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Archived questions from:
September, 2015 (see latest in Trust issues category)
Trust issues: Help and adviceCan we make this work? Is it a healthy or a toxic relationship?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
This relationship has me so confused that I can no longer think straight as the reality of what’s going on. I met my boyfriend about 3 years ago on an online dating website. We are both in our mid 20’s. We met each other after a week and he moved in ...
I'm ten weeks pregnant and now my Bf tells me he ''isn't sure'' about our relationship. How do I respond?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
I'm about 10 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend has just told me he doesn't know if he loves me or wants to be with me. We have always known that we need to make more effort with each other, however which his lazy attitude he just never has. So I ...
Am I doing the right thing by moving to live with him in his home?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
Dear cupid, I'm 33, boyfriend is 30 and I have been in a long distance relationship for the last 6 months. We spend the weekends together. The travel has become quite difficult and we would like to move the relationship forward and test we work...
He made a racist remark. How should I respond? I think reporting him will make things worse for me.
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3449 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
Hi all, I'm a 16 year old female that has just started college and is having some issues. I am on a male dominated course and I know a boy on their from my old school. We got on really well at school but now we're at college he's trying everythi...
Why do I put up with this? We both like jazz. But why do I stay?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3436 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
Hey everyone, here's my dumb question. I have been with my boyfriend for almost four years. In that time we have had our ups and downs. I have never asked him for sexual fidelity, which means that he is pretty open with me and doesn't feel like he ...
I'm attracted to another mother at the school. I want to make a move, but how?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
I have recently met a mother at my children's school. I am so attracted to her. I first met her when I was just coming in from an errand and I was parking my car and then I saw her stop, waiting on me to park. She was one of the most beautiful woman ...
I feel like giving up on dating. Is it me? No one seems to want to be in a relationship.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
Hello. I had been seeing this guy recently (about 5months) and things were going pretty well then out of the blue he began acting strange and distant. I asked him why and a first he said he was fine and later said that he thought I was going to ask ...
When we travel my wife of 21 years changes and becomes easily offended when on vacations. What's the solution to this problem?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3442 days ago
30 September 2015 (M) -
I'm tired of traveling with my wife of 21 years who will ruin a trip by becoming over sensitive and easily offended by any little thing. Otherwise, she is a rough and tumble type that jokes around a lot and a lot of fun to be with. But on vacat...
My wife will not accept apologies. No matter what. What can I do?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
30 September 2015 (M) -
I have a wife who rarely apologizes. But more strange to me is that she does not accept my genuine apologies. I am some one who does not have a problem with admitting by faults and working to do better. But my wife of 21 years seems to be stuck on ...
Why did he disappear when I expressed interest in him?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
30 September 2015 (F) -
So I was talking to this guy that I met.We haven't spend time in person yet but we coommunicate regulary.He brought up sex the first time we spoke .Last time he wanted to come over at my apartment but I told him that I'm not comfotable inviting him ...
How do I build myself to become someone likeable yet tough?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
Hello. Growing up, ive been rejected by many people, my peers, strangers, some teacherz because i was fat and shy. Now im older and some people still make me feel like i did when i was young. They still treat me like i cant think on my own ...
This is a second attempt at our relationship and I'd like feedback on my suggested guidelines!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3449 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
So my boyfriend is in president of his fraternity and I know how important his frat is to him so I don't want to prevent him from his duties/fun. However, we recently broke up because he did something while drunk at a party that I didn't approve of ...
I'm not happy and his dog also causes me problems. What can I do?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3449 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
Hi everyone Hope someone could give me some good advice me and my boyfriend have been together nearly 4 years we have a 2 year old and a 1 year old and he Has a dog a rottweiler that he had when we met we moved in together. He is at work all day ...
Can I save this situation? What can I do if the girl I like is starting to show less interest?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
29 September 2015 (M) -
Dear all To summarize, a girl i like may be losing interest. what should i do? I met this girl online 15 days ago, she lives about 1 hour away. we did not meet via a dating website, she chose to contact me as she had just moved to the area. ...
His ex was a slim red-head. Am I being silly by making the connection between his ex and what he's been preferring to watch via porn?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
Sometimes my boyfriend and I watch porn during sex. My boyfriend doesn't have a particular type... blonde/ chubby / tattooed/whatever - he really has a broad taste but I know he prefers curvier brunette girls. However recently he's been lookin...
Is there a possibility for someone like my husband can change?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3430 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
Dear Cupid. I have been living with my husband for 7 years now. For past 2 yrs things have been a roller coaster. I have left twice just for 5 wks at least to get a break from him and his tantrums. The first time I left I took our two kids with...
Should I be this worried about how success may change him and us and our future ?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
Hi, i have a serious problem, that has been bothering me for a long time now. My fiance and i are super close and always have been since we met. One of the most beautiful things that i have found about us, is the simplicity and groundedness o...
I'm 14 and in UK. He's 17 and in USA. How can I manage the crush I have for him? The first thing he asked is "did I want to see his .
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
Okay so I have been talking to this guy on Snapchat and Instagram he's 17 and lives in America first thing you need to know is he's a boy and I think I've kinda fallen for him. He asked me if I wanted to see his dick and of corse I said no then...
Help ! Should we get back together? Did he really cheat?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
29 September 2015 (F) -
First off people of the internet, I apologize for the really long post I really just want you all to fully understand the situation (: So.. I recently broke up with my ex boyfriend because my friend told me she saw him grinding with another gir...
Am I being unreasonable? How can I trust him?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3454 days ago
28 September 2015 (F) -
Hi everyone, I am very stuck. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 9 months and we were very happy and content together. I never thought that I would be thinking of breaking up with him but I really feel stuck. We were making plans for...
He felt me pulling away so he lied to me about where he was!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
27 September 2015 (F) -
Dear Cupid, I'm newly divorced and have been dating a man for 9'months. He has been separated from his wife for 6 years, filed for divorce 4 years ago and the lawyers still have not reached an agreement. I was initially worried dating him since hi...
I'm still dealing with the emotional trauma from a past rape but my boyfriend hasn't been understanding. Should I leave?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
27 September 2015 (F) -
2 years ago I was raped and recently I received a lot of compensation for what happened to me. I left my job I was in after I was raped as I worked in a Pawnbrokers and I had a lot of regular customers who were men, lots of them would try flirting ...
I feel like he just charmed me to get me to the bed and now that it's over, he's withdrawing himself. I feel disrespected, humiliated, hurt and betrayed.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
27 September 2015 (F) -
I've been dating this guy for the past three weeks. He seemed to be a nice, caring and romantic person who made me feel special and showered me with attention. Now, we've entered a relationship since the last 15 days (the guy himself brought this ...
Am I going crazy? Or is he being overly possessive?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
26 September 2015 (F) -
Dear aunts and uncles, Here's a background on my relationship: I've been with my boyfriend for a year now. Currently we are having a long distance relationship (it has been ongoing for half a year and I have made plans to move over to his coun...
How do I message a girl I've never talked to before without seeming creepy?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
26 September 2015 (M) -
So there is this girl who I follow on Instagram and have thought was gorgeous for a good year now. She is best friends with a friend of mine (whom I still talk with occasionally). I got out of a year and a half long relationship at the beginning ...
I lack the confidence to ask someone out. What needs to change?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3455 days ago
26 September 2015 (M) -
I'm a 19 year old man and have been stuck in limbo for the last 10 months, just over a year ago I met a girl who came over to the UK to learn English. She was only staying for 6 months and I was teaching her how to work in my old job (waiter/...
Confused by one night stand. Was I too harsh on him?
This question has
22 answers
- newest was posted
3452 days ago
26 September 2015 (F) -
Dear all. Please can you throw some light on this. Thanks. I have recently come out of a long abusive relationship and feel happier than ever. I've been out partying and dating and having a great time. Anyway, last weekend I met a guy I was stro...
How can I stop myself from sharing cropped nude pictures of my girlfriend online with other guys? It gives me a thrill even though it's wrong
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
3437 days ago
25 September 2015 (M) -
Hi friends.. I have been Sharing nude pictures of my girlfriend but before that cropping the head of the picture and then share with other guys on an anonymous social networking website it turns me on when i share it.. I then wank over it.. Im ...
Is it possible that she really does love me? Despite the fact that I was a jerk earlier?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
25 September 2015 (M) -
I dated this girl for about 3 months in the summer. Extenuating circumstances happened that basically necessitated that we break up. Except things were really good, like we were totally right for each other. So she was reticent, and fought me on it. ...
Should I try to talk to this guy who's pictures fascinate me? Could he be interested in me? I've never met him nor talked to him.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
25 September 2015 (F) -
Dear Cupid, Few months ago I saw a picture who someone shared in a blog, they said the guy of the picture looks like a singer who was famous at 20's (I don't think so, they're very different and I'm not a fan of that singer, just opened it searchin...
How do I get over the hurt and betrayal that my "friend" was dating the guy I liked behind my back?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
25 September 2015 (F) -
My friend tricked me into believing she wasn't seeing the guy I fancied. How do I get over this betrayal? Me and this girl were friends for a couple of years - I didn't know her that long - but long enough to be close friends. She knew I was keen...
I tricked my boyfriend because I wanted to know if I could trust him and he failed!
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
25 September 2015 (F) -
i made a fake profile to test if i can trust my boyfriend, i added and chat with him and ask if he had a girlfriend and he says yes, but the next day i ask him to meet up at a private place and he agrees. after i confronted him he said he's sorry ...
How am I supposed to continue into the future with someone as spiteful as she has been towards me?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3447 days ago
24 September 2015 (M) -
I've been dating this girl on and off for a little over three years and I just recently found out that whilst we weren't together for a short period of time, she had sex with a guy that was clearly my enemy, but she didn't come clean about it until ...
How long to wait to have sex with a new partner? Do I have to tell him how bad my sexual experience was with my first boyfriend?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3458 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
I'm dating a guy who is 7 yrs older than I am which is fine as I really like him, however I'm the younger one at aged 22 years. We haven't spoken about our past yet with regards to my past boyfriends. I had a really bad time with my first boyfrie...
Been divorced for ten years and happy now. But now my emotionally abusive ex wants to come back and live with me since the death of her partner. How do I refuse my ex-wife's request?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (M) -
I have an ex wife who was continuously unfaithful to me and was abusive, she divorced me about 10 years ago. I have been much happier since our divorce. We have a daughter together who is now 17. She moved in with me about a year ago after confid...
My mother has many issues, but despite this I don't want her to live with me, due to her chosen lifestyle. What can I do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
About a week ago I came on here to ask a question. I apologize that I can't find it but I will explain it again. I have an emotionally abusive mother on drugs who unfortunately does not work or take care of herself. She had 2 weeks to move ou...
To love? Or to live? Or to leave? That is the question
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3455 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
My boyfriend of seven years is seriously ill and this alone brings heartache because his life is inevitably shortened. I have offered him to move in with me but he likes to keep his own place and it does make financial matters easier to handle. H...
How can I learn to really stand up for myself?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (M) -
I often let people run over me and talk to me any kind of way. Especially ones that are not my family. It's like my mind goes blank and I don't know what to say. It's like my mind runs scared. But I get disrespected to the point to where I want ...
What should I do? He does not want to talk about it, but money keeps disappearing from our joint funds
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
I need some advice as I don't know what to do. I have been married for 6 years. For the past year or so i have slowly but surely noticed money gone from our savings. Now we are careful about our money and we never touch our savings unl...
Do I stay? Just dating yet he expects me to be full time stepmom without the promise of marriage?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3453 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
My bf won't marry me but expects me to be a full time mom to his child while he works and goes on vacations. I'm feeling trapped. His son in five and has displayed major violent and angry behavior. He has attacked other children during outings a...
How do I convince her to let me give her pleasure in this way?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (M) -
For some reason my wife feels uncomfortable about me going down on her. We've done it before (only for a few minutes each time) and I know she loves it. I'd like to spend more time on her but she tries to avoid it. Giving her pleasure is a bi...
In public I'm different. In private I'm unhappy and take it out on my elderly parents. What can I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
Why do I get so irritable and shout at my parents? My life has really taken a turn for the worse. I was made redundant and running short of cash, I lost my boyfriend to another woman which I've never really got over and I have been diagnosed w...
He complains about being bored and he's rude. Should continue seeing him or just leave?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3456 days ago
24 September 2015 (F) -
Please correct me if I am wrong!but I am really mad at a guy I am seeing for a little over a month. So on our last date(which was yesterday) he called me over to his place and no we did not even kiss it was us just hanging out and having dinner,b...
Is it wrong? Fling with Ex girlfriend's mum and she wants more?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3457 days ago
24 September 2015 (M) -
I recently had a fling with my ex-girlfriends' Mum and she wants to see me on a regular basis. Is it wrong? We're both single... I'm 24 and she's 41 and divorced. I went out with my ex-girlfriend for just over a year and during that time I a...
I want to do things right, this time, with this intriguing girl, and not mess things up. What do I need to do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3459 days ago
23 September 2015 (M) -
So, today we were in English class and we discussed as an excersie the new Maze Runner film. A couple of classes ago she had asked me a lot of questions (i'm the only boy at the classroom) and we seem kinda have the same interests. We talked a...
How do I show my boyfriend my way is the best option? I want to clear my debts before we live together
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3459 days ago
23 September 2015 (F) -
hi everyone. no 'attacking' please . ive been with my boyfriend for a while now and we have discussed future plans what we both want i already have a teen son and my boyf has no kids . at the beginning i was all up for having another baby but...
Should I have a baby with him? He's married
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3455 days ago
23 September 2015 (F) -
I am a 38 year old lady who has been in an unhappy long distance relationship in another city(away from home) for 7years with no assurance from my man that he will marry me any time soon. At the beginning of this year i met a guy same age as me wh...
He cheated. Now he's devastated I'm leaving. Do I give him another chance or give up ?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3458 days ago
23 September 2015 (F) -
Hey everyone, I just spent the last few months getting my 25 year-old live-in boyfriend of nine years to confess that he cheated sometime last year. We'd had a great relationship other than this. I knew that he'd attempted to cheat at ...
Fiance wants to leave for a 3-month internship. How do I tell her I can't do a 3 month LDR ?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3459 days ago
23 September 2015 (M) -
My fiancé is planning on leaving for a 3-month internship next summer. We are both almost 25 years old, I am a real-estate developer and she is working towards her PhD in computer science. We have been living together now for several months, and we ...
LD Crush. Should I consider this guy as a friend and nothing else? Age differences and difference cultures.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3459 days ago
23 September 2015 (F) -
A few years back I used to work with a nice guy. We always got along great and I don't know if the feeling was mutual or not, but I was always attracted to him. At the time he was married (and I knew who is wife was, talked to her on several ...
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