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Archived questions from:
May, 2014 (see latest questions)
Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice | | |
Co-worker found out I have a crush on him
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3917 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
So I have a little problem. For about 6/7 months, I have had a crush on a co-worker, and now he knows. So it was my birthday today, and we were all at work. I was given a card from all my co-workers and waited until the end of the day to read it. I was sitting by myself w...
(258 words) How do I prepare myself for the breakup? And should we stay friends?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
For the past year and 7 months, I've been involved with this guy. Even though it's been a rough year, I've gotten really attached to him- I lost my virginity to him and everything. However it's become more and more apparent he isn't "ready" or willing to commit. And it's...
(350 words) 2 guys and I'm confused!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3819 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
36-40 -
Hi everyone well for the last 6 months 2 guys have been interested in me. Both of them are my friends. I find them both attractive. The first one has done so much for me, he is always there when i ask him for help, he has helped me more times than i can count, is so sw...
(566 words) How do I confront my boyfriend about pictures and files I've found?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
26-29 -
Dear Cupid, I having problems trusting my boyfriend who I've been dating for 6 months. He's my first boyfriend and he says he loves me deeply but I find it hard to believe him because of some of the things I have discovered on his phone whilst just playing around. I h...
(268 words) We are meeting for the first time and her parents want to know my job? Do I say I'm not working?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (M)
36-40 -
Hi, I'm in a little bit of a dilemma, and I need some advice. I met this girl in her late twenties on a dating site. She made the first move. We've only traded a couple of messages back and forth, and are planning to meet tomorrow. She said something that kind of struck me...
(167 words) Would it be bad to tell my girlfriend I want to spend time with my friends?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (M)
30-35 -
Is it bad to tell girlfriend I want to go meet some friends for an hour or two. Once she comes to my house she doesn't leave till weekend finishes. I can't get rid of her because she doesn't see me all week. Sounds bad but I'm a guy I like to do things she doesn't like like gym ...
(64 words) What do you think of my poem to my ex?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (M)
Young lady's I sent a poem to an ex, I wrote, just like to know if you think, she would of like it, an she ever has regretted breaking up with me, its been almost two years no contact, this is the only time I did this, she left me to go back to her ex who beat her, I treated ...
(225 words) I can't handle being pregnant and not sure what to do all alone! Why isn't he helping me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
Heyy hii everyone.... I am in a grave problem. Help! I and my bf are in a relationship since 5 years. Though we love each other a lot now, but in past my bf's history is not that good. In first yar of our relation, he left me alone and ignored me. After that when I broke up ...
(433 words) Help me win my crush!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3917 days ago
31 May 2014 (M)
36-40 -
Ok, I've just very recently started at a new, temporary job, and there's a girl there that I'm really keen on, she's 100% GF material, and I'm actually 80% sure that she's keen on me too! Problem is, messing things up with the fairer sex is my specialty (I seriously think I ...
(527 words) In a man's mind, why would he ask you to turn off the light to kiss him? I thought that men liked women to do the opposite.
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3889 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
36-40 -
What does it mean when a man wants to kiss you in the dark? Call me paranoid but I get the feeling that's a bad sign. I have self image related problems and far less from perfect but I'm always trying to improve the quality of my life- although it may take a while. I'...
(191 words) Should I stay friends with him or not?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
I met a man about a year ago and became close friends. There was clearly chemistry and after a few months things progressed, we slept together and started hanging out a lot more. Things only got physical 5 or 6 times before it became obvious that I expected more from the ...
(288 words) Does he love me, why does he talk to me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
i first met my second cousin in 2010,when we were introduced to each other by our grandparents. we don't know anything more about each other and we see each other only one or two times a year. but,whenever he see me,he comes up and talks with me as though we are close friends. ...
(59 words) I should cut the cord, because it is better to have good memories than bad!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
36-40 -
Hi, I had a very bad break up a year ago and then after six months. I met a man who is 20 years elder to me and he was interested in me and we soon shared a very understanding relationship. we were very clear that we did not want to make a serious commitment towards each oth...
(288 words) I need to work out access arrangements.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
Hi, I will be filing a divorce petition soon and need some guidance for child visit arrangements on what people normally do. My ex stays 4 hours train journey from me and kids (we have 2 children 10 and 5). For the moment just to get away from him I had agreed that if he comes ...
(226 words) I'm done with dating and want no more to do with women!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3917 days ago
31 May 2014 (M)
30-35 -
I don't even know when to's like every time I try I somehow get used. My troubles started four girls ago and yet somehow I haven't learned my lesson. Let me tell you about myself; I'm twenty-three, college graduate, and living at home. I work a decent wadge, have a ...
(460 words) I've got a boyfriend but I have a HUGE crush on his cousin.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3907 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
Ohkay , so im dating this guy ( lets say his name is ... bob ) bob and I are really close and i really love him , we broke up and then got back together. ( , but when we got back together we werent as close )anyway so then me and his cousin started getting close ( lets say his ...
(194 words) Will I just be another notch on his bedpost?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
31 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
[Mod note: could you please ask the question you'd like the aunts to answer? Your last comment said you need to be so desperate to be with a man like this so why are you even considering such thing with him? Thanks.] Hi dear agony aunts. Thanks for your help. I am still co...
(251 words) How do I act toward my crush? I'll be visiting his workplace soon!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3913 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
36-40 -
How do I act around a crush, given that I choose "accidently on purpose" to be where he works and stand the possibilty of being served by him. I don't live in that town, but I used to go there often...I really want to see if he'll chat me up again as he did last time I ...
(183 words) I'm worried about my erections when I'm with her in person!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3917 days ago
30 May 2014 (M)
41-50 -
I'm in a long distance relationship with an amazing and extremely attractive woman. We have spent a number of weeks together in person now in the real world, and I would definitely say we understand each other very well and are very comfortable with one another. The thing is, ...
(189 words) The sex has gone to zero, he said we'll try again soon, 2 months later, still zero. Though he still watches porn. Now what?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
I've been with my partner for just over a year now, our sexlife was great literally like rabbits! But within the past year it's become non existent. He's 6 years older than me, (im 20) but has never bothered us. I know he's not cheating on me that's out the question, but he's ...
(210 words) Painful breakup and I can't seem to move on, what do I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
26-29 -
It's been well over 5 months since we broke up. We were together for 2 years and were childhood friends too so we know each other's deepest corners. We've been through so much and I know in my heart that I will always love him, and I also know that he will always love me too. ...
(319 words) Why is this boy from my primary school class talking to me on FB?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
22-25 -
Ok, im not so sure how to feel, but obviously when you leave primary school everyone adds each other on Facebook, just to keep in contact but really, the outcome is that people from primary don't talk anymore, right? Well, I did confirmation classes when I was in year 9 (l...
(306 words) Broke up with my cheating boyfriend and now I am pregnant, help!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
I have just found out that i am pregnant and i am absolutely devastated. My ex put me through hell for the past 2 1/2 years with constant lies, cheating and disrespect. He has alot of issue with porn addiction gambling etc and is involved in criminal activities. I ha...
(435 words) His internet history has me worried and wondering if he is gay or bisexual!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3891 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
I've been in a wonderful and eventful relationship with my current fiance (45) for a year and a half now. He's very masculine and energetic which is a far cry from my typical choice in partners (I typically go for more sensitive and effeminate guys, or just women all together) ...
(325 words) Sexting made me feel sick, should I tell my new boyfriend?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
I feel really ashamed. I have never sex texted a guy or had phone sex. My ex of two months was more interested in that than seeing me as he worked shifts. We broke up 3 months ago because he wanted a no strings thing. I met a very sweet guy soon after. I have been seeing him ...
(124 words) Is cell phone snooping okay?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
30 May 2014 (M)
Is it okay for someone you are dating to go into your cell phone behind your back and look at text messages you have received and sent to other people?...
(30 words) I'm having sex dreams about my average teacher!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
26-29 -
I'm 18 so its not like I'm new to the dating pool or even a virgin so most of what happened is strange. I had a dream I had sex with my English teacher, it was amazing but I've never thought about his like for a moment in the past three years that he has taught me. our real ...
(186 words) We've been together for 6 months but now he's pushing me away!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
26-29 -
I'm gonna make this quick. In college, just been diagnosed with epilepsy, secretly depressed - family thing I just can't talk about it. I've been with the most amazing guy for six months, we really love each other. Well I thought we did. I love him more than anything but he's ...
(179 words) I want my boyfriend to kiss me and be boyfriend material!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3917 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
22-25 -
Ok so my boyfriend (who is 13) and I (who is also 13) have been going out for almost a year, and he hasn't kissed me, hold my hand or hugged me without somebody telling him to! And I have asked him why he hasn't kissed me yet and he said "he wants it to be special and not get ...
(117 words) Guy friend or more than?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
One of my closest friends is a guy I met a few months ago who I had originally been interested in, but had a hard time reading. He seemed interested, but was sending mixed signals. Eventually, I mustered up the courage to ask him where we stood, and he finally told me he ...
(438 words) My teenage daughter is breaking the family apart!
This question has
22 answers
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
I've been married for 10 years and when I met my husband he inherited my 3 children too who were very young at the time, we have also had a child together... I had just left a violent marriage 6 months earlier and we were all still recovering (the violence wasn't aimed at the ...
(425 words) I'm telling the truth now, how do I get him to accept that and have faith in me again?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
3916 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
I admit to lying quite as lot to my boyfriend about being on some internet sites. That was a few months ago now. Since I stopped going to these sites, he has now stopped believing me. We break up every week, get back together and have a real loving time, and then he starts ...
(80 words) Why isn't he talking as much as he used to? Is it the distance? Or did he just want sex?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (F)
36-40 -
I've been talking to this guy for over a month and a half now. We met online and live an hour and a half away from each other. I went to his city three weeks ago because I needed to get something there and he took me out to get drinks. It was a lot of fun but we didn't even ...
(252 words) I cheated on my long-term girlfriend after we became long-distance. What should I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (M)
30-35 -
Dear Cupid, I'm a 24 year old male and I've dated the same girl since high school for over 7 years. Words can't describe how much I love this person and I still do. Almost 2 years ago, she moved to Europe for medical studies because she didn't get accepted into any school ...
(612 words) Can we really keep it together if she's gone for two years?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
30 May 2014 (M)
41-50 -
Hey guys. I'm in need of some opinions. I've been with my girlfriend for approaching two years now. We have a very loving and healthy relationship. And we are very compatible. We have discussed future marriage and kids and our lives together, in general. That being sai...
(386 words) Should I go to my boyfriend's best friend's birthday party? I don't want any more drama!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
Ive been seeing my boyfriend for about 10 months, exclusive for 6 months. Its going brilliantly! And we get a long so well. But last week hit a bit of a problem. So we have gradually been introducing each other to family and friends etc and its going well. Except last friday we ...
(450 words) Dumped, why am I so upset by this? A normal person would be running for the hills.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
I have been gong through a very difficult time these past few months. I had recently broken up with the biggest Casanova I'd ever dated (he had kids and a wife etc.)So a few months later I meet what I thought was my knight in shining armor, boy was I wrong. Mr. Perfect ...
(228 words) She said my 'offer' isn't good enough?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (M)
36-40 -
My girlfriend and I have been together for 4 years and I recently asked her to move in with me. However she turned me down. I'll admit we've had our arguments over the years, mainly because she kept saying she thought I acted single but I've never ever cheated on her, but ...
(324 words) I feel second-best to the girl he loved for 4 years, from the age of 14! Am I overreacting?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3920 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
26-29 -
On the 1st November 2013, I began a sexual relationship with my best friend (male). I had quite deeply loved him before that, but didn't want to sabotage our great friendship. He has always been a wonderful friend, always there for me, caring, willing to give up time and put in ...
(382 words) How long until I can add him back as a friend on FB?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3898 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
36-40 -
I got rejected by a guy a couple of weeks ago who I thought I really liked and I deleted him off facebook straight away. We haven't spoken since then and I've had time to realise now that I don't want him romantically, but I do want to be friends in the future. How long should ...
(69 words) My question is why some lasses follow you around when you give up on them? Give her a second chance or will that lead to heartbreak?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (M)
30-35 -
Hi I was sort of knowing a girl and dating her but I felt she was a bit cold and distant so I thought she's not interested and moved on! To tell you further, I actually liked her a lot and it was sort of heartbreaking to move on! Surely it took some time after which I wa...
(242 words) Any suggestions on how to act when I meet my ex again?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
Next month I'm going to a concert with a pair of friend of mine, but I've just found out there will be my ex too with us. I've been in a relationship with an incredible guy for the past six months, but I can't say I've completely forgotten my ex. The feelings I felt for my e...
(98 words) Did I over react when I dumped him?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
My boyfriend - I guess now ex boyfriend - is in his late 40s. We were dating a year and a half - exclusive for a year and 3 months. Over that time, I brought up the future several times. I want marriage and a kid and am ready to start nesting. He would alwas react badly - ...
(613 words) I wonder if he could actually care for me.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
Hi, I met someone on holiday five years ago. It was clear we liked the look of each other but nothing ever happened. He found me on facebook somehow when he got home and three years later we were still texting every other week. Last year he asked me over to Ireland where he...
(208 words) I found out he has another girlfriend but he wont admit it!
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
Me an my boyfriend have been toghter 16mnts an I recently found out he's been seeing another women.Although he still tries to hide her she makes herself well known around da neighborhood DAT they are toghter my problem is he will not admitt it an tell me he loves me but when ...
(87 words) Are we dating or is this just FWB?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
30-35 -
Before I ask this question, I'm going to ask that if you want to answer, just answer respectfully. I recently started seeing a 30 year old man. We have gone on a few dates before about a year ago and once about 6 months ago, but I sort of backed off because he is 9 years ol...
(589 words) Why do I think of him every day?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3906 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
i wrote a little while back about the affair i had. im still trying to put it behind me. i see that guy frequently out and about with his new gf. it hurts soo bad. its like it didnt even happen to him. i didnt get how little i meant to him until 2day as he kissed her in a ...
(95 words) I'm crushing on my friend's older brother.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3918 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
26-29 -
I met an incredible guy about three and a half months ago through my university’s social dance club. The awkward part is when I say met, I mean I had met him briefly before but never spoken to him…I had seen him around because he is my friend’s older brother. (I am going to be ...
(1182 words) I don't trust my boyfriend.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
29 May 2014 (F)
41-50 -
I do not trust my boyfriend. We've been together 4 years, don't live together but have talked about moving in together in the near future. We have problems in our relationship but the biggest one is I just don't trust him. I'm always questioning him and wondering if wha...
(789 words) How can I have a conversation with him about this without being arrested for a domestic dispute?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
28 May 2014 (F)
51-59 -
After 25 years of marriage I have come to realize my husband is a liar...about big and small things. I do not trust him at all, and I find it difficult to believe anything he tells me, even if it's about the weather!! I want to confront him about things I know he lied abo...
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