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Archived questions from:
February, 2011 (see latest in Trust issues category)
Trust issues: Help and adviceHe cheated and I haven't responded to him for 7 months. I will be moving back to his country, should I make peace with him?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 28 February 2011 (F) -
Hi there, I have a complicated story. In 2009 I stayed in Australia for in total 4 months for an internship. I met this guy through a friend of mine, we hit it off instantly, and it was supposed to be something casual. We spent time together...
My girlfriend has feelings for 2 of my friends! We all work together,so it's awkward. What should I do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5127 days ago
28 February 2011 (M) -
Ok so here it goes, my girlfriend and I have been dating for four years (I’m 21, she’s 20). The beginning was great, we loved each other and we were having fun and what not, this was until I found out she had feelings for two of my friends. So I ...
He says I'm crazy because I'm bipolar!?!?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5125 days ago
28 February 2011 (F) -
Me and my husband have been married a little over a year. I found out he had been talking to someone else for over 4 months. He swears nothing is going on. He says i'm crazy because i'm bipolar and it's all in my head. He hardly ever wants to have ...
My partner doesn't pay bills, or clean up messes, and she's taken money from my account without permission. What should I do?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5127 days ago
28 February 2011 (M) -
I am 36 years old and I have a wonderful two year old daughter. I own my home, and my daughter’s mom lives with me. This is where the problem comes in. She is going to school full time and out of the three years we have been living together...
I can't keep up this secret much longer!!!
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
5125 days ago
28 February 2011 (F) -
Going to keep this as short as possible.. I am a girl that's16 years old and am in a relationship with a 20 year old male. As I am living with my parents, and knew they would be against this we've been in a secret relationship for 10 months. ...
Should I talk to him about this? it's eating me up...
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5120 days ago
28 February 2011 (F) -
Hi i have a boyfriend who i've been with for about 3 months now. but recently because he's started working full time and we live about an hour away from each other i only really see him on weekends. i'm fine with this i guess, i would like ...
I have a boyfriend who loves me....but I'm starting to fall for my ex again!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5120 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I'm 17 years old, and I've been dating my boyfriend (let's call him O) for around 6 months, and its properly serious. I've only had one serious relationship before this one (let's call him L), here we were friends before we started dating. It end...
What do married men think of women who are friends with his wife, but flirts with him?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
What does a married man really think of a woman that flirts with him? What does he think of her character as a person? Does he really think he can trust someone like that? Especially if he sees that she is friendly with his wife? ...
After my girlfriend told me about her sexual past, I am disgusted! Should I have sex with her and leave her, or lose my virginity to another?
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
5089 days ago
27 February 2011 (M) -
Hi, I have been dating this girl that is crazy in love with me. However, she started talking about her past. She told me that she didn't want anything between us and that she needed to tell me everything, because she trusts me and so on and so forth...
He's so mysterious, is that bad? How can I get him to open up more?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5127 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
Thanks for reading. There's a guy who's been really patient with me and persistent to know me and I've become interested in him. Here's the snag, he's a bit mysterious and doesn't talk much about himself. I really have to think of things to ask hi...
My husband works alone at night, and someone caught him masturbating. Please help me understand why he did this!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5127 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
Well,the last time I told all about my husband playing with himself at work and losing his job. He worked at night by himself, but someone caught him and he has done this before. Just never got caught. I asked him time after time and he is ...
I googled my girlfriend's name and found a homemade sex video that may be of her. Should I ask her about it, or just drop it?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
27 February 2011 (M) -
So, I regularly play on Google just randomly googling up stuff and I tried googling my girlfriend just to see what came up, all ordinary, Facebook, Myspace, etc. Then I took off the filter and after going through many of the main pages, I found ...
I love her but her last lie may cost me my life. What should I do?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5127 days ago
27 February 2011 (M) -
Hello everyone, This is my first time writing, I'd really like some good advice with the situation I am in involving myself and my ex girlfriend/girlfriend - this I will explain below. There is so much to consider it will be difficult for me to ex...
Riddled with guilt, what do I do?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5126 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I am a 35 year old woman married for 3 years now. I had a lapse of judgement a few months ago and had an affair with a man in the town that I live in. I saw this man for three months and we were very sexually active. I broke it off after I thought ...
She denied cheating on me, and I've gotten over that hurdle, but now I am losing her! Please help!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
27 February 2011 (M) -
I am in a long distance relationship with a girl I met about 7 months ago. We only officially started dating about 3 months ago. Things were wonderful in the beginning. We got along so wonderfully, we would talk all night on the phone. We would ...
His brother is trying to sabotoge our relationship!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5125 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I love my boyfriend very much and is very much serious about him. I know that very well that his brother doesn't like our commitment. Recently I came to know the reason behind this hatred, his brother liked me before. But I accepted my boyfriend's ...
1 last thing before we settle, should I let him?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I have been friends with my guy for over 10 years and we hooked up at new year, 2010. We are both in our late 30's and it feels very serious and we are discussing getting married and having kids. Basically he booked a holiday to Thailand before w...
He doesn't take me seriously that I want to move on!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
its been 5years since the day my partner promised me his love and loyaltys, were still together today and we have two beutifull children together but his loyalty to me left our lifes about a year ago when he choose to secretly to seek atention from ...
If I told girls I was a virgin would it help or hinder me with girls?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
27 February 2011 (M) -
Im 22 years old without a girlfriend atm and I'm wondering if girls would see me differently if I told them I was a virgin....
I am so beautiful. Are my friends all just jealous of me?
This question has
27 answers
- newest was posted
5118 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I am so beautiful. I have a really nice body and i have double D's. Flirting comes naturally to me. I can honestly say that a lot of people like me and just want to be me. I'm really popular and i have a lot of experience. All my close friends are ...
My best friend is pregnant. My fiance is the father. Should we continue with planning our wedding as he wants to?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I've been going out with my boyfriend for five years and we are getting married in six months so technically he is my fiance. Everything was going so well for me i felt like i was living in a fairytale. My best friend since second grade was help...
He liked me until he met my sister. Is my reaction of feeling hurt and betrayed justified?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I like this guy and i was sure he liked me back... until he met my sister! We are complete opposite she is skinny and beautiful and i'm like the ugly duckling next to her. I had a birthday party and it was a very special to me because he was going ...
I am suffocating in this marriage. Is my emotional affair with this other man the answer?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5127 days ago
27 February 2011 (F) -
I will try to make my story as brief as possible. But please read and share your views. I have been married for a few years to the man of my own choice and am without kids due to many reasons. My in-laws are very interefering and they have mess...
Feeling really insecure about my boyfriend...should I talk to him about this?
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 27 February 2011 (F) -
Hi i have a boyfriend who i've been with for about 3 months now. but recently because he's started working full time and we live about an hour away from each other i only really see him on weekends. i'm fine with this i guess, i would like to see h...
I missed an opportunity before. How can I convey to my co-worker that I am attracted to her?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
27 February 2011 (M) -
around a year ago a co-worker and I both left our partners and began seeing other people. we began talking about our problems etc eventually going on a night out with friends during the night i got the vibe she was attracted to me but never acte...
He wants me to stay home and take care of the baby while he's in school
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
26 February 2011 (F) -
I need advice someone please help me is this good I'm trying to get my g.e.d and my boyfriend he works as a porter making $13.00 an hour. I do not have a job at the moment and Im taking my g.e.d and i want to get it done i have two more...
I'm not sure whether to end this unhealthy relationship or not?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
26 February 2011 (F) -
Cant quite believe I’ve come to asking this sort of advice on a forum! I'm 27, I've mean with my bf 2 years now, living together but no kids, planning a life together etc etc. We've had a few problems which I’ll write about below; but basically w...
After dating for 3 years, I suspect my boyfriend is cheating! How do I approach him to ask if it's true?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
26 February 2011 (F) -
Do I or don’t I break up with my partner? We have been seeing each other for 3 years now and I suspect him of seeing some one else. How shall I approach him to ask him if it’s true? Help please!!!...
I found out my girlfriend has a very wild sexual past, and she did webcam shows for others. Will a threesome make me feel better about her past?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
5089 days ago
26 February 2011 (M) -
Ok where to begin?! I was in a relationship of 8 years and that ended 1 year ago. For the past 5 months, I've been dating and living with a woman who 24 years old. She has 2 children and I love her and them! The problem is she did soooo many sex...
My insecurities are killing my relationship!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
26 February 2011 (F) -
So I'm in a little bind with my girlfriend. We have been dating for going on two years now and it seems like this last 6 months she has completely changed. In ways such as she has this friend she is extremely close to, talks to all the time, goes ...
She knew I liked him. Why did she, and he, have this joke on me? Or did they really have sex?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
26 February 2011 (F) -
I live across the street from this guy and girl. The girl: 'X'and I, are friends, not best friends just friends, me and the guy 'Z' and I have a flirtatious relationship, and I made sure X knew that. One day I came home from school and I saw...
I caught my fiance sexting his ex!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
26 February 2011 (F) -
I need help. i have no one to talk to. my fiancée texted his ex girlfriend, that cheated on him, saying he want to squirt a load in her. this is the second time i caught him saying sexual things to her. the texts where a year apart. he said that i ...
Boyfriend has gone off on a vacation with his ex wife and kids, does he love her more?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I don't think that I'm being unreasonable that I'm fairly annoyed that my partner, the guy who says he loves me.. has just gone away for a few days away with his ex wife and kids. Staying in a hotel in a family room! Last year I begged him to go aw...
Sad breakup...slowly moving on
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
Hi, I need your perspective to get healed faster. A year ago, I fell in love with my close friend of 6 months whom I knew for quite few years. He proposed me,I had deep admiration and love for him,I said yes instantly. We were/are in diff...
My boyfriend often picks his best girl mate over me!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
Hello:) My problem isn't too big, but it's bothering me. Basically, I'm with this guy who've been with a month, but liked for a while, and things couldn't be better. He treats me amazing and I'm so happy. But. His best mate Amy, is really hard to g...
He's not persuing me like he used to. Why does he no longer want to hang out with me?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I met this guy at a bar and he took my number and started texting the next day. We went on a date and he kept persuing me for more dates and everything was going great. He invited me to meet his parents, I hung out with his friends but we both nev...
My boyfriend's beautiful ex girlfriend who happens to resemble Mila Kunis!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5128 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I have been with this guy for a bit over six months. I never cared about his past at first. He told me he was with a girl for around five years and had a nasty break up. Lately I keep thinking about their relationship. I have never even seen her...
How do I get rid of this anger I have towards men because of my ex?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I feel really angry towards my ex, even though we split up over a year ago. We were together for 2 1/2 years. He was the sweetest, loveliest man I had ever met, until he started acting really out of character. We were in a long distance ...
We shared a bed, and we touched, but didn't go further. Should I tell his Gf?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
i'm 15 and have been single for about a year. Last week i went to a party at a mates house and because i had no way of getting home i stayed at his house and it was me and 5 other boys but we are all really good friends so it didn't bother me. I ...
We are both unfaithful and he asked me to marry him what should I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I am a gorgeous girl who never lacks male attention, however, one year ago I met a man who I started dating long distance. We are in love, or so we say. He has children, I also have 1 child. We both have been dating other people since about the 2nd ...
My boyfriend and his best friend (a girl) have a ritual where they spend Sunday night together and drink past midnight!!
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
Dear Cupid, My boyfriend and I have been dating for 15months. His best friend is a woman he's known for 15. When they met, she was a lesbian in a long term relationship. They spent their Sunday nights together and started a ritual of making...
It makes me sick to think about my husband going on a work trip with a female co-worker. How do I cope?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3919 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I hate being jealous, but I don't know how to change! I absolutely admire people who never get jealous. How do they do it? My husband will be traveling out of town next month with a female co-worker and I'm trying to be cool about it, but it is ...
My partner has cheated on me, given me STD's, beaten me, and threatened me. I fear for the life of my children and I. What should I do?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
How best do I sort the storm I feel I’m stuck in? I've been involved in a very strained on-again off-again relationship for nearly nine years. We have children together and I've also endured a miscarriage (as a result of a beating) to this man. ...
My husband flirts with other women, and it makes me feel terrible. How can I get the strength to leave this miserable marriage?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I'm thinking of leaving my husband. We've been together for nearly 7 years and dated for 5 years before that, but I feel like my life revolves around him. My husband loves women, and the more attention he gives them, the less I feel about my...
Husband cheated with multiple women...I am struggling and need input.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5129 days ago
25 February 2011 (F) -
I found out almost 2 years ago my husband was on internet dating sites behind my back for 6 years and met with some of the women for sex. I am having a difficult time still trying to get past this. I've been to marriage counselling, personal ...
We're in financial trouble and have been offered money for sex, should we do it?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
5130 days ago
24 February 2011 (F) -
I am currently engaged and still studying, which means I don’t have much time to work. Money for us is quite tight between paying for our house and other expenses. My fiance had lunch with a man who we have known for a little while and brought ...
Is it normal for a girl's voice to crack?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
5131 days ago
24 February 2011 (F) -
Is it normal for a girls voice to crack ? My voice cracks alot and i get made fun of. Could it be from under using it because i rarely talk. Anyway to prevent or stop it?...
He means the world to me. How can I get him to trust me?
This question has
8 answers
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5130 days ago
24 February 2011 (F) -
Hello :-) Right, i shall start from the begining so it makes more sense to you all. (whoever's reading) My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly a year now, and at the begining of the relationship i was still talking to other boys (jus...
I am gay and still have feelings for my ex-boyfriend. Also, I told a crush that I liked him, but he is straight. HELP!
This question has
1 answer
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5131 days ago
24 February 2011 (M) -
Hello everyone, Let's say my name is WD. I'm in high school at a small, preppy academy, and I'm gay, but I didn't fully come to this realization until the day before Halloween of last year. A guy, let's call him FC, came out to me; we had been fli...
I don't know what to do, his temper really scares me!
This question has
2 answers
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5131 days ago
24 February 2011 (F) -
Dear Cupid, I have been with my man for 7 years now. We love each other but sometimes I wonder if we are right for each other. In the 7 years he has treated me very nice and very bad at times. He does not trust me all because I told a lie when we ...
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