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Archived questions from:
September, 2011 (see latest in Trust issues category)
Trust issues: Help and adviceI wanted her gone. And I was wrong.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (M) -
well.. i cant believe after nearly 2 years (1.8) my gf and I have broken up :( two weeks ago now. at first i asked her to leave my flat, and said we would talk in a month. (there were a series of things that led me to that point - at the 6month ...
Checked my boyfriend's facebook account and found emails from the past that I don't like!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
Hi all. I have been with my bf for almost two years. I suffer from terrible insecurity and have often wondered if he has cheated. Anyway, I know it’s wrong but I decided to check his facebook account. I found nothing untoward in the last two years ...
I kissed another man. How do I tell my husband, who has been away for work reasons. Should I tell my husband?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4911 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
I kissed a man at a conference a week ago... I've been married for 7 years. My sex drive is WAY higher than my husband and this has been a struggle our whole marriage. Every four to eight weeks on average... And nothing while I was pregnant. I ...
Is Breaking Up a Mistake? Should I Tell Her the Truth? I need advice to Get Over Someone!
This question has
2 answers
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
For about three years I have had feelings for a close girl friend of mine. I have told her I was bi/ pan sexual. I have also told her about my feelings for her a couple years ago. It didnt go anywhere because she is straight. But this past summer ...
I am in relationship stress over this situation. Does he really love me? Why did he ignore me for so long after my Mom died?
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3 answers
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
Hi Dear Cupid it's me again now a senior in high school and that also means that I have more relationship stress. As you may know from my last questions I've been involved with my bestfriend/ now ex-boyfriend and just when I thought things coul...
Am I being emotionally abused? He is an alcoholic and uses manipulation and guilt to control me.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
22 years ago I fell in love with my high school sweetheart. After graduation we parted ways and I moved out of state. We reconnected last year on facebook and have been together ever since. He is an alcoholic and uses manipulation and guilt to cont...
He is 40 and I am 25. Is that too old if you both like each other?
This question has
2 answers
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
im 25 and the guy i like is 40. is that too old if you both like each other? and do older men think 25 is to young? im pretty mature i mean ifinished grad school, and still live with my parents but am looking to eventually move out.. i was wondering ...
We did break up a month ago. YET he still wants to flirt. What's up with him?
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2 answers
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
So its been over a month now, since my boyfriend and I broke up. But he still has feelings for me. I guess the reason he still feels close to me is that...just because we are now exes...we are still like best friends. I don't have a problem being ...
Should just keep him out of our lives. And deny access to his child? But is it the right thing to do ?
This question has
2 answers
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
Hi i am in a situation with my baby's father apparently he's with someone else now and we just broke up last week. It hurts to know that he's with the one girl he cheated on me last weekend but i am just doing fine what i wanted to ask was i dont ...
Is he ready to call it quits? And can't tell me yet? should I continue down the same path and give him space?
This question has
1 answer
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
I have been with my boyfriend for 8 months now and I just can't figure out where our relationship is going and what it is that he wants. When we first started dating, things were so wonderful that I cannot even explain. We have so many things i...
He says he is falling in love with me but that he can't leave his family. How can I let go of him and end our work affair?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
4911 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
I need some advice. I am a teachers assistant at an elementary school. I have been working with the same man for the last three years. We are both married with 3 kids. We have formed a great friendship and seem like ideal mates for each other. W...
His sex drive is higher. I deny him probably 2 times a week, but how do I deal with him masturbating to porn?
This question has
8 answers
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4911 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
I know this question has been posted a million times, but I was hoping for an answer on my specific situation: My boyfriend (he's 26 and I'm 23) have been together for about a year and a half, and have been living together for 10 months. Some...
So, what was his feeling toward me? It's a little mysterious, so I need your opinions please?
This question has
1 answer
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4913 days ago
30 September 2011 (F) -
I told my crush(an exchange student) I liked him. However, he said long distance relationship was impossible and if a relationship came into existence it wouldn't continue... In addition to this, he said he had no idea when he will come back to m...
Is it wrong of them? Neither of them seem to think they have done anything wrong
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4913 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
Okaay where to start.. Well i have been seeing this guy for a few days even though im all that into him i think hes okay but i thought id give him a chance. I will call this boy 'C' then there is one my best friends who i will call 'E' She (E) is s...
Trust issues between bf and I, don't know why he still doesn't trust me, and don't feel I have any reason to trust him.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
Hi, so I'm in a going on two years relationship, we live together and we are both serious. Problem is, in the beginning of our relationship, he did some stupid things and lost my trust. He lied a lot in past relationships and is trying to stop ...
Should I be worried that she is still friends on Facebook with her ex, and she hasn't changed her relationship status?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (M) -
My girlfriend and the man she used to love before are now facebook friends. does this have anything to do with our relationship? her relationship status is single while mine is in a relationship...
How do you get through being cheated on and lied to by a guy who never even cared about you?
This question has
3 answers
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4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
He said he never lies... I'm struggling to keep count of all the lies he's told. He said he's been cheated on before and would never cheat... he asked other girls out while we were together and straight after we break up. He told me he's not like ...
He deleted some girls off Facebook when I said I don't like them, but then a few months later they are back! What can I do?
This question has
5 answers
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4913 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
MY Bf live in US and i live in greece so we just talk and chat everyday,before i told him that i hate those bit*** on his facebook friendlist and he removed them,later because of studying i deactived my facebook profile and then after 2 or 3 month ...
Why is she texting me, giving me mixed signals, and calling me? does that mean I have a chance. Or does she just want me around while she grieves?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (M) -
My ex and I broke up about 4 weeks ago. Its hard for me to talk to her because it was my fault we broke up. She is still mad that I facebook chatted this girl I want, suppose to talk to while I was drunk and we talked, then turned to sexting. I hone...
How can I support him? Could he be lying to cope with his parents' divorce?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
Hi, I have this very good guy friend. He is a really good guy, very sweet and usually an honest person. About two weeks ago he texted me he wasn't going to be in school. I asked why, and he said family issues. I told him I hope eveythings ok and h...
How normal, or how often, is it likely a person could get depressed by what their loved one says?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
How normal or often is it to get depressed by what your loved one says? sometimes I feel like I was in a better place before I talk to my boyfriend. He's very politically centered, and I just don't like politics. everything has to be poli...
My work colleagues rarely bother asking me to go out with them as a group. How do I get accepted by this group? Should I ask if I can join in?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
29 September 2011 (F) -
Hi, I really hope its okay just this once to ask a different type of relationship question!! My work 'mates' never ask me to go anywhere with them, and I was wondering should I start asking them to come out with me instead? Ive worked t...
Is his promiscuous ex flirting with my man? What can I do to stop it, or am I possessive?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4915 days ago
28 September 2011 (F) -
Hello everyone, I have a loving relationship with my bf for a month plus. Before that we already knew each other for almost a year. Although I'm very happy with everything, I can't help but feel that his ex is trying to flirt with him. She replies ...
Feeling angry all the time because I don't trust my boyfriend and these other people are getting in the way of our relationship...what should I do?
This question has
2 answers
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4915 days ago
28 September 2011 (F) -
Okay, firstly this is my question; I don't know what to do. In the very begining of my relatonship with my BF, if im being honest he wasnt the best and even he will say that now too. He never wanted to text a lot or see each other and he put th...
Am I overreacting? I have told her how uncomfortable it makes me feel but she says I can't tell her what to do....
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4912 days ago
28 September 2011 (M) -
Hi all, Right been with my partner for 2 years and basically an old friend of hers from school found her on the dreaded facebook. He is a 17 year old guy from pakistan who is always with his older brother. Now my gf has alot of guys friend and ...
It's been a week now. I don't know how to proceed with her. Should I tell her '' No''? or say more?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4916 days ago
28 September 2011 (M) -
So I have this friend I have known for two years now. Several months after meeting she confessed that she liked me as "more than a friend", thought I was sexy, smart, wonderful and said she wanted to date me. I was very flattered but am not ...
Unexpected! I just don't want this....What can I do or say to get her to stay?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4915 days ago
28 September 2011 (M) -
Hey there everyone I need some help on my relationship. My GF and I have been together for 3 1/2 years. Everything has been going great we moved in together in April of this year and everything was perfect. But today she approched me after work and ...
I am so jealous! I have the right to be, he's MY boyfriend!
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
4915 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
This girl writes on my boyfriend's wall everyday, with like ten posts of stuff to make him laugh because apparently he's depressed. I wouldn't know that because he never tells me anything anymore and is always talking to her. Some days he just ...
What are signs he's losing interest in you?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
4910 days ago
27 September 2011 (?) -
What are some of the biggest signs he is losing interest in you? Also what out of these are signs? If before he always wanted you to wear lingerie and now you do and he just ignores you or looks annoyed? If you say you want to get more linger...
No orgasm from penetrative sex, is this wrong/different?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
okay ..i have a problem with sexual pleasure i think something is wrong or different with me!i don't get an orgasm from real sex...i get it only when i stimulate it from outside i mean without putting anything inside,i never masturbated by inserting ...
His ex is a newly married good looking girl. What does it mean to us he checks her out on FB regularly?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4914 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
We are just about to get married and I found out that my future husband is regularly visiting facebook profile of his ex who is also freshly married. He told me about her, that he left her as he couldn't imagine being with her for the rest of his l...
She does not know why. What can we do for her to feel better and possibly restore her love for me?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (M) -
I need help it's with my gf. we have been currently been together for 2 years and 2 months recently she has told me she has had a very bad feeling and she is losing her love for me. I don't know why she is like this, and she doesn't have a clue ...
How much is too much patience? He tells me to "please wait and be patient" but my patience has limits
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
So I met this guy two years ago but he was with someone else, so we lost touch, but then one day a year ago we started talking again. And I found out he was single. We started talking practically everyday and every night and things seemed to go very...
Usually I like being submissive. So how can I step up the face, to be more active, like he wantrs?
This question has
4 answers
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4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
So here goes, my partner of 18 months says he wants me to take on more of an active role in the bedroom eg initiating sex more often and suggesting things I want him to do. The trouble is, I don't know how. Everytime I think about saying or doin...
Love triangles. I keep trying to do the 'right' thing but it keeps hurting more and more. What can I do?
This question has
5 answers
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4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
First it's important to know that I have never had this occur before, never thought it even slightly possible, and hope it never happens again. I'm 35 and 3 years ago I moved workplaces. I was assigned a mentor, B, who was great in showing me the ...
Is it likely a new Bf may lose interest after learning about the STD? I want to break up with my bf.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
I love my boyfriend, but our relationship seems hopeless, and I think I probably should end it. This seems like an odd reason to hesitate, but I am worried that I will have trouble finding someone new because I was recently diagnosed as being HPV ...
Why do people expect their significant others to stop seeing the mother/father of their child even though they are together?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4915 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
Hi, I have seen alot of questions on this site an also on TV and once with my aunt. Why do people expect their bf/gf/husband/wife/fiance to stop seeing the mother/father of their child because they're together? For example, lets say a girl and a bo...
Should I intervene on behalf of my boyfriend who just tossed in a good job? Is he ready for a new challenging job?
This question has
3 answers
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4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
My boyfriend has been unemployed for over a year. I feel partially responsible for his situation because he moved with me so that I could start a job, and the new area does not offer many jobs in his field. In the past year, I have seen his ment...
Seems like every girl loves him. He flirts. What should I do? Don't want to appear jealous.
This question has
3 answers
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4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
I really like a boy and I know he loves me. But it seems like every girl loves him. He knows it too. It really makes me feel insecure and jealous when he flirts with other girls. Is it normal for a boy to do this? Am I overreacting? I'm afraid that...
After seeing his emails I feel like I can be replaced
This question has
8 answers
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4916 days ago
27 September 2011 (F) -
my Bf left his fb open on my pc... i didn't realize it was his at first clicked on the messages and saw that he was in serious contact with his ex... to the point of lending her 2500.00 to get a place... she is having issues with her man etc... same ...
Do you think he's using me?
This question has
2 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (F) -
I just wanted some advice, because I really feel like my bf is jst using me. We knew each other really well b4 we went on our first proper 'date' and by the end of it we were snogging. Since then we have had abt 5/6 dates and every time he just ...
How common is it for women to have sex because they think it will help "catch" a guy?
This question has
6 answers
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4916 days ago
26 September 2011 (M) -
I realize this is a very broad question, and every woman is different so there's no single "right" answer, but I'm curious what people's general thoughts are? To what extent do women have sex because they think it will help them catch a guy? I r...
She stops me from confronting individuals that want to date her?
This question has
3 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (M) -
We have related with my girlfriend for a year now at campus. now that i finished my program she alone there, she tells me about people who are asking her for love and that she turns them down. However, she stops me from reacting to those ...
She never invites me to her home any more. Why does she only suggest we "get a room"instead? What's going on?
This question has
6 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (M) -
Let's say you are in a relationship with woman where is has been off and on for years and have been to her place before, in the beginning. but now she moved and told you "she brought a house" and I live out of town but every time I come into town...
I'm the last one to be told anything about his plans. Do I end the casual relationship we've got going?
This question has
3 answers
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4915 days ago
26 September 2011 (F) -
There's this guy I've been seeing. We aren't official, but have spent the last month and a half or so together. Not long ago I found out, via a mutual friend of both me and him (a friend who does not know we are seeing each other), that he plan...
When is the right time for me to come out as a Cross Dresser? I need help to come to terms with my life.
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 26 September 2011 (M) -
I am whats classed as a cross-dresser. I want to be able to 'come out' to my parents, to my school mates, to everybody. I am afraid to do this, I have almost told my Mam once or twice, but Dad is so male, that I am afraid to tell him. I need help ...
Has being single so long left me bitter in some way, or maybe desperate seeming?
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3 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (F) -
I've been single for three years. The first year was nice, because I was finding my own life after getting out of a long, young, horribly bad relationship (only one ever). Now I've wanted to be with somebody and have a healthy relationship for year...
Am I in the wrong for not doing it more often or when he asks for oral sex?
This question has
8 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (F) -
hi, my boyfriend and i are both 26 and have been together for four years. We seem to have the same repetitive arguement all the time regarding performing oral sex on him. The thing is i really dont like doing it, so i dont do it often. maybe lik...
Sad part? I don't think he likes me that way. Is it that he just wants to have sex?
This question has
5 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (F) -
I've been friends with this guy for quite some times. We are really close and I believe we've known each other for 7 years. Well this year we finally confessed we liked each other and dated for a two months. After we broke up things went back to o...
I cannot ignore my former LDR any more. I took a risk. Was this the right way to reconnect with him?
This question has
4 answers
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4917 days ago
26 September 2011 (F) -
Five months ago, I told a long-distance love (I live in LA; he's from San Fran) that I couldn't do it anymore. Mainly, because he would constantly tell me he missed me and wanted to see me, yet wouldn't follow through. Granted, we only dated six ...
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