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Archived questions from:
25 July, 2009 (see latest questions)
(More questions from July, 2009)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Problems with my sister Caroline.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
When I was growing up my eldest sister was kind , caring and in all a lovely person - Now she has turned out a disappointment and has such traits as : selfish ,cold hearted , nasty , b*tchy, manipulative, cold and jealous of anyone and everything . She has changed beyond all ...
(1671 words) I guess what I'm asking is... what are the chances that I'm pregnant?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Hey Guys, I know ur gonna think i'm rather idiotic having done this but please could you answer this question and hopefully set my mind at rest. Serveral weeks ago i had sex with my boyfriend however i let him put his penis inside me without a condom on, we had pena...
(218 words) Why is he like this now? Is he into me... or not?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5712 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
My man dont treat me right, when we first met he used to bring me roses all the time not just on valentine's day or my birthdays, now he acts as if I dont exist, I am geting really fustrated with him, I been with him for seven years now and dont want to lose him, but I do not ...
(115 words) My boyfriend says he's curious to date other women
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have a boyfriend that appears to be curious to date other women... I'm his first girlfriend, we've been dating for 3 years. He was 25 years old when we first started dating..He's been very critical of me lately, says that I'm difficult and wants a lot of space. I don't know ...
(139 words) What is the best solution?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
hi, i dont know where to start. i was in a relationship with someone who was very good to me. we broke up or should i say i broke up with him because i felt neglected. He would make time for his family and friends but me. 7 months later he went to for a month indonesia while ...
(157 words) Penis problems...
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
When my penis gets erect the skin around my penis is really tight. It only just gets back past the head of my penis and won't go any further also my frenulum pulls down my penis head when i pull my foreskin back. Could anyone suggest what I can do? I have booked an appo...
(82 words) I feel at an all time low after losing family members and breaking up with my boyfriend.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F) -
hi everyone, I just need someone to talk to... everything seems to be going wrong at the moment. I have lost so many family members these last few years.. my dad, sister, brother, grandad, cousin, great aunt. Everyone that meant the world to me. I recently passed all my te...
(252 words) I betrayed my best friend by sleeping with his girlfriend... now she's pregnant! Help!!!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5719 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
How am i supposed to get out of this dilemma, my best mate and I had a disagreement that resulted in us falling out. After a few weeks we still had not resolved the issue. Next thing I know his girlfriend is at my house trying to get us to sort it out, one second we are sat ...
(287 words) What is the problem? Is it the weight or the mental attitude it leads to?
This question has
1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
I am beginning to lose confidence in myself due to how hard it is trying to lose weight. I need to do it for the right reasons but I always think to myself I should do it to imrpove my chances with women above anything else. Thing is this isn't me. I want to meet someone...
(120 words) I haven't had sex for a long time, but my girlfriend won't sleep with me. Please help!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I've started dating a girl. We both know that our relationship can't last because we're both going back to university at the end of summer. Because we don't have time to get to know each other, she says she won't have sex with me... But it's been a long time since I last had ...
(124 words) Will guys mind if I have a weird looking vagina?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5715 days ago
25 July 2009 (?)
30-35 -
This is a little embarrassing, but I'm really worried. I have a really weird looking vagina, like quite long lips that kinda hide my clit, I think it looks weird but no one I've slept with have said anything, but I'm really scared about the way it looks. :( Like I watch por...
(71 words) My ex mentioned he'd kill another guy if I was with him!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (?)
30-35 -
A while ago me and my boyfriend broke up and we decided to be mates with privileges, it was all good until we actually had sex, he got like half way through it and then said “what are we?” and I said “mates?” and he stopped? Eh, don’t think he’s got the point of this. We’ve ...
(201 words) I don't want to be a single mom! How do we get back together?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
So I've moved out of the apt that my boyfriend and I shared with our son. But I want to be back with him . I don't know what to do everytime we talk he sits there and tells me he tried to make it work and everything I did wrong. Our son is only 2 months old and I wasn't ...
(86 words) We hit it off then he went cold... why?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I met a guy of an internet site, and we hit off straight away, got on really well. but i said i didnt wanna do anything sexually on a first date. i did make it clear, but then we ended up kissing n fooling around but didnt go the whole way because i stopped what i was doing, a...
(188 words) My boyfriend still hangs out with his exes and stays over at their place way after midnight and tells me nothing happened.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I've been in a really weird relationship for the last year of my life and I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or advice. I apologize ahead of time for the "lengthiness", but I figured details will help you guys out. I've been with my bf for nearly a year now and its been...
(396 words) Why do I feel so disappointed and whose fault is this?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5710 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Why do I feel so disappointed right now and who is at fault? I was supposed to see my bf today, he is in another state at a sports summer camp but came home (a 6 hour drive) today to spend some time with me. We are both teenagers, so we both live with our parents. I told him ...
(237 words) We've been having sex for 2 years but now he has problems maintaining an erection. What could be the reason?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
hi, my boyfriend and i have been having sex for about two years now. Its always has worked out perfectly. I just got off my period, so we went to go have sex again after not doing it for i guess like a week, and he couldnt stay hard. Neither of us understood it so we just ...
(204 words) Is it unlikely that I'm pregnant because I'm on meds?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5726 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I've had a urinary tract infection for about a week. I went to the doctor on monday and got medicine for it. It is now saturday. Yesterday my boyfriend and i had sex, but we didn't use a condom because he forgot to bring one and i didn't have any.. so he told me he would pull ...
(147 words) Do you think, despite the age difference, our love is too good to be true?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I met this guy, I knew I was in love with him right from the beginning, but thought he would never fall for me. I'm 14 and he's 16, however I didn't complain because we became really good friends and have a lot in common such as our hobbies. Against all odds he told me he had ...
(142 words) My first sexual experience and I came almost straight away...Do I have some kind of sexual 'defect'?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
41-50 -
Hello to all. I am 27 years old had sex for the first time. I manage doing foreplay for more than 25 Min's but the bad experience is that i cum with in 4-5 movements after putting my pe... into her cu.. Can any body suggest me out whether is it a sexual defect or ....?...
(57 words) I don't want to leave her but feel like it's the last option... What should I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
Hello, I'm having some problems with my girlfriend, We have been together for around nine months : Now, I have told her several times that I have wanted to leave her, Since to be honest, She doesn't act like a proper girlfriend. And lots of people have adviced me to do ...
(258 words) Did I smother him? How do I get his interest back?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5726 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have just come out of a long term relationship and have a son but have just started looking at dating, so to play it safe I went on a date with someone I have known a long time (but wasn't close too) we went out had a great time he paid me lots of compliments was very sweet ...
(174 words) It's great when we're together, but when we're not I think about being single.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
I've been dating a girl for about 4 months now. Its the longest relationship and i like her quite alot. we get along really well and she understands me better than most have in the past. she seems to like me alot however lately ive been wondering about my feelings for her. when ...
(109 words) Will she make a particular sound if she has an orgasm?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
During intercourse last night my girlfriend gasped several times and then released a deep sigh.This was the 1st time she'd been vocal.Afterwards I asked if she'd orgasmed .She said no but now felt the need to express the pleasure of feeling my warm penis. Just out of curio...
(66 words) Thought things were going well with my ex, but now there's a g/f??
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Ok, So I bumped into an ex Boyfriend at a party and ended going back to his and staying the night. A couple of days later he messaged me on Facebook wanting to meet up again, he said i was gorgeous and all sorts of nice stuff. We went out for a drink, but nothing really h...
(404 words) How can I become a better conversationalist?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
41-50 -
i cant hold a long and deep conversation.. for example if im out with a friend i just cant think of something to keep on talking. even if my mates talk i cant think of something to respond with! i can respond basically but i cant make it deep and influential. how can i become ...
(81 words) I am in love with a man who doesn't want children!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I am in LOVE with a man who i recently broke up with because he does not want to have children. I felt like he was rejecting me. He loves me and tells me so. I have ended this relationship, then poured my heart out to him repeatedly as i do not want the relationship to end. He ...
(130 words) We weren't in a relationship, so why say he needs to move on?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I really need some advice. Have been seeing this guy casually for about 5 months. We always met up once a week to hang out and sleep together as we were friends with benefits and we both did not want a relationship. He used to text me around 3 times a week to ask how I was etc ...
(388 words) I want him back so badly but don't know how to do it!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Is it ok to just express yourself on this site? I am feeling the lowest since last night. I cried till 4 am but I still don't think I cried enough. I really thought I am slowly getting over my ex who I broke up with 3 months ago but realized last night I am still as as hear...
(715 words) Shouldn't he be more concerned about my safety?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Ok, so my bf went to a party with his friends the other night, while I was out with my friends. When I was on my way home, my bus broke down and I had to wait for another bus in a sketchy neighbourhood, alone, in the dark. I called my bf to keep me company on the phone while I ...
(219 words) She doesn't want me to see her sick from her chemo treatments!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5456 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
My gf and I have been friends for 4 years, dating for 14 months now. Shw was recently diagnosed with cancer. She was really open about it at frist telling me about her fears, wanting me to be there for appointments etc. She started chimo treatments and now doesn't want be to ...
(179 words) Should I meet this guy, who I don't think I'll be attracted to?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
Hiya!! I have been sending messages to a man on a dating site for about 6 weeks now - he gave me his phone number and said he would like to meet me in person, The thing is he is'nt really the type of man I would go for as he seems to be a bit chubby - I told him I was not ...
(138 words) He doesn't get that I BROKE UP with him! Help!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (?)
30-35 -
Okay, so I ended it with my boyfriend today, and I don't think he knows I'm serious? :/ He keeps saying love you baby in texts and stuff, when I don't say it back he gets upset, eh I just ended it, why would I say it back? :( It's making it pretty hard. What makes it worse i...
(160 words) How to let co-worker down easy?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I am in a bit of a bind. A co-worker of mine is interested in me but I am not interested in her in that way. We've only known each other for about a month but I only see her once a week. She gave me her email and insisted I add her on msn. When I did so, she said some really ...
(175 words) Is it fair to say women can't be bad at sex?
This question has
20 answers
- newest was posted
5726 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Hey This is going to sound like a silly silly question, but oh well. So many answers about sex say women don't have to do much during sex (obviously more is better but...), is it then fair to say women can't really be bad at sex? :S...
(48 words) Do you think I still have feelings for her?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 25 July 2009 (M)
41-50 -
hay Im really confused at the moment i dumped my ex gf last year for this other girl, the mother of my child. anyway things never happened between us and i carried on sleeping with my ex, then i found this new girl who im still seeing and is pregnent with my 2nd child. but rece...
(312 words) How do I stop feeling resentment toward my boyfriend's daughter?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
how do i stop resentment for my boyfriends daughter? i feel so slack... i am constantly annoyed at her.. she is 2, i find myself annoyed everyday, she is very naughty. sometimes i cant handle coming 2nd. will this get any easier? its been a yr and a half and it seems to be ...
(136 words) Should I go see the doctor for this?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (?)
41-50 -
my girlfriend wants to touch my penis but i feel something uneasy my heartbeats gets high and my blood pressure rises when she tries touch i feel awkward please help what should i do should i go to doctor...
(39 words) I've got a bad feeling about my daughter's boyfriend!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
51-59 -
I have always had a great relationship with my 18 year old daughter. But lately |I feel liek I dont even know her any more. She started dating Jason about 6 months ago, he seem like a good kid but something just doesnt seem right with him. He almost seems to perfect. Its like ...
(138 words) I just found out she slept with another guy 2 weeks after we split! I feel like he took advantage of her...
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
ok in need of advice. i just found out last night that my ex slept with a 26 year old guy 2 weeks after we broke up and shes only 20... i never liked this guy, he was a guy she met at her new job and in the last six months of our relationship he was texting her every day. the...
(264 words) I've liked this guy for nine years but I'm so shy...what should I do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
i've liked this dude for about 9 years we recently just met again a month ago but my feelings for him haven't changed and i want to tell him i like him its just i'm so shy.what should i do?...
(40 words) He's being hot then cold! Is he just getting me back for saying I wanted a break and not knowing what I want?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5702 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Ive been with my boyfriend for nearly 8 months now. Our relationship was fantastic, madly in love, couldnt keep our hands off eachother, loved spending time with each other etc. We had a little dis-agreement a couple of weeks ago and i told him that i needed a few days apart ...
(374 words) How long does it take a person to decide whether they want to get back together with you or not?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
51-59 -
I sent my ex a let's get back together letter. I told him to take his time and think about it. I know he'll definitely answer (he would never not answer) but it's been 4 days. It's a good sign that time is passing bc I know he actually is thinking about it but does a person ...
(136 words) I have dreams I am losing my friend, and it is my worst nightmare. Is it a sign it will happen? He already ignores me...
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Me and my guy friend have stoped talking. Its been the whole summer and he hasn't talked to me but 3 times. I knew that he must be busy but he has been online a lot. I know now that if I text him he wont text me back so I dont anymore. Its like our friendship is falling apart ...
(241 words) My boyfriend and his friends are having a get-together, and I'm upset because I'm not invited. Am I making a big deal of this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
my boyfriends old friends who are married and single are having a get together. I went to a Birthday Party last year and met them. My boyfriend said they are trying to get it together, I felt by the words he was using that he was not going to ask me to go. I said am I invit...
(183 words) He held me during the movie, because I didn't like the scary scenes. Does this mean he likes me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5532 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
26-29 -
around two weeks ago, i broke up with my boyfriend of 8months. last night i went to the movies with my youth group (my ex also attends). i sat next to a boy i know, and have had a crush on for ages. he's 1yr older than me. the film we were watching was slightly scary, and had ...
(119 words) Should I feel badly because I ended things?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (?)
30-35 -
I just ended it with a guy I've been with for 2 years, but I didn't feel bad in any way, I've been trying to end it for months, but couldn't because I felt too bad to, then I just did it and I don't feel bad in the slightest? Is this normal? Should I feel bad?...
(60 words) Boyfriend tells me I am loose "down there" what am I supposed to do?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Before my bf i had little sex. When we started to have sex he would always say how it made him feel good that i was so tight it made him happy i didn't sleep around. Now, 2 years later i am not so tight anymore. We have sex quite a bit. He is constantly telling me how 'loose' i ...
(179 words) I always thought I was funny and happy but now I'm worried friends are thinking I'm an idiot!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I need some opinions about personalities, and how people perceive eachother, in this case its me. I am 24 male, hard working, single.. I am told by people and friends that I am a social butterfly because I enjoy meeting new people. With a group of friends I can be the co...
(463 words) How do I tell my new employer that I am pregnant?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I am happily married and my husband is a great guy. I just had a pregancy test and it is positive, however I am a bit worried because we did not plan to have a baby for another year or two and I have just got a job offered for a week and I am afraid my pregnancy will ...
(126 words) Boyfriend and online cheating
This question has
1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
51-59 -
My boyfriend of 6 years started an online chatting with several woman. One young lady who is 20 years his junior came to our state for 4 days. During that time she was here the only contact I had with him was via phone. Usually I see him everyday, and he is constantly ...
(298 words) His g/f is pregnant yet he's sleeping with me & other girls, is he happy?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Hi everyone Ok i split up with my ex in october last year, anyway we have stayed good friends and since we split up we carried on sleeping together, untill januery this year when he got his gf who is now 3 months pregnent anyway before i found out she was pregnent i sleep...
(164 words) I didn't mention that a guy was with us and now my boyfriend doesn't trust me!
This question has
3 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
hi guys i feel so depressed and i reali dont know wat to do. 2 days ago i was with my mum, my mum's friend and her brother. so my boyfriend called me and asked me who i was with i only mensioned my mum and her friend but i didnt say that my mum's friend brother was with us. so ...
(125 words) Would this be a terribly selfish reason to end a relationship?
This question has
1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
So, I've been dating this fellow for a while now and things have been going pretty well but our sex drives seem to be drastically different. I feel like whenever I'm "in the mood" he is too tired or just uninterested. Which as a result has taken a pretty severe toll on my ...
(109 words) I'd like to be more than a friend to her but can't notice any difference in the way she acts now
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1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
I met a girl who I quickely became attracted to. Then she got a boyfriend and I continued to like her. Now almost a year later when I was pretty close to forgeting about ever being more than friends, i find out that she has broken up with her boyfriend. i figured maybe thats ...
(187 words) He's great in person but when texting me he's a jerk!
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1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
I am really confused about my boyfriend, when he sees me he shows all the things that says he is in love with me with me. He stares at me so intensely, holds my hand even in the most uncomfortable position and he tells me he misses me. As soon as he sees me, he asks to hug me ...
(280 words) I want to trust him but when he doesn't answer my calls I have doubts!
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1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
Hi I am Sana I am muslim and he is hindu,It has been a 15 months of our relationship we love each other very much we are toghter from apr 2008 with a unconditional love and trust but In month of november his mother got hospitalised and his family has knew about our relati...
(275 words) How can I find a girlfriend?
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1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I can't seem to start a new relationship with a girl. Im 22 and up to this point i have always let girls ask me out. Of course this is rare for girls to ask a guy out... so i always end up getting the wrong girl for me. I have been going out to bars with the boys but nothing ...
(125 words) What can I do about my friends inappropriate behaviour towards my boyfriend?
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2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
i was best friends with a girl until she betrayed my trust, backstabbed me and my friends and turned into a person i dont even know, and a person who no one likes at this stage. she likes flirting with guys who are taken, like she enjoys the fact that she could win him over etc ...
(243 words) My girlfriend says she shouldn't have to stop hanging out with her ex. What do you think?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Ive been with my partner (we are a lesbian couple) close to a year and she still wants to text and talk and hang out with her ex and its killing me inside. Whenever my gf and I fight she goes to her ex and tells her about the fight in detail. Not to mention her ex still tells ...
(194 words) What can I do to get my now ex-girlfriend back?
This question has
1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I had a gf for 2yr 8mnths. It was a very solid bond between us. Then due to some misunderstanding we dint speak to each other for some time and then she broke up with me. During the time when we dint speak to each other she kept thinking about the reasons why our relationship ...
(112 words) I love her but she is not giving me what I need in this relationship. What can we do?
This question has
3 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I am unsure as to what I can do about the intimacy with my girlfriend. The first few months with her, she was the one getting all of the action and calling all of the shots. Now that I have more of a say, the sex and being physical is erratic and scarce. I have asked her if ...
(138 words) I like her... but does she like me back?
This question has
1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
41-50 -
i made a new female friend through a male mate. they have had sex but not intercourse ie only oral etc. it was a one off. i have come to like her a lot..especially attracted to her. how do i kno she feels the same? we hav hanged out without my mate more than once especially ...
(144 words) My boyfriend doesn't include me in any special dates and I'm sick of it. Should I go?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4963 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Ok everyone I really need some help here. My boyfriend and I are in are very early thirties. We have been together for four years. However, about two years into the relationship things got bad and we ended up breaking things off for a few months. We got back together but it ...
(341 words) Help needed! What can I organise for my friends Bachelorette Party?
This question has
2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
My best friend and her fiance (another friend of mine) are getting married in a month and seeing as I'm the Maid-of-Honor, one of my responsibilities is to throw the Bachelorette Party. Well, my best friend and I have some pretty opposite ideas of what a party like that ...
(226 words) How can I make sex enjoyable for an older woman?
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5 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I have come to really like an older woman. She is 12 years older than me. despite our age difference is it ok for us to have sex? How can I make sex enjoyable for an older woman? Ladies who have any experience with younger men please give advice. ...
(49 words) He ignores me and is rude to me, so we break up. But he always wants me back. How should I handle this?
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4 answers
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I really don't know what to do boyfriend is always ignoring me but he gets mad at me when i talk to other guys. hes always so rude to me. i dont get him. he acts like he doesnt care, but sometimes he can be really sweet. i broke up with him 4 times before and all ...
(203 words) I never got this guy's number due to the hustle and bustle of the wedding! How can I talk to him again without looking like a stalker?
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
I met this guy the other day at a wedding that i went to with my mom. it was her friend from work, so i didnt know the family that well. he was the bride's brother and is nineteen (2 yrs older than me). the wedding was going on i noticed this guy on the altar th...
(350 words) I have a boyfriend but I find myself wanting to try things with girls all the time. I'm so confused
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5 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Ok i don't know how to ask this but, I think I am Bi Curious. I'm not sure but what should i do? and how am i sure. I mean i have a boyfriend but i cant help but see pictures of girls and stuff and sometime get turned on and i start to wonder things. I'm not telling my ...
(110 words) I'm not sure about my feelings for my ex. But I think I might want him back...
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3 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
So I've been talking to my ex frequently. Even though our breakup was recent and andom and didnt seem to have much behind it *hes having financial/work trouble* and ended it but still wanted to stay in contact/hang (we supposedly broke up cos he wasnt feelin it anymore ...
(415 words) He spends more time with his friends than with me! Should I tell him how I feel?
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (?)
30-35 -
me and my boyfriend have been dating for a little over 3 weeks and it was love at first site for the both of us. well things started off well he lives about 20 or 30 minutes away from me so we try to see each other as much as we can. i love spending time with him but he don't ...
(164 words) Am I jealous? Am I moving on? Or just tired?
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1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
hello well ok me an my ex botfriend have been broken up for about a month now hes a jail bird an hes in another relationship. He called me recently trying to be my friend or something an that really confused me because i didnt want to hear from him. but just a couple days ...
(92 words) Is this love? I'm involved with another man for 8 years!
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7 answers
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5725 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
51-59 -
is possible one can love two person at a time .i m married 18 yr with kids .my husband is nice .i love him care about him,but same time i love another person who fell in love with me.(HE ALSO MARRIED)now i m also attracted to him .i am involved sexxually with both of them ...
(97 words) He's a perfect gentlemen, only problem is he's 21 and I'm 16 going on 17!
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9 answers
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5725 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Hi. I really need some help here. i recently met this guy who seems perfect for me. we're both really into art and the outdoors, and he's a perfect gentleman. the only problem is, i'm 16 (about to be 17) and he's 21. i feel really iffy about this relationship because i know my ...
(92 words) He bumped my cervix and now I'm having bad cramps!
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Ok yesterday me and my boyfriend spontaneously made love to each other. I felt him bump my cervix a few times (not sure if this has anything to do with it). But now ever since like an hour after wards I've been having really bad cramps behind my belly button and up for about ...
(63 words) Question from a lady about something men always say to me
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9 answers
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5725 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have a question that I would like the men to answer primarily (but ladies, too, if you have insight into my question). I am a thin lady, I will admit, but there is something that men say to me a lot that, quite frankly, I don't know how to take. I am about 5'5", 110 lbs., ...
(131 words) He's angry I didn't come visit, but he told me not to come if I was sick!
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2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
the only time i get to see my bf is on the weekends, and this weekend i was meant to go over on friday night, but i have been too sick, i wasnt in the mood for the 2 hour train ride so i told him im too sick, ill see how i am tomorrow. so i call him today and he says well if ...
(137 words) I don't think the day-after pill is an option! Is there anything I can do?
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4 answers
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5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
hi well i recently had an abortion 2 weeks and 2 days ago to be exact, it was the hardest thing i have had to do but i couldnt keep it because i am a law student and cant get the time off to look after a baby at this point of time in my life.. anyways me and my boyfriend and...
(206 words) How do I handle this attraction for a friend?
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I'm 21, male, never had a girlfriend. Been attracted to a few girls before, but I was always too scared to do anything about it. Anyway, I've met this kind, caring girl whose been my friend for several months now. Shortly after meeting her I became somewhat attracted to her ...
(454 words) How long before the pain ends?
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5 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
so the day has come when I finally need help...though it might be too late but and my ex...have recently broken up...he says i'm hard to talk to....I get it...but what I dont get is how cna he have started dating someone else even before we broke up...I ...
(84 words) Friend's husband is pursuing me and she suspects something about him
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5 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
51-59 -
Hello aunts, its 3.30am here in england and my mobile is ringing over and over with texts and calls from my friends husband. His wife, one of my best friends is away in spain at the moment. Hes done this before, a few months ago. He made me swear id never tell her as she would ...
(146 words) Is it too late to tell him I'd like to hang out with him now?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
about a week ago, a guy i know asked if i wanted to hang out sometime, but the response i gave came across as being that i'm not interested in him even though i am. the only reason i responded the way i did was that i wasn't expecting him to ask me this and i also have a hard ...
(183 words) I met this cute guy today... only I don't know what I can do to contact him!
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2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
i met someone today. i was picking up my five year old brother from camp with my mom and there he was, this cute, smart guy who obviously has a lot of patience if he likes my little brother so much. we didn't say much to each other but the standard "hi" and "nice to meet yo...
(166 words) What is the godmother's role?
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
heyy... i jus wanted 2 ask for sum advice.. mi best friend is 15 and is pregnant.. it wasnt her fault!!! ive sed im goin 2 be there 4 her no matter wat!! i wil always love her as a friend. shes asked me to be its godmother.. i jus wanted to no .. wat does a go...
(72 words) Food play during foreplay!
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2 answers
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5727 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Ok this may sound like a silly question... but; my boyfriend (of 2 years) and I want to introduce food play to our love making but are unsure of how to go about such things. For example; we want to feed each other grapes during foreplay but we want it to be really erotic an...
(131 words) He never shows up...
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2 answers
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
What does it mean when a guy always say's he will make it to a date but at the end he never show's up?!...
(24 words) I married the wrong man! Now what?
This question has
2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
I stupidly married knowing i was in love with someone else whom I will call Mr X. Mr X is not married but is still trying to get over a woman that left him 9 years ago. He says he loves us both. I know that I shouldnt be with my husband but when I leave should I continue to ...
(69 words) FWB how can I tell if he wants more?
This question has
12 answers
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5659 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
I have a friend w/benefits, and we've been getting together about once a week for the past 4 months. A couple of weeks ago we were like attached at the hips for about 6 days and we did it at least once a day and he stayed the night with me a couple of times. I really, really ...
(175 words) I just can't come out with "what are we doing?" because we've never talked about it!
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3 answers
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5726 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
What should i do? Ok so I no now that I’m bi, I have been with girls be4. I started to fancy this girl for a wile but one night there was three of us in a bed after a night of drinking, I started to play with her arms and back. She didn’t stop me. Then she joined in. This...
(366 words) It hasn't been the same, since we got into a fight!
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1 answer
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
DearCupid, I need you all to shed some light on this situation. A few days ago my boyfriend and I got into a fight. He was talking on the phone, which I overheard the conversation, but he tried to lie about it. After that, we proceeded to fight about other things. How he c...
(252 words) Fell in love with author found out it was teacher at my school
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
30-35 -
I think the one I love is angry with me. Lets back up a bit. So a teacher at my school wrote a book and published it online. I found it on accident even though at the time I was not aware it was his book because he used a pseudonym for the author. After ordering the book and ...
(170 words) We're both heading off to different schools so she decided there will be no sex, Is it worth continuing this relationship?
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1 answer
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5572 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I'm home from university and I've entered into a relationship of some sorts with a local girl. We've been seeing each other for a few weeks and we're having a nice time, but unfortunately we both know that this will all have to come to an end in a month or so when she starts ...
(248 words) B/f used to be my escape but now we fight all the time!
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2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now. We been fighting a lot lately and he claims to be tired of me...but we love each other too much to break up. He use to be my escape from my problems and stress. He use to make me feel better and happy. Now he ...
(96 words) I broke up with my boyfriend, but my feelings for him won't go away.
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
36-40 -
I really need help, I broke up with my boyfriend like a month ago and I´m having hard times trying to move forward, we had really good times together, but we ended up in really bad terms, he was rude and mean to me. Trying to escape from my reality I decided to go on a trip for ...
(155 words) I'm not planning to have sex anytime soon, I just want to understand the timing of the cycle!
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2 answers
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
i'm not currently sexually active, and i saw something somewhere about what time during the cycle or whatever. so what time during the cycle is the best time to have sex ? even with protection, and what if you took birth control, would you do it during the week where you're ...
(89 words) How do I get her to be honest with me?
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3 answers
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
51-59 -
Ok, I have been out of town for 2 months for work and I talk to her everyday or at least try to. She says she will call me back and then she does'nt, she tells me she forgets. So when I get home I find out from other people that she has let guy friends sleep over because the ...
(156 words) Wow! Why is everything in my life going crazy?
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2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
Wow!! It's being a long time since i wrote Dear Cupid but i really need some help on this one. My (Best Friend??28) left agian to move to flordia but before she left we was not really talking to me and she chose a man over me we have been best friends for 10 years. I am not ...
(320 words) I'm young and scared and worried he's been cheating on me!
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2 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
36-40 -
ok here goes i have been married a little over 7 months and everything was going great for the first couple of months. but now everything is going wrong. ive caught him talking to 2 other girls and flirting with them. well i had a long talk with him about my feelings and ...
(209 words) I'm having paranoia problems, worried that my boyfriend won't get home safely!
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1 answer
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5729 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
30-35 -
Me and my boyfriend couldn't be happier with our relationship at the moment. The chemistry is amazing. We see each other nearly every day and he often stays over and we are really in love. But when he doesn't stay over, he stays in the city until gone 11 most days and doesn't...
(210 words) How do I get over the disappointment that I wasn't meant to have a religion? And what about this unresolved anger I feel for mean, stupid, ignorant people?
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5 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (F)
41-50 -
This is a relationship question, although I'm not sure which category of relationships it belongs to. I'm hoping someone in the forum can help me, because I'm angry all the time. I need to get over this, but I just can't get closure. I don't know where to begin, or how to...
(1560 words) Please tell me what girls like!
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4 answers
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5728 days ago
25 July 2009 (M)
26-29 -
I like bill hicks, video games, hitchcock films and miles davis. I hate porn, most drugs (apart from the 3 legal ones cofee, alcohol and tobacco) over masculine men and Mathew macoughnohey. Ladies, slow down. Well basically what i want know is: is this stuff that girls like? I ...
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