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Archived questions from:
December, 2014 (see latest in Big Questions category)
Big Questions: Help and adviceHow do I make my personality more positive?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3742 days ago
31 December 2014 (M) -
Hey guys I am 18 and I always feel that something bad will happen I always have negative thinking all the time. It is affecting my behaviour and my social life and I am really getting tensed because of this. Somedays back I went for my friend (girl) ...
I've lost my confidence. How do I become the man I want to be?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3744 days ago
30 December 2014 (M) -
hey guys i am 18 and i really need help! I am really shy person. I dont have confidence. I don't know what to talk to people especially girls and if i make friends i don't know how to maintain friendship what to talk after sometime. How can i turn ...
Married friend wanted sex, I refused and said I could only offer friendship and now he's conveniently disappeared!
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
3743 days ago
30 December 2014 (F) -
Hi. I'd like some advice about something that I think I already know the answer to. Recently a guy friend, who is now married, got in touch and asked if I'd like to meet up over the holidays. I'm also now in a relationship and told him this. H...
What's going on? What should I do? He manipulated me into ending our relationship two days before New Year
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3744 days ago
30 December 2014 (F) -
I wrote a few weeks ago because my new boyfriend, who had showered me with attention, flowers, dinners, mix tapes, texts, at the start, had gone a bit quiet with me. The first time I stayed over his house (and the first time we had sex), he had a...
Should I study business jointly with a language? Then where to work and live successfully as a gay man?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3742 days ago
30 December 2014 (M) -
Since I am completely uncertain of what I should do, I was hoping for someones help. If i succeed in my exams this July I'll hopefully be off for university when summer ends. I have submitted and received offers from all of my university choic...
Which path should I go down for myself and my daughter?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3744 days ago
29 December 2014 (F) -
Dear cupid, I have a daughter I'd like to provide for. The problem is that I can't decide on how to go about it. At first, I decided to join the military, but once I realized that my personality doesn't match the lifestyle I changed my mind and...
I've been asked to use my wedding as a fundraiser
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3745 days ago
28 December 2014 (F) -
I currently am living in an apartment that a program helps with a portion of our rent. My fiance and I are wanting to get married and have recently been told the program that helps us with rent wants us to have our ceremony at the house they use ...
Why does living with your parents look much worse in guys than it does in girls? for guys it usually kills their chances of having a dating life/sex life, for girls not so much
This question has
17 answers
- newest was posted
3746 days ago
27 December 2014 (M) -
If a guy lives with his parents, usually it seems if the guy is past a certain age and lives with his parents, he won't get a second look from most women, but if a woman lives with her parents regardless of her age, it's usually not a deal-breaker ...
Former friend has joined the new group and is causing problems with gossip and lies.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3748 days ago
26 December 2014 (F) -
Hello. My problem is this. I've been friends with this woman for three years. We were best mates all this time but then suddenly things changed. She began to spend time with a few other girls and for a long while we never saw each other. S...
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3628 days ago
25 December 2014 (?) -
It has been a most enjoyable year being on Dear Cupid, and reading all of your wonder articles and advice. I am very inspired by the powerful advice given by all of you, and I am proud to be amongst such intelligent and thoughtful people. I ap...
Tired of being judged for being a single mum
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3748 days ago
24 December 2014 (F) -
I am 46 and am regularly told I look 36 and am 'beautiful'. I don't wear much make up and wear pretty plain clothes and I've never been one to use what I look like to get any advantage - most of the time I'm pretty oblivious to it, but I'm also, ...
How can I get over feeling I'm too old to have a girlfriend at 26? How should I flirt, talk to and approach women?
This question has
38 answers
- newest was posted
3608 days ago
23 December 2014 (M) -
The fact i'll be 27 in a few weeks and I still haven't had a girlfriend yet, obviously still a virgin, the fact that I didn't have my first girlfriend and didn't lose my virginity around the age-range most people do just makes me bitter and ...
My wife of ten years says abusive things and then expects me to apologise. How should I respond to her accusations and her insults?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
22 December 2014 (M) -
Hi, I'm really concerned. Ours has not been the best of marriages. We're 10 years in, we have two beautiful daughters. I'm the stay at home parent and I've thrown myself at the role. We've moved 3 times and I've made new friends/ a new world ea...
Building confidence when I can't find any redeeming features about myself
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
22 December 2014 (M) -
I was forced to do two extra years of high school, I had to retake some of my final high school exams and I still did poorly. I entered a weak college but I flunked out and failed many classes, at the moment I'll be graduating in 2017 despite having ...
How do I distance myself from my abusive mother? Anyone else experienced anything similar?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3750 days ago
22 December 2014 (F) -
I need some advice from people who might be in a similar situation to me. I’m a 25 year old woman who has always had a very strained relationship with my mum, but which recently has become unbearable. I’ll try to only give the information which is ...
Should I just cut my losses if he's not serious about us having a future?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3751 days ago
22 December 2014 (F) -
My boyfriend of over 5 years told me last night that he loves me and thinks we'll probably end up married one day but he can't say for sure as he 'doesn't have a crystal ball.' I'm quite gutted and think that if he doesn't know by now he'll never ...
Is it okay to go out alone on New Year's Eve?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
22 December 2014 (M) -
The last few years I've been single and primarily friendless so I've stayed in watching tv trying to convince myself I wasn't bored. This year I'm still single, but my friends are coupled or will be out of town and I just can't stand the thought of ...
We are working on things but the spark has gone!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
22 December 2014 (F) -
My boyfriend and I have been through a bit of a rough patch. Arguing and falling out over petty things. We are okay and have decided to work things out and put everything behind us. However, now it seems the spark is gone and I don't know whether ...
Am I better off dating someone within my own culture/race?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
22 December 2014 (F) -
Five years in an interracial relationship with a man fifteen years older than me. I thought I loved him but now, I'm unsure. Holiday season is depressing. I've never been invited to a family dinner or functions and I hate it. My friends are always ...
I have sexual thoughts about my mother, and the guilt is eating me alive! Am I abnormal?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
21 December 2014 (M) -
I am a teenage male with OCD and I often have disturbing sexual thoughts about my mother that I always try to shake out of my head but sometimes that doesn't work and I end up masturbating to get rid of the thought (only on a few occasions has the ...
My little sister is dating a much older man and lying about it, and I'm worried he's taking advantage of her! Do I tell our parents?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
21 December 2014 (F) -
Hi. My sister is 21 and yesterday told me she is in a relationship with a 40 year old man. This is her first ever relationship and they have been together 6 months. She says they are getting 'serious' however she has not and is not planning to tell ...
He changed his mind about marrying me but still expects me to stay
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3753 days ago
21 December 2014 (F) -
I've been living with my boyfriend for a year ... we've been together about a year and a half now. We're both in our 40s and divorced with adult children. He asked me to marry him last year and over the last several months, he has seemed to be ve...
How does a thin boobless/assless woman live a life in our society?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3754 days ago
20 December 2014 (F) -
So I'm a petite asian in my early 20's and I have no boobs (32 a cup :( ) nor an ass. I have been suffering from depression lately because of all the insecurities that eat up at me. I am so depressed that I can't sleep at night and I have become ...
Flirting leading to some kissing at Christmas work function. Will my reputation be tarnished? How do I handle any reactions at work?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
20 December 2014 (F) -
Hello everyone. Ive been at my current office job for about 3 months now and we've just had our annual Christmas work do. I'm 22 and I have had a bit of a crush on one of my coworkers for a while. He is 45 and married. I'm also in a long term r...
Why is my best friend directing her anger towards me? The event planned was a group thing.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3753 days ago
20 December 2014 (F) -
To keep it short, our group of friends had a secret santa event planned to get together for Christmas. Basically, she rarely hangs out with us when we ask. But she VOLUNTEERED to host the group event and have her brother do the drawings for who...
Not dating question...but help for getting through Christmas with my sanity intact!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3754 days ago
19 December 2014 (F) -
Hello, I see lots of questions on here that do not always relate to relationships, and most of you guys have wonderful answers so maybe you could help me... Christmas is hard. Not just in the sense of "oh there's so much to do...I haven'...
13 months since we broke up and I still want him back. What are the chances that we could resume our relationship?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3755 days ago
19 December 2014 (F) -
My ex and I split up last year after a five year relationship. Like every relationship it had its ups and downs, but far more ups than downs. We had just moved into a house I had bought. When he asked to split up it broke me to pieces but I had ...
We've not dated or had sex but he said he would leave his wife for me!
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
3727 days ago
18 December 2014 (F) -
Hi guys, I'm in such a pickle and I wish I didn't have this to worry over right before Christmas. Me and my partner have been together for six years, happy years and I love him dearly. My partners boss is 14 years older than myself and ...
I'm a cheater trapped in a sexless marriage and my wife has cancer. I'm at a breaking point me please!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3755 days ago
18 December 2014 (M) -
My wife and I have had a sexless marriage since shortly after marriage in 2003. This made me feel alone and unwanted so I started cheating to fill this void. Everything else in our relationship was fine and we had two children within a few years. ...
Does clothing really play a part in attractiveness?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
3757 days ago
17 December 2014 (F) -
Does clothing really play a part in your attractiveness? I come from a relatively 'poor' or woking middle class family. While I've never had to worry about going to bed on an empty stomach and have always attended quality schools, my family income...
What are my rights and my rights to items my parents have given me, if I move out of home? I fear that my parents may disown me if I move in with my older brother.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3756 days ago
17 December 2014 (M) -
Three years ago my parents kicked my older brother out because he is gay. Basically they told me not to have any contact with him what so ever. My brother keeps in touch with me with e-mails but i no longer use the computer at home because my paren...
Will anyone who follows her first love be second best?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3752 days ago
16 December 2014 (M) -
A girl I know told me that the love of her life ,her first BF(broke up years ago after a few years of relationship), will always be the one she carers about. I have a question: is this fair to the guy she marries? I mean her future husband (she ...
Whose decision is it anyway?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3758 days ago
15 December 2014 (M) -
My fiancé has 3 children, 21, 23 and 26. They still live at home. Her children want the ex husband to come for Christmas Day lunch at her house. He will not come if I am there. They have been divorced 10 years. She is now telling me she won't ...
Is this the correct approach to use with feuding parents?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3759 days ago
15 December 2014 (F) -
Hi everyone. I'm going to ask a series of questions and I just wanted your opinion. I fully understand that kids (I know I'm not so young) should be kept out of feuding parents business, but no one ever gives useful advice when they force your han...
Men, would you keep going back if the sex wasn't good?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3759 days ago
15 December 2014 (F) -
1) Would a man (being the initiator 90% of the time) keep having sex with a woman if it was bad sex? Bad as in, you couldn't orgasm during the act and had to take care of yourself later, it was too loose, too wet, too sloppy, she was a dead lay. ...
My boyfriend says he thinks it's disrespectful to finger a girl. How can I encourage him to consider it as part of lovemaking?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3759 days ago
15 December 2014 (F) -
My boyfriend says he thinks it's disrespectful to finger a girl and that he's never done it. I think the disrespect thing is a cop out. I don't get it. He says he never has and never will. It's a big deal for me because it's a way to be intimate...
My husband had the following conversation with the woman he slept with behind my back. Please tell me what you think of it
This question has
17 answers
- newest was posted
3751 days ago
15 December 2014 (F) -
I'm writing this post because i found something which has concerned me a bit. I have been married for a little over a year and things have been going fine, at least, i thought so. Before we got married my husband slept with another woman be...
Do they have to give me time off to get married?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3759 days ago
14 December 2014 (M) -
Hi, Just a quick question. I am looking to get married next year 2015. Preferably during August, but anytime during the summer holidays is fine. Now with regards to work, I would like to take two weeks off during wedding occasion, to incl...
Should I report my daughter for child neglect?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3759 days ago
14 December 2014 (F) -
Dear cupid, I love my children with everything of me.They are grown now but my daughter she out living in her own apartment she's working im proud of her but she is dating this druggie she has a child with him and I really despise him he's a ...
There's something about me that makes it hard to make friends
This question has
17 answers
- newest was posted
3758 days ago
14 December 2014 (F) -
Lateley in my life, I have felt very lonely. I got through a divorce from a very mentally abusing man and I have always sort of been that nice girl finishing up last. Many girls sees me as a threat because of how I am as person ( I always st...
I want it to last forever, but not like this!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3756 days ago
14 December 2014 (F) -
When we first started dating, my boyfriend was nice, affectionate, and eager to spend time with me. Two years later... not so much. He is always making fun of me (in a joking way, but it can be a little mean), no where near as affectionate, an...
If he wants to break up I accept, and if he just wants to be friends that's okay, but I really want to get back together with him.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3748 days ago
12 December 2014 (F) -
So I had this thing with this guy, I'm not really sure what to call it. The first day we met, we hit it off immediately and we were holding hands by the end of the night. He got my number and texted me and we hung out the next day with a group of ...
Can an abuser ever change?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3759 days ago
12 December 2014 (F) -
My partner and I have been together for a little while now. Up until about two weeks ago, we only had usual couple arguments. Here lately, I've been wanting to break up. Over the course of a week, every time I would say I want to leave, he would get ...
I want long term, but I don't know if she wants it as well
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3762 days ago
11 December 2014 (M) -
Hi, Just a question if anyone ever succeeded with respect to different views about living together. I was married for 16 years and then divorced after my wife cheated. I met a new woman after that and we have been together 3 years now. She i...
Why is this man everywhere I go?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3763 days ago
10 December 2014 (F) -
Why is he everywhere i go! Honestly I called out a hand man in the summer he dragged the job out as long as possible. Now i seen to "bump into him on my street almost everyday sometimes even 2x. Like I know I can almost write it off as he has other ...
We bought a home together. Now she's taken up with a new guy and kicked me out of our home. How can I convince her that I'm not the ''controlling'' one?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3764 days ago
10 December 2014 (M) -
I have lived with this girl for 3 years. She recently started talking to some other guy and left me. The problem is im pretty sure she is being manipulated. This guy kicked me out of the house we bought together and controlls who she talks to. Ever...
My obsession is screwing up our friendship!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3765 days ago
9 December 2014 (F) -
I feel so bad and low these days and need help! I really like this friend of mine who puts up in another city. I know there is no future since I have to move abroad, make a career while he is from a very rich background, settled with career and ...
Why do men persist when they know you are aleady attached?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3765 days ago
9 December 2014 (F) -
Hello all, just curious, are there guys out there who despite knowing that a lady is attached, still goes all the way out to ask her out on dates because he is interested in her? And if so, why would they do that when there are many ladies who are ...
After five years he still won't commit to a date for marriage or children
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
3764 days ago
8 December 2014 (F) -
I am a 29 year old woman, and I've been with my boyfriend for 5 and a half years now. My problem is, he can't tell me when he sees us getting married or having children. Each time I have asked him, he says things like 'I don't know', 'not any time ...
Can you change a bad boy?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
3765 days ago
8 December 2014 (F) -
Dear cupid, i just want to understand this. Is it possible to change a bad boy. Like he drinks a lot and has two kids with two different woman, he owns his own business and has lots of friend who they enjoy top life.ive seen all this on his facebook ...
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