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Archived questions from:
April, 2014 (see latest in Dating category)
Dating: Help and adviceI'm having an ongoing fight with my boyfriend. Was his comment about calling okay? How should I behave?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3959 days ago
30 April 2014 (F) -
Hi my boyfriend and I had a fight 5 days ago-well not really a fight, so here's what happened: wie just made up from another fight and sunday he cooked dinner for me. He told me that he's still looking for a job and just can't find anything ...
How many marriages start with the girl twisting the guys arm?!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3959 days ago
30 April 2014 (F) -
I'm wondering in general how many marriages start with the girl twisting the guys arm?! I just heard two stories of girls I know. One moved out of her apartment and refused to move back in until her boyfriend proposed... Which he did after three ...
How much does porn influence a mans expectations of how a woman should look naked?
This question has
16 answers
- newest was posted
3957 days ago
30 April 2014 (F) -
Ok please help aunts and uncles .... I'm single and ready to date again after a lengthy marriage. I have met a few guys but one really nice one and I'm pretty sure things will become physical soon I'm just a little worried thought as I know he has...
How to encourage my significant other to take care of her skin?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
29 April 2014 (M) -
I feel bad saying this but... Sometimes, when I am really close to my girlfriend's face, I feel unattracted to her. Well, I find her attractive at a closer than conversational level. But I tend to analyze every detail, line, and freckle on her f...
Woman I'm sleeping with is becoming weird and clingy, how do I handle it?
This question has
25 answers
- newest was posted
3960 days ago
28 April 2014 (M) -
Okay, So I have a little dilemma. I've been sleeping with this woman I met. She's cool and everything and when we hang out we have a nice time, but she's becoming extraordinarily clingy. She texts things like "Do you miss me? What do you miss...
Dating a new guy: are these red flags or not?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
I am looking for a long term relationship and have a question about the early warning signs in dating. I have recently met a guy, we have had three dates and he's handsome, intelligent and sweet. The dates are great, we talk a lot and he tells me ...
Should I keep trying with this guy who says we are "friends with benefits", or let it fade away?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3960 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
Okay, There's this guy I've known for about 4 years but we only recently started talking properly. I like him but he's a flirt so I don't know if I'm special or if he's like this with everyone. About a month ago, he dared me to kiss him so I did...
Am I too pessimistic about relationships?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
28 April 2014 (M) -
I went out yesterday with some friends and I was looking around me. I kept seeing all sorts of couples hugging, holding hands, kissing, looking happy, etc. There were really a lot of them and I felt a bit sad and awkward. All this was kinda weird ...
Do I wait for this girl to get out of this teenage phase if she does love me? Or do I force myself to move on?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
28 April 2014 (M) -
Hi all, Never used one of these sites before but I am currently feeling rather lonely and upset about my current situation. I think I better try to explain the situation: Well, I have known this girl for a while, probably 2 years. Im 23 a...
Is it wrong to have an intimate relationship with someone who's still married, and connected through family?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3956 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
I am a little confused about family relations. Recently I have been confronted by my aunt's brother in-law whom confessed feelings for me. I too have had feelings for him. My aunt is still married to his brother. However, it has been said they wil...
Retrograde Jealousy: After 4 years of marriage, out of nowhere, I have begun to play out the STI image and what went on in my wife's life
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3958 days ago
28 April 2014 (M) -
Dear Aunts and Uncles, Please let me share my question with you which I have discovered by reading up on articles, is labelled as ‘retrograde jealousy.’ I am 47, (male) and my wife 52. We have been married for just over 4 years since 2010. We...
What is a sensible waiting period after a date and when should I accept that the guy is simply uninterested in me?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3960 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
Hi, i have a question to ask, as i am feeling slightly confused @ present. I finally got to meet my online date for the first time, this weekend just passed and we hit it off so well and spent more than 8 hrs together, doing all sorts of...
Nothing in common but he makes me laugh. How long should I let this continue?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3962 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
Call me shallow but I've just started dating a guy who is stunningly good looking and I'm only into him because of his looks. Him and I have absolutely nothing in common....all I know is he makes me laugh like I've never laughed before and whenever ...
Is this man a sleaze bucket or am I a prude?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
I recently went on a first date with a guy in the public services blue uniform high up who I met online. He tried to kiss me intimately outside a pub in the car park which I found embarrassing and then text me later that he was going to be doing ...
He is never there for me
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3960 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
Dear Cupids, I have been in a relationship for three and a half years with a guy I met in high school. I am currently in my second year of college while he opted not to go to college. I have school and a part time job while he has been around u...
Has my relationship run its course?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3963 days ago
28 April 2014 (F) -
Hey everyone so I need some advice. Has my relationship ran its courae.? I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year and we live together. At the beginning we got along so great he gave me everything I wanted in a relationship he made me feel ...
My ex broke up with me, lashed out at me and left me bawling my eyes out, so why is it he's still trying to hurt/and or get a response from me?
This question has
18 answers
- newest was posted
3962 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
Ok, long story as short as possible. My ex and I were together for 4 years. Towards the end things got absolutely horrible. We couldn't be around one another without fighting. He became a totally changed person. His entire attitude about me and our ...
This guy cancelled 3 hours before a date because he met someone else when he had been the one to suggest the date!
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
I met a guy online a month ago and we went out on a first date and had an amazing time. Since then he had been texting me and sending pictures and flirting, then he asked to set up a second date. I agreed and we set it up, 3 hours before the date he ...
My boyfriend always wakes me up with the words 'I gotta to kick you out'!!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3963 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
I have a question about how a boy friend normally wakes a girl up in the morning. This guy I have been seeing for several months now always wakes me up with the words 'I gotta to kick you out. It's not very romantic and an awful way to have to be ...
I'm scared of my ex and feel extreme fear, panic, anxiety and pain yet I cant seem to get over her
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3954 days ago
27 April 2014 (M) -
Don't know if this in the right place for this? Anyone who has been through something similar your advice would be gratefully appreciated. Sorry if I'm a bit candid. My ex is a psychiatrist. She was controlling, abusive, cheated on me. She psyc...
Can my boyfriend change his controlling, possessive ways?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3962 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
Is it possible for a person to change there controlling ways? Been together with my boyfriend for 4 years and he is everything I could wish for but the last 6 months he's become very controlling. I have started a new job which is very physical...
I went away for the night and he didn't say good night or good morning?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3962 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
My boyfriend and I had a pretty big argument last week and basically he thinks we spend too much time together and he needs a bit of space. Even though we were getting along well yesterday and he said that I needn't bother - I booked into a hotel ...
When we try to have sex, he goes soft. Could he be gay?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3958 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
Hi, so I have a question about the sexuality of the guy that I am seeing. The guy that i am currently seeing is 20 and I am 19. Him and I have not been seeing each other very long, just about a month, but for the past two weekends we have been try...
Why does he keep asking me to be his friends with benefits?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3962 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
Hi. I was wondering if you could help me. Why does he keep asking me to be his friends with benefits? I have known him for almost two years though we got closer as friends at the beginning of last year. I fell in love with him but never showe...
His focus is not on me anymore. Is this the beginning of the end of our relationship?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3958 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
I need to start by saying i feel like a stupid teenager for feeling the way i do bout the changes in my relationship. Like i'm being a whiney, clingy, insecure, jealous teeny-bopper. But, this is how I feel, so here goes. We've been together 10 ...
How do I handle this? My long term Bf cannot look me in the eye. He is also sleeping a lot. What could be wrong?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
27 April 2014 (F) -
I need some people to talk to please.. Ok now today my boyfriend wouldn't look at me all day. We been together half our life's i know something is wrong. But finding out what it is will be hard. He just keeps saying everything is fine nothing is w...
Sex/Intercourse with a partner versus Head/Fellatio with a partner? Why can't I orgasm from the latter and prefer Intercourse instead?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3961 days ago
27 April 2014 (M) -
So is something wrong with me that I can't seem to come from getting head? I've only ever gotten it from my girlfriend (she's my first) and I never come from it, I got close once but generally it doesn't feel as good as sex. Is this normal? I me...
Why is my boyfriend secretly meeting up with my ex friend, when we agreed not to see her?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3963 days ago
26 April 2014 (F) -
I've got (had) a good friend who made it clear she liked my boyfriend. She instantly liked him but whenever we had an argument she would always side with him and text him make sure he was OK and I wouldn't hear from her for ages! One time she w...
I hooked up with my ex, but we're both seeing other people. What to do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
26 April 2014 (F) -
I'll try to make this as short as it can be! I broke up with my ex a few months ago. The break-up was sudden, but I was at a point in my life where I felt I was being tied down: he wanted to settle and I didn't, I also felt that I needed to be sin...
Is it always the guy's fault when things go wrong?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3946 days ago
26 April 2014 (M) -
Its going to be a long story so please be patient. In Dec 2010, I met this girl in a party, we clicked instantly and hooked up in the next week itself. 2011 was a breeze, we had an amazing time, took vacations, had sex like crazy. We were a fun co...
I'm ill and want to rest... now my girlfriend doesn't think I want to see her! Was it something I said?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
26 April 2014 (M) -
This feels like such a stupid question to have to ask, in the circumstances especially, but I wondered if someone could help. I last saw my girlfriend on Thursday morning. Through the day I started to come down with cold-like symptoms. On Fri...
He is out of my life and I want him out of my head!
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
26 April 2014 (F) -
Hello guys. It's been a long time since I last posted a question on here, but I've been drawn back to this website as I am currently obsessing over a man who hurt me around 2.5 years ago. Basically, I got into a reflective discussion with ...
I am not sure if its worth investing the time or not ....
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
Hi everyone, I ended a two year relationship within the last six months. I feel like I've finally accepted what our relationship was and why it didn't work and feel like I'm able to move on. About two months ago, I met someone and we had th...
He says he is unhappy and doesn't want to be with me either.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and let me just say this has been the hardest relationship I have ever been in! We've had some rough patches in our relationship we both suck at relationships! There's some months when we fight non ...
Is he not interested or does he want me to take the lead?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
I met a guy online and after a couple weeks of messaging each other we exchanged phone numbers. He text me that same day and has every day since. This was almost a month ago. Sometimes the texting lasts all day and other times its not as long. I saw ...
We lost the passion and I need to rekindle the spark…
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3965 days ago
25 April 2014 (M) -
My Fiancé and I are currently getting back in the groove of becoming a normal couple again after we had a huge fallout, One of the things that happened is that she lost all of the excitement and passion.. And even though we are slowly bonding again ...
What's a girl to do? My parents will never accept him!
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
3935 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
Next week I am finished with University for the Summer, and due to my poor health I have to move in with my parents for the summer, and I met this really amazing man. We have been talking for a few months and started getting kind of serious about a ...
New guy I'm seeing admits to having herpes, should I continue seeing him?!
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
Let me start off with giving you some background information; I just got out of a three year relationship (like early this month!) with my first boyfriend. he confessed to cheating on me 1 time 6 months ago, we broke up. I recently got tested and ...
Too Good to be true? Yet he can be VERY controlling. To the point that he scares me sometimes. What to do?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3965 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
I would like some level-headed unbiased advice on this please. My boyfriend is so good in so many ways but a few traits let him down and I don't know whether these should be deal breakers. We've been together 2 years. I have two children from a...
Tries to make me jealous. Phones, flirts. Then treats me like I don't exist? What's he up to?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
25 April 2014 (F) -
So. Again with that guy that I went to homecoming with. Everything has been like really shaky and I don’t know because he is seriously so confusing. He got a girlfriend, they had dated for 3 months and during those 3 months we did not talk at ...
Wonderful second weekend date with my ex and now he seems distant! My heart hurts. What should I do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3965 days ago
24 April 2014 (F) -
My ex dumped me last year around thanksgiving and it crushed me. We just went on a second weekend date in a beautiful hotel and went to a concert. Then the next day we started our day in the hot tub drinking mimosa's. We continued to drink and ...
I have reconnected with her, and though I do not exactly see her as a replacement for my girlfriend, I can't keep her off my mind!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3964 days ago
24 April 2014 (M) -
i met this girl some time back before i met my current girlfriend. she liked me and made it obvious to me. i liked her too. however i did not want to rush into telling her how i feel about her too early. i met her through my younger brother so i ...
I imagined having a boyfriend would be a nice experience, but I find myself alone, fighting to be by the side of a person who is thinking about someone else
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3966 days ago
24 April 2014 (F) -
Today is my boyfriend's birthday, we've been together for one month and a half (we were friends before becoming a couple). I baked a cake, bought candles, made a card, bought tons of presents, I just want to make him happy. First thing he ...
I feel like I can't compete with the girl that my B/f kissed and it's torn my self esteem apart!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3940 days ago
24 April 2014 (F) -
My boyfriend kissed another girl on a night out a few months ago. We were having problems at the time. I was suspicious and checked his phone and then I text the girl and asked her (very nicely) what happened and if she wouldn't mind not getting in ...
Is he just going to come up with a lame excuse?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3966 days ago
24 April 2014 (F) -
He hasn't contacted me for a week, and now he has tried to call me again!. What is his game?. I recently posted on here about a guy I met. I said that we had been meeting up with each other for a week, but I told him that I didn't want to da...
We are both virgins in a LDR together. How should I initiate touching her chest?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3966 days ago
24 April 2014 (M) -
I have been in a long distance relationship with an amazing woman for over 2 years. We are both virgins, and I just wondered how I should go about touching her chest? Should I ask her first or just go ahead and try? I really have no idea what I s...
He was almost perfect for me. If I should forget him, then how?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3963 days ago
24 April 2014 (F) -
It's been 1 year and I still think about him every day! I met a guy that was almost perfect for me. You know what I mean by "perfect". Like you are the star of a drama/romantic comedy series and he's the guy that all of the show's viewers keep eag...
Is his ego bruised? How do I make him feel better?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3965 days ago
23 April 2014 (F) -
Hi aunts and uncles ,i have been dating a wonderful man for 18months and everything seems to be going well .but he recently lost his job and although i have offered to support us until he finds a new job ,he seems to have become distant and ...
I'm not truly happy, should I break up with him and wait for someone I know I will truly be happy with?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3965 days ago
23 April 2014 (F) -
ive been with my bf for almost 4 years and things are ok...we argue from time to time but nothing major. i cant say im happy, more like content. hes a nice guy but i cant help feeling like im missing out on something. we dont really have a lo...
My retroactive jealousy and negativity is ruining my relationship!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3967 days ago
23 April 2014 (F) -
I bring up one of my boyfriends exes a lot as I am very retroactively jealous of the girl. This has caused many arguments between us as I have been quite suspicious and controlling of my partner because of this. It's coming to a head now. My ins...
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