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I have lived through many different experiences in my life, some happy and some traumatic.
I work with people that are homeless, have mental illness or learning disability, ex offenders, substance misuse issues, self harm, low self esteem, fleeing domestic abuse, families going through difficulties, parents with children who are having difficulties. I work in supported housing so see all these issues regularity and work with agencies to get some help if I cannot help.
Single with cars and sheep?? |
I don't like my gf's new friendship with this guy! Should I be concerned?
Q. I have been with my girlfriend for 6 months now and we have gotten extremely close. She went off to college and has been hanging out with another guy an awful lot. He knows about me and she insists to me that I have nothing to worry about. ...
A. 28 February 2006: I think you are right not to approve of this, but your girlfriend is the innocent party, it is the bloke, it is evident that he likes her and wants to be with her despite you and he has made his feelings clear.
If I was you, I would be as jeal... (read in full...)
I love him so much I want to give him another chance..but now he doesn't know if he wants me, anymore??
Q. My boyfriend and i are in a good relationship, but the thing is he cheated on me when he was drunk. no sex was involved besides oral...but he didn't give he received. i love him so much that i'm willing to give him 1 last chance. he said he wants to ...
A. 28 February 2006: The fact that he has allowed another woman to pleasure him and now he cannot make up his mind to be with you or not, tells me that he has moved on in his mind at least.
He should be grovelling and promising you the earth after what he has done, not ... (read in full...)
Two women! One likes sex... the other one doesn't. Who do I choose?
Q. hi ive been with my girlfriend for 10 years and we planned to buy a house and settle down together, the only problem was there was little or no sex, ive recently met someone and ive fallen for her and the sex is amazing. i could make a life with ...
A. 28 February 2006: You know what you are going to do so why write in, your current partner of 10 years has given you 10 years of her life and I suspect she feels the relationship is going well.
Sex does get stale after awhile, and what you will realise when you go o... (read in full...)
He wants some space-so what can I do to give him a break but still be with him?
Q. My bf and i have been together for almost a year and hes getting sick of doing things together. I feel like i give him time with his friends but he still feels he needs a break from me. He never wants to hang out anymore and it really hurts. Im ...
A. 28 February 2006: How you feel is natural with your first love, but you need to slow it down a bit, it is your intensity that he is fighting and that is why he is reacting as he is.
May be though that if he is not wanting to do things with you as a couple that he ... (read in full...)
Should I tell her how I feel?
Q. Somebody please tell me what i should do... I am 20 years old and in the Air Force, i have felt complety alone almost my whole life until i was a senior in high school. I made a friend in my math class and when my little brother almost died she was ...
A. 27 February 2006: Talk to her, if you get the feeling she likes you then talk some more and get to know her, take her out a few times and check out your feelings, then ask her out properly if all feels right.... (read in full...)
Di I want to marry her because I feel guilty for what I dod with my ex?
Q. i've been with my gf just over a year and have just got back from holiday with her. i had a messy break up with my x gf and still speak 2 her sumtimes but i met up with her on my lunch break from work and he had a play with eachother. we didnt have ...
A. 27 February 2006: Take a long look at yourself in the mirror and have a word wiht yourself, what you did was bad and reflaect how the relationship is with your current partner.
You cheated, face it and it felt good at the time or you would not have done it.
Do yo... (read in full...)
He read my diary and found out about me kissing another guy...
Q. My boyfriend of a year has been asking me over and over again about me kissing another guy before we were together while I was down in Florida. I kept telling him that I just hugged him because he gets upset easily and I think he's pretty sensitive. ...
A. 27 February 2006: When you told him to grow up you should have told him to move on out of your life as well.
He does`nt trust you and you should not care, if you have done nothing then you you have the moral highground, no way should he have read your diary eith... (read in full...)
Do I ask her out yet or would that be insensitive?
Q. There’s this friend of a friend of mine who I don’t really know very well but really like and have asked out previously in the past when I’ve seen her but to no avail – her having a boyfriend. Being the old romantic that I am, I sent her a cheeky ...
A. 27 February 2006: If it was me I would charge in and ask her again, based on the fact that you dont see her oftern and you dont want to find she is hitched up with someone else.
If this time she blows you out then leave it, she does not fancy you and that is that,... (read in full...)
I always initiate sex and now he smells funny...could he be cheating?
Q. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now. At the beginning of our relationship I used to have to beg him for sex and he still would not give it to me. He later said he just liked to look at porn a lot that is why he wouldn't have sex ...
A. 27 February 2006: He aint cheating but he does have smegma and I bet you have now gone off cheese!!
Your relationship sounds a bit stale in the bedroom department and maybe you should suggest spicing it up, tell him to leave the porn alone you are the real thing and ... (read in full...)
I have to tell him to stop...
Q. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a very long time... and we havent long started to have sexual intercourse! my boyfriend and i want to make me orgasm. it will be my first orgasm.. but everytime im close to one i always tell him to stop.. ...
A. 27 February 2006: Relax, what are you afraid of, it will be mind blowing but trust me your head will not blow off.
Just let him pleasure you and lie back, when you feel you are about to orgasm just let the feelings out, shout or pant what ever you feel you want to d... (read in full...)
Should I come out as bi-sexual? At school?
Q. Hi, There is a girl in my year at school who came out and said she was bi-sexual, she got loadsa crap for it too, which was unfair. I think i maybe too, and I dont know wheter to come out and tell people or not say anything until Im sure Im bi-sexua...
A. 27 February 2006: Come out if you want to and dont if you dont, your sexuality is your own buisness and not for public knowledge.... (read in full...)
It feels like we are still together but we've broken up...
Q. she broke up with me i love her to death. she says she still wants to be part of my life. after the brake up we hung out and had sex more the once. i whant to get back with her. she just whants me as a friend. plus everytime we hangout it feels like ...
A. 27 February 2006: You really do need to stop hanging out with her, you are a habit and she is an itch that you keep scratching so will not heal.
You have to move on and forget her and in time you will I promise, time is a great healer.
... (read in full...)
He asked me if he could kiss me and I said he won't talk to me! What should I do now?
Q. Hi,i'm 12 and in the sixth grade and i have a bit of a problem with my boyfriend. You see a couple of days ago me and my boyfriend were talking when he told me he would like to kiss me and i told him i would like to ...
A. 27 February 2006: You have both embarrassed each other, both of you are shy and neither of you know how to make the first move.
Smile at him and chat to him, then just go with what feels right, it may just be that neither of you really wants to kiss yet or that you ... (read in full...)
My step-neice and I ended up falling for each other...our families will be shocked! What should we do?
Q. My problem may not be unique but it is awkward, let me give you some background... I have recently got in touch with my step niece for the first time in 18 years, since we first got in touch we've grown to be close and be great friends. We met ...
A. 27 February 2006: She is your step neice so why is it an issue, she is not a blood relation so this is not incest.
Why do you think people will have a problem with you having a relationship other than the initial shock, is it that you are much older than her perh... (read in full...)
She's married, I have a bf..but all I think about is her! How do I get her out of my mind?
Q. Im a 20yr old female and im totally in love with my friend who is 38 and also female. The problem is shes married. i have told her how i feel and shes cool with it but also said nothing will ever happen between us as she doesnt have those feeling ...
A. 27 February 2006: No easy answer, you did the best thing in telling her how you feel as now you can stop wondering and dreaming, she does not fancy you or want a relationship with you that is not just friends.
You need to decide if loosing her as a friend is the opti... (read in full...)
He's shagged 15 men and slept with 20 prostitutes, in his past-he's very unemotional! Should I end this?
Q. Hi all, When do you know when a relationship should end? My boyfriend of 4 months claims that he loves me more and more but I don't believe him because I really don't feel it. I actually feel that he takes me a little for granted and that he is very ...
A. 27 February 2006: LIke Martini says this is bothering you so ditch him, he is open with you and you can look at this as hurting your feelings or that he is not hiding things from you so no secrets.
He has had a lot of sexual partners in a short period of time but ... (read in full...)
My wife and I are having big problems-do I leave or find another woman or just stay put?
Q. Oh woe is me. I need some advice on what to do. I am a married man (10 years), have kids, happy go lucky attitude, professional, well paid, blah blah. I am confident, funny and tall (6'2). The problem is that my wife has switched off the care ...
A. 27 February 2006: Well you can just throw away 10 years of marriage and seek happines with one of these women that want to "care for you" !!or you can take stock of the marriage, look at what is wrong and what part you play in the problems and try and work out an ... (read in full...)
I am a gay but have I pissed off my not-gay friends?
Q. I am in a gay relationship but some of my 'friends' like to make jokes about gay people. We were going to go out with them to celebrate something soon, but I told them that it was all to 'hetrosexual' for me. Now they seem a bit pissed off with ...
A. 27 February 2006: You have your values and you should stick to them, if they know you are gay then they should respect this and not make fun, jokes are hurtful and someone is always the victim.
Tell them they have pissed you off, if you dont they will not know what... (read in full...)
I'm 15, bi and happy with it. I feel like I should tell people about me, but should I?
Q. I'm a 15 year old male. I'm bisexual and I've told my best friend about me ages ago, and also my mum, but I really want to tell more people. I just don't know what to do. I live in quite a rough area and people don't really accept this sort of ...
A. 27 February 2006: Good for you telling your mum and best friend, I dont see the need for you to tell anyone else about your sexuality it is private and you should only discuss this on a need to know basis, the same as anyone would.
Relax and enjoy being who you are,... (read in full...)
I'm white and my new guy isn't. Will that affect our relationship at all?
Q. dear Aunt, I have a question. I have this new guy in my life. We are together and he is sweet. Thing is, he is not white like me. I have no problem with that, but will it mean that he will want more from me or just be sweeter and nicer? He is...
A. 27 February 2006: The only difference with him and guys you have been out with in the past is his skin colour, he is no different so stop worrying and just enjoy him.... (read in full...)
He warned me he wouldn't commit, but 7 months later, he spends every weekend. Are we an item?
Q. I'm a 51 year old widow (going on 3 yrs now). I met an incredibly exciting, interesting, sexy man several months ago on an internet dating service. He's 53, married once many, many years ago. Divorced for about 27 years. He's self proclaimed ...
A. 27 February 2006: ONe day your wild rover will stop roamin and hopefully it will be with you.
He has told you how it is from the start and you have accepted this so dont read so much into his staying around, if it is working for both of you then go with the flow... (read in full...)
He might - accidentally - have slept with three female friends. Should I be worried about him?
Q. There is this guy I know and he seems like a real cool guy that I want to get to know better. Well he asked me out and we are going out soon. The only problem is we talked (as friends) for a while and he was telling me that he has a lot of female ...
A. 27 February 2006: At least he was honest enough to tell you about sleeping with his friends.
I would just go into the relationship with my eyes open, and take it from there, you cannot worry about what he did when he was not with you or you will ruin the rela... (read in full...)
Feel hurt and unloved because my BF won't write cute and loving things to me on MSN...
Q. I'm kinda confused right now... The problem is that I'm feeling bit sad for a small thing. My bf never writes cute stuff for me on msn or any other account like other bf's does. It hurts me cause it makes me feel unloved. Maybe I'm overreac...
A. 27 February 2006: You need to realise that some blokes just like some girls just dont do the soppy cute thing, I was with a bloke who loved me but just never said it, he never wrote valentine cards or soppy verses, he never did this stuff but he did show his love in ... (read in full...)
I'm ready to break up, I think. But how do I get started?
Q. How do you break up with someone you've dated for 2.5 years? I don't like the way he treats me. When he gets upset about something, it's his way or the highway, and I'm a rug when it comes to that stuff. I'm completely defenseless because I don't ...
A. 27 February 2006: You have made the right decision, if the relationship is not working for you and you feel it has come to the end then finishing it is the right thing to do.
You say the only reason you have not done so sooner is his family well you would not be doin... (read in full...)
How will he view me if we have anal sex?
Q. I am in new relationship, we are very much in love and we're happy. The sex is good, it wasn't to begin with, which we discussed and now it's good and getting better all the time. However we recently discussed Anal sex and I'm worried now that If I ...
A. 26 February 2006: If you want to try it then do, if not dont, it is a sexual act but not for everyone, he suggested it so must want it and should not treat you differently after it.
If you dont want it or feel afraid then it is not for you so stand your ground and ... (read in full...)
Can't tell him I don't think we're finished, because it was me who broke us up!
Q. hey, I'm 20 and I have problems with my relationships, but I find myself thinking about just one person. He was my first love and I have a feeling that we have uncompleted task, but don't know how to tell him I want us back together, because ...
A. 26 February 2006: Just come right out with it, if he really is right for you and you want him back you will just have to make the first move.... (read in full...)
She is with someone else but I get jealous of not him but the thought of others
Q. I work at a hotel and a new receptionist started. She had been going out with this guy for three years, and had been best friends with him for two years prior to that. Anyway she starts working with me, and there's obvious chemistry between us. I am ...
A. 26 February 2006: Why are you letting her use you in this way, she is having sex with her bloke and you and all the lies she is telling to him she is probably telling to you.
I would not believe a word this girl says, you should do the decent thing and bin her off,... (read in full...)
My fiance or my boyfriend...I don't know what to do
Q. Hi, Ive been with my fiance three and a half years now, when i met him he was in the forces, id only met him 3weeks before he went away, and in the time he went away i met someone else. I carried on seeing this person all the way through my fianc...
A. 26 February 2006: My dear girl you want the best of both worlds, you know what you are doing is wrong but you cannot stop, the man you are seeing on the side is allowing you to use him and you are doing this.
You know that morally you need to decide which one to be w... (read in full...)
When I talk to men, I just seem to fall in love with them. Why do I do this?
Q. I'm not in a big relationship but I do love this guy. But when I talk to other men I just seem to fall for them too and I don't know what to do. Can you help me?...
A. 26 February 2006: You fall in and out of love very easily by the sound of it, are you a little insecure, do you fall in love at the drop of a hat (nothing wrong with that as long as you realise what you are doing) and do you have a short but very intense ... (read in full...)
Is there more to life than the same routine of the last ten years?
Q. I have been with by boyfriend for 10 years and we have lived together for the last 7 years. I was very young when I met him (15). I love him, but over the last few months I have been wondering if at 25 there isn't more to life than routine. We do ...
A. 26 February 2006: Your relationship is stale, either:-
Spice it up, if you can be bothered or:
End it now before another unhappy year goes by, he is bound to be upset but like us all he will in time get over it, it is your life and your happiness too.... (read in full...)
Is there something going on?
Q. My girlfriend and i live about 5 hours apart and see each other usually every other weekend. I'm starting to get concerned that something is going on that i'm unsure about. I'll tell you some of the things i know and some of the things that i'm ...
A. 26 February 2006: You know the answer, finish it with her, she is up to something and even if she isnt the trust in your relationship has gone.
Looking at what you have wrote, I think she is doing some pretty heavy flirting and some lying, her behaviour is furtive,... (read in full...)
What happened with the Lift Guy? He was flirty one minute, cold the next!
Q. I have quite a dilemma right now. Last Monday, I went up to snowboard, alone. At the top, this extremely gorgeous guy started flirting with me. Each time I went up, it was obvious he was into me. I never did get his name though... The next time ...
A. 26 February 2006: You did make a mistake by telling your friends you liked him, you should have kept it quiet as all he had done was smile and be friendly.
You blew it when your friend opened her well meaning mouth and then again when you ignored him, the poor guy ... (read in full...)
How do I get over our break up?
Q. I have just split with my boyfriend, due to him finding a text on my phone that he didnt like. We had a wonderful relationship, and i love him very much and i miss him dearly. I had no intention of cheating on him, although,i do like a flirt, hence ...
A. 26 February 2006: You will get over this and you may learn from it, time is a great healer.
Are you sure you cannot get another chance with him, after all it was just texting, (texting is fun but can be read by the wrong person so beware)!
Write him a letter s... (read in full...)
I fantasise about being paid to have sex...
Q. Hiya I've recently decided that i'm bi-sexual. So often when trying to masturbate I often look at porn. And often some of the things that come up are often where girls are paid to have sex. I know this is wrong, but I keep thinking how I would lo...
A. 26 February 2006: looking at porn or wanting to be paid for sex does not make you bisexual, what does is wanting female and male partners and rather than just day dreaming about it, actually doing it.
Most of us think about same sex relationships or having sexu... (read in full...)
I'm turned on with my girlfriend, but I still don't ever climax!
Q. I have been dating my girlfriend for a few months but it seems impossible for me to climax during sex. In fact, I have never climaxed with anyone before. With my girl, I am extremely turned on (more than I have ever been before) but still something ...
A. 26 February 2006: not as rare a problem as you may think, in fact it is quite normal to go through periods of not being able to climax, sometimes it is that you are not fully relaxed like you are in an un-safe enviroment, parents likely to come in etc, or you are ... (read in full...)
I'm "uncool" and I worry about what the "cool" kids think of me!
Q. Hey. I was just ondering if you could help me. I really enjoy school. I have loads of friends and do well in my lessons. Only, I'm in the 'uncool' group of people. There's the 'cool' people, 'middle' people, and the 'uncool' people. I'm sure...
A. 26 February 2006: Right young lady, let me tell you I have been in both groups and the cool group is very not cool as all you think about in that group is how to make others in the non cool group miserable, so if you are a complete bitch and want to spend your time ... (read in full...)
I think my husband lied about knowing this other woman for six years. I think he was just chatting her up!
Q. Tonight I just got back from a night out with my husband. He was eyeing up this girl who was eyeing up him back right in front of me, so engrossed with each other they didn’t even notice me storm off. When I moved back closer I saw him holder her ...
A. 26 February 2006: You have cleared up a few things for me and my advice is to ditch this rat, he is no good for you or your kids, get him out before he hurts you some more.
Get a solicitor or go to an advice centre, you need to know your financial and visitation righ... (read in full...)
I'm sure I would have be aware if I'd had sex with the guy I met...
Q. Hello, I split up from my husband 2 years ago but the divorce has just been finalised. We had been together for 5 years but have fallen out of love. He was the only man I had ever been with. For the last two years I have been very depressed, ...
A. 26 February 2006: You would not necessarily know if you had had sex it would depend on how gentle he was and how drunk you were.
My guess is that both of you were so drunk that nothing other than a drunken fumble and sleep happened.
But just in case you need to ... (read in full...)
My boyfriend touched me sexually, but it didn't feel all that great...
Q. I'm 15 and my boyfriend is 16. The other night he put his fingers inside of me. I know what this means, but how do I make it feel better? He just kind of sat there. I will not have sex becuase I'm too young, but I don't mind other stuff because I ...
A. 26 February 2006: Sounds like you need to slow it down a little, are you and him just trying stuff out and if so that is fine as long as he respects and understands that sex is not on the agenda until you are ready.
You did not like what he did because you were scar... (read in full...)
My first kiss with my boyfriend -- what do I do?
Q. I'm 13 and my bf's 17. I've been with him for just over 3 months but we don't see each other very much beacause he lives 20 mintues drive from me! Right, the problem is I've never really had a serious bf before and so I'm a bit shy around him and ...
A. 26 February 2006: Your first love is always going to be special, and you are right he is going to want to kiss, this is scarrey but natural and will just come to you.
The distance is something you cannot do anything about so that is that, the worry I have is that... (read in full...)
Slept with my younger friend, and now he's in love with me. Help!
Q. I need help!! :( You see, I have this friend who I love to death, but not the way he loves me! A few months ago we got drunk and started fooling around. We slept together but it was his first time. He is now totally mad on me and I can't help thi...
A. 26 February 2006: Oh dear, what a mess, you have taken his virginity and now you realise you dont want him, but he has fallen for you and thinks you are the best thing in his world.
You first need to soul search about how you really do feel about him, you say you ... (read in full...)
I think my husband lied about knowing this other woman for six years. I think he was just chatting her up!
Q. Tonight I just got back from a night out with my husband. He was eyeing up this girl who was eyeing up him back right in front of me, so engrossed with each other they didn’t even notice me storm off. When I moved back closer I saw him holder her ...
A. 24 February 2006: Wow I would not like to get on the wrong side of you, and on the surface of it, you seem to be right about him just meeting her, but what is they do know each other would this make a difference, I think not as it is not so much when they met it is ... (read in full...)
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