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Archived questions from:
April, 2016 (see latest in Health category)
Health: Help and adviceHe's drunk and abusive. How do you reason with someone like this, for the sake of your kids?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
3235 days ago
30 April 2016 (F) -
I've been with my partner, "Bill", for 12 years and we have a family together. Tonight he told me for the umpteenth time that he was sick of my bad attitude and that I need to "know my place". Then he told me it's over and to expect all my thing...
Is my cheating any worse than the abuse he inflicts or threatens me with, regularly? Is getting help as impossible?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3239 days ago
30 April 2016 (F) -
My husband and I have been married for 8 years.I'm cheating on him. My husband has been abusing me for the last 3 years.Apart from the physical abuse which he exercises every day he abuses me verbally as well. He calls me all the names under the ...
Advice needed, please? Would my subsequent actions be enough for me to get pregnant?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3237 days ago
30 April 2016 (F) -
So today I hooked up with this guy and we had oral sex. We didn't have sex. Everything was fine, he ate me and I sucked him till he came on my chest. When we ended, I might have gotten some semen on my fingers since it got on my shirt too, but I ...
Are there any life reasons anyone can suggest for why my brother seems uninterested in forming friendships and or relationships?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3240 days ago
29 April 2016 (M) -
Dear everyone I'm not sure if this question is suited to this site, but I found everyone on here to be thoughtful the previous time i used it so i thought i'd try again. I wonder if my brother has some sort of mental condition that hasn't bee...
How can I get out of this abusive relationship? He has everyone fooled into thinking he is a good guy
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3238 days ago
28 April 2016 (F) -
My boyfriend has been getting messages from girls he has been with and never tells me about it. Unless I look at his stuff I don't ever know. And only one of the girls has asked him if he was with anyone which he said yes he was. But the others...
He's less interested in sex. Is it me? Or could it be that I disgust him in some way?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3239 days ago
28 April 2016 (F) -
I've been with my boyfriend for just over two years and up until about 5 months ago things were great, we had a great love life and sex life and I was happy. However, recently, we've rarely been having sex, I would say maybe once a month. I brou...
I’m worried about going bald, how do family genetics cause it?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
2977 days ago
28 April 2016 (M) -
Hi I sometimes struggle with low self esteem and confidence and I've always been critical on how I look, but recently I had my hair cut, 3 back and sides short on top, standard, and I cannot seem to tell if I receading or not , or if it just me been ...
When is it the right time to leave?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3240 days ago
27 April 2016 (M) -
Okay. To answer my question I strongly believe you will need my whole backstory. So lets just jump into it. We met at 16, it was bliss, romance, and teenage rebelion at its finest. She was perfect and at this moment i knew I was in love. ...
Is this rosacae or an alcohol problem?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
27 April 2016 (F) -
I met a guy for a first date last night. I noticed after one pint he looked flushed and had broken blood vessels around his nose and a thickening of connective tissue around the nostrils, a bumpy appearance. He then had a second pint and had driv...
He can’t stay hard, please help us, we don’t know what to do!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
26 April 2016 (F) -
I have five years with this guy, everything was cool while having sex but now his penis don't stay strong it even goes down before ejaculation please help us we don't know what to do I love this guy so much...
I was friends with her but cut contact due to how she was acting, now she’s tried adding me back. Any advice?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
26 April 2016 (F) -
This is about a friendship problem. I was friends with a great person who helped me loads and I enjoyed talking to them. However, over time they became more moody, I never knew where I stood with them and found it hard to interact with them due to ...
My social anxiety has resulted in me having just one friend! Please read the rest of my post and give me some advice!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3244 days ago
26 April 2016 (F) -
so I have pretty bad social anxiety to the point where I only had one friend and as much as I tried to make other friends (and I continue to try) it justs exhausts me and people just ignore me. anyway so I've known my friend has liked me pretty ...
Please help me! I’m feeling so suffocated by the choices my mother has made!
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3244 days ago
26 April 2016 (F) -
Hi all, I posted on here before about moving in with my bf and how my mother and stepfather are dependent on me. Well, I made up my mind that I was going to move in with my boyfriend regardless and start planning on our dreams. Come to find out...
Do I stop making our favorite food because it bothers our 80 year old neighbor?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
26 April 2016 (F) -
Hello We live in an apartment building and are a mid aged couple. I cook for my husband on daily basis, we are both Canadian. We really enjoy curry and maybe twice a month I will cook it. My neighbour who is in her 80s and frail health mention...
I lost my erection just before sex, is this ED?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3245 days ago
25 April 2016 (M) -
Hi all Ive been with my partner 7 years now, we are both in our 40's and in decent health Recently we were intimate, i gave her oral to orgasm, then went to have my horror i had gone semi hard, and couldnt have intercourse My p...
I’m afraid he’ll just drop me one day! How can I overcome this?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3245 days ago
25 April 2016 (F) -
I am in a relationship but because of past experiences where men I was dating ended the relationship with me by just not calling or contact in me, I have this fearvthat this man will just one day drop me and leave me devastated. How can I overcome ...
How can someone who claims to love you be so unfeeling?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3242 days ago
25 April 2016 (F) -
I got pretty sick this past week. I was bed ridden for days had no energy throwing up. My husband had it the week before so naturally I was concerned for him took care of his every need and made sure he felt loved and taken care of. Fast forw...
What am I doing wrong? Women seem scared of me. Haven't been able to set up a date in three years.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3244 days ago
25 April 2016 (M) -
I have problems with women and I'm taking time away from dating (or trying to date) until I've found myself, developed confidence, and have a proper view of women in general. I've struggled pretty badly for the past 7 years or so. My previous...
Can someone help me to understand why I am feeling this way? I haven't told anyone, but I really want a baby.
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
25 April 2016 (F) -
Hi im almost 14 and i really want to have a baby i love children my sister has 5 and there all babies i babysit them all the time. Their my world. I have a boyfriend but i havent told him or anyone about having a baby. I dont know why i feel like...
I’m falling out of love with my boyfriend because he keeps rejecting me due to my weight gain of 15 lbs!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3245 days ago
24 April 2016 (F) -
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3.5 years, during which time I have been enrolled in a rigorous PhD program. I am 5’8 and when he met me, I weighed 155 lbs. A year ago he told me he hadn’t been attracted to me for about 6 months. He had b...
I’m expecting my first child with my boyfriend but he isn’t happy and is calling me a liar!
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
24 April 2016 (F) -
I have recently discovered I'm expecting my first child with my boyfriend of 3 years. It seems like it would be great news but he isn't happy at all and keeps calling me a liar as I had always believed that I couldn't have children naturall...
How can I get over him and move on? My ex boyfriend is blanking me and I can't move on
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3245 days ago
24 April 2016 (F) -
Hi, me and my ex broke up last Sunday. I ended the relationship. He was texting me and said "can't we still talk?" So I said "if you want to" he said "yes I do" so i said me too. I ended the relationship because my mum made me because he was ma...
Please please help me! Retroactive jealousy is driving me insane and it's getting out of control
This question has
25 answers
- newest was posted
3245 days ago
23 April 2016 (M) -
(Ps. English is not my mother tongue so I apologize for the grammar errors etc..) Hello; It's been more than a year since I started to date my girlfriend (fiancee). Unfortunately I'm in the claws of retroactive jealousy. I guess there is not a...
How can I show him his bad times are over?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3245 days ago
22 April 2016 (F) -
Hi , Ive just got myself a new boyfriend weve been together a month . hes really nice but he hasnt had the best of times over the last year or so before we got together . He had cancer 5 years ago and beat it ( had to leave the army which he lived ...
My Boyfriend's Doberman comes first. It's making me miserable. What do I do?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3248 days ago
22 April 2016 (F) -
Hi I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years. We have a 1 yr old son. The problem is when me and my boyfriend met he had a Doberman but the problem is he treats the dog better than me. He takes the dog everywhere with me. The dog can do no wrong. T...
My ex boyfriend wanted the truth about his ED. Is ED a good enough reason to end a relationship?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3247 days ago
22 April 2016 (F) -
I had closure with my 45 year ex boyfriend last night. The problems around our sex life weighed heavily on this new relationship. Is it a good enough reason to end a relationship because I cant have penetrative satisfying sex? I love making l...
Should I stay or should I go? Where Would I fit in elsewhere?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3248 days ago
21 April 2016 (F) -
I am currently working in a small office for a small company.. very small company. I have been here for 8-9 months. I really can't stand the majority of the people here and I know that there will always be those situations in life where you have t...
How can I change my bad attitude towards other people?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3248 days ago
21 April 2016 (F) -
What is the best thing to do so I can change my attitude towards others. I have a bad attitude and this is towards anyone I have tried changing it but when I was nice and respectful others took advantage and treated me very unfair. I was ...
My partner or my daughter? I feel so very upset about what has happened. What should I do?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3246 days ago
21 April 2016 (F) -
I have lived with my partner for around 5 years. My daughter (now 24) lived with me....(or between my ex husband and her b/f's parents) She never paid any board money and rarely did any housework. (but that's my fault for letting her). We often ...
Does human love really exist? Do you really believe in love?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3238 days ago
20 April 2016 (F) -
My love life is not exciting at all,all relationships i have been involved they were nothing but heart breaking.I realized that that i was meant to love or dating for that matter. I will never love again. You give your all to your partner,but som...
Is it normal for vaginal area skin to have darker pigmentation that the surrounding skin?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3251 days ago
18 April 2016 (F) -
I am a 20 yr old female who is Caucasian and my skin tone is quite pale. This is embarrassing but my outer vagina lips and also the area near my anus is a very dark brownish color. It's several shades darker than my inner thighs and the rest of ...
Should I be concerned about my wife's strange sexual dreams?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3251 days ago
18 April 2016 (M) -
My wife and I have been together for 40 years, and our sex lives have always been 'satisfactory', nothing out of the ordinary really, only occasionally doing something rather daring. However, about six months ago she started taking medicati...
I believe my sister has Boderline Personality Disorder
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3251 days ago
18 April 2016 (F) -
Hi there, I would love to hear from anyone who either has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or has some understanding of this complex mental illness. My sister suffers from BPD, which seemed to develop around the age of 15. We grew up...
Am I being a controlling boyfriend?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3252 days ago
18 April 2016 (M) -
I've been with my girlfriend for almost 6 years and we're finishing up college this year. We go to different schools but love each other so we've made it work long distance. The problem is that she's been partying a lot more. She traveled across ...
My girlfriend wants a break and keeps blowing me off
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3253 days ago
17 April 2016 (M) -
we been together over a year everything was great no fights our kids got along. all up to this past valentine day she went silent not responding to text calls backed out of dates. come to find out she had a side effect from one of her meds which is ...
I've developed a crush on my straight boss! Help me get my feelings under control!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3251 days ago
17 April 2016 (M) -
Hello all, I have developed a crush on my straight boss and any tips on how to handle it would be welcome. We are both in long term relationships (5+ years, homosexual in my case, heterosexual in his). Apart from being extremely handsome, h...
I have tried everything but to her I am dead!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3250 days ago
16 April 2016 (M) -
I have only had one girlfriend in the past which was a LDR from my state to another state, a 14 hour drive. I was with my ex from the age of 19-24 and we had a lot of ups and downs. I was going through a bad time in my personal life with the de...
How can I help my LDR Bf who is constantly presenting as so negative and pessimistic about his life? He blames himself for everything
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3252 days ago
15 April 2016 (F) -
My boyfriend of a year has recently been very negative about everything in life. He most likely isn't depressed and in all honesty there has been nothing tragic happening which could cause his pessimistic views on the world. (or rather from my ...
How can I best support my fiance suffering panic attacks due to stress he is feeling?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3255 days ago
15 April 2016 (F) -
My Fiance suffers from anxiety, it has gotten worse and worse in the last while am not sure if the wedding is making it worse. The wedding is not until next year but already he is worrying about it, its affecting work as he is taking panic attacks ...
Until recently nothing has bothered me. But now I find myself conflicted. How do I go forward?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3252 days ago
15 April 2016 (M) -
25 years, 25 years. I have been caring for both my parents and my sister for 25 years and to be honest nothing has really bother me. Until recently, my brother has suddenly reappeared in our lives after almost 10 years of nothing. The promises h...
When I am tested for a STD should I trust the protocols in place re my privacy or should I give a false name?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3256 days ago
14 April 2016 (F) -
Hi, I am in need of advice. I am 18 years old and I recently had sex with 7 different men throughout the year. I had unprotected sex with 5 of those men. I am afraid that I caught an STD so I want to get checked. I plan to go to Planned Parentho...
How should I approach my roommate to tell her that it's time for her to find a better BF?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3256 days ago
14 April 2016 (M) -
How do you tell your roommate that she just needs to move on? Sooo my roommate has broken up with a guy for 5 months who basically threw her out on Christmas but she is still pursuing him. From what she says he is awful to her and Ive heard hi...
STDs and dating. Do I meet someone for coffee dinner ect first and then tell them a bit later?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3256 days ago
14 April 2016 (F) -
So here goes, I've had an std( herpes) since just after I turned 19. I'm 25 now. I met a man shortly after who had it as well, 4.5 yes and 2 kids later I am a single parent to both boys. I am finally feeling in a good place to date again. I fe...
While struggling with depression should I open up now, to him, and risk making things worse for me?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3243 days ago
14 April 2016 (F) -
Hi, I've realized that I might be struggling with depression and it's taking a toll on my relationship with my closest friend. He knows me better than anyone and knows that I'm upset and something is happening to me but doesn't know why, and in...
What should I ask, when I speak to my Bf, about a stained black dress I found under my Bf's bed?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
3253 days ago
13 April 2016 (F) -
I found a black dress with dried up white spots on the front under my boyfriend's bed. I do not live with my BF. I was in his apartment tidying it up for him. Now I wonder if he cheated? First I would like to know, does semen dry white when ...
Is it possible to get Herpes by skin to skin contact?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3246 days ago
13 April 2016 (F) -
Is it possible to get Herpes by skin to skin contact. I only slept with one guy and he swears he tested negative. I have hugged other people but it was friendly hugs,nothing sexual. I am so confused because it was a full on outbreak for m...
Should I marry him even though it would mean that I would be stuck in a life I would hate?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3254 days ago
12 April 2016 (F) -
Ive going to marry soon this year and im having dillema about my future. I think its normal to worry about my future life and im not telling or discussed this with anyone. Its making me depressed by the time pass and it keep worse. We have been t...
Should I stay with the boyfriend I met on facebook? He was taking drugs so I broke up with him.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3252 days ago
12 April 2016 (F) -
I was with my boyfriend for 44 days. I started dating him over facebook. I didn't know what he looked like so we met up and kept meeting then he asked me out. I dumped him because he was taking drugs, getting garried (a pill you swallow and it m...
If a guy has a wart on his penis, then is it genital warts ? And for how long can genital warts be dormant in a person?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3257 days ago
10 April 2016 (F) -
Hi all my boyfriend has a wart on his penis which he is not sure where it came from. We have been together for nearly 3 years and I know he has been completely faithful as am I. I don't have any warts or anything. My question is, For how lon...
Boyfriend has a small penis!
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3259 days ago
9 April 2016 (F) -
My boyfriend is has a considerably small penis. When we have sex I'm unable to achieve an orgasm through penetration, only foreplay (oral, fingering) but I've never told him this in order not to hurt his feelings. We've been together for a little ...
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