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Archived questions from: June, 2008 (see latest in Marriage problems category)

Marriage problems: Help and advice

Everyone is rowing and I'm in the middle. I must be the worst wife and mother in the world. Please give me some advice.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5919 days ago

30 June 2008 (F - I have been married for 22 years not happy and i have a boyfriend. my husband and i still live together just for financial reasons. I have 2 sons one 16 and another 13. the 13yr old has had severe anxiety problems that has resulted in him being a ...

We need to spice up our marriage. Please tell me what to do.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5864 days ago

30 June 2008 (F - I'm married and I have been married for 16 years now.I am trying to figure out what's the best thing to do.My husband comes to bed around 4 in the morning instead of spending time with me.I have told him time and time again to please come to bed.He ...

How do I learn to trust and regain my self esteem?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5926 days ago

30 June 2008 (F - Hi everyone. I am seeking some advice on how to get beyond the things that have happened to my marriage and my self esteem. My husband of six years (together for 10) cheated on me with an 18 year old girl. He actually left the kids and I for about ...

Am I wrong not to believe my wife over this?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5926 days ago

30 June 2008 (M - Years ago and 1 or 2 years after we started dating there was a situation where I have never been able to believe that my girlfriend told me the truth. She was at a last day before Christmas work party at a tavern where there was always action and I ...

He misses the excitement, and wants that 'lifestyle' back. I don't know what to do.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5926 days ago

30 June 2008 (F - Dear Cupid, Where do I start? We have been together for almost 20 years, married for 6 years. We have been together 24/7 for most of those 20 years. We worked together, lived together. When we got together, we did not live together or work togethe...

I just want my husband to show some affection, he thinks by cleaning the house it shows he cares...

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5641 days ago

30 June 2008 (F - i have been with my husband for 12 yrs. he never show`s me he cares, he says he can`t show his feeling`s. i have tried to except it but i can`t. i don`t feel loved, wanted, i just feel i have no one. he is never there for me. i have to cope with thin...

I love her. She's the light of my life. But when she won't even let me have some fellowship with my friends in peace, it really does drive me away...any advice???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5909 days ago

29 June 2008 (M - My wife and I have been married for 6 years, as of this past April. We have a good relationship, by my reckoning. We have 1 son, who is 3 years old. I like to go out and try new restaurants, whereas she doesn't. I like to have friends over for...

I love him but he is being really cruel to me...should I file for a divorce??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5927 days ago

29 June 2008 (F - For the past few months my husband has been threatening divorce, and it's been really lowering my self-esteem. We got married and moved to the states this year. He is able to work, and I wasnt able to work since I had no authorization. Recently, I ...

He wants me back but his divorce is not finalised...what should I do??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5927 days ago

29 June 2008 (? - I have been in a relationship with a man for almost two years. He is going through a divorce. In December last year I got really tired of all the excuses and problems regarding the divorce. Also everytime he took the children away for a holiday the ...

I feel like I am trapped I want to leave but don't know how to go about it....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5927 days ago

29 June 2008 (F - Sorry for this being long but you need to know the story beforehand- I have been with my partner for about 4 years and brought a house together about 3 years ago. We were happy for about 2 of these years. We always argue, he likes to order me...

I'm really confused, she keeps changing her attitude towards me!! I'm really working hard to make things better...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5924 days ago

29 June 2008 (M - well this past week things have been going great positive convo on the phone she actually called me 3 days in a row and told me she misses me we got together one night we did stuff and i helped her with her computer and things around the house that ...

My husband left me when he found out I lied to him years ago, now I can't make him listen to my side of the story.

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5924 days ago

29 June 2008 (F - My husband left us just before Xmas saying that he 'wanted out' and didn't feel anything for me anymore. This started because many years ago I told him a lie and he found out about it. The thing is the lie was explainable and justifiable but he will ...

My husband has severe anger and control issues, will this ever change?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5927 days ago

29 June 2008 (F - Help, my husband of only 1 1/2 years is very controlling, he does not let me have any friends and has even made me give up my best friend. He swears at me and calls me names on a daily basis and even insults my kids. I don't want to be without him ...

My husband said he doesn't love me anymore. What should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5922 days ago

28 June 2008 (F - My husband said he didn't love me anymore about 2 1/2 months ago. Then I kicked him out because I was fed up with his crap. I did not think he would stay gone this long and I have tried along with our 11 year old son to get him to go to counseling ...

Wife had affair I cant get over it and move on, I want to though...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5929 days ago

27 June 2008 (M - How do you put your wifes affair in the past and move forward in the relationship. She has told me everything and I know I neglected her infact I had two affairs on her and she knew about one. We have both cut off all ties to the affair poeple and ...

I love my husband, but I'm attracted to another man, help!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5386 days ago

27 June 2008 (F - I've been married for over 10 years to my highschool sweetheart. We have two children. He's a good dad and husband. Neither of us have other sexual partners. I am attracted to another man. No lines have been crossed, and I doubt this guy even knows. ...

How can I help our relationship through these tough times?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5929 days ago

27 June 2008 (F - I've been married to my husband (age 48)for 26 years and he has recently informed me that he "loves" me, but is "no longer in love" with me. (He actually said that he couldn't believe I didn't know that was how he felt. I told him I didn't get that ...

How do I find out if he's having an affair?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5929 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - my husband had an affair he denies they slept together and were just friends now he has a lot of female friends i dont know i may have met her in the supermarket once and have been introduced i think he's up to some thing again but have no proof and ...

I found my husband online dating, please help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5930 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - hi im 22 and my husbands 25 , we've been together 4 years but lately ive been having real trusting problems which isnt healthy for the relationship, you see i found out that he had signed up to a online dating site not just any though a one for ...

Do I hate my wife or hate myself? What can I do to better our lives?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5888 days ago

26 June 2008 (M - I have been married for 1 year to a woman i met online we have a 1 month year old child together who i very much love. However, I have lately been feeling hatrid and anger towards my wife, being very bitter and what some could consider as abusive,...

I'm fed up with this cycle in our 4-plus year affair!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5930 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - I am in a 4year plus extra marital affair. I love this guy and supposedly he loves me too. We both are controlled by our spouses. I have had enough with both my husband and him and have told my husband that I want change(he is mentally and ...

Our sex life doesn't satisfy me.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5931 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - Hello, I really need your help in somethong serious! I have more than one problem! I hate doing the doggy style and my husband loves it.. he asks me almost everytime while we are having sex to bend down so he can do it,,(excuse me for the language ...

Would you stay in an orgasmless marriage??

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5930 days ago

26 June 2008 (F - Where do I start..... As a single, I was very sexual and had multiple partners both male and female. I met my now husband this way so he knows what my past was like. I have always wanted sex with multiple partners, but for many years I let...

Why can't I stop thinking about this man I had a thing with??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5931 days ago

25 June 2008 (F - Hi aunts while i was going through my marriage separation, i met and had sex with a man who i had known for 2 years, i had worked with him, there was always something between us, he declared he love me and we are ment to be together and the...

My wife keeps asking me to leave and then to comeback... I don't know what else to do!?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5931 days ago

25 June 2008 (M - Hi there Help needed!!!....3 weeks ago me and my wife split up which was very hard to get my head around...we have been married for nearly 5 years and have 2 beautiful girls. Our realtionship has never been brilliant due to my wife's paranonia and ...

Should I back off and until everything is sorted out with his wife?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5922 days ago

25 June 2008 (F - A friend of mine called sometime ago thinking something was wrong in his marriage, thinking I could heip since I spent time with his wife. I've known them for years, so I tried helping. then he went home early on night to spend time with her, and ...

Husband cheated and other woman got pregnant, what should I do?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4785 days ago

25 June 2008 (F - A year and a half ago, my husband had an affair. The OW got pregnant. We decided to separate because of this and I moved away. My husband's reasons for starting the affair are many, but one of them being that I didn't want children yet and he ...

Sex causes pain for my wife. What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5928 days ago

25 June 2008 (M - A few years ago my wife had a vaginal hysterectomy. We have not had intercouse since as it causes her so much pain. I have tried discussing this with her but she pretty much refuses. This has destroyed the intimacy that we once shared. I get the ...

My wedding wasn't how I wanted it, and I can't stop thinking about it!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5931 days ago

25 June 2008 (F - Dear Readers, I just got married and I feel very depressed that my wedding turned out to be very different than i excpected. I had a contract with a famous designer in Kuwait and she totally screwed up, its my fault i didnt check with the design....

What do I do? I'm a newly wed (4 months) and I'm not getting sex!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5931 days ago

24 June 2008 (M - hi im unsure what to do im newly married 4 months ago we had been together 3 half years we have a 3yrold little boy together when we got together we had an amazing sex life but for the last 18 months or so my partner has just lost interest in sex i ...

Who do I choose-my lover or my wife of 31 years?? Advice needed badly!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5928 days ago

24 June 2008 (M - hi there. my story is long and complicated. but to give you an idea of what i am going through. here goes. i am married for 31 years with 2 grown up kids. the relationship i have with my wife is good at this time but hasn't always been this way. she ...

Should I be insulted, my husband tells his friends he was attracted to me because of my breasts?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5893 days ago

24 June 2008 (F - would you be insulted if your husband told a group of people we were out with (mainly his friends) that the first thing that attracted him to me was my big breasts and was the reason he approach me. I felt a bit like it was disrespectiful, ...

I'm still dreaming with my ex but I am now married! I don't know what to do!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5742 days ago

24 June 2008 (F - My problem... I keep dreaming of my ex-boyfriend. I've been married for 3 years and have a child with my husband. I love my husband very much and I always have. I dated my husband before I dated the ex that I am dreaming of. My ex and I dated ...

Unsure if I love my husband more as a brother or a long term partner!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5932 days ago

24 June 2008 (F - Hi aunts wonder can you shed some light on my problem please? I will be married for 2 years in July we have had our problems etc but managed to sort these and had split up twice during this two years but then got back together. My worry is, i ...

Am I beign unreasonable??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

22 June 2008 (F - I have been happily married for a decade. My husband has always had lots of female friends, who I get along with usually. Recently, my husband met a single mum of one and I did not really mind. I went to meet her but she ignored me most of the time ...

I feel undermined in my marriage and get no joy from it, how can I... take action?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

22 June 2008 (F - I have been married for 15 years. I have been unhappy and unfulfilled. I have not had any / hardly any sex for at least half that time with my husband. The reasons are many and varied on my part. I no longer find my husband emotionally attractive ...

Help me! I can't deal with all his drama.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

22 June 2008 (F - hi everyone, im a 40 yr old woman, who is married to a 43 yr old man, at this time we are seperated, and hes moved out, and i have filed for a divorce, which will be final in another month. i have took a dvepo out on my husband the day he and i ...

Have recently found out my husband is doing drugs is our marriage ending anyway?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

22 June 2008 (F - I've been married for 2 years and have recently found out my husband is doing drugs. I argue with him all the time and feel he is not listening to my feelings or thoughts. We have one child and I feel this marriage is going nowhere and am thinking ...

We have very little sex life - How can I improve it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

22 June 2008 (F - Dear everyone, I have a problem would like to solve for a long time. Wish you all give me command and suggestion to solve my problem. :) I have such a hard time having sex with my husband. I feel really bad about it. I don't know what to ...

Our divorce is nasty and he won't talk to can I get him to communicate?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5930 days ago

21 June 2008 (F - I am in the process of getting divorced and my husband sees his son alternate weekends. When he comes he will ring on his phone to tell my son to be ready and if I come to the door to answer he will not look at my face. On drop off he will drop at ...

Should I do something about my marriage problems or should I pray my way through these red flags?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5935 days ago

21 June 2008 (M - Should I pray my way through "red flags" that reveal a selfish and controlling personality in my husband or am I being a blind fool to keep trying to find a way to respect him when he blatantly disregards the feelings of me and my children? In the ...

My married lover won't leave her husband....

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5807 days ago

21 June 2008 (M - Hi, I am in a love with a married woman. I know that she loves me too. She stays with her husband. Both stay together. They had some problems in their relationship in which I came in between and we started loving each other. I know her very well. ...

I'm unable to treat my husband nice after he cheated on me. Any advice on what to do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5935 days ago

21 June 2008 (F - I am unable to treat my husband nice after he has cheated on me. For example when he asks me to massage his shoulder I say a BIG NO. Such things make our life difficult to live together. Any advice? Please help....

I love my husband but want my builder

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5935 days ago

20 June 2008 (F - Hi Im confused! I am 21 and have always been very headstrong! 4 years ago i met a married man who i instantly fell for. I found out he wasnt happy in his marraige and made a play for worked and i am now married to him! He worships the grou...

Do you think it's the right decision/necessary for me to know details of his affair?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5935 days ago

20 June 2008 (F - I've been very contemplative about this question. I have so many questions in my head all the time that all I do is just think about them. A part of me says that I do want to know EVERYTHING (times, places, who they were with, who knew, what i...

My wife and I are at odds, over her continued contact with her ex and his family? Any input?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5936 days ago

20 June 2008 (M - My wife had an abusive alcoholic father, and unsupportive mother in her teens. As a result, she moved out right after high school, and got married to this guy she was dating for only 6 months. Well, they were only married for less than 1 year and ...

My husband doesn't kiss me, and hasn't in months!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5936 days ago

20 June 2008 (F - my husband does not kiss me and has not kissed me in months, he also does not say he love me and he does not have an interest in oral sex(when performing it on me) what should i do and do you see any love or likeness here?...

I feel as if I am at crossroads in my marrige...all advice really appreciated!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5933 days ago

20 June 2008 (F - I have been married for 6 years, this is my second marriage I'm 41 my hubby is 40.My first husband was controlling and aggressive and violent. One of the reasons I was attracted to my second husband was the fact that he was undemanding, kind, co...

Confused and worried about the future finance

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5936 days ago

20 June 2008 (F - My fiance and I have been a couple for over 2 years and have been engaged for 6 months. We have a date to get married this December. He and I both divorced with 2 kids each. Mine are 13 and 15. His are 5 and 9. Him and his ex-wife (of 11 years ...

What should I do? I've spent weeks thinking but haven't come up with a solution...all advice really appreciated!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5937 days ago

19 June 2008 (F - Hi all, My husaband recently got back from a business trip in china. I know it sounds untrusting but I checked his phone and to my horror there was text to one of his sports friends it went something like this, Hi mate, can't play squash, still in ...

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