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She saved my life, I want to be friends with my ex

Tagged as: Friends, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 July 2012) 2 Answers - (Newest, 30 July 2012)
A male United States age 30-35, *asketball17 writes:

Hey so i was wondering how i should go about being friends with my ex seeing that she saved my life a year ago and i don't want to lose a friend like that. I know we are not ment to be together cause she moved across the country.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 July 2012):

Just tell her you've been thinking a lot lately about life - past, present, and future, and how the past has made you appreciate what you have in life now.

You're grateful for what she did, and you feel/are lucky to have ever known her. And you're thankful to her for that.

If she's likely to respond to you, she may ask you how you're doing now in life and other general stuff conversations are made of, and you could ask her the same, establish a friendship/bond from there.

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A female reader, Abella United States +, writes (30 July 2012):

Abella agony auntSend her a light happy card in the mail. Something she can put on a shelf and see and cherish. More personal than a text. More private than Facebook. And more memorable than a phone call.

But not as personal as a heartfelt letter

Keep if light.

Let her know you would like to keep in touch as a friend if that is OK with her.

Let her know that you value her friendship.

Don't mention the saving your life and that might put too much pressure on her.

She will know you care

Address her by name in the card

and sign your name at the end of your message

at the bottom of the page include your contact details now




phone number

Best wishes with this



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