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Archived questions from: September, 2010 (see latest in Online dating category)

Online dating: Help and advice

He's either upset with her and trying to keep me out of it or he's trying to break things off with me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5102 days ago

30 September 2010 (F - Hello I am having a hard time figuring out what is going on with a guy I have been getting to know over the past 5 months. We met through an online dating site, and we live a few hours away from one another, so we don't see each other very often, b...

He wants his ex-wife back, but wants to have sex with me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5103 days ago

30 September 2010 (F - This is a really weird question but please help me. I have been chatting with a 40 year old guy on the internet for about a year. I am 18. We started talking about all kinds of things when we first met, but now it's pretty much about sex. I'm not ...

I am too scared to meet him because of age differences

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5102 days ago

30 September 2010 (F - I've been overweight my whole life. I'm used to rejection and being told no guy would ever want me. Recently I've been talking to a guy who is about 17 years older than me. I am attracted to him and he is attracted to me, we've planned to meet a few ...

Tips on finding someone in my situation

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5103 days ago

30 September 2010 (M - does online dating work? I am finding myself more and more socially awkward/self conscious around girls ever since my ex treated me horribly and left without reason over a year ago (she has since apologized and we are still friends), I think it is ...

How can I show him I'm interested?

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30 September 2010 (F - I've recently reconnected with an old friend online. We comment back and forth daily and have recently started sending messages. Thing is the messages are mostly about movies we like, things we've done over the past 10 yrs., etc. How do I step it ...

I told my online boyfriend's wife about us but he came back to me anyways!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5105 days ago

29 September 2010 (F - I had an online affair for almost 5 yrs with a 69 yrs old married man. We did not meet personally but had a huge fight for he plays with women in net and flirt and he had a gf where he met personally here in the Philippines. A year ago we had ...

Is this going in the direction I'm hoping it is?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5105 days ago

29 September 2010 (F - Engaging guy I met online. I made the first move and he responded. The emails within the online dating website have been consistent. One morning he emailed me providing me with his work email address which shows his full name, and he wrote feel free ...

Why wouldn't she add me on Facebook?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5106 days ago

28 September 2010 (M - All right I've got one that I am way lost on folks! So I went out to the bars with some friends and we eventually met up some gals at the bar. (we didnt know each other prior) One gal inparticular caught my eye and well we seemed to hit it off. ...

My online guy wants to be with me but can't leave his ex because she is ill

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5106 days ago

27 September 2010 (F - Hi there this is going to sounds on but on when on website and found a man and we are texting away but have not met yet but he told me he had a child and that he had split with his e.x but was staying in the same house untill he got money together ...

Is 4 months after a divorce too soon to start dating again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5108 days ago

26 September 2010 (F - I've been apart from my husband for four months and our divorce will be final the end of next month. I miss him when I think of the good times and I cry. Then I reassure myself that I made the right decision by leaving (abusive relationship). ...

Online guy wants to meet and I'm not sure how I feel about it?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5106 days ago

26 September 2010 (F - hi everyone I joined a website plenty of fish(dating website) anyway found a guy havent met yet, only spoken on the phone but he wants 2 meet Basically we do txt but when hes texts me he says things like my hunni bunnie lover of mine, ...

I don't want her talking to my old bestfriend but she does anyways!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5109 days ago

24 September 2010 (M - My girlfriend acts like she loves me so much and that she wants to talk to me soo much every day. we have a long distance relationship because she moved to canada but every day she inboxes me on facebook saying how she misses me so much and how she ...

Online dating slump!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - I have begun to use online dating again and It seems like every time I meet a guy I get attached to quickly. The last guy even lead me on so much to believe he was attached and really interested then told me out of nowhere I was too clingy and not ...

Advise on online dating, what could be going through his mind?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - I could really use some advice from people who have tried online dating. I'm new to it so perhaps I'm not too familiar with the standard way of doing things. Like I said, I met him online a while ago actually, and since then we have talked onli...

I don't think I should stay with my girlfriend

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5101 days ago

24 September 2010 (M - We've been dating a year and a half or thereabouts, and recently she's moved to a different city, and I'm supposed to move with her but I don't know if I should. She's recently made her facebook completely private, so I can't see photos or commen...

How do I make things more interesting before we meet?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5110 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - About 6-7weeks ago. I met a wonderful guy online im 23yo and his 34yo, we have established a good friendship we sms each other on a daily basis, and he calls me +- 3 times a week where our conversations end up being 30minutes long. My question ...

How can I tell my dad about my long distance relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

24 September 2010 (F - About 5 years ago, I met this guy online on a social networking site. We e been speaking to each other for, like I said, 5 years and we confessed that we love eachother last October. He's like my Kherson half! We have so much in common and his ...

He wanted to see me in my bra and made me cry, now doesn't want to chat

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5111 days ago

23 September 2010 (F - Hi, I am 27 yr old girl and deeply in love with my chat friend who was my colleague in previous organisation but different country...after i left for another job we kept chatting and exchanging emails and photos. He also says he loves me. recent...

Is he stringing me along like everyone else says?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

23 September 2010 (F - i had a boyfriend over the summer but he had to go back home afterwards. (he lives VERY far away) We probably wont be able to see each other for at least a year, but we were talking/skyping everyday for a week after he left. now its getting more ...

Super complicated relationship, should I trust her again and give her another chance?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5111 days ago

23 September 2010 (M - hi well its started we met online on msn, she used to love and tell me that she loves me so much but i was with another girl so i kept blocking her and telling her that i love another girl till a day me and the other girl argued together so i went t...

He is talking to ladies online and won't stop!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4983 days ago

23 September 2010 (F - Hi, My boyfriend of four years spends all his free time in chat rooms I have discovered 1o5 contacts all females . I read numerous sexual conversations he has initiated, denies he has a girlfriend , I've confronted him several times he tells me he's ...

Will the same thing happen in this relationship as what happend in my last one?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5112 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - I've started dating a guy from work, and so far, it's going great :) He's handsome, thoughtful, funny, kind, sexy and we just get along really well. He's told me he feels giddy around me, like a kid, and I feel the same about him. He's arranged ...

He was convicted for theft! Should I ask him about this or just stop replying to his texts altogether?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5112 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - Found out my potential new boyfriend has a criminal conviction for theft!!. I met him online and have been chatting for over a month on the phone. We got to really like each other and planned to meet on Friday for the first time but I googled his ...

Does my internet date like me or not I'm confused!!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - hi hope to get some advice as im confused about a guy i met on an internet dating site. we exchanged a few emails on the site and for 3 months have been chatting on the phone once a week, we finally met up and it was fantastic! he held my hand all ...

Online relationship strain

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5112 days ago

22 September 2010 (M - Hello guys, i need advice with an online relationship and i would appreciate your opinions. I have been involved in an internet relationship with a girl for about a year, we met in a chat room and began talking as regular people but quickly real...

I don't want to call him 1st but feel he should call me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - I met someone online and we met briefly for a quick introduction to each other. During that time we expressed interest into seeing each other again. At the end of our conversation he asked me if I was going to call him later in the evening. I repl...

My online guy now wants to meet, I agreed but now having doubts

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

22 September 2010 (F - So after breaking up with my ex, i created an online profile on plenty of fish because I was lonely and it a stupid thing to do thinking back. I mean, if I was in my right mind, i never would have. But yeah, a lot of the messages I got were from ...

I've been talking to this guy online for a year. Should I meet him?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5106 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - Hello all, I have been talking to this guy online for a year and half. I have seen him on webcam. I have seen his facebook and myspace. I am not sure if he is tryly interested in me because I am usually the one who starts conversations wit...

I love him but he lives 500 miles away...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5112 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - Well basically I'm 13 and I dont know what to do.... I met this guy online and he's really sweet and I really love him and he loves me but he lives 500 miles away in Essex and I want to be with him so badly but I can't because he lives that far away ...

I lied about what a looked like and now he is mad! how can I get him back?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5106 days ago

21 September 2010 (F - Hello everyone one thank you for taking the time to read my question first i want to give you some info...So i met this guy like a week an half ago on the internet an we been talking ever since..We have a lot of chemistry talk every single day for ...

Online love...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5113 days ago

20 September 2010 (F - Hey there guys. I have a kind of weird feeling. Please don't judge as i have mo own reasons why i choose this type of love. So first thing is there is this guy i met online in April, and he is form an other country. we started as friends, but soon...

Internet dating confusion

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5114 days ago

20 September 2010 (F - I have been single for 10 years. (aged 33) I have found it difficult meeting guys so I have been trying internet dating on and off for years. I am getting very concerned that I am going to remain single long term. My concerns are from arranging ...

First date today and... I'm not sure I'm attracted to her. She REALLY likes me though and I don't want to hurt her! What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5114 days ago

20 September 2010 (M - Hi all, I've met a girl over the internet and today we met face to face for the first time. We've been flirting by text messages and on the phone a couple of times and today was our first chance to see if we're compatible. She's a nice girl, f...

I don't know if his interest in me is just sexual

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5115 days ago

19 September 2010 (F - After months of chatting online expressing our sexual chemistry with each other, this guy and I met up. Our desires for each other were very strong but I didn't let anything happen. He didn't force it either which I'm glad because I don't know ...

Facebook hints please

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5109 days ago

19 September 2010 (M - facebook hints if a married woman's page on facebook ( i got to know the page by chance) didnt show her full name or a particular picture of her and the most important didnt show her martial status meanwhile in the interest she mentioned t...

He's clingy and angry -- should I just end it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5115 days ago

19 September 2010 (F - My boyfriend lives in Pennsylvania, while I live a state over. We have been dating for 3 months. We have yet to met and he expects me to call him every single day and when I don't, he yells at me for not calling him. Not only that but he over reacts ...

My online guy friend proposed to me, and we've never met!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

18 September 2010 (F - I had an internet friend for over 6 months and we came to know each other well.I never met him ,though he insisted to.He was just an online FRIEND on yahoo chat site. Everything was going well between us , we had many chats, but then suddenly he ...

Was I used for money?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5116 days ago

18 September 2010 (F - I met a guy 12 mths ago on an internet site, we got really friendly and ended up meeting up for a chat. He told me he was in a long term relationship but said he only stayed there as he was going to leave before and it devasted his children. One ...

Can you be in love even though you have not met?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5117 days ago

17 September 2010 (F - hi am 18 years old and i met a man for several months we do chatting and we fell in-love with each other I do not know but i am in-love or not? i break up with my bf and told my suitors i have found him, i did not meet him yet in person i feel ...

I don't want to make his parents angry but we love eachother!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5114 days ago

17 September 2010 (F - There's this guy I've known mainly on Facebook for about 6 months. He's 17 and i'm 18.His parents saw me talking to him and scolded him badly for it and forbade him to talk to me again. i don't understand why. however, he still keeps in touch with ...

When online guy found out I was having a FWBR he got cold and then ended things

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

17 September 2010 (F - Ok so heres my story. I started chatting to a guy who was recently separated on a dating website for a few weeks. It then progressed to texts every day. After about 3 weeks we decided to meet in person. It was a bit of uncoventional first date as he ...

Online dating - First date cancelled when he asked me out

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5118 days ago

16 September 2010 (F - I signed up for online dating about 3 weeks ago, i started to chat to a guy online for a week texting/msn and speaking on the phone for about 3 hours a day, he asked if we could meet for a drink, i said yes but wanted to get to know him a bit more ...

Online romance and fake pictures?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5116 days ago

16 September 2010 (F - me and my boyfriend started dating online we've been together for 2 months now and he has faked many pics, i have asked him before if he was lying to me but he has said that his friends just put them on the internet. how do i know if he's lyi...

Any input from other same-sex "cougars"?

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16 September 2010 (F - well for starts,my question involves the so called "cougar question".I have been involved with a woman 30 years my junior,who lives in another country(canada),we had met on line, and she was definitley into me,a lot.We have visited with each other ...

Is it too soon to have my online bf move in with me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5119 days ago

16 September 2010 (F - I met my bf online January of this year. We talked for a while and he finally asked if i was willing to have a long distance relationship with him at the end of June. I want him to move in with me and he wants to move in with me as well. The thing ...

How can I distract myself from this dream guy while keeping my motivation to get my life back in order?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5120 days ago

14 September 2010 (F - Okay guys so I seem to have gotten myself into a bit of a situation and it would be great if you could give me some advice. About a month ago I started talking to a guy online and we hit it off so so well and have so much in common that I can't ...

I lied to my online love about my age

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5110 days ago

14 September 2010 (F - I am in love with a guy who is 26 and i am 15 years old.... i met him online...he dont know my real age and now i love him alot i want to tell him everything..but i am scared that he will leave intentions was not bad...i was depressed bcause ...

I'm 18, he's 40. Can it work?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5118 days ago

14 September 2010 (F - hi! my agony is that i just met a man online, i am still 18 and he is 40 years old. now the problem is i have been searching for many years of my love and i think i found him. we respect our age differences, we feel compatible with each other now. ...

Why did he just drop me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5120 days ago

14 September 2010 (F - hi, i had a long distance relation,with this guy.we meet on a social networking site,we use to talk everyday atleast 4-5hrs on net and afterwards on calls he was a part of my life in past 3yrs.i was very close to him emotionaly.but from pas...

I think I'm in love with someone, I can't have? HELP!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5120 days ago

14 September 2010 (F - I am 17 and I have been talking to this 20 year old guy from Washington since April, we started talking and talked for hours and hes asked me loads of times to come to Washington, but is it even possible? I mean I live so far away, could I make it ...

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