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Archived questions from:
8 February, 2008 (see latest questions)
(More questions from February, 2008)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
I can't get rid of my boyfriend no matter what I do!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6058 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I'm really worried about my relationship, me and my boyfriend of 2 years are fine at the moment but I feel like when I look into his eyes they are not to be trusted, call it a gut feeling if you like, he has already cheated and told other girls he loves them he is so childish ...
(175 words) Help with my survey...
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (M) -
dear cupid I am currently doing a survey and would like to know how many percent of the world population are fat and skinny, how many are average weight and how many are underweight also can someone also define what average weight means? thanks in advance...
(52 words) Heartbroken over losing my first can I move on??
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5833 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I went out with my ex for 1 year. We broke up 4 days after our anniversary. I am so heartbroken. He is so mean to me now. He says the most horrible things about me. I loved him so much and I don't understand why he is doing this to me. If he loved me as much as he told me ...
(127 words) We have been dating two months and he is just too much for me.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Ok now I know most women want a man who pays attention to them and kisses them all the time.... well i thought that is what I wanted.. I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 months and I feel like I am about to lose it.. He is always texting me, calling, when I dont ans...
(212 words) How do I move on after seeing my wife cheating??
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6148 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
51-59 -
My wife cheated on me last April. I walked up on it they where in the back seat on her suv at a bar. Im having trouble getting over it. At first she said they where just talking and a month after that i found out it was more. She tells me it was just touching, kiss. I not tr...
(134 words) Can we get engaged without him getting divorced??
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6170 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I have been with my partner for nine years, i would like to get engaged but the problem is that he is still married but has been separated for 15 years, could we still get engaged without him getting divorced just yet?...
(43 words) He says we can be together in time....but I'm not sure I can wait.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6230 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I have a problem... I went out with my sister to meet her mate....we got on really well and a few days later he came into my work and asked me for my number...we started hanging out and we are getting really close.... We really like each other but he claims we cant be together...
(85 words) Am I too uptight about talking about sex stuff??
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
Well i keep having a few girls say this and im starting to wonder if there right. They think im to uptight about sex stuff while talking. Well the tend to like to talk about sex related stuff a lot. And sometimes tend to drift into odd stuff that is kind of disgusting that like ...
(137 words) How can I be happy again after losing my husband??
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
MY husband passed away 8 years ago and we were married for 26 yrs. How do I go out into the real world and meet someone where do you go and what do you do? How can you make your self happy again? Thanks, want to be happy ...
(48 words) She is 75% sure I am the one...but wants to date other people but I still want us to get back together.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
Me and my girlfriend of 2 and a half years just broke up. We had a really long talk about what it all means and basically we have decided to stop contact for around 4 months and then try to be friends. She still loves me but she isn't 100% sure that I am the one, so she says ...
(243 words) Looks V Personality, which do girls prefer??
This question has
22 answers
- newest was posted
4459 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
What do girls mostly like personality of the lad or the looks ?...
(13 words) 14...and having some issues with my body.
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
hello, i'm 14 and i'm having some body issues. The other night when i was getting in the shower, i realized one breast is bigger than the other. Is that normal for teenagers or should i go to a doc about it?...
(44 words) I'm not even thinking about sex but holding her hand turns me on.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
Hi Everyone! I have a problem, when I hold my girlfriends' hand or when we are close to each other I don't know why but I get an erection. Is this normal? I'm not thinking about sex when I'm with her so I don't know why I get an erection. Please help!...
(52 words) Why wouldn't he like giving me oral sex??
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
6217 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend said he doesn't like giving me oral sex and i didn't ask why because i was embarrassed.. why do you think he wouldn't like it?? I like it!!??...
(30 words) Is this a good idea for our one year anniversary present??
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend and i are going to celebrate our 1 year anniversary on Monday.. do you think giving him a picture of me ( a close up with my eyes looking real mysterious and sexy.. i look amazing in that picture if i may say so myself) in a frame is a good idea for a gift? ...
(57 words) How can I impress her and ask her out on Valentines??
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
I'm talking to a girl i met 2 weeks ago. I met her through a friend; we talked on msn then we went on a date to the movies. We ate dinner, it was really good and we had fun. I really like her; i asked her out for this weekend and she wants to go out. I also asked her out on V...
(154 words) I've fallen head over heels for a boy, but he doesn't know who I am. What can I do?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
i met this boy 2day and i have totally fallen head over heels for him he is gorgeous but hes in the year above and he hardly knows me.:'( i want 2 stop feelin like this. My heart is acheing :'(...
(42 words) I'm on the pill but my period has showed no signs of this normal??
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hey Aunts, Ive been put on the pill and started it on the first day of my periods last month, ive been on the pill for 3 weeks and my period still hasnt stopped and shows no signs of stopping. Is this normal?...
(44 words) I feel insecure without a bf and am not over my ex. Please help.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I feel really insecure without a boyfriend and recently i found out i have 5 admirers the thing is i dont like a single 1 of them yet im still not over my ex. He went out with me for a day dumped me then went out with me again for a day then dumped me again! I saw him with his...
(92 words) This seems so right but we both know it is so wrong but can't end it.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
41-50 -
I need some help.I have a friend, a dear friend who has always been there for me and I have fallen in love with him. We are both married although my marriage is abusive and generally unhappy. He and his wife work away alot and she isnt always there for him. I dont know wha...
(206 words) Is marrying my bf the right thing to do??
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
6149 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years... he's Turkish... I'm going to his country to marry him in March... am i doing the right thing?...
(26 words) Do we all have a purpose??
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
Do we all have a purpose? I wonder how can you explain,if your life doesn't go well?I mean if its a complete disaster. Is the best way , to think, it is happening for a reason? Or that you are punished? Or what is the best way to explain downfall? It s easy to say, when thi...
(93 words) Why do guys think its so hott to make a girl have an orgasm?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
5576 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
When me and my boyfriend have sex he tries so hard to make me orgasm, it feels so good and I want to be able to Orgasm so bad but I dont know why I cant? Is it the fact I'm afraid we'll have to clean up my mess? Whats wrong? I know alot of girls cant orgasm but I DONT want to ...
(85 words) Will weed destroy my son's life?
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
6177 days ago
8 February 2008 (?) -
I found a small bag of pot and a 'pipe' in my son's room. He's 16 and he is smoking every day. He admitted to me he did this. And he said "don't worry...all the kid's do it" I am so worried about the long range effects and how this will ruin his future. He's a good ...
(227 words) I feel like a virgin again. What can I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F) -
How do i become comfortable with myself to have sex with another guy? Im not a virgin but iv only had one sex partner in my entire life...don't regret losin my virginity to my last bf...I was so comfortable with everything we did i could walk around naked and he wouldnt care... ...
(74 words) She loves someone else, but what about us?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
51-59 -
Last summer/early fall, I started to suspect that my wife's attention was elsewhere. Especially concerning a really good friend of ours. This guy is in the middle of a terrible divorce with a wife that is being diagnosed with serious personality disorders, etc. He's quite ...
(377 words) How can I enjoy masturbating more?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5727 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
I known this is a FAQ, but i cant find it anywhere on the site. anyway I have recently started masturbating, and I am bored of it. I do it the "normal" way - you know pumping your hand up and down -, but I would really like some more tips. thanks alot:)...
(53 words) Ready to date but going away, what should I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
Hi, I really would like a relationship as it has been a very long time since I last had one. I've just not been interested in getting involved after the love of my life broke up with me. But now my interest is returning, and it's now something that I would really like to h...
(187 words) Is my teacher's behaviour really unprofessional?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6202 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Is my teacher's behaviour really unprofessional? I like him he is a really sweet guy but my mate has recently said that he fancies me? which i dont believe to be true, but is what he doing suspicous and prehaps the reason why my mate thinks this? He always has a joke with me a...
(764 words) Why is he sending me all these mixed signals???
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I’m leaving in a month to go to South America for a year... but can’t stop thinking about this guy. As I was only just a few months out of a long relationship that ended quite badly when we met I wasn’t interested in anything serious, so i suggested we be "fuck buddies"...
(475 words) Do I tell the man I love that I'm not divorced?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
41-50 -
I met a guy 2 years ago whom I began dating secretly, I say secretly because I had just moved in with my boyfriend. He knew I had a boyfriend but there was an undeniable connection that we couldn't let go of. We saw each other randomly and infrequently but feelings grew. My BF ...
(238 words) Is what my school did, illegal?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
hi, this isn't anything about sex relationships etc but my school has given out my personnal details to someone including my phone number and I believe this is illegal is it?...
(31 words) Will I ever find a boyfriend?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6219 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Help, I've only ever had 1 boyfriend at the age of 24 and it lasted only 5 weeks, he broke it off with me though, he was the one who made the first move and ended it through text saying I need someone on my own level and he did not feel the same, plus thing is I find it really ...
(125 words) What are all these spots around my pubic area?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I'm a 13 year old girl. I just wanted to ask for some advice. I don't shave down there but it's always sore and has red spots everywhere down there and sometimes they even bleed. What do you think it is? ...
(41 words) How do I talk to him more?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hiya, I have never been to confident with my life and never really mixed at school. But now that I've left I joined a college and at first I got on great but since everyone else has been starting to get to know each other better I've sort of started to go quiet and I sometimes ...
(342 words) Is this emotional blackmail?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6166 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
Hi, I have been in a relaitonship with a guy for nearly 3 years now but for the last few months things have been very strained. I was really worried about him and finally got him to go to the doctor who diagnosed him with depression. He is on antidepressants (for about 2 ...
(164 words) He thinks we're friends but I love him! What do I do?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
6036 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
This is going to sound really sad, but please read on... your advice would be much appreciated... I have known a guy for nearly 25 years (I'm 40, he's 41, not your classic I this site I guess). I have always loved him, as botha friend, but a lot more besides. He looks upo...
(288 words) Should he be so flirty with her?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6234 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I’ve a question, what would you think about the following situation? Ok I was looking at some past chat logs on my bf's computer (I wouldn’t normally, just I really don’t trust the girl he was talking to). My bf isn’t naturally very flirty yet he flirts with her, they talk abou...
(238 words) How can I tell who's my baby's father?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I had sex in May, and again on June 7 and I am pregnant and due to have the baby on February 25, I am trying to figure out who the father would be?...
(34 words) Why doesn't my blood pressure go up?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, I was just wondering why when I have panic attacks my blood pressure never changes. I hyperventilate, I shake, my chest feel so tight yet the paramedic always says that my blood pressure is fine. Is this normal? Thanks for any help Lola x...
(47 words) How can I get him to go out with me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6224 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I am 15. I am having a problem, you see, over the christmas holidays, my brother introduced me to his good friend. Me and the friend spent lots of time together and became quite close. This last weekend when he started to cry infront of me it brought us even closer and I bega...
(238 words) Should he make more noise when he comes?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6235 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I always need to release the sexual pleasure/tension obtained during intercourse by crying out and moaning etc. My boyfriend says nothing but sweats like mad-his only noise is a series of gasps when he orgasms.Is this normal for a man as he's only been my sole sexual mate ...
(58 words) I'm stalking my ex, do I need help?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5164 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Help im becoming obbsessed with going to my local pub where hoping to see my ex,and his mates i go at least once a week but im always thinking about going there, i sometimes go past the pub hoping to see my exs car, or even go and walk past his house to see if hes in., ive also ...
(117 words) Will my baby make if full term?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I had an internal scan on Monday at 6 weeks, and my baby was fine and so was the heartbeat. I went to the abortion clinic this morning as I needed to go to cancel my appointment but let them do a stomach scan and they said they thought I had a brighten Ovum (I think I spelt...
(277 words) Trying to conceive, how can I have triplets?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5351 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hey guys, Im 26 years old and trying to conceive. my absolute dream would be to have triplets. Im just wondering whether any has any advice or tips on how to conceive triplets? Thanks you all so much...
(49 words) Involved with drugs, my lifestyle led to troubles in my relationship, how can I set things right?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
over and over she tried and over and over i lied and over and over she was 5 years we were together i was almost never at our apt. i do drugs and sell them to. I never let her see me on them. I lied to stay away and she also loaned me money. she got used to me not b...
(98 words) A casual encounter with my ex awakened my partner's jealousy! I love my partner and this coldness scares me!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F) -
Hi, I have a dilema that's really troubling me. I really need some advice. I have been with my partner for 3 and a half years. He means the world to me, and I love him so much, maybe too much. He has to have a lot of contact with his ex wife because of children, and he also...
(484 words) 13 and in want of sexual toys - how to buy one/ask my parents?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
im 13 and i want some condoms and sexual stuff like that how should i ask my mum to get me some orhow do i get some??? [Added] im 13 and want to get a butt plug becasue im sexually active i dont no how to ask my parents im to embarassed i really want one...
(62 words) How do you move on from someone you truely loved and still be friends?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I was with my ex for nearly 2years,and before that we we were best friends..he was my 1st love, who i loved with all my heart and soul. We've been split up for 9 months now, and as hard as i try to move on i seem to be stuck with a broken heart!! We are still friends, and i wa...
(78 words) I'm playing a "dangerous game" with a married man. Do I stop this BEFORE anyone gets hurt?
This question has
21 answers
- newest was posted
6240 days ago
8 February 2008 (?)
30-35 -
Im playing a dangerous game, thats how he put it. Flirting (its both sided) with a married man. we talk about sex all the time and get on well generally. last night he text me saying "do you think we're playing a dangerous game?" i replied with "yes" and i text him sayin...
(136 words) He recently initiated a separation, without explaining his reasons, as usual! (We dated for a year after 21 years of break.) Is it worth waiting?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
Help,my boyfriend recently told me he does not want this relationship, we were dating for a year, we dated 21yrs ago and we were each others first loves, so after 21yrs he called me and we realised that we were still in love with each other, things were great for a while,i have ...
(243 words) Getting an ex back - any tips?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
How do i get my ex boy friend back, we split early December and he's since changed his number and i don't see him much anymore, i'm not sure if it was because he was my first guy to go out with and it didnt last for very long where he called it off. please any tips on how to ...
(64 words) How do I confront him? He's looking for other girls on net!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6242 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hi there, I am 23 years old and in a loving relationship...or so i thought. I have just come back from a week away at work and logged onto my computer at home to check my emails. I have found out that my boyfriend has been looking at escorts on the internet and also sear...
(120 words) I can't even think of being with another man, please tell me how I can forget my ex!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
41-50 -
he had been my boyfriend for 7 years ,he had been always the one for me,during this 7 years we broke up 2 or 3times and i went for other guys but he was always diffrent so i came back to him,finally we broke up last year ,now i want to forget him but i cant,i even can't think ...
(74 words) Is there a chance my teacher might like me as well?...
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6197 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hey my name's Lana and I am in love with my highschool teacher. Now please don't say it's infatuation, a stage, a crush or any of that. You can't really tell me what I feel i'm sorry but I've heard that to many times before and I just don't like it when people say that. I am 18 ...
(456 words) Why won't my partner be open about his fantasies?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Recently I found out my partner has been looking at porn and signing up for online dating sites. I had confronted him about this and he said the only reason he is on the dating sites is to look at sexy photos of average women. I asked him why it is that he feels the need to go ...
(280 words) We have had a "so and so" sex life. Her orgasms are not very intense, how can I surprise her?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6235 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
41-50 -
My wife and I have been married for 4 years, and all through that time, we have had a "so-so" sex life. My main problems are: In order for my wife to have an orgasm, she has to be on top. Now, most of the time, I cannot keep from coming long enough for her to have an o...
(158 words) His Ex won't leave us alone.
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5258 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
His ex won't leave us alone - Harassing phone calls etc to my home and work. Update- I received a further nuisance call tonight from my boyfriend's ex wife. I rang my boyfriend to tell him and he also had a hang up call 5 seconds before I called him. We know it is his ex as ...
(292 words) Is my virginity a problem?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
Hello,there!i have a question,I have a problem coz im not virgin anymore then he doesn't appreciate it that im still a virgin at my age now...He knows all my past that i have many boyfriends before but i never give up to them of my virginity,i thought he will be proud of me and ...
(120 words) What is the best 'budget' valentines gift?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M) -
dear cupid i would like to know what should i get a girl for valentines day...not sure if she will be my valentines yet, but just incase what should i get her? bdw at the moment my money is low because i spent all of it on buying a console and games, so in other words what...
(73 words) Why can't my ex see he is wasting time with this new woman?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
last summer my ex wanted to get back with me we had been together a very long time and had a child together. we had been split up for 8 months when he said he would like to get back with me,i said i needed abit of time to think about it all,and after 2 weeks i said ok lets giv...
(193 words) We wont have sex until we get married, but how else can I make valentines day special?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6242 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
hi guys an gals, i am 22 from india, i am a regular visitor of Dear Cupids helpzone and i appreciate the efforts u all are putting to help many people. i need little help as well. i have a GF, i love her alot, we are in love for the past 1 year and we are committed. presentl...
(276 words) Does one's body change after losing their virginity?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5956 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I was just wondering...Does your body change after you lose your virginity? If so what changes??? My mom told me that when girls lose their virginity that their butts start to get this true???...
(36 words) My long-distance boyfriend and I want to live together, but my parents are standing in my way. Please help
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
hey peoples,i need advice! i am with mi boyfriend and i love him so much he is everything i have ever hoped for and he loves mi so much! i don't ever want to loose him. Even though we love each other so much, my parents are in the way. they have made our relation ship ha...
(305 words) Why would he tell me he still wants to be with me, but not show me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6245 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
I recently reconnected with my ex and we ended up spending a really nice evening together. He said that he had been missing me and that he still cared. That was on Sunday and he hasn't called me yet. I can't understand why he would say those things to me and not really mean it. ...
(89 words) I don't want to lose my boyfriend. What can I do?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5977 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
i need help and fast. my b/f wants to break up but i dont think i can stand not having him... i love him soo much. we went on a break that lasted 3 days n now he wants to break up... hes the love of my life and i dont want to lose him how can i keep my baby!?...
(61 words) What are your thoughts on internet porn?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
6138 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
I am asking all of you Agony Aunts how you feel about Men watching Porn on The Web. You men out there, Please, let the women have their say. Who knows,Together we may learn how they feel about Web Porn. And you Ladies, please, feel free to speak your mind. ...
(50 words) I still have feelings for her, but am afraid of what my friends will think if I try to rekindle this relationship.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6227 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
30-35 -
In my junior year of high school I "dated" this girl for about six months. We didn't really go out but we went on dates every so often. Well I moved four hours away my Senior year and had to go to a different high school. In the meantime she got a boyfriend and they've been ...
(133 words) How do I know if my boyfriend's sexual behaviour is too affected by porn?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
How can I know if my boyfriend's sexual behaviour has been "brainwashed" by porn? We're both fairly young so porn was very available during our teenage years. We're also both inexperienced. So he must've learned everything he knows from porn. I'm asking because I read some...
(358 words) My very good friend and I now both like my 'ex'. What should we do?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (?) -
So wow, where do i even begin? Okay, so I've dated this guy *Jack* on and off for a couple of months and i recently broke up with him again. He started talking to my friend *Amy* and then i realized how much i missed him and stuff. So we started talking again as well. Then ...
(1089 words) How will I know if I'm ready for another relationship?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
6238 days ago
8 February 2008 (F) -
I really need some help. Last year I was in an abusive relationship for 8 months (it was my first serious relationship, I am 18 years old). A friend of mine introduced me to his mate a few weeks ago and he got my number of our mate we both share. Since then hes been calling/...
(307 words) I can't help but feel jealous. Can anybody help me?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
6245 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
i have been in my relationship for over a year and a half now and along the way its not been an easy ride, my boyfriend has cheated in me and dumped me due to him being unsure if he was ready for a relationship. we are together and stronger now than we have ever been but i cant ...
(142 words) I want to make it work this time, so how do I ease up?
This question has
1 answer
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6245 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
hey guys so me and this girl that have been on and off for the past 2 or 3 years are back on and its all good. We like eachother alot, we have this whole time. well something that always messed stuff up is. I make a problem out of nothing, like ill start to worry bout somethin...
(119 words) My friend and I started getting cosy, but I refused sex, he went into a sulk, I'm not talking to him now, am I right?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6231 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
so there's this guy i truly care for,but i dont think he feels the same way he's going through a hard time and a separation right now and he has 3 kids.we fooled around and he wanted to have sex but i said no to him evr since that he has had very little contact with me and it ...
(103 words) How do I get my ex to notice me again?
This question has
4 answers
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6245 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
26-29 -
I am having a hard time wondering if my ex is still into me. I mean I see him and he flirts a little and he calls once in a blue moon but I don't know. He gives me little signals that want me to think he likes me but I don't know if he does. I really like him and I want to be ...
(102 words) I am finding it hard to trust my boyfriend and it's killing me...
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6209 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
I am finding it very hard to trust my boyfriend and it's killing me, he has kissed another girl and then a few weeks later asked the same girl to dance with him when he knew how I felt. I have also found messages he has sent to other girls telling then how sexy they are and ...
(122 words) I am 12 years old. Is it wrong to think about sex and at times want to do it?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
6234 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
26-29 -
ok, i am 12 and i find myself very appealing and so do guys but the thing is i am already thinking about sex. I know i am too young but i think about sex constanly and having a baby and just everything about sex. People say i am an addict to it but I am not. I just like ...
(77 words) Do girls like porn?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
6076 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
do girls and women also watch porn and if they do, which types?...
(13 words) ...he was watching porn and masturbating, without even asking how I'm feeling!
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6243 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
36-40 -
My boyfriend and I were having sex when I felt a severe abdominal discomfort and I asked him to stop. After taking a rest for about 5 minutes, he wanted to force himself into me again but my pain was still there so I said I didn't want to do it anymore. I then left the room to ...
(111 words) Boyfriend is getting a divorce, now is having second thoughts, he still loves his ex and me, what do I do?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
6107 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
41-50 -
My boyfriend and I have been together for 9mths. When we were friends he was honest to tell me he was divorced (no kids) so when we got together it never crossed my mind again until November 07. He mentioned that he got a divorce letter so I got upset but I didn’t freak out or ...
(306 words) Why am I so scared of SEX!!!
This question has
6 answers
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6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (M)
36-40 -
Hi, I am 20 year old male and it might be funny I had a lot of chances for sex, but I never got the guts to. Here is a bit of background. I am bi and no one in my family knows about it and I am probably more gay than bi but I want a family and children so I'm guessing I'm BI j...
(242 words) How long should a couple date before getting engaged and then eventually getting married?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
6214 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
How long should a couple date before getting engaged and then eventually getting married? We have been dating 3 years and 2 months. I am ready to get the show on the road. What is your opinion?...
(39 words) My sex drive is gone.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
6245 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
51-59 -
i can just take it or leave it, but even when i take it, i never have an orgasm or come with my partner. i never have with any partner. im 37 and i realise it must be a mental thing but i love and trust this guy im with so what the hell is my problem?when i use a vibrator i do ...
(94 words) I want them to have great lives.
This question has
7 answers
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6244 days ago
8 February 2008 (F)
30-35 -
Hello again, My name is Faith and i previously posted a question about my childrens grandmother wanting to take custody of them. First of all thankyou for all your help but i have another question. Ive been thinking alot, and im just wondering whether people would put t...
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