriend...sounds bad yes i know but he always bitches about her ... i feel like we have so much chemistry and we hang out a lot. what do i do stay a friend to him or try to make a move???...
(49 words) We have been talking for 3 weeks but never have met, yet now he says he loves me! What is going on?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
So I joined this dating site a few months ago and went out with a lot of weirdos, than I started talking to this guy on the site who seems the most normal of them yet. To make a long story short, we exchange numbers and start talking on the phone everyday for hours on end. We ...
(190 words) How can I stop being so jealous?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hi everyone, I have been dating my boyfriend now for almost a year. Started going together last April, but I moved away in August. We decided to keep things long distance. Hard. Anyway, back in December his friend that is a girl asks him to kiss her on a day when my boyf...
(189 words) Is dating in the first few months of University easy, or do all the girls have boyfriends back at home?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Before I start, if my grammar or phrasing is poor, please forgive me, I’m not a native English speaker. This is not another of those “oh dear god, I’m 18 and I’ve never had a girlfriend, my life is collapsing about me” questions, so please bear with me. It is indeed tr...
(507 words) She said she loves me to bits - does this mean she has romantic feelings for me or just wants to be friends?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
41-50 -
A girlfriend I have gone out with for a while....We made out on the beach last night, she said she wanted me so much... She then sent me this message "I do love you to bits,,," Does she mean she just want us to be friends? as lover/romantic partner normally doesn't say 'lo...
(71 words) My wife is rude to my family, how do I deal with this?
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2 answers
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5107 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
41-50 -
My wife she is very rude with me, and my mother. She didn't want to stay with my mom but didn't leave her also becasue she is my responsibiliy. She didn't give respect to my mom and Dad and this reason i didn't like my wife's attitude. Last few days before she came with her ...
(82 words) He thinks I fake it in bed, when he is actually the best I have ever had! How do I get him to realise this?
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3 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
dear cupid my boyfriend and i have been dating for a month. i could count on one hand how many times we have had sex and i feel it isnt normal because my past relationships i'd usually lose count after the first week. he tells me he is really insecure about his penis size ...
(226 words) How do I be there for him and take everything he says with a pinch of salt so I don't feel so let down?
This question has
2 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I've been occassionally seeing my ex (datin for 6 mo). we broke up a few wks ago (I broke up with him because he didnt make enough time for me and promised he would but always had excuses some valid but sometimes i felt he was too lazy aswell).It had been goin on for a month ...
(635 words) Did I only feel something for J because I had been falling for his brother without knowing it?
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1 answer
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
not to long ago i was very sure of what I wanted; this guy named J. him and I are so similar it verges on scary. same likes, dislikes, fears, hobbies, etc. he's adorable, a total sweetheart. I pretty much assumed I was falling for him. flash back, to 6months before I met ...
(1010 words) Marriage has gone from husband/wife to mother/father
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7 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
51-59 -
I've been married for 7 years, and have two beautiful children who mean the absolute world to me. Since our first child was born, our relationship seemed to go from husband and wife to father and mother, with the entire emphasis of our relationship being on the children...
(395 words) Why the sudden deluge of flowers?
This question has
4 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
After knowing each other for 15 years, since high school, my boyfriend and I have been together a year. We live together, have a great relationship, rarely fight, etc. He is the furthest thing from a romantic, and In all that time, he never bought me flowers, because, in his ...
(188 words) Love hurts! But why?
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1 answer
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5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Many people believe that love is a sensation that generates when Mr. or Mrs. right appears.Many people approach a relationship either consciously or unconsciously, they believe love is a sensation based on physical and emotional attraction that magically/spontaneously generates ...
(79 words) If he's got a girl, then why is he walking me to class?
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1 answer
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5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Why would a guy walk around with a girl? Like from class to class? Are they friends, or is there something more there? If he is interested in her, would he take the time or make the effort to still say hi to me? What do you think?...
(48 words) My friend is dating a guy who does bad things
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5043 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
26-29 -
Hi, im 14 and my best friend is dating a guy that isn't a very good influence. I know he does drugs, smokes and drinks and i know she does to. I don't really want her to be with him because he is such a bad influence and i don't want her to be pressured into things. I also ...
(83 words) He's disappeared, not sure what to think?
This question has
3 answers
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5108 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, Me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year. We recently spent Valetines Day together where he went all out to celebrate, making reservations at a wonderful restaurant, romantic picnic in the day and wonderful gifts. Hes always been a very caring and up...
(305 words) I was really affectionate and caring towards her, but why did she hurt me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
I'm trying to move on, but it's just too hard and it still hurts. She is with her bf for almost 5.5 years, but it was hard for her. She went through a lot of emotional hurt, cried and is with a possessive guy. I fell for her 3 years ago, and I didn't know she was in a rocky ...
(175 words) Why are guys such pigs?
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6 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Why are guys such pigs? Ok, so I've recently started talking to a guy from high school. I've been out of high school for about four years, and it's nice to be able to reminisce with him. So we've been talking. And suddenly, he starts telling me how i beautiful i was ...
(251 words) Why don't I get pregnant?
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4 answers
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5103 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
every time we have sex me and my b.f he always cum inside me but i never get pregnant is that's suppose to mean i will not be able to make kids or there is an other reason behind that??...
(40 words) I feel confused, bitter, angry and yet I can't seem to stop wanting contact with my ex...even though I'm married
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
I'm obsessed with my ex-boyfriend and I'm married. How do I get over this? I dated my ex for 7 years saw that it wasn't going anywhere and wanted to marry someone who shared common values (faith, kids, family). I communicated this to my ex on many occasions, but his career was ...
(191 words) I want to stop being a player!
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1 answer
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
since ive start dating around 14 year old i became a player and now im 18 and still one how can i start by stop being a player....cause i want my relationship to work between me and that guy(my future husband)and my future baby's father ...
(45 words) Boyfriend doesn't like my nude pictures?
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11 answers
- newest was posted
5082 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Every time I send my boyfriend naughty or nude pictures he doesn't say anything, how do I know if he actually likes them? I am embarrassed, every other guy I have sent them too seems to drive them crazy haha We have been dating for 5 months and he is 20 im 18 I want to turn him...
(71 words) Should I stay with him and force the relationship to work?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
hi im 16 and my ex boyfriend is 18 we dated for 2 years and recently broke up 1 month ago and he has been living wit me for close to 2 years and is like a part of the family he still lives wit me even tht were broke up he has nowhere else to go it oes not bother me but the ...
(190 words) Engaged to someone else, but I have strong feelings for my cousin...
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2 answers
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5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I'm 21 years old and I had never met my cousin until our aunts wedding last summer . When I began the new semester at college I added him to my msn and some nights when I was up studying I would leave my msn running and me and him would talk ( he's 20) This carried on for a ...
(157 words) Boyfriend taking prescription drugs that aren't his
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1 answer
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5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Should I be mad or upset at my boyfriend for taking adderall that was not his? An employee he works with gave him 1 pill today and he openly told me he took it and thinks he should maybe be on it to me that sounds like an addiction starting cause this is the first time he has ...
(158 words) How do I show him I like him so we don't end up as just friends?
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1 answer
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I hooked up with one of my (sort of) friends 3 months ago, and then went off to school. I knew he liked me but knowing Id be gone for such a long time, I assumed it would be a one time thing. We kept talking and all, but he initiated most of it. He would say cute things, but I ...
(342 words) I told my boyfriend my family has money problems and that my siblings might want to borrow some money from him...and now he finds my family disgusting.
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1 answer
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
I've been dating this boy for a few years now, and so far, everything's been wonderful. I'm planning to meet his family this December, and we've talked of marriage and kids. The problem is, I'm not so stellar of him meeting my family. My siblings are very money hungry and...
(296 words) I hate feeling lonely and want friends!
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 16 March 2011 (F)
26-29 -
I feel like i have no friends. I have about 10 friends, of whom I am only close with about 4, and of those, I run out of things to talk about with so many of them. When I was in middle school, i was very antisocial. by the time i got to highschool, i changed schools and comp...
(132 words) B/f thinks if I have sex with another girl it will help our relationship
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5109 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
Hello DC aunts and uncles. I'm in need of advice, I will make this short. My boyfriend honestly believes that if I have sex with another girl it would "help" our relationship. Personally thats a load of bull. I know it won't I know things will only get worse. Please some one ...
(103 words) I'm falling in love with him but I'm worried he only wants me for sex! What should I do?
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1 answer
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Ok, so I know I have asked for some help regarding to this situation before...anyways, i need more help. for those who didnt saw my other questions, well this is the thing. I met a guy like a month ago. and well we have been going out as "friends". He told me he's looking for a ...
(476 words) I'm not satisfied with the amount of money he sends me each month, but I am pretending to be ok with it. What should I do?
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2 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
Hello everyone, My hubby working as a truck reloader (permanently), 34 years of age, American guy.I'm filipina 26 years of age. I'm processing my papers already to move soon. He sent money to me every month almost 500$ if needed so I have extra money worth of 2h$ for my ...
(540 words) Am I doing the right thing by not talking to her anymore?
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1 answer
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Well ill try to keep this as simple as possible but its gets alittle weird. So this girl starts texting me because she wants to go out with my best friend (who keeps on rejecting her) and wants my help. So i tried to help her out but my friend just didnt want to go out with ...
(469 words) Its not normal how insecure my boyfriend is!
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2 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
My booyfriend doesn't clean! He doesn't let me do anything. I can't even gooo to the drs wyen I'm sick. He's very insecure. Thinks I'm cheating even thoo I'm with him 24/7. He makes me stay up all night cleaning then ay 6 am he makes me stay up with the baby. When the baby naps ...
(164 words) Sex after breakups?
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2 answers
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5107 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
After a break up does it help have sex with another girl??? or should I try for a new relationship?...
(20 words) How do I get my ex back?
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3 answers
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5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
26-29 -
hey everyone i need help, My x i want him back so bad Me and him always have been perfect for eachother and he just makes me so happy but my mom and friends don't know why, they say he treats me really bad and stuff but all guys mess up sometimes, like we sit at lunch together...
(171 words) Feelings for my co-star have made me question my marriage bound relationship. Help!
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1 answer
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5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I'm an actress and I should know better but I've fallen for my co-star. We have incredible chemistry both on and off set. I'm not single and have been with my boyfriend for a couple of years - we've spoken of marriage and being together 'forever'. I thought that's what I al...
(144 words) Do I tell my boyfriend that I have herpes before or after his trip?
This question has
3 answers
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5108 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Yesterday, I found out that I have hsv2 (genital herpes). I have been dating a guy for over 3 months and am not sure wether to tell him. He goes overseas for between 6 and 9 months tomorrow. This is a trip that he has been planning with a friend of his for a long time and I ...
(278 words) What drives partner's to cheat on one another? What makes them feel an attraction for a person other than the person they agreed to marry?
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5 answers
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5110 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
I come on this site every day to read new questions that have been posted. I love this site, and I love giving people advice who ask for it. However, I have noticed a lot of questions posted about affairs, cheating, etc. People asking for advice about what to do after they've ...
(413 words) How do you make an ex jealous?
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4 answers
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5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
Whats the best way to make a recent ex jealous and want to talk to you again? Or want your back?...
(21 words) Can I record nasty neighbors racial slurs and take to the property manager?
This question has
1 answer
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5112 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
36-40 -
hello i have a ongoing problem with my neighbor who lives upstairs from time to time she yells out her window, bangs on her floors, yelling out racial comments to me. all because of my daughter playing inside the apt. she used to have a problem with me smoking outside o...
(257 words) How do I work into the conversation that I think my friend is incredible?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5111 days ago
16 March 2011 (M)
30-35 -
my friend is beautiful and she knows I think this or at least im pretty sure she does. anyway I saw on her formspring that she liked her old bf because he wasn't just interested in her because of her looks and honestly I am the same way. to me its just a bonus, it just so ...
(354 words) He smokes, does drugs and is from a lower class family. Is it right if I try to change him to my ways or am I not the right person for him?
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1 answer
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4846 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
30-35 -
To start off with Im gonna say im in a long distance relationship, have been now for 3 years but I met him for the first time in January which is when we made things official. Im gonna be honest and say I have many many issues (but i am not getting into that) I just want to t...
(643 words) I feel like my boyfriend hates my body
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2 answers
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4564 days ago
16 March 2011 (F)
41-50 -
Dear Cupid, I have been in a relationship for nearly a year now, with a great guy--except for one problem: I feel as though my boyfriend hates my body. I am 3 years older than him, and we met at school, and he says that it was "love at first sight" when we met. Must have bee...
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