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Archived questions from: July, 2012 (see latest in The ex-factor category)

The ex-factor: Help and advice

We had a very emotional and nasty breakup and haven't spoken since.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4420 days ago

31 July 2012 (M - My ex-girlfriend and I dated inconsistently for over three years. We also lived together for most of that time period. Throughout that time period, we had some rocky times, but also some amazing ones. However, the major problems were her twin ...

How can I forgive him for hurting me this way?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4434 days ago

31 July 2012 (F - Two months ago I started sleeping with a very good friend of mine. He had just broken up it his ex a few months before. Their relationship has always been on again off again for the past seven years. She is always trash talking about him to ...

Should I just stay cool with my friend's situation?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4434 days ago

30 July 2012 (M - Hey I need some help. I've never done this before but I've never been in this of type if situation. In the start of this year me and my ex broke up after 6 years but out of last fours years we were extremely unhappy even tho she says she was we ...

Ex lives the good life while I struggle to make ends meet for myself and our child. Should I take him to court?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4435 days ago

30 July 2012 (F - I was with my partner for 3 years, we have a two year old child together. I called it quits due to arguing and him not trusting me. So we have been apart for 2 months now, and I am trying to be civil for our child, I have been trying to arrange a ...

My ex and I have a daughter together and although he has contact with me, he doesn't even try to see her. Whats going on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4435 days ago

30 July 2012 (F - My ex who happen's to be my child's father has not been in my life for the past 5 years. No contact from him what so ever. He came back around as he was in the middle of getting a divorce from his wife. His first contact was to try to have a second ...

My girlfriend is snooping on me via google!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4434 days ago

30 July 2012 (M - not sure what to do here, but my gf had found out about an abortion approx 4-5 years ago in a previous relationship she got upset at me because its something important i failed to tell jer, she said she wasnt checking up on me, but googled my n...

Bro-codes or not? Sleeping with your friends ex girlfriend is suddenly okay?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4435 days ago

30 July 2012 (F - I would love to hear peoples, especially guys, opinion on this. Should a guy date/sleep with his friends ex girlfriend? There's a guy I know, we recently met up to catch up and hear how things are. As we talked he started telling me this story, w...

It broke my heart and I cried my eyes out!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4432 days ago

30 July 2012 (F - Okay I've never done this before and don't know where to even begin. The other night I did something stupid and went through my boyfriends msgs on facebook. We've been together for just over 5 weeks. We have just started renting a property in both ...

She saved my life, I want to be friends with my ex

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4435 days ago

30 July 2012 (M - Hey so i was wondering how i should go about being friends with my ex seeing that she saved my life a year ago and i don't want to lose a friend like that. I know we are not ment to be together cause she moved across the country....

My ex-girlfriend left me for another guy and I then trashed her place. Is there any hope for reconciliation?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

29 July 2012 (M - My ex-girlfriend and I dated for almost four years. We had an incredible bond, and shared a close life together. We also lived together, up until recently. Years ago, I left her for someone else, due to communication issues, but then we got back ...

My ex fiance's sister is sending me cryptic messages!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I'm a little confused about a certain situation and not sure how I should react. My ex-fiance's sister recently posted personally to me on fb that if I observe something (didn't say what) I will obtain great wisdom and also, that if I pray t...

My boyfriend has suddenly up and left me for an unemployed drug addict

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - My boyfriend of just over a year has finished with me for someone else. The woman he has left me for is a drug addict and alcoholic, has had her 3 children taken into care, is dirty, rude, violent, and unemployed living in an extremely run down and ...

What should I do? We broke up but he wants me 'on hold' but in his life? Yet he is talking to other girls already?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - Hi all, I have recently (2 weeks ago) broken up with a boyfriend of 4 months. The circumstances of the break-up were as follows: He stopped showing me any affection, he was cancelling plans to see me and he has avoided calls, simply texting m...

He keeps ignoring me, makes excuses and then ignores me some more!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4437 days ago

28 July 2012 (F - I have known this guy for around two years now. I’m going to refer to him as ‘B’. I was introduced to B through a friend, and from the moment we first met we hit it off. We started sleeping together and we would always get in contact when he came to ...

Why did she throw me away for this other guy when it clearly wont work out? Is this a case of 'the grass is greener on the other side'?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4431 days ago

27 July 2012 (M - Hello, About 5 months ago i got dumped out of nowhere. We were together for 4 years and it was a really good relationship, we have real love, we did alot together, shared everything and our family's loved us both. Then all of a sudden she wante...

If my ex Gf breaks No Contact, is she just checking up on me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4438 days ago

27 July 2012 (M - Been in a relationship for 8 months. Month ago we got into heated discussion over something silly which resulted in break-up. Over next two weeks I tried to talk to her. It was not on a daily basis but rather every 3-4 days with no contact in ...

My ex is stalking me, calling me in the middle of the night and has even threatened to kill himself. What am I supposed to do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4438 days ago

27 July 2012 (F - Hi I recently posted a question regarding my ex threatening to die if I did not patch up with him. When I met up with him the other day to talk things over things got so bad I told him if he meant what he said I was going to report him to the ...

Now I'm in this predicament. But does he still love this other girl? Or is he just a player?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4435 days ago

26 July 2012 (F - My boyfriend (21) has told me he has had 3 past girlfriends (N, G, M) and that he's had sex with only 2 of them and he doesnt even remember who he fucked G or M. Those supposedly are the only girls he has had sex with and also the first girl he lost ...

How can I heal his heart?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4439 days ago

26 July 2012 (F - My bf's first gf i.e A broke his heart so he has been playing with the feelings of girls since then, A and i have become good friends and she told me she was the one who broke my guy's heart because she isn't in love with him but with someone and ...

I'd be with my ex but for the sex! New guy or the ex? Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4439 days ago

26 July 2012 (F - hey everyone im writing because im really confused on who to be with or at least who to try and be with. okay so the first guy is my ex boyfriend of about six months now but we still live together after the first part of the breakup due to a lease. ...

Should I be with my husband knowing he belongs somewhere else?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

26 July 2012 (F - pls help be4 i make a mistake im madly in love with this man my husband and i been trying to make this right from the shock of his cheating that was found out 2 weeks after we got married he was still sleeping with his ex. i have tryed to heal ...

Why has he not replied to my text?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

26 July 2012 (F - SORRY IF THIS IS SO LONG!!!!! i would really appreciate some help though as im getting so down about this situation :( what does it mean when your ex (who you believe still likes you) doesn't text you back? long story short, he initiated our br...

Am I being unnecesarily jealous or do I have a valid point about her fling from the past contacting her?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

25 July 2012 (M - Hi all, I'm hoping to receive some impartial advice on a problem I'm experiencing ATM. Been with my GF now for over a year and living with each other for a month. While on holiday it came to my attention that a guy she had 'fun' with between h...

My boyfriend has a very close relationship with his ex, should I be worried or just accept it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4440 days ago

25 July 2012 (F - Ok here it goes and thanks... This guy I'm seeing for about 3 months seems to have a very close relationship with his ex who's the mother of his two boys. They play hockey together 2-3 times a week, he works for her, then he goes to her house 1-...

She's my Dream Girl. But I'm consumed with jealousy over her past. Can someone help me resolve this huge problem?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4424 days ago

25 July 2012 (M - how do I stop thinking about my Girlfriends past and make sure its not the end of our future? I looked at many sites about guys on this subject but Wow all these dudes think they got it bad with like girlfriends having 3-4 partners more then th...

Is it possible that my ex still likes me even a year after breaking up or am I reading too much into it?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4440 days ago

24 July 2012 (F - Hello, Big question, I went through the most painful breakup of my life last year, it took me almost 12 months to stop crying on a semi-daily/monthly basis for him. I must admit I still cry for him once in a while but I now have a boyfriend and ...

Obsessing over fiance's ex-boyfriend

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4441 days ago

23 July 2012 (M - I have been with my fiance for about a year now,but have known her since we were little. I have been obsessing about her last "live in" boyfriend that she had been with for 2 years. Here's the kicker that makes it difficult... He played football for ...

When will these feelings for my ex go away?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4442 days ago

23 July 2012 (F - Why Is this happening to me? I hate my life:(. Mature answers please? My ex boyfriend and I broke up 15 months ago. I loved him so much, I thought we were in love cause of the way he cared about me. All my friends and family thought ...

Should I contact an ex who's been in an accident?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4442 days ago

23 July 2012 (M - My ex-girlfriend broke up with me almost a year ago. At first, I had a hard time dealing with it and even tried to get her back a couple of times to my own detriment. I finally gave up and haven't spoken to her in several months. Yesterday, a mutual...

B/f depressed because we're long distance and it worries me that he might end things

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4441 days ago

22 July 2012 (F - I am currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. It is around a four hour drive. Due to us both working for the summer I have only gone to visit him once. It was great when I did. We go to the same college during the year and only ...

My fiance lied and never told me his ex had been pregnant

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4439 days ago

22 July 2012 (F - I am 7 weeks pregnant, living with my fiance who I have been with for 3 years but only lived with for the last 2 and half years. When we found out we were pregnant my fiance was beyond excited...I on the other hand am a ball of mixed emotions. Last ...

I feel like the third wheel in the relationship

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4442 days ago

22 July 2012 (F - This is kind of an awkward situation for me. My boyfriend has a four year old son. Well anyways, he brings me his ex's house with him to visit his son. I find it rather awkward to be hanging around an ex of his all of the time. I don't really talk ...

Was I used in the beginning?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4443 days ago

22 July 2012 (F - Hi Im 19 years old and I have been together with my BF for 7 months now. Everything happened so fast, we met at a party and in less than a month we were together. I felt things were being rushed but he couldn't wait to make our relationship official ...

Is my ex girlfriend still in love with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4443 days ago

22 July 2012 (M - I dumped my g/f 4yrs ago, she was always asking of me through relatives when I was away for 10 months (2yrs ago)... She's currently dating someone but she always seems to try getting my attention, to which I show no interest whatsoever. She even ...

I got dumped for going to a strip club!

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4439 days ago

22 July 2012 (M - Ok I have a girl friend and she broke up with me because I went to a strip club with my friends on a company trip is she over reacting we been dating for 9 months...

Does this mean I'm not over him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4443 days ago

21 July 2012 (F - so i was dating this person for over a year and we broke up cuz he constantly cheated on me and lied to me throughout our relationship. so we've been talking cool and a girl pops up starts trying to be cool with me on fb and i look at his page and ...

I think I am always going to be second best.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4444 days ago

21 July 2012 (F - Dear Cupid Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a few months now and i'm a little worried. Around a year ago he had just broken up with his last serious girlfriend of 2 and a half years and it really affected him and i know he's still a bit...

Basically, I just want him back!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4440 days ago

21 July 2012 (F - SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!! Long story short- Myself and my boyfriend broke up 2 months ago to the day as life just seemed to be against us basically; due to other commitments we didn't get to spend enough time together. Mainly on his part- his long ...

Was I played for a fool by my ex-girlfriend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4445 days ago

20 July 2012 (M - First off, here’s a quick background of our past relationship. We randomly met almost four years ago, when I was in town visiting from out of state. She was a graduate student and I was visiting my hometown. We connected very randomly and initially ...

I need closure. Should I contact my ex???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4445 days ago

20 July 2012 (F - I broke up with my bf after i found out that he was flirting wid another girl online and it was the second time around - i found him flirting wid the girl, that i decided to end it. A few months later he contacted me and he was really nice. And he w...

His friendship with his ex wife is pissing me off!!!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4430 days ago

20 July 2012 (F - I've been with a man 4 years who's not divored. He is 50. Him and his ex-wife (she's with a man 5 years) can't seem to let go. They talk on their phones behind my back and won't stop and it hurts me. I have expressed anger and upset but it ...

I feel like I'm being eaten alive by jealousy. How can I move on from this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4445 days ago

20 July 2012 (F - Hello, Wondering if you guys could help. Recently I had a chat with my boyfriend regarding his ex (they split up 2-3 years ago) He had a lot of photos on his computer of her (including dirty ones) and was mentioning her by her pet name more than w...

My husband financially supports his ex girlfriend, is at her beck and call; ultimatum or just leave?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4442 days ago

19 July 2012 (F - My husband sold his whole duplex to his ex girlfriend, even though she hardly ever paid her rent to him for her side when we lived in the other. She's constantly calling needing something, and he jumps, sometimes making me do things for her, too. ...

My ex was very closed after our break up but now has become more open. Should I read anything into this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4446 days ago

19 July 2012 (F - dear cupid, my most recent ex and i have been on-and-off for about a year and a half now. both of us have profiles on this site social networking/dating site called meetme (and we had those profiles since before we met). i was fully aware of h...

My complicated love life? Or is it Lust? I need help please to sort this out.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4446 days ago

19 July 2012 (F - i started talking to this guy from my old school that i have a crush on well used to now, we texted And inboxed each other on facebook. i started saying i had a crush on him he said he did too , then i started sending him naked pics of my self ...

He chose a girl over his two best friends!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4447 days ago

18 July 2012 (M - My best friend (J) is beginning to like the girl that my other best friend (R) recently broke up with. It's only been a month, she was single now, and my bud J made the move. He doesn't notice how much R is hurt by all of this, and continues to make ...

How and where to set up boundaries?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4447 days ago

18 July 2012 (F - We've been together for a year and half and been living together for almost a year. I met him 2 years ago while he was separating from his ex. We first became great friends before we got together and I also helped him to get through the hard tim...

Was I wrong to be honest to my GF when she asked a valid Question?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4447 days ago

18 July 2012 (M - Ok just had a conversation with my GF, she asked if any women from my past had contacted me. So I was honest and answered affirmatively that an Ex had contacted me just shooting the breeze and wanting to get together next time i was in town and abou...

I met up with my ex after not seeing for a year but I'm confused about how things went

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4447 days ago

17 July 2012 (F - Okay so my ex and I first got together in 2006, we were like high school sweethearts and were together for just over a year, then out of nowhere he drops the bombshell that he doesn't think its working anymore, no real explanation. I've never had ...

He had sex with his ex. Do I forgive and forget?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4447 days ago

17 July 2012 (F - Ok My ex-boyfriend tryed to breakup with me, he said maybe we should be friends. But then I was saying sorry, so he said forget about everything. So he came over and I started crying, then he said he wouldn't leave me ect. Then we had sex, so then ...

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