Latest articles: Feel good factor
No replies yet... 7 February 2012: Generally this time of year people tend to feel a little down in the dumps due to the darkness of winter and the cold. This only adds to whatever other miseries you may have. Eating a healthy balenced diet to include leafy green veg,oily fish an...
Did he bump into me by accident?
Q. Ok, does this mean anything? Or am I reading into it too much because iv got feelings for him?..... He accidentaly bumped me with the door (I was entering, he was coming out) .... It wasn't hard at all and it didn't hurt at all.... He was very ...
A. 7 February 2012: Wishful thinking? Sounds like you want something to come of it. So why don,t you make more of the issue and approach him with a big thankyou for being so concerned and would he like to go out sometime?... (read in full...)
Art and Design or Business and Enterprise? Which one to choose?
Q. Basically long story short i need help choosing one more subject for me to do for the next two years. In two years time i will be having a series of massive exams called GCSE'S. Depending on the results ...
A. 30 November 2011: You have to have a passion for what you do in order for you to be happy in your work. If you have the passion and you are happy doin what you do best every day the money is secondary.Lots of people who start their own buisness are not good at math ... (read in full...)
My boyfriends mother is too protective and manipulative!
Q. Hey, aunts and uncles. I'm stuck and unsure of whether to feel upset or if i should try to be more understanding and compassionate in the current situation I am in with my boyfriend and his mother. Any opinions and advice are well appreciated! ...
A. 30 November 2011: Your BF is having a really hard time of his young life.He has to leave this situation of his own accord. He is old enough to make the decision. You must not force him into it just be there for him.The more understanding you are of his situation and ... (read in full...)
Is my boyfriend bored, or stressed, or not interested?
Q. I understand the concept of the honeymoon period. During the first six months or so that we were together, my boyfriend would text me things that still make me blush when I read them. (we've been together just over a year now) We were also like ...
A. 30 November 2011: Sounds like there is some trouble on the horizon!You will just have to see what happens.Have you tried telling him that you feel that things have cooled a little,and ask if there is a problem!... (read in full...)
No more erections!
Q. For emotional reasons, I believe it's best that I stop having sex. I'm wondering if there are any techniques that can train you to never have an erection again, like pinching your skin very hard each time you get an erection. Would there be an...
A. 30 November 2011: I am sorry you feel this way. What on earth has upset you so much that you feel this way. Sex is a great healer too!... (read in full...)
Can anyone advise on what we are doing wrong and how to get back on track?
Q. Hi All, I am in dyer straits... I feel I have no where to turn to or have a shoulder to cry on... I have been with my husband since I am 17. We are together a total of 11 years and married for 3.5 years. He lost his mother to cancer at a young age ...
A. 30 November 2011: your loss is traumatic and you need counselling to help you get through it. It will effect your marriage greatly. The only way i can see this perhaps moving forward is if you sort your own emotions first,bt seeking a councellor. When you are at home ... (read in full...)
My friends have replaced me with a girl they just met
Q. My group of 3 friends has replaced me with the new girl. I have been away sick for a few weeks and they tell me how amazing this girl is and I feel left out, then they say they are all best friends now. It makes me really sad because they have kno...
A. 28 November 2011: This is really hard for you and i completly understand. Somewhere you need to find the strenght to rise above this and just get to know your friends new found friend.
Just suggest that now you are better maybe you could all meet up and hang out... (read in full...)
Does he like me or was he just being friendly?
Q. basically there's a guy from uni who is quiet but i always speak to him..not really ever attaractive to him bt he keeps himself to him self...then yesterday we both randomly chatting on fb and said personal family things...i said hug. his response ...
A. 28 November 2011: He was flirting with you and you brushed him off. No big deal he needs to deal with rejection!... (read in full...)
She used to text me all the time but she has stopped and is now talking to a guy on Facebook...should I be worried?
Q. I've been dating this girl for a little over a month now, and from what I thought we are both madly in love,, we used to text eachother all the time(hundreds of messages a day), but about four days ago she almost stopped texting all together and ...
A. 28 November 2011: yeah sounds like someone has caught her interests apart from you. This is good though coz it sounds like there was to much to soon for you guys.!... (read in full...)
Should I tell the 26 year old I like how I feel? Do I even stand a chance with him?
Q. ok so here is how it a 16 years old teen who has feeling for a 26 years old guy with me in a department..ive always ignored what i felt because this is weird and stupid..but its just that the guys is amazing and i really get along ...
A. 28 November 2011: well im not your age i am much older and have been in your situation.You feel you are womanly enough for him and you feel he will care for you but this is not true. If this guy has not approached you then you must not approach him at all. The reason ... (read in full...)
Girlfriend of 19 years left me for a married man and is now pregnant
Q. Hi me and my partner were together for 19 years , and had 2 kids , we both now have a child each . we split up 13 months ago and she is now pregnant .i was in hospital and when i came home she had left, it was 2 weeks before i found out that she ...
A. 28 November 2011: Oh my gosh this is a horrible situation!Thirteen months isn,t along time to get over a relationship of 19 years. It will take you a while but i suggest you get out there and meet some new friends. She will mean alot to you for a very long time. ... (read in full...)
My mum is very controlling and makes my boyfriend feel like she approve of our relationship, how do we overcome this?
Q. Ive been with my boyfriend for over a year, the relationship occurred after a strong friendship and we are very much in love. We are both in our 20s, graduated, stable jobs, good career prospects and my boyfriend has recently moved out of his own ...
A. 28 November 2011: Your mum is a little to controlling after all you are classed as an adult when you are twenty one!Start to plan moving out of your parents home now maybe your boyfrind will have some cool suggestions.
Its your life not your mums WHILE YOU RESPECT ... (read in full...)
He doesn't like my breasts, other girls are prettier than me, he treat his ex better than me....all these things are making me so insecure!
Q. Hello, I feel like this question is stupid :( but please help me out. So me and my boyfriend have been going out for 1yr and 3 months or so. At the start of our relstionship, it wasnt the best, i felt so upset with him at times with the things...
A. 28 November 2011: Wow this guy is a piece of work.Don,t even bother to look to him to make you feel better it isn,t going to happen!
The more you ask him stuff the he willrespond in negative ways. So he will have the attitude of "well she keeps askin so i just tel... (read in full...)
Is he worth it?
Q. Hey... Basically, I've liked this guy for about a year now, and he knows I like him. At first, i thought my infatuation would go away, but it hasn't. I don't want to like him, because he is really perverted, and asks me to send him pictures and ...
A. 26 November 2011: I hope you don,t oblige this boy in any way.I hope you have alot more self respect than that. You are to young to feel really weird without some one like this. It sound s like he is already manipulating you and grooming you. Get as far away from him ... (read in full...)
Tired of his games but don't want to let him go
Q. I,m sick of my man playing stupid games with me but I love him too much to let him go. He flirts with other girls, and it only suits him when we meet. One of my friends suggested I get my own back. He said that I should Ban Sex, ignore him at times ...
A. 26 November 2011: He will walk all over you if you don,t leave him and move on !... (read in full...)
Feeling increasingly lonely in this marriage
Q. i feel like my husband has gone off me i feel loneley we hardly ever make love we usually have sex which lasts about 5 mins on a saturday its always the same position and he has taken speed i feel like he has changed so much and i cant cope any...
A. 26 November 2011: Chalice is rite get some advice and learn more about the drug he his taking it will help you understand this better. It will also help you with any decisions you may want to make. Get some counselling for yourself so that you can sound off your ... (read in full...)
He only likes me 'average'? What does that mean?
Q. So i really like this guy in my school and i dont know if he likes me but he knows i like him. i asked him if he likes me and he said he does but his liking is only average. what do you think that could mean? Also we fought like a week or so bac...
A. 26 November 2011: Its a teen thing and it means he doesn,t know what he likes! Don,t pay to much attention!... (read in full...)
I want to go to the gym but there are too many guys and I'm afraid they will stare at me
Q. dear cupid, i have really been wanting to go to the gym so many times its not far from where i stay and though there are not so many equipments a few of the ones i need are there but my only problem is that im shy the gym is mostly attended...
A. 26 November 2011: I am old school when it comes to gyms and i understand a gym being a guys place to work out. Especially if there are alot of free weights.If this is the only gyn you can join near you then it will help if you have a little routine going for ... (read in full...)
I'm tired of everyone saying how much my son looks like his dad, my ex
Q. Not sure if anyone can help but I have a 17 month old little boy, I split from his dad 9 months ago after he cheated on me with my friend. My ex doesn't bother with my little boy. I have had a tough time has you can imagine and it is fair to say ...
A. 26 November 2011: You could try saying something like. Hey we are having a hard time rite now coming to terms with all thats happened and i love my son very much. I wish his dad hadn,t gone with someone else but he has. Reminding me of how much he looks like him all ... (read in full...)
I'm not sure how I feel about dating someone who has children, but I already am in that situation!
Q. Dear Cupid, I am 24 and my boyfriends 36. we have been together for 2 years and like every relationship have had our ups and downs. He has a 12 year old daughter who is real nice girl. We live in New York and her mom lives in Florida. This Th...
A. 26 November 2011: You will always get weird awkward situations in partners who have exes and kids.It sounds like you are not ready yet for all this. Maybe just dating and keeping the other very seperate is what you still need rite now.... (read in full...)
I'm feeling torn between two guys...not officially with either, but why do I feel so guilty?
Q. I feel so torn at the moment. Basically i have been seeing this guy unofficially for the last 10 months. He has trust issues due to his last two ex gf's cheating on him. I really have fallen for him, but he is keeping distant from me and not letting ...
A. 26 November 2011: Spend sometime for yourself at the moment. Ten months waiting for this guy to make his mind up is to long. Your ex, well personally, you never go back.Time to find someone new or something new maybe!... (read in full...)
Do married women ever regain their sex drives once it's lost?
Q. Before we got married, my wife and I had been in an on and off relationshipo for quite a few years, and we had initially had sex frequently. She wanted it constantly, and we often had sex several times a day. having sex. Her interest in sex seemed ...
A. 26 November 2011: Yes women can have a drop in their libido. I am going through it now and i have been with my partner for six years. Marraige sometimes can add to the problem of not really trying to do anything about it because there is a sense of security. This is ... (read in full...)
Ladies, have you had more sexual (intercourse) partners than oral sex partners or have you masturbated more partners?
Q. I was just wondering about female statistics, something me and my partner were talking about. Ladies, have you had more sexual (intercourse) partners than oral sex partners or have you masturbated more partners? For example, my partner (I've asked ...
A. 26 November 2011: I have never heard of anyone splitting their relationships into who does what.I suppose it depends on you and how you see sex. I have personally shared many experiences with my partner and we are in a very loving relationship.... (read in full...)
I don't believe there is a switch that just turned off his feelings. I want him back
Q. My boyfriend broke up with me eleven days before our 3 year anniversary. He is currently in Korea, teaching English to Elementary school children, while I am still in America. He said he couldn't be with me because he "could not reciprocate his ...
A. 26 November 2011: You have said you have wanted reasurance that your boyfriend won,t cheat because you have been cheated on befor. This is because your relationships were with men who were married or had a girlfriend. So you have not been finding your own guy ... (read in full...)
How should I tell my parents I want a tattoo without them getting mad?
Q. Hello aunts and uncles My national exams are ending soon and I wanted to get a tattoo to remember the long journey I've been through throughout the course of my studies before I enter university. I've always liked tattoos and I guess it's a good w...
A. 25 November 2011: You donot have to ask their permission its your body so long as you know what you are doin inks are for life and should reflect you and your life enjoy! You are old enough to make your own decisions had you been under 18 i would have said no way!... (read in full...)
How can I put all my troubles aside so I can be more level headed and happy again?
Q. Im no longer the girl he fell in love with. Ive known my boyfriend for years, we became very good friends at uni then we became a couple about 9 months ago. I have always been a happy sunshine positive person and that is what he knew me as. Howe...
A. 25 November 2011: Its just been a bad time for you recently but you can change this with some positve thinking for yourself. Instead of saying you are not the girl he met and fell in love with, say you are the girl he fell in love with and alot more mature and hard ... (read in full...)
Is sex outside the marriage infidelity when it's a 5 year plus sexless marriage?
Q. I have a very long term friendship with a woman. Her marriage has been dead for many years but stays because of her high school children and financial reasons. My marriage has been over for 10 years. During coffee last week , sex became a topic. She ...
A. 25 November 2011: Yes it is im afraid.If you are both suffering financially and relationship wise maybe you should talk more about your situations and see if you can work this out between. Life is to short to be unhappy!... (read in full...)
Should I wait like a lady for my boyfriend to pick me up like my mum says?
Q. My bf of 2 years has night shifts and at the end of the week, I usually drive over to his house and wake him up because he is capable of sleeping till night time (cause of his night shifts)... Well I never saw anything wrong with that cause if we go ...
A. 25 November 2011: I an old fashioned to but sometimes your heart rules your head! If you havn,t seen him for five days i see no wrong in it. But if you seen him like five times this week then its a problem!... (read in full...)
Can my ex take me to court and get custody of our son?
Q. I need some advice. When I was four months pregnant I left my son's biological father because he forced himself on me sexually and used to hit me. After we split I tried to be civil with him for our son's sake. Well sometime later we got into a big ...
A. 25 November 2011: Keep the message as evidence of his behaviour. If he does take you to court then tell the courts you are willing for him to have supervised contact at a contact centre one day a week to begin with.tell the courts your reason for this and that you ... (read in full...)
Weird sex position... is it a fantasy or does it just feel good?
Q. My boyfriend has expressed some out there ideas in the bedroom like sharing me with another guy or a threesome with another girl because he was unsure about being in a monogamous relationship. He has changed his ideas now though and we have sorted ...
A. 25 November 2011: Why don,t you ask him why. If he is open with you about sex he will tell you if not then yes its a little wierd!... (read in full...)
Afternoon to evening outfit....what should I wear?
Q. Hi everyone. This isnt much of a problem, i just need advice. I'm going out on Sunday to some bars, but i am meeting up with my friend in the afternoon, and we may be out until the evening, and i'm not sure what to wear. I don't want to look too ...
A. 25 November 2011: This seasons fashion is colour blocking so depending on your coluring size and shape go for a light weight material. Wear it loose over some skinny trousers team and accessorize with a skinny belt, heels and a necklace or earings.NOT BOTH! Make the ... (read in full...)
Texting time... why does he take forever to reply!
Q. I met this guy about 2 weeks ago, and we hit it off right away. Since then, he's text me without fail everyday, which is good as usually guys trail off after a few days! The only thing which confuses me, is how long he takes to reply to each tex...
A. 25 November 2011: Then don,t try and play the game yourself. Does it matter really how long it takes and couldn,t you be doin something else rather than waiting!... (read in full...)
LD Boyfriend takes snapshots of me on skype.
Q. Hi. I just found out recently that my boyfriend takes snapshots of me while we talk on Skype. He did that for every time we talked on Skype, we are in a long distance relationship. And he took SO MANY like really TOO MUCH pictures. He just showe...
A. 25 November 2011: perhaps he like photography and you are very photogenic. Don, t read to much into it! ... (read in full...)
Why is she pushing me away? Why is she seeking me out only to reject me again? My offer is love and stability
Q. My Ex Gf and I have lived together for 18 months. We’ve supported ourselves this entire time, paying the electric bills, insurance, groceries, etc We broke up a month ago. For domestic reasons she has chosen to still live with me, despite the ...
A. 25 November 2011: Thats very positive all the very best hun!!... (read in full...)
I can't stop thinking about my ex even thought he cheated
Q. I'm confused as what to do even though i know the right way to go. I can't stop thinking bout my ex, i love him so much and don't know why. He's cheated, treat me like crap and eventually kicked me out of his house. I've never put a foot wrong and ...
A. 25 November 2011: your very welcome hun x... (read in full...)
Should I tell my girlfriend the condom split when we were having sex?
Q. I really need help :/ I had sex with a condom with my girlfriend but I think the condom split! She dosent know it yet, I want to tell her but its only a matter of time before she finds out anyway, its just I think I should mention it first so it ...
A. 24 November 2011: Why wouldn,t you tell her!She needs to know its very wrong of you not to say anything.You sound like you are making all the decisions for her.... (read in full...)
Should I give up and become a charity worker in rural Africa?
Q. I'm a virgin. 30 years old and no prospects. I'm slim good looking etc etc but its just not happened. Should I give up and become a charity worker in rural Africa? I've been given the opportunity to teach Aids awareness in East Africa for about a ...
A. 24 November 2011: I don,t think you can class going to Africa to become a charity worker as giving up!If this is what you think of this work i wouldn,t go. Your heart isn,t in it. However if im wrong and your heart is it,you could meet someone out there!... (read in full...)
My gran has cancer and I want her to be around to see me get married and have kids....should I talk to my partner about getting married sooner?
Q. Just wondering if others can offer some advice. My gran, who i am really close to is in her 80s. I have always had this wish that she could be around to see me marry and provide her a great grandchild. WHen my grandfather passed away, it made me...
A. 24 November 2011: I suggest you ask your gran about the subject you will get a few surprising answers and probably ones you are not expecting.She will be wise in such matters.If you really listen to her you will know that she only wishes the best for you!... (read in full...)
Have I hurt the guy I liked? How would I know if he is still interested?
Q. I work in a large factory with many different departments. I am now in an office (within factory floors) but was previously just one of the normal labourers….which is where I met this guy. He isn’t from the UK like me and his English really i...
A. 24 November 2011: If you never ask then you will never know!
If you are afraid of the knock back well that comes with the territory, atleast you will know he is not interested.
He may be sensitive to other peoples reactions and perhaps he feels you are not inte... (read in full...)
Why is she pushing me away? Why is she seeking me out only to reject me again? My offer is love and stability
Q. My Ex Gf and I have lived together for 18 months. We’ve supported ourselves this entire time, paying the electric bills, insurance, groceries, etc We broke up a month ago. For domestic reasons she has chosen to still live with me, despite the ...
A. 24 November 2011: Yeah overthinking! exactly.You are doin what comes naturally leave her with it and if she comes back well ok if she doesn,t you will have to move on. She isn,t worth getting upset over when she plays mind games with you.Its good you don,t want to ... (read in full...)
I can't stop thinking about my ex even thought he cheated
Q. I'm confused as what to do even though i know the right way to go. I can't stop thinking bout my ex, i love him so much and don't know why. He's cheated, treat me like crap and eventually kicked me out of his house. I've never put a foot wrong and ...
A. 23 November 2011: You are hanging in the wrong crowd . You need a new set of friends. you have all the answers about this guy change the way you think about him. Start to think of him as a drug adict and some one who needs proffesional help. Think about how he will ... (read in full...)
Why is she pushing me away? Why is she seeking me out only to reject me again? My offer is love and stability
Q. My Ex Gf and I have lived together for 18 months. We’ve supported ourselves this entire time, paying the electric bills, insurance, groceries, etc We broke up a month ago. For domestic reasons she has chosen to still live with me, despite the ...
A. 23 November 2011: If you want to take her shopping then go. Treat it for what it is just shopping!Its good when it doesn,t feel awkward. Don,t pressure her into saying anything she isn,t saying herself.You are trying to hard.... (read in full...)
Why is she pushing me away? Why is she seeking me out only to reject me again? My offer is love and stability
Q. My Ex Gf and I have lived together for 18 months. We’ve supported ourselves this entire time, paying the electric bills, insurance, groceries, etc We broke up a month ago. For domestic reasons she has chosen to still live with me, despite the ...
A. 23 November 2011: I think you should not give her all the attention she seeks when it comes down to giving you mixed messages. She actually doesnot know what she wants but has found that she enjoys having you running after her when she gives you a bad vibe .Don,t do ... (read in full...)
Why is she pushing me away? Why is she seeking me out only to reject me again? My offer is love and stability
Q. My Ex Gf and I have lived together for 18 months. We’ve supported ourselves this entire time, paying the electric bills, insurance, groceries, etc We broke up a month ago. For domestic reasons she has chosen to still live with me, despite the ...
A. 22 November 2011: This is true NFENIX you cannot be her puppy dog you are much better than that.Teach her a lesson and let her go. She has lost a nice lad!... (read in full...)
Why is she pushing me away? Why is she seeking me out only to reject me again? My offer is love and stability
Q. My Ex Gf and I have lived together for 18 months. We’ve supported ourselves this entire time, paying the electric bills, insurance, groceries, etc We broke up a month ago. For domestic reasons she has chosen to still live with me, despite the ...
A. 22 November 2011: Sounds like she loves for you to be chasing her. She is a bit of a drama queen. Ignore her for a while and see what comes of it. She is playing with your heart strings,don,t allow this. Tell her you need a break from all this up and down emotion!... (read in full...)
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