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Archived questions from: March, 2009 (see latest in Online dating category)

Online dating: Help and advice

Relationship in a rut...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5656 days ago

27 March 2009 (F - I know these questions are supposed to be... short, but there's just too much going on to leave anything out and give the wrong idea to people. I've been dating a guy over the internet. Sounds like a bad idea, right? You're half-right, in t...

I found out that my LDR boyfriend flirted with other women!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

27 March 2009 (F - I have been in contact with a man over the internet for over a year, he has just seperated from his wife and we have got very close emotionally. We used to ring each other and chat on the pc every night but we live quite far away from each othe...

Is it okay if I will meet him personally?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

26 March 2009 (F - Hi Everyone!!! Im here to give me advices...Im already 18 yr old and Im inlove with a 49 yr old guy he is a japanese guy...we never meet this guy..I've only known this guy thru here in net..I never had a boyfriend since birth its my first time to ...

Seeing 2 women at the moment but find it difficult to choose.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

25 March 2009 (M - Hi, I am in my late thirties and have never really had a proper girlfriend or an intimate relationship. I've been on dates and had a series of short relationships, which never went beyond going out together on dates and kissing. The reason is that ...

Should I tell ex of 3 year relationship that I may be pregnant?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5659 days ago

24 March 2009 (F - Hello everyone, I'm currently nineteen, and have just gotten out of a three year relationship with someone twelve years my senior. He and I met on the internet, and when we did he lived nine hundred miles away. He moved to me a year into our re...

He insists it wasnt serious, but I am upset at the innapropriate texts between my husband and this other woman. I want to confront her!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

23 March 2009 (F - I discovered last week that my husband has been texting a woman he has been working with suggestive texts and she likewise. He admitted it has been going on for 2 or 3 months and obviously was careless enough not to delete the ones I discovered. I ...

He says he didnt write that email. Could the computer have a virus, or is he lying?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

23 March 2009 (F - Just a couple of hrs ago I was mailing out an Invoice for my partener of 8yrs and opened up his contacts which opened up an old email account of his that was rarely used. I found an email in the drafts folder addressed to Sexy Men Directory. The ...

Met online, had great time but now he says it won't work?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

23 March 2009 (F - hi met this gut on line dating been out over past 5 weeks chemistry is there he said hed fallen in love with me from the moment he saw me now he says it wont work hes a lovely guy and id like it to work what advice can you give i miss him...

I've tried for so long to move on and just can't

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

22 March 2009 (M - There is this girl that lives in one state and I live in another. We met each other through my family, and I have known her for about five years. Throughout these years I have visited her state to see family and her often. She has also come to ...

I love texting him but hate leading him on!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

22 March 2009 (F - ok...i have been having a huge issue lately. i am 17 and i have been texting this guy who is 27 for 10 months now. We text almost every minute and he sounds like a great guy. he has sent me pics but i havent sent him any. the problem is is that i ...

Do guys act like this when they're not interested in a girl?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

21 March 2009 (F - I've been talking to a guy on MSN, my friend introduced me to him, he's friend's with her sisters boyfriend, and I really, really like him, but I'm not sure if it's mutual. The conversations we have are totally random, anything from ice cream wedd...

I am afraid of meeting him in person

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - There's this guy I met on the internet. It was kind of a dating site. He is a sweetheart but I am afraid of meeting him in person. I am afraid because my parents are racists and I know they would not be happy with me dating him. He told me he wa...

I can't get him off my mind but heard from my friends that he's dating someone else?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

18 March 2009 (F - So im 15 and hes 18, his name is Danny and i met him a few months ago on msn. i know it doesnt seem a long time but i have now fell for him. a week or two ago he told me he loved me but i have not got the courage yet to go and see him allthough he ...

I didn't enjoy kissing/snogging... Help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5635 days ago

18 March 2009 (F - Hi, I am not a very confident person and have never had a relationship before but have now met somebody through a dating website and met them for the first time last night. I had a lovely lovely time, and I really really like him, he is just so ...

He says he loves me but I'm doubting and he's still wife the wife

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5659 days ago

18 March 2009 (F - I met a man online. He said he was separated and would be getting a divorce, but soon after we started to get to know each other, he admitted that he was still with her, just wanting a divorce. We continued to talk and he told her that he wanted a ...

I don't get it..did I do something wrong when we met for our first date! Help me understand!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5637 days ago

18 March 2009 (F - Sorry about the length but please do read it all. Thanks! I met this guy online and he was so excited at the prospect of meeting me. He asked me out and planned dinner at the beach. The night we met up something wasn’t right. He seemed distract...

What compliments do guys like to receive?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5666 days ago

17 March 2009 (F - I've been talking to this guy who lives on the other side of the world, i think i'm falling in love with him... he's falled in love with me, when we are at uni we plan to meet up, i think he could be 'the one', i'm not being silly and immature, but ...

My online guy is all giddy about seeing his ex and seems to care less about me, is this strange?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5668 days ago

16 March 2009 (F - Hi all, I've met a wonderful guy over the net during July of last year, we haven't met yet. Everything was fine and good, then his ex came into the picture saying she's visiting. She says she wants to hook up with him, and doesn't care what pos...

Will it last even though we will not meet for another year?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5668 days ago

15 March 2009 (M - I'm in love but she lives on the other side of the world. I met this girl a year ago, online... she is so gorgeous, genuine, natural, sexy, she makes me laugh and I want to spend all my time with her. The only problem is that she lives on the other ...

Crossing the line?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5668 days ago

15 March 2009 (F - Hi I have started talking to guy on a social networking site, we have sent direct messages to each other and he has sent me music. The problem is he has a partner and a baby. Have we crossed the line? the whole thing feels rather secretive....

My online guy wants me to fly out to his state and met him

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5668 days ago

15 March 2009 (F - I have been talking to this guy online for almost a year now. We talk daily and seems like a great guy. He wants me to fly out to his state and meet him. I really want to but im a little nervous. I'm 21 and he is a bit older he is 30 and is divor...

Never calls me..wonder if he's cheating?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5658 days ago

15 March 2009 (F - Im in love with a guy who is 4 years younger then me. Im 25 and his 21. Its just 5 months since we met. His in another state schooling and im staying home. Its four months now we haven't met. He hardly calls me. Its me who always calls and reminds ...

What is he playing at? Not sure I get what the game is?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5668 days ago

15 March 2009 (F - Hi All, Ok well here is the general gist, I met this guy through an online dating website, we chatted online via e-mail then msn then texting for a month before I agreed to meet him, we Met On Thurs 2 weeks ago for 1st time and were both instan...

Will he ever let me into his world?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5669 days ago

15 March 2009 (F - Well, I don't even know where to start. I was married and while going through a divorce, I met someone online. We clicked instantly. I saw his photo and I liked him.He saw me and thought I was pretty, so of course that's how it started. We've be...

Online boyfriend being pushed into an arranged marriage

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5647 days ago

13 March 2009 (F - Hey im a young girl 18 yrs old n a student, never had a boyfriend but found one over the internet chatting last year.He is 25 and a working guy. I met him through chatting n added him in messenger. We chat often, day by day we become closer.After ...

I hate adult friend finder

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5621 days ago

13 March 2009 (F - ok so me and my boyfriend have been dating for over a year and a half and last year he have me his email and pw so I could go and fix something for him, so while I was on his email i came across this adult friend finder thing and I went to his page ...

He flirts like crazy on line, but I don't think he would really cheat. Do you think this is ok behaviour?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5671 days ago

12 March 2009 (F - I am getting married in 2 months. My fiance and I have a great relationship, however, sometimes I find it hard to trust him. I have found a few emails he has had with other girls, flirting and asking them to come over. We have had open ...

Is it just pretend or in my mind?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5617 days ago

12 March 2009 (F - cutting it short i met a guy through the net. he was sweet and into me. we had some rough patch at beginning when going out. now we're good. but our only form of contact is msn or the phone. now he never has credit and doesn't come online o...

I'm a stay at hom mom and feel trapped

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5672 days ago

12 March 2009 (F - Im 26 years old and I met my husband when I was just 16, We were high school sweethearts that moved in with each other right after graduation and got married when I was 21, had our first son when I was 23 and second at 25. I love him but at the ...

Can I get him to ask me to be with him again

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5139 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - I posted about this situation before, and would really like some advice on what to do. To the men out there, your take on this would be greatly appreciated! I met a guy a year ago online. I had decided to put myself out there after a taking a...

Online friend will not share current pics with me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5672 days ago

11 March 2009 (? - Something has been bugging me about a friend I've met through the net. Over the course of the last four months, we've sent countless emails to each other on a daily basis. She has also sent some gifts over to me via postal mail. I have sent her ...

I think I might have caught my husband on a dating site?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5671 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - Dear cupid, I was looking though our computer last night and came across a site that should not have been on there when my husband asked me what i was looking at i asked him if he knew about this site he said no its a pop up i dont know alot abo...

Why did he tell me he had a date with someone from a dating website?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5672 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - I have been seeing a guy for a couple of months. We are very close, talk every day and are intimate, although we have not had sex. He told me early on that he had a dating profile on a website. I have been trying to deal with this fact since he told...

Can't get my ex LDR bf out ouf my head! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5671 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - I had a long distance relationship with a guy whom i have never met. We are chatting for the last 4 year. He promised to marry me and showed me many dreams. I trusted him so much. Everyday i spent 6 to 7 hours chatting with him. He always showed me t...

Online in the last 30 days..what does that mean?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5673 days ago

10 March 2009 (F - I know this might sound dumb..but what does it mean when a profile dating site says, 'online last 30 days' Does that mean he hasn't logged on just recently, but yes in the last 30 days?...

One date and I don't understand his actions

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5673 days ago

10 March 2009 (F - I met a guy online two weeks ago and he recently asked me out. He planned the whole thing so well and made such an effort and even wanted to pick me up (I decided to meet him there for safety reasons). I mentioned to him once that I collect certain ...

It was just getting good what is his deal?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5675 days ago

9 March 2009 (F - Things were progressing so well with this new guy. We met online. Emailed back and forth for a while, talked on the phone and have been on four dates. Our dates have been great and he called me several days in advance to plan the first three and he ...

How do I ask her if we can meet?

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8 March 2009 (M - I have previously posted about meeting this girl online and getting on well with her, but being nervous about meeting her, though wanting to. Brief history again - she contacted me in late December on I replied about 12 days later (I...

How can I find out if my internet love is married?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5675 days ago

8 March 2009 (F - How can I find out if my internet love is married?Is there any place I can check? Or any kind of agency that someone knows of to check?...

I'm falling so deeply and now I'm broken... help...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5676 days ago

8 March 2009 (F - I am currently so heart broken I dont know where to start my story. 2 years ago Im seperated from my husband and about 6 months after I met a guy through an adult online dating site thinking i want to just look for some exclusive fun (I dont do h...

Should I just wait until he texts me and if he doesn't don't bother?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5675 days ago

7 March 2009 (F - I have a problem. Please bear with me as this is really long. Sorry in advance. :-( There is this guy that keeps calling me and asking me to date him. He seemed nice at first and was really interested in what I was doing and reaching for in ...

I don't feel she loves me. I feel like she wants to 'end' it but strange, I just can't. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5679 days ago

5 March 2009 (M - Hi everyone. I've known a girl online for 2 years. We have this online relationship for over a year now. She is about 10 years older than me, divorced few years and have a kid. She keeps in touch with her x husband. She said, she makes him...

I returned to my hubby but I still miss the man I had an affair with and feel trapped, help me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5679 days ago

4 March 2009 (F - I am a 40 year old woman, I have been in a relationship and living with my partner for nearly 9 years and I have a 12 year old son with asperger syndrome who is not my partners. My problem is I am feeling confused, emotional and panicky and I have ...

How can I gain more confidence for when I meet her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5680 days ago

3 March 2009 (M - For some reason (dunno if it was a good idea or not) I registered on a few months ago. Anyways, I got a message from someone on there saying they were interested, and she gave her email address. It was 12 days after she'd sent that ...

Father of my child wants nothing to do with his son!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5668 days ago

3 March 2009 (F - Well I met this guy off the net and we dated on and off for about 11 months or so. We even lived together for about 4 months and at the ending of the realationship i became pregnant. He already has 2 kids and had stated on several occasions he ...

Does his attentiveness and effort mean anything in terms of his interest in me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5681 days ago

2 March 2009 (F - I met a guy online and he just asked me out. We went to the same college years ago so I know he’s not some strange old man :) We’ve been emailing for just over 2 weeks and I've seen load of pictures of him. He’s very attentive to what I say and r...

My girl gets angry at me for silly reasons. What can I do to stop her immature behaviour?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5682 days ago

1 March 2009 (M - I am 27 years old and have been in a relationship with my girl for 4 years now. We met on the internet, and at first we were just internet friends, but one thing led to another and to make the long story short, she moved from her country to my own ...

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