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Archived questions from:
28 August, 2008 (see latest questions)
(More questions from August, 2008)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
My much younger wife doesn't want sex? What should I do?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6040 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
Dear cupid am a frustrated 63 year old male.the reason is my wife who is much younger than I is no longer interested in sex.She thinks that sex is unsanitary ,this wasn't a problem when we first met.I am beginning to adapt to an inferiorty complex.what would be the answer?...
(51 words) The guy I like seems interested in someone else. How can I get his attention back to me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F) -
I went out to eat with my department from work. Two of which are guys who I think like me and one of which I like back. His name is Anthony. I sat near them both and had a goodtime. I guess Ant likes Mariah also because he was very sweet to me and equally upset when Mariah ...
(139 words) I want to spend more time with him but he apparently can't. Should I give up?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
i have been seing this guy on and off since late last year. The problem is he cant commit to me. we text every day and talk on the phones about once a week we live a lil way apart but its only a 20 min drive. ( we both have cars and drive) the problem is we only see eac...
(206 words) Years after our marriage I find out he's my half-brother!
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
6036 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
What would you do if you met a guy started going out with him than years later you got married to him and found out that you had the same dad....... What would you do? stay together? seperate? or see each other as brother and sister? ...
(48 words) I don't know how to explain the scars of my legs to the new guy
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, Basically my problem is that I have scars on my upper legs from self-harming a very long time ago ( 10 years ago). The reasons behind this don't really matter as they no longer exist and don't explain anything about the person that I am now. So why am I online writin...
(329 words) He can't seem to decide if I should move in and I'm tired of waiting!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F) -
Need your opinion. My bf and I had been on a long distance relationship for about 4 years. We have talked about moving in together, but it does not seem to happens for several reasons. On May we were going to buy a place, but the deal did not go through;. then we decided ...
(273 words) What sex positions are there were the girl does the work?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hello! I was wondering if there are any other postitions (other than girl on top) that requires the girl to do work, or even variations of girl on top other than reverse cowgirl, something new? I do like missionary and doggy style and whatnot but I don't want to be a "starfis...
(75 words) I've been having pains near my stomach and it's starting to worry me.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
hi, for the past couple of days, i have been having pains in my stomouch near the my hip bone when i eat it onli feels like a pin pocking me, but im gettin worried, because my friend said it could be my appendix? please could be able to tell me what it could be? thanks alot x ...
(58 words) Will he ever contact me again?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
51-59 -
I met this guy 3 months ago and I really fancied him. We were seeing each other once a week and spent some time on the phone. Two weeks ago he invited me to teatro. He was acting strangely, I mean he was quite nervous. After the show we went out with his friends. But I am a ...
(160 words) What should I do about my super-jealous boyfriend?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
i've been with my boyfriend for nearly a year now, and at the start of the relationship everything was great he really did make me feel like a princess. But just about 3 months ago things started to change, he went out with his friends a lot more, wouldnt come to see me as ...
(316 words) I think I missed out when I was a teenager, so I broke up with her. Will I regret this?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
36-40 -
Recently me and my girlfriend broke-up, just a few days ago in fact. We'd been going out for about 6 months, she's my best friend and we do love each other. Without sounding bigheaded, she's head-over-heels in love with me. We get on really well and there's almost no clash of...
(362 words) Would I loose weight if I do this?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5916 days ago
28 August 2008 (?)
30-35 -
heyx i was just wonderin would i lose weight if i burn evrythin i eat. for example, any meal i eat, like 400 cals, i walk for an hour and burn that 400 would i lose weight by doin that or not? I eat alot, but exersise alot too so if i eat like 3000 cals in a day but burn...
(87 words) Would people perseive me as curvy or fat?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6025 days ago
28 August 2008 (?)
30-35 -
heyx i am nearly 16 years old, 5ft 3 and weigh about 9 stone do you think this is an ok weight or do i need to lose some? I have 34E boobs (and really dnt want to lose them) and am size 10-12 in jeans would people percieve this as curvy or fat? Please help coz i really n...
(69 words) She's my friend's sister, how can I tell if she likes me back?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6040 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
30-35 -
i like my best friend's sister but she's 4 years younger than me how can i tell if she likes me back ...
(22 words) I'm so moody! What can I do to change this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hey!.well i have always been a moody type of person i try hard not to be but i just am...recently though i have noticed i go through long phases of real irratibiltiy...i feel so stressed,i cant deal with other people and i snap at them for the slightest thing!.this is really ...
(67 words) What should I say about his lack of wood?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6037 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
my friend shared with me that when he attempts to have sex with his girlfriend of 15 years, he doesn't get an erection. What should I say???...
(27 words) Am I asumming too much with this guy?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6036 days ago
28 August 2008 (F) -
I had a guy come into my workplace to sell an up to date photocopier. I must admit I thought he was good looking. He did the usual body language, shaking hands and turning his body towards me. I told him I would be on holiday for a week and if all agreed to have installed w...
(492 words) I just don't understand why he is avoiding me! It's dissapointing!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
My boyfriend and I broke up in June. I loved him so much and he loved me and I think we broke up over a misunderstanding - it was a stressful time for the both of us and a lot of miscommunication and hurt feelings. I was the first to hurt his feelings ( I suggested a brea...
(286 words) I think I'm becoming too attached to her, and I barely know her!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
30-35 -
Hi, I've been chatting with this girl I'm going to meet Fresher's Week and started a little flirting. Then I wrote a piece of music for her (you must have seen the question). In my last email to her I asked how old she was (we both like the same music and not many young pe...
(264 words) Wasting money on birth controle because my partner is no longer as interested in sex!...
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
me and my bf of 3yrs have a 1yr old. He still slaps my butt and feels me up but gives me nothing in bed. For the past year and a half sex is only once a month, maybe!!! . I'm angry . I have to tell him I want it !! but all he does is dry hump me to make me laugh then gets ...
(117 words) My dad died and I can't help but hate mum's new boyfriend even though he's a nice man!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
My dad died before christmas. My mum and dads relationship before wasnt very good, and my mum has moved on and has found someone else. My mother is now 5 months pregnant. I already have 3 other siblings under the age of 5, and they have all started calling him dad. I miss da...
(93 words) Does this mean he only wants me for fun?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
hi i jst wonderd if u could give me some advice, i split up with my ex due to the age im 15 n hes 17 he said he will wait till im 16 im 16 in june but the problem is, he chatted 2 a girl mate till 4am last night and he has never done this for me does this mean he only wants me...
(96 words) How do I turn down my feelings for a business partner without changing our relationship?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
51-59 -
I'm married with children and have strong feelings for a guy who is 21 years younger than me! It's awful and I can't get him out of my head. I've never felt like this before. I could never act on my feelings or let him or anyone know so it's bottled up inside me. We are toge...
(115 words) A few questions about penile extensions... Do you think my husband would be offended if I suggested one?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
6039 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
I have a question about penile extensions. What are they made from, can the man feel sex while wearing one? Do they add thickness or just length? Has anyone had experiences with them and if so, was it positive or negative and why? My husband's penis is 5" and it's I guess aver...
(169 words) Why do players always come out on top?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
51-59 -
What is it with guys??? I ended it with a manipulative, compulsive liar 8 months ago, and we hung out as mates up until june because our children were bezzie mates. It drove me nuts and I despised him. He turned nasty one night, and that was the last time I let him in my ho...
(309 words) My wife left me, but now she wants to try again. I am torn between giving it another shot with her and this new girl I am nuts for.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
This is long so I appreciate anyone who reads it. I am 47 and married with a 7 year old son. I work as a senior manager and have lots of people who work for me. About a year ago a 24 year old came to work with the company, I'll call her T. She is very enigmatic, bubbly and fun ...
(432 words) Can we still be friends?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
hey everybody. I had this friend whom I REALLY liked. He had a great personality and we had a lot in common. Almost everything in common. We would talk on a fairly consistent basis about mostly everything. He was so nice to me. I have been to his place and we cuddled and ...
(245 words) My boyfriend is moving to the States and I don't know if I can trust him when he goes
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
my boyfriend of 8 months is planning on going to uni in the states early next year.he wants me to wait but i dont know if i want to.not coz i dont want to be with him but i dont trust him as he was in a relationship when we met and when he goes over to the states he will be bk ...
(108 words) I told a serious lie four years ago to make friends, now I'm concerned they'll find out about it!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Okay Basically when i started year 7 i found it hard to make friends. I told a serious lie at the time thinking it would make me more liked and get me more attention. I really regret it now. I am now going into year 11, and my closest friends still believe this lie. They are ...
(103 words) I found texts on her phone that say 'hon' and 'babe' and that he tells her he'll dream about her!
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6035 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
36-40 -
I have a girlfriend who has a very good best friend. They do everything together and hang out all the time. I'm alright with this and I understand. She is a texter and is constantly texting a lot of people. Normally she lets me grab her phone and use it for whatever reason ...
(132 words) Can my friendship with him survive? He helped me see that sex can be about love after childhood abuse.
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I am 22 years old and when I was 9, I was sexually abused. It took me 13 and a half years to mention it to a very good friend of mine. He is in his late fifties and married with 2 kids in their twenties. We've been meeting up in secret and we've been doing sexual things with ...
(133 words) Have I had an ongoing infection? And what was that odour?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
when i was 16 i had a very strong fishy vaginal odour that lasted just one day. im now 23. my discharge has always smelt 'normal' but some days it would smell quite strong. ive been with my new partner for 7 months and have noticed it smells quite fish. im on the pill and ive ...
(81 words) Help, I don't I've squirted until after!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
51-59 -
help? I get so relaxed, I don't know I've squirted until after (since forever). I have asked my husband to 'stop and watch' but, I never know when it's coming out, until after (my orgas.) continues through the squirting...and continues until my husband is 'done'... I don't feel ...
(63 words) Is my sex drive normal?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
This isn't exactly a problem, I just wanna know if it's normal or not. Right, I'm 15, almost 16 and I've been having sex for about a year. I was reading some of the questions on this website about how people are loosing their sex drive and don't want sex anymore and st...
(173 words) I cheated and don't know what to do
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6017 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
i cheated on my bf of 3 years , after months of his addiction to internet porn, Live web cam teen age girls , not just actors and sctresses. Not sure what to do because I really do care about him....
(41 words) I don't think things are good with him and his new girlfriend. Would it be ok to step in and see?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
This guy I've liked for a long time has a girlfriend and they've been going together for about six weeks. It seems that they are having alot of relationship problems and he is looking for me. I backed off completely when they became committed - I didn't even talk to him. I ...
(104 words) How do we maintain the truth and reality here?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
The site is fantastic. It makes me know the problems of real people. Answer to real people promlems and ask real people my problem. How do we mentain the reality and truth here?...
(41 words) How can you tell if you are going to urinate or ejaculate?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
36-40 -
How can you tell if you are going th ouinate or ejaculate?...
(12 words) Why does he always close his eyes during sex?
This question has
17 answers
- newest was posted
6039 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
my bf of three years always has his eyes closed durring sex,I don't get it . He also has an obsession with internet porn. ...
(24 words) He talks to me on MSN, but not in public. Did he love me?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I was dating a guy I really loved and who loved me back I'm sure but we or rather he ended the relationship unexpectedly one night by sms, saying that he didn't feel the same way he used to and that he would rather be (and I quote) "friends as we were before". The next days ...
(456 words) All my friends have dates and I am the odd man out
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5347 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
This i pathetic really and i know it shouldn't bother me but it does, suddenly all my friends seem to have boyfriends [and girlfriends] and i'm the only one who hasn't got one, all off them are delieriously happy and i'm really pleased for them as we've all had a hard time ...
(188 words) Am I being too traditional? How do I get him to commit?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
I have a guy friend that I've known for about 3 years. We are both in our mid-twenties, so I feel kind of funny asking a dating question. I've had boyfriends before....anyway. In the past year, he has been the only guy I go out with on dates. We go on sporadic dates, ...
(245 words) Is this a coincidence or is he using me just to one up his ex?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend proposed to me and I was shocked but kind of happy about it, then a week later I found out that his ex girlfriend had been engaged a few weeks before him and i, and he was still talking to her, but not in an acceptable way. A month ago he told me he wanted to sta...
(200 words) My current boyfriend is addicted to porn and that caused me to have a fling with my ex
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5975 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
i have been with my bf for about 2.5 years, recently I have caught on to his obsession with internet porn.Porn really doesnt bother me , we have even watched it together before, but he's sneaking around looking at this all the time(well he thinks he's sneaking)Often he'll even ...
(149 words) I'm hiding the fact that I like male-on-male porn from my girlfriend and I'm feeling disgusted by myself. How do I solve this?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6022 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
I'm 25 years old and live with my girlfriend who's 23. In the past few months I've started becoming addicted to pornography, and have much self-hatred because of it. I've bought a lot of male-on-male porno and had to hide it somewhere in our house, so as to prevent her see...
(190 words) My husband had an affair and while we are hoping to salvage the marriage, I am so sad and angry!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6030 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
26-29 -
A year ago I found out that my husband had an affair. We have been trying to work on it, well he wants us to jsut move on, and I do too. But it is hard and I find my thoughts consumed with it and at times I find myself dialing her number and hanging up. Am I crazy? He ...
(125 words) I cant get over the fact that my older boyfriend has been with so many other women before me!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
There is a 5 year age gap between my boyfriend and I, I am 16 and he is 21. We've been together for 7 months and his past has never bothered me until recently; ofcourse he was going to be more experienced than me etc but he's slept with 20 maybe more women before me (who he ...
(200 words) Help! Very troubled relationship here, and there is a baby involved.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6017 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hello I'm in a little bit of bind and if someone could help me I would grealty appriciate it! Here is my situation..... I have 2 children with my ex and a baby with my current boyfriend/fiance. My bf is a great guy but he only thinks of him self. Since i have gone back t...
(299 words) The one night stand that produced a daughter will not recognise or support her.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
51-59 -
hi i had a 1 night stand which resulted in a pregnancy my ex partner knows its not his and it is the 1 night stands im trying to get the 1 night stand to recognise his daughter but he is not forthcoming and is not financially supporting her what should i do???? thanky...
(55 words) I am so confused whether he likes me or not!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Ok hey, first of all i'm sorry cuz this will be soooo long and 2nd im sorry if any of you seem to need mental help after reading this to return your head to a sane state! lol! Now when you read this some of you will probably remember me, but the only way i can get your true ...
(1665 words) My stepdaugher is trying to break up my marriage
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1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
Stepdaughter in law trying to break up marrige. My husband's daughter tries to stir up trouble by telling lies about me, says I am rude to her, etc. She is 36 years old and has her own family, has always been a daddy's girl and only child. Her and the ex-wife are both...
(118 words) Could I possibly be pregnant from this first relation?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5979 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Dear aunts and uncles, I had sex for the first time 3 weeks ago, at age 29, with a friend of a friend I´ve met before. It was a one night stand, we used condom, but I was on my pill break (one day without the pill). On the next day, my period came as usual, and lasted the usua...
(143 words) My boyfriend's been nasty and treating me like dirt lately!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
me and my boyfreind have been together 2 years in october but lately hes been nasty and treatin me like dirt he thinks he can walk all over me i thought it was just in my head and shurgged it off but my friend say i dont know why i put up with it he even told my mum to f**k off ...
(93 words) She's left me for a woman twice her age, an alcoholic and drug user, I've never felt so humiliated... help!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Me and my ex always had a volatile relationship, for nearly 3 years we were on an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes things were really really good, sometimes things were really really bad. About 3 months ago she met some people and started hanging round with them alot. ...
(731 words) How do I convince my sister to stop wearing this bikini?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
6038 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
My cute younger sister (she's 16) hangs around the public pool wearing a thong bikini. From behind, it looks as though she is totally naked. The boys there gather around her, many whispering, all staring, some spreading the word. If I ask her to stop or to wear a more ...
(151 words) This liar at work keeps putting the blame on me! How do I stand up to her?
This question has
4 answers
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6039 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
One of my colleagues at work is a persistant and convincing liar and constantly puts the wrap for things that go wrong on me. I am not very good at confrontation and i can feel my nerves going and heart racing when this is happening, the manager is her sister in law so this is ...
(155 words) I need a major pep talk! This break up means I can't sleep, can't eat, can't concentrate. Help me PLEASE!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6018 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
Well, I haven't heard from my ex since Sunday night when she called looking for her things. She drunk dialed me the night before, but I didn't answer it. When I dropped off her things Sunday evening I asked her if she had called me the night before. She looked somewhat embarras...
(351 words) His parents blame me for his running away! He's back home now and still wants to date me!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5893 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Well I Have A Boyfriend And Were Bout to Be A Year That We Been Dating..Well @ 3 months going out he ran away and his parents blamed me 4 it..well just 3 days ago we had a big argument and he called his parents and now hes @ home? well see while he was a runaway we would see ...
(189 words) Was this a 'sex on the first date' scenario? We knew each other online for months beforehand!
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3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Say you're chatting with someone online for 3 months (webcam/phone aswell), all the while getting closer and closer, you know theres something there....theres a real spark, you have really enjoyed getting to know each other and decide its time to meet up....and don't even live ...
(163 words) Scared her by displaying exaggerated attention, what now?
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1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
30-35 -
and theres this other girl that i tried to land, things were going good until i went overboard, i was in love with her soo much that i put her in my AIM profile as my sister and my bff and 1st on my FACEBOOK, and myspace profiles, and that kinda creeped her out, but after ...
(72 words) I've been told that my colleague I was dating answered to personal questions about us at the office and encouraged the banter. I'm so hurt now!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Another day another problem thats how my life seems at the moment....was seeing a guy at work and now found out he has been letting guys take the piss out of me...lauging when they was saying to him...she loves you she wants to have your babies...but you have just used me like ...
(187 words) I don't get the popularity of the doggy style position! Care to shed some light?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
3938 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hi, I don't know if this is in the right section What makes doggy style so enjoyable for people? Me and my boyfriend have tried it a few times, I personally don't like it because I find it too impersonal and it doesn't do anything for me. I'm just wondering w...
(126 words) Breaking up with him seems extreme, but I can't stop obsessing over his porn watching!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
6035 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Well this isn't a very original problem, except for now its happening to me and although a lot of questions I have been reading hit close to home, I have to ask anyway... My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 5 years and living together for 4, I just found out h...
(308 words) Will I ever feel the way I felt about my ex about anyone else? Will Mr.Right ever come along?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6039 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
dear cupid, i need your help. my boyfriend left me a couple weeks ago and im not quite over it. im in college and loving it but i really want a relationship ... i don't even think its to get over him because i am ... i was mad at him but im not now even though he left me for ...
(643 words) In love with brother in law but my relationship with my in laws is not good now.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
I am in love with my Husband's brohter. we are married for 3 years. but when i entered there house he was the youngest and the charming person who always loved me, adored me and did what ever he can for me. i have lots of problems with my in laws coz i think they dont like me. ...
(143 words) How to observe my hymen? Confused!
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2 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hi all, I am a 2 virgin and about to get married soon. The problem is, I cannot find my vaginal opening! When I use a mirror to find it, I can see only a pink membrane - maybe the hymen. I'm sure my hymen is not completely closed since my menstrual blood flows out. Pleas...
(66 words) I'm 22 and seem to have lost my sex drive, it's been 5 months since I changed, how can I fix this?
This question has
1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
im 22 and have lost my sex drive, it has been about 5 months since i have really wanted to have sex with my boyfriend. i used to have an amazing sex drive but its just gone. its not my boyfriend he has been amazing through it all and i do love him and am attracted to him but ...
(110 words) It's been 2 years since I've broke up with my last boyfriend, I feel awfully lonely and crave for good company, any suggestions?
This question has
2 answers
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6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hi, I'm looking for advice from those who ahve perhaps gone through soemthign similar as I have...basically I feel depressed because I feel I can't find a boyfriend. I even signed up for, but have been disappointed with the service. I recently found out my ex-bf I ...
(491 words) She sees me as a friend, but is there any way to become "her type"?
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1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
30-35 -
ok well maybe being a bad boy isint the way to go, BUT shes really really big on trust and if you lose it youll never get it back. i wrote her a song and she said tht she liked it, BUT she still sees me as a freind, is there any way for me 2 become her type at all? im alre...
(73 words) I'm going to talk to him about my insecurities but I need your advice before I do.
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1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Well to start this me and my boyfriend have known eachother for about a year and a half before we started dating. We have been dating now for a few months now. We didn't have sex with eachother yet but we talk about it so we can get to know what we both think of it and so on....
(584 words) How can I stop my boyfriend from assuming things and getting jealous?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Ive known my boyfriend for a very long time now like almost 6 years since i was 12 . I love him a lot. I think if theres a word that means more than love thats how i feel for him its just unexplainable. The problem is he gets jealous and assumes to much. He is constantly ...
(315 words) I need major feedback for this job interview I have tomorrow!
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9 answers
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6041 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Big interview tomorrow ! I need major feedback, please: What are the top things to remember when going into a job interview? Not as an employer, but as a potential employee. ...
(34 words) A woman in my house while I am out of town?!
This question has
4 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
OK, heres the deal. I am out of town on a family emergency and suddenly my husband is getting picked up and brought home from work by a new "training" lady at his job. He is in the military. Now, my husband doesn't have his license so he has gotten a ride to and from this whole ...
(430 words) Why do men touch this specific area on your back? Does it mean something?
This question has
2 answers
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I'm wondering why men like putting their hands on my back espacially touching the area where my bra's belt and aqraffe is there. These men are the ones i know and we get along well.I just wanna know why they like fumble in that area but not my waist when we were taking pictures...
(63 words) How soon is too soon to sleep with someone you are dating?
This question has
3 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
How soon is too soon to sleep with someone that your dating?? Iv been single for a couple of years and im still none the wiser! Iv done the first date (yes even I know thats too soon, the 5thd date and the 2 month mark but just cant seem to get it right) Also I dont know if ...
(133 words) I feel like his personal punching bag every time I try to calm him down! Do I have to live in fear?
This question has
1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
Hi everyone I been reading all the good advices here when it comes to relationship. Now its my turn to ask your advices I am tired and confused on how can I handle the situation. My bf and I were on 2 yrs relationship now and we pass some ups and down pretty normal to a ...
(287 words) How do I preserve our relationship when he doesn't respond?
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1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (?)
30-35 -
hello.... every1 !! i m a 14-yr-old student answering my Xth this academic year, in love with a 15-yr-old doing his XIth. we've been seeing each other for the last 3 months. he was really very impressive during the 1st month... later slowly we couldn't give each other...
(367 words) My fiance cheated on me with his ex because of lack of passion! Will this work out?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4976 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
I dont know what to do, my fiancee who I have been with for 2 years has slept with his ex girlfriend, who he has a child with just days after our engagment party. Should I forgive him or move on? This girl is always causing trouble for us and has been waiting like a vulcher ...
(231 words) I want her back but she doesn't trust my intentions! Where do I go from here?
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1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
My GF of 9 months just ended things with me because I don't show her enough affection and I don't open up to her enough. We broke up several times before but always got right back together. I always said I would do better but never really did. It's not that I didn't love her ...
(144 words) He dumped me a few days ago because I walk by his house. What now?
This question has
1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Dear cupid .i have been seeing this guy for a few weeks now.the week after we met i told him that i was still a virgin and wasnt ready for sex.well he forced me but never ended so far.he felt bad?well he came to me the following day and told me his sorry and mensioned the fact ...
(107 words) I think he's not attracted to me anymore. What can I do to change this?
This question has
2 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
i dont feel loved by my boyfriend any more.he doesnt show me any affection ..he says he loves but doesnt show it.i want to make him attracted to me again but i dont know how..please help.....
(36 words) How can I become a "bad boy"?
This question has
3 answers
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
30-35 -
theres this girl that ive known for only two months, and she's used to date guys who are the "bad boys" per-say, and i am a guy who likes death and black metal and is a musician, she knows that i like her but she told me that i'm not her type, her type is guys that do drugs and ...
(94 words) My high sex drive is straining my relationship!
This question has
2 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
I have always really been into sex have a high drive I guess. Have been in loving committed relationship for years now and the sex just not enough. Is there any real hope? We have talked but nothing changes... just reamins the same me pining for more. Really starting to get me ...
(53 words) I forgot to take the pill today, would it affect me if I take it tomorrow?
This question has
1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hi I have been on the pill for a short time..but have recently been stressed out..and today I had forgot to take it..I was wondering can I take the one that I miss and the one for tommorow at the same time tomorrow..meaning that I will take two on the same day..?? And if this ...
(66 words) My ex won't let me date
This question has
4 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Its been a little over a month since our break up and we were together for two years. He has been texting me several times a day and calling me. He told me he wanted to be friends but the constant texting (some letting me know he was thinking about me others telling me about ...
(274 words) How can I prove to my best friend that I still care about him?
This question has
3 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F) -
This question is really important. I dont know what to do anymore. I have a best friend. He found someone who he liked and he started hanging round with him lots and sold me out for him who was soon his lover. I still stood by him and was always there for him even tho he l...
(218 words) Ever since we married it all went downhill. Is the love lost?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6040 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
Hello, I've been looking through this board and I see a lot of great responses to peoples questions. Well here is mine.... I started dating this gal about 1 and a month ago. Things got really hot really quick and we ended up getting married about 8 months into the ...
(523 words) My mom found out I had sex and it changed everything!
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5 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
ok so my mom found out 2 weeks ago that my boyfriend and i had sex. and ever since then she has treated me like crap or worse and i cant to talk to her i just cant its too hard for me and my boyfriend wont talk to me until i do and i tried and failed and havent stoppped crying ...
(88 words) How do I tell her that we should just be friends?
This question has
1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
36-40 -
ive been with my girlfriend for over a year now. we've been friends for several years, and just started to get serious. she and her family are madly in love with me. but now i feel like that we were better off as friends. we have done it all and shared so many experiences. i ...
(80 words) I want to get pregnant on purpose so I can see how he feels about it. What's wrong with me?
This question has
2 answers
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
This is gonna sound really wierd but, I had an abortion when I was 15 by a guy 10 years my senior(which I was unaware of by the way) and he obviously didn't love me like he said cz not only did he force me to get the procedure done he left me at the clinic all alone and I had ...
(202 words) Why do I find him so irresistable?
This question has
5 answers
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
ok so i like this guy... he and his gurlfriend broke up today... blah blah blah... anyway... everytime i close my eyes i picture me laying on his chest... or him and me makeing out... weird i know... and i always! picture me telling him i got raped? its really weird b/c thats ...
(188 words) Does this mean my birth control isn't working?
This question has
1 answer
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6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I have a birth control question. I have been on the depo for almost four years and for the last three years I haven't had a period except for occasional spotting when my shot is due. My problem is the last four days I have had bright red blood. For the first two days it...
(205 words) What can I do to have better orgasms?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
41-50 -
When i sleep with my girl she gets this fullfilling orgasm HUGE BLAST of an Orgasm!!! and she even had a liquid come out of her too. she starts screaming very hard. and i ask her if it pleasurable and she said yes but i am afraid to tell her that i dont feel so pleased. what i ...
(228 words) Did I do the right thing for checking her emails?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
51-59 -
I recently used my wifes computer to send an email and noticed she had messages from an old friend. I investigated and realized she was having an emotional affair for over a year. Is it normal to want to check her emails? ...
(42 words) How can I get over this jerk?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
How do I get over a guy? This guy I, for some unknown reason, really like, disrespects me, lies to me, ignores me and is currently secretly seeing someone else. He has had 6 women in the past 10 months and I dont think this new relationship will last. However, I still...
(108 words) Her father died before the wedding and she wants to postpone it. I told her no, but it's causing fights. Help!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
6040 days ago
28 August 2008 (?)
41-50 -
My fiance's dad just recently die before our wedding. When I got home she crying her eyes out. After I calm her down she say she to hold off the wedding for a bit. I dont its a great idea cause if we do have to wait another a year to got merried. Its now causing fights b...
(73 words) What are the chances of getting pregnant?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I'm 13. Turning 14. I had unprotected sex three times last week. I told my friend about it. And she told me that I am probably pregnant. I don't really know if I am. I had sex 9-10 days into my menstrual cycle. And the guy didn't pull out. What are the chances that I am ...
(63 words) I've been called "ugly" too many times and I can't take it anymore.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6034 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I've been getting called "ugly" ever since sophmore year. I'm now a senior and I'm scared to go to school. I used to always stick up for myself, but now not so much. To be honest I don't know what to do. I sometimes just want to die just so I don't have to go through the next ...
(152 words) How can I convince my friends that he's worth it?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6042 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hello to anyone who is reading this. I have a problem, my friends think that i am to good for my boyfriend. They believe that i should leave him. They also believe that he's a waste of my time and he's holding me back from the things that i want to do. Instead of them giving ...
(186 words) We hit it off on the summer, but I had to go back to my country. Now he ignores me, why?
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1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I met this guy in a club during the last days of my holiday. He started to talk to me.. Like "Hi, What's your name etc.." We exchanged telephone numbers. The next day we met again. He was a business-man who studied abroad for 8 years, but now setteling down in his own country. ...
(519 words) How can I help my friend with Asperger's Syndrome?
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2 answers
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Ok, so recently I got with a new guy, and he has Aspergers Syndrome. He's such a lovely person, but finds it difficult to be in social groups and whatnot, and obviously acts oddly, though it doesn't bother me, recently I brought him to meet my mother, who called him "wierd", ...
(103 words) How can I prepare myself for my first time?.
This question has
1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hi, I've been with my boyfriend (that I love) for 3 months and we haven't had sex. On several occasions we've come close to doing so but I've always chickened out at the last minute. Don't get me wrong, I want to have sex but as a virgin, I am terrified that it will hurt or ...
(89 words) Why can't I have a girlfriend?
This question has
1 answer
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (M)
30-35 -
ok well i am i junior and i havent had a gf since i was in the 7th grade. my last gf turned lesbian a few months after we went out. but she went out with other guys after me so im pretty sure it was me. i get compliments on my eyes like hourly. and i wear nice clothes. like ...
(129 words) What am I to him?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 28 August 2008 (F)
51-59 -
I know you have all given me great advice and I am getting help and getting closer but need some more opinions please! The guy I am seeing has allowed his 11yr old to interfere with our relationship - he never reprimands her or talks to her about it - I am furious - she se...
(347 words) He has secretly been looking at porn! What should I do?
This question has
3 answers
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Here's my story. I have been with my bf for about 3years, living with him for about two. I'm 30 he's 25.The thing is I truly adore him, but we are not on the same level obviously due to age difference.I just don't feel he's ready for an adult relationship, and I'm wondering ...
(210 words) Why is my mom doing this? Is she in denial or something?
This question has
4 answers
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6043 days ago
28 August 2008 (F)
30-35 -
my mum has totally baffled me! she WILL NOT, as in no way hozay! never ever ever let my boyfriend in my bedroom, which is fair enough, its her house and i do abide by her rules, she pays for it so she says what gos etc.. but i have been with him now for two years and 3 months, ...
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