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Archived questions from:
January, 2013 (see latest in Trust issues category)
Trust issues: Help and adviceWhat's the point in telling a guy you've fallen for him when you have no intention of taking things further?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4410 days ago
31 January 2013 (M) -
Hi people, i'd just like to ask opinions on this matter. Basically I'm a 29 year old single male whose not going out of his way to look for a relationship, but open to one if the opportunity presents itself with a worthy candidate. A bit about my...
I married at 20. Now I've fallen for a colleague. He has a Gf. Is my colleague playing mind games with me?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
4411 days ago
31 January 2013 (F) -
Hi all. I 30 years old and I am madly in love with my colleague and we are having an affair. When we met it was a moment where I took one look at him and felt electric heart-pounding it felt like I knew him already. We hit it off immediately but ...
I'm worried that my Bf is getting tired of me. He's even said he does not feel he "needs" to see me. What can I do?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4420 days ago
31 January 2013 (F) -
I have been really worried about my relationship lately, and really need some advice. I'm worried my boyfriend is getting tired of me, or if this is just normal for a relationship as it goes along? I don't know what to do. help please! I'll try...
Why is she having these fantasies? Is this normal?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
30 January 2013 (M) -
Hey, I love my girlfriend very dearly and the feeling is mutual. We've known each other for 3 years and have been in a steady long distance relationship for 2 years now. We are getting married next year and I'm really looking forward to spending the ...
LDR makes me feel insecure. How do I get over it?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4424 days ago
30 January 2013 (F) -
I'm in a long distance relationship with my current boyfriend and we talk everyday. As far as looks go, I consider myself to be attractive, and I believe we are very compatible personality-wise, and we have many similar interests. We've been ...
Is this a normal cooling off period or silent treatment/emotional abuse/manipulation?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
30 January 2013 (F) -
I have been dating a man for just over a year. We broke up at one point for three months because he got cold feet about the relationship. (He’s been divorced for a number of years and hasn’t had a committed relationship in that time, only dated ...
What to do with flakey friends? When she has a guy she ignores me.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
30 January 2013 (F) -
One of my good friends from highschool tends to ignore me when ever a guy pays attention to her. When things end I am the first person she calls when she is sad. I am sick and tired or being put on the back Burner the minute a guy shows her inte...
Cheating:( How do guys keep their girlfriend from cheating?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
30 January 2013 (M) -
How do you keep your girl from cheating? Please i am asking for a range of different answers, so please give me your opinion on whats the best way to keep a partner faithful, or atleast, what actions can a guy do, to keep her girl from seeking ...
Are long distance relationships all about the sex?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
30 January 2013 (F) -
I'm just gonna go right out and say it... are long distance relationships just about sex? I mean, if you meet someone online and see them, say, a couple of weekends a month... and it takes around 3 hours to get to them and you're paying for the ...
Did I over-react? I thought we had a connection. Maybe not? I feel he's messing with my mind!
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
4422 days ago
30 January 2013 (F) -
Hello I just wanted some views on my situation. I met a guy on holiday and we kept in touch. I went back to visit him and we spent lots of time together. I met his family and his friends again. When we were apart we always have arguments ov...
What can I do to make it easier for us both to adjust to living together? He struggles with dealing with my 3 year old daughter and I think I'm pregnant again.
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
30 January 2013 (F) -
Hi everyone i recently moved in with my boyfriend and I am finding it extremely hard work. He is very argumentative. The least little thing i do sets him off. He is always having a go at me i feel like im walking on eggshells all of the time. W...
Hate my toxic work place, where cheating is the norm. How can people cheat and not feel guilty?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (M) -
I am really hating my workplace at the moment I feel that its really poisoness. Everyone seems to be cheating on everyone else and I am the only who seems to think its disgusting. One girl at work was giving me all this relationship advice with my ...
He's 24. I told him I was 18. How can I tell him the truth that I'm 17 and not lose him when I do tell?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4420 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
Hello, I'm 17 years old and iv met a guy and we have been seeing each other for about a month and we really like each other. However, I told him I was 18 as we met in a bar that I got into. He's 24. I want to tell him that I'm actually 17,...
Never violent, nor unfaithful. But we did horrible things to each other. Yet I love her still. How can I get over her?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4423 days ago
29 January 2013 (M) -
I was with the most amazing woman in the world! The time we spent together was the most amazing time I have spent with anyone. We got each other on every level. Mentally and physically! When things were good they were the best they have ever bee...
Does this 'ho ho ho' mean a laugh or a prostitute?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
Hi there! I recently went into hospital to have an operation, and my partner who I've been seeing for nearly a year has been looking after me and has been my rock really, well I noticed in his inbox on facebook a message from his mate asking how...
Advice needed regarding catching my girlfriend sexting
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (M) -
I am a 36 year old guy who has been in a relationship with a lady whom I met online 6 months ago. We have become very close but last weekend I found text messages on her phone to at least 3 other men that were explicit in nature ( in both words and ...
Why did my B/f have three naked pictures of the same girl on his phone?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
I have been with my partner nearly two years now, he has never been the type to admire any other girls ever.. he got a new phone and when he had it I said would you like some pictures of me to get off to when I'm not around he refused and said he ...
My ex is threatening me by saying that unless I get back with him, he will assassinate my character and ruin me!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
i am from India..i am in a major trouble. i broke up with my boyfriend because he was so manipulative and controlling. he made my life like hell.In the initial days of our relationship i gave him my gmail and facebook password.Not even in my dr...
Your thoughts on this? He's verbally abusive, spends time online gaming and watching porn. Have to ask him for his % share of bills. Is this relationship working or is there an answer?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
hey guys i am writing this because i am at the end of tether with this man who is supposed to be my husband. We have been married for 4 years and it was long distance. I moved to the US about a year ago and since coming here my relations...
Should I remain a friend to my ex, or should I leave him alone?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
Should I remain a friend to my ex, or should I leave him alone? BACKGROUND: My ex-boyfriend and I dated for three years in university then broke up. Before we split up we never fought. We are both down-to-earth and had only dated one...
Is 22 too young for a man to really settle down? Do we know each other well enough to make this decision?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
I am 21, I went to school with this guy, that we will call GUY. So..we have texted and talked via facebook/text for a while, off and on, but for these last few weeks we have talked heavily. All day everyday. We can't hang out at this moment ...
Any tips to help me get over this and move on? I am about to break up with him. He's happy I'm leaving. His teenage children rule the house. He refuses to back me.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
Hi, I won't make this too long but would really appreciate some of your views. My partner has asked me to move out of his house. We have been together 5 years and i moved in 3 1/2 years ago away from all my family and friends. He has 2 kids tha...
Is my Bf bi-sexual or gay? He says he's shared oral sex with guys. Do I seem to have a closed mind?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
4396 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
My boyfriend of 3 months recently told me that has fooled around with men before. He hasn't had sex with them, just oral. I wasn't ok with this when he told me and I am having a really hard time with it. A lot of people tell me that if a guys e...
Am I over-reacting? Should he have left me alone? Was I right to refuse to go to a place where I'd be the only woman?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
So here's my story. I'm visiting my fiance where he stays due to work. Yesterday he wanted us to go watch soccer at his friend's place (actually home boy), I refused to go because I don't know his friend's friends and I was going to be the ...
Everything things my guy and I have the perfect relationship. But I feel confused and I'm thinking of breaking up or cheating. I already talk online to a guy. What should I do?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
29 January 2013 (M) -
Hey, sorry for being dramatic about this but I didn't know where else to go for help, thanks for reading. I've been with my boyfriend since 2009, and he is 3 years older than me. I came out when we started dating, and it was hard, very difficult w...
Do I tell this girl my real feelings for her? But then there's my friend, and I know he likes her too.
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (M) -
well this girl that I like lets call her girl A I met through being friends with this other girl lets call her girl B and by the way girl A and girl B are really good friends. The problem I have is that I really enjoy being friends with girl B a...
Married four years and she does not want to work. I'm ready to walk. What would you advise?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
4412 days ago
29 January 2013 (M) -
Hi I have a question we been Married four years. Before that she was working. Now she feels she doesn't have to work. I talk to her about getting a job. She won’t do it, and I'm tired of doing it all. He is no help. Instead she wants me to do a lot...
What to do? He's abusive to me and humiliates me. I've lost confidence in myself, and in him, because he shares everything about us with his friends
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
Hi, I just want know what to do with a boyfriend that listens to his friends advices for almost everything. When we planned to buy a house he took all the documents about what was happening.and talked to his friends. He has been abusive to me an...
I do have herpes, but not more than that. But was he being flippant, or weird with his response, "that he'd still like me even if I did have AIDS"?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4426 days ago
29 January 2013 (F) -
So I went to high school with this guy a few years ago. I lived in a small town so we all knew each other. I have started "talking" to him and we have grown so close, we have not had sex. Well, this may be TMI but, I have herpes. And I was too sc...
Should I give up at the last hurdle of 5 year long distance relationship?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4427 days ago
28 January 2013 (F) -
I have no idea what to do with myself. We live in different countries in Europe. When we first met nearly 6 years ago, he promised me [m24] he would be there with me after we finished university/college. At one point I just wanted to dump it all a...
Is my G/f still in love with her ex? Why is she keeping their sexual photos and is she just using me for the life I can provide for her ?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
4427 days ago
28 January 2013 (M) -
Hi there, I just need some advice I've been with my girlfriend now for nearly 3 years n it's really good, we're both in our early 40,s Before me she was with someone just for sex she said but she got attached to him but he left and lived hundre...
Help! Priorities? My health? What the NHS demands? Attend the 8 year paediatrics programme and lose contact with friends? Find time to do things I enjoy? Which should I choose?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4427 days ago
28 January 2013 (F) -
This is about my life. I gave up teaching English as a foreign language to go to medical school aged 30. I knew it would be tough. No money, starting at the bottom, my peer group all being 10-12 years younger. I went from having classes of mainly ...
My friends say he's not good enough for me. Am I just blinded by my feelings?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
i recently found out that the guy I've been seeing for about 3 months now was flirting/chatting up a bunch of girls (including 2 of my friends) up until about a month ago. i confronted him about it and he seemed really remorseful; i believed him ...
I have trust issues with my BF after he sexted his ex on Facebook
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
Hello all! i have a question about my partner. It's been a rocky road for us but he moved in in november 2012. A week after i discovered messages to his ex lovers, not one but a few, which angered and hurt me immensely. He reminisced about their se...
Husband texting ex and making comments about me that are leaving me feeling very insecure
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
I heard my now husband tell a friend of his that I was not much to look at but I make him happy. It killed me inside. I asked him about and basically said I took it out of context and has since made me feel like a beautiful princess and we have ...
It's a secret, he doesn't want the baby momma to know!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
Im a single divorced mother of four kids. I work a full time job, raise my four kids on my own. Along with that I take online college course. I try so hard to do the best I can to take care of my kids and along with everything else going on. I don't ...
Are my parents right to be worried and should I worry a bit more about my crush on this 49 year old salesman?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4412 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
I am a 19 year old apprentice hairdresser, I have fallen for a 49 year old salesman who delivers product to our salon. I have always fancied older men and have had a few affairs and slept with them. My parents are worried that he his using me and...
Should I Risk telling my friend my true feelings for her, or play it safe?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4420 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
So i have this friend I've known all my life. But we've only become really close this last year or so. I'm afraid I'm developing deeper feelings for her. and she isnt making it easy! She says lots of little compliments,like say I'm cute and stu...
It seems that my Boyfriend of 18 months is not longer interested in me. What can I do to get over this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
My boyfriend lives far from me we have been dating for one and a half years. But now he’s not responding to my messages and he's always busy to talk to me. Now we only talk through social networks only. It seems to be that he's no longer inte...
He didn't tell me I was his stop gap live in lover!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
We lived together for about 7 months. He had an old friend. He slept with her once, if he's not lying, and she got pregnant. Then she left to her country which is Russia. He's divorced 33 year old guy and he always wanted a baby but didnt grt one in ...
Everything else is great. So why does he have to masturbate so often? It's the why I can't understand.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
Hello All! I am a woman in my late 40s, in a relationship with a man my age. We're 5 yrs in. Im a widow 6 yrs, 3 grown children, 6 grandchildren -- Pisces. He's a Leo. 2 grown children, diff mothers, always paid child support. But he enjoys lots...
I can't provide the storybook life she wants.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (M) -
Hey folks just wondering what everything thinks. myself and the other half have been together for four years and have spoken abt house, marrage etc. Everything is great but she is always trying to change the type of person i am and traites i.e s...
I assume he is a swinger!
This question has
1 answer
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4428 days ago
27 January 2013 (F) -
Given that I am not too familiar with Twitter, is it possible to accidentally "follow" someone? I ask because I noticed that a guy I like is following a swingers club. It's only the one, and all the other stuff is famous people, rock bands, etc. ...
Searched signs of cheating on the internet and she's hitting them all. What should I do or think? She's done it in the past.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4427 days ago
26 January 2013 (M) -
do you think because shes cheated and dumped me numerous times for other guys n a girl in the past that she could be hiding it and doing it still weve talked about the past and i still am hurt from the facts of the past, hell i might have a complex ...
Confused. I don't know if he's cheating, or is going to leave me, and why has he now stopped communicating?
This question has
3 answers
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4429 days ago
26 January 2013 (F) -
Confused: I'll begin by saying I've been with my man for 7/years he recently came home from prison almost 2/years ago, 3/13 will be 2/years! I cheated while he was in prison w/ another man for like 3/months! That fling was over in oct/2010! Ever s...
Move on, but how? Lingering in the past... Guilt?
This question has
4 answers
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4428 days ago
26 January 2013 (M) -
hi I need help regarding my relationship. Just be fair and honest.. I had been in a relationship with a girl for over 3 years which ended recently but I still think of her. she was my first girlfriend n spending long time really made m...
Is looking at porn the morning after you've slept with your girlfriend, a bit odd and uncalled for?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
4422 days ago
26 January 2013 (F) -
Would anyone else agree with this? Looking at porn the morning after you've slept with your girlfriend is a bit odd and uncalled for? Why would they want to look at someone else that soon?...
I feel completely heartbroken, I'd accepted that we had broken up but to be lied to repeatedly just for sex?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
4411 days ago
26 January 2013 (F) -
This all happened within the space of three weeks. So, basically I was in a relationship with this guy for just over two years, we both loved each other but obviously argued occasionally, as people do. One day, he calls me to have a chat, everythi...
Would be cute to frame her written acceptance note, and give it to her as a valentine's gift?
This question has
5 answers
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4429 days ago
26 January 2013 (F) -
so i have a basic question about whether or not a valentine's idea is cute or not. my gf and i have only been together officially for a few weeks now (been dating a couple months, but just made it official), and when i asked her to be with me, i wr...
I think my girlfriend is on the verge of breaking up with me. Help! What can I do?
This question has
4 answers
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4429 days ago
26 January 2013 (M) -
help!!!!! My girlfriend and I are on the edge of a breakup... We’ve been dating a little over 2 years I think something happened in her life because her entire personality seems to have changed in the past month She went home for h...
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