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Archived questions from:
December, 2012 (see latest in Friends category)
Friends: Help and adviceMy friend stuck her used vibrator in my boyfriend's face
This question has
14 answers
- newest was posted
4446 days ago
31 December 2012 (F) -
So recently ive found myself in a strange situation and its one i never thought i would expect to deal with in a relationship and i truly hope no woman ever has to deal with this. I know your all thinking you boyfriend cheated on you. Wrong. So it ...
Our trio has become a duo and I'm the odd man out
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
31 December 2012 (M) -
Evening folks, So, about two years ago, I went to this night school and I got on well with two other people. So well in fact, that even up to now, we're still close friends - and always meeting up together and stuff. However, as is expected with...
How can I set things right with my old friends?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
31 December 2012 (F) -
I need to know how to put things right between me and and old friends.We had an argument because I was sick of being pushed aside and not being treated right and being spoken to in the attitude I was. It was usetting me and I was advice to say ...
How can I break it to my friend that the magic is gone?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4369 days ago
31 December 2012 (F) -
One of my best friends and I recently decided that there might be some kind of chemistry between us... We decided to go on a real date and see where things went... The date was awful. It was awkward and we had nothing to talk about. I'm not s...
About to get married, but am I am settling? We're more best friends and I love him but not "in love".
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4446 days ago
31 December 2012 (M) -
I have been in a relationship for the last 12 years. My fiancé and I have one child together. My fiancé has recently asked me to marry him and I said yes because I feel like that we should be married and thats what the next step is. For a long tim...
Had an amazing date with my friend but now haven't heard from him for a week. Was he making excuses when he cancelled another date? We are both in relationships with other people.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4369 days ago
31 December 2012 (F) -
Hi I have this friend L, we to talk to each other/hang out with friends etc. Nothing ever happened as he has a gf and I have a bf and he was moving to another country. However, we were both unhappy with our relationships and we do talk to each oth...
How can I get my friend to accept that I don't have any romantic interest in him?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
31 December 2012 (F) -
I've been friends with this guy for about a year, and for a lot of that time he's had a crush on me. We are both 20, and in college. We are good enough friends that the crush is "out in the open" and we have discussed it without too much ...
My boyfriend never wants to socialise with my friends. Is he being selfish and want can I do about this?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
31 December 2012 (F) -
Ok my boyfriend of 3 years never wants to do anything with my group of friends, it always has to be his. For example tonight, we were invited to a NYE party with my friends weeks ago but he has been hesitating about going to it. I have asked hi...
How am I going to talk to her about what happened? And what do I say when I see this guy (who has a crush on me) next?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4448 days ago
31 December 2012 (M) -
When my best friend's boyfriend found out I was bi, he started hanging out with me more and told me he was questioning his sexuality. That was three months ago. Last week he told me he didn't just like me, he loves me and that he was going to bre...
As the man, should I be doing the asking?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (M) -
I have a lady in my life. We are friends, good friends and I'd like to be more than friends but it hasn't reached that point. I'm old fashioned. I've always believed a man has to court the lady, that when a man wants to do something, ie go...
How do I make sense of my boyfriend's friends and their/his actions?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (F) -
Hi, I have been going out with my boyfriend for 1.5 year. we broke up for two months because he was too scared to be open and let me into his world in case i hurt him like an ex did, keeping me at a distance, and not helping correct the thin...
Been so difficult since we broke up. Should I just cut him off and move on? Or hope we can get back together?
This question has
1 answer
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4448 days ago
30 December 2012 (F) -
My ex and I broke up about a 1 1/2 months ago. Word got around around about two weeks ago that he liked another girl but also said he didnt want to date anyone for a while. Around a couple nights ago he had contacted me saying how he had been thin...
Help me give advice, is her guy drawn to her because he needs her?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (F) -
If a man is 39 years old and has his own house that he gets behind on payments with and the only thing he does is sit and play video games and watches movies when he's not at work or at his mom's house where she cooks for him and does his laundry. ...
Did I ruin our LDR because I asked her not to be online with others while talking to me?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (M) -
hey frnds my gf and i we live about 4 hrs of drive away from each other and meet around like 2 times a month and our dates are usually enjoyable.. shes 23 and am 22.. she used to work before but not at the moment i.e. stays home all the time and am ...
How can I get this girl who fancies my boyfriend to back off? She's stirring between us!
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (F) -
Hey guys what should I do about this girl... Me and my bf have been together for 6 months now and we are becoming serious but there's this girl who fancies my bf, but my bf likes as a mate but said he would never date her. She isn't very attra...
A drunken text has me worried that others will find out about it
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4448 days ago
30 December 2012 (F) -
Dear Cupid, I got drunk and messaged this popular kid in my school I. Didn't say anrhing stupid only that I was drunk and he said bye. But then I stared to text my friend who had a thing with him and she was like what's going on since I was drunk ...
Why can't my family and friends mind their own business about my dating life? How should I respond?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (F) -
Dear Cupid, it's has been nine years since I have been in a relationship and now people who I know want me to return to the relationship scene . I feel like I am not ready yet I want to do me right now I feel if I go back to being with somebody...
He's been a friend for a long time but his new Gf is now his sole focus. Do these "obessive" type of relationships tend to last?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4447 days ago
30 December 2012 (M) -
Most people say relationships calm down after a few months, people stop being clingy, they calm down and care about other things in life other than their girlfriends and boyfriends. Is this true? I suppose I have a different opinon to lots o...
She's making catty remarks about me. Do I ignore her? Or involve the guy we both may have a crush on?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4448 days ago
29 December 2012 (F) -
this girl might like this guy I might have a crush on. I know he used to like me but I think he likes her now though I don't know for sure. He may even like Both of us. Anyways this girl is rude to me making catty/smart comments most of the time...
An Alpha male in my midst. Do I feel this way about him because he's more manly than my boyfriend?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4425 days ago
29 December 2012 (F) -
I have a long very term, live-with boyfriend. I have always been loyal to him. My neighbor is very close to my family and is pretty much an extension of such, he comes to visit on holidays and is welcomed into my home no questions asked... A ...
Feeling overshadowed by this new girl
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4449 days ago
29 December 2012 (F) -
Hi guys, I hope someone out there can help me out as I am feeling pretty stuck on this situation. I have met a lovely guy recently who I really feel I can connect with as we seem to get on so well like a house on fire and we share common interest...
Is he just playing games with me? He denies, to others, that he still likes me. He claims to think of me sexually, still.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4449 days ago
29 December 2012 (F) -
My ex and i had had the longest conversation recently, since we broke up. Word got around that he likes this other girl now. But he told me how he still has had sexual thoughts for me, not her, but me. I questioned why me instead of her. He told...
Why does my friend not seem to understand that I don't want to be exposed to his friend that I used to date?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
29 December 2012 (F) -
Should I confront my 'best friend' about this? Me and my best friend used to speak every night on the phone and have been drifting apart a little. He got in some trouble and went to jail for a year and is quite restricted as to what he can do to en...
I am a good person so why don't I have any friends?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4449 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
I am a female in my mid twenties and I seriously have no friends! I am an intelligent, good-looking woman and I spend every weekend alone at home. Ever since graduating college, I moved back to my parents house and have lost touch with all my ...
How can I prevent the guy friend always being the tag-along friend whenever we plan to go out or do anything? What can I do?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4449 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
Hi guys, I hope somebody can help me with a small problem, its short and simple really but the solution is more difficult. I have recently met a beautiful man, who I have started to like, not a lot but want to just keep hanging out etc and see what...
Holiday blues. Why do I feel more alone than ever, and without a partner, especially during the holiday times?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
Why is it that I feel more alone over the holidays? I have family and friends, yet I long for the warmth of a man. I feel like I will never find a man and have that marriage I so long for. I'm 43 and never married. Something BTW, I always wanted....
Have I upset this guy? Or has he just moved on in his busy life?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
Can someone please help me shed some light on why this guy is being like this... About 5 years ago this guy and i were really good mates at work. We were on the same team and used to have lunch together, go to the gym at work and we had a laugh ...
LDR: Attention seeker? Hypochondriac? Or really sick? Cheated in the past. Am I wasting my time with her?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
4053 days ago
28 December 2012 (M) -
I've been dating this girl for a while now. Today makes it 5 months. She's in a different country from me, so there's the first problem of distance. However, we try to overcome it. First of all, I found out she had sex with a friend of mine, ...
Is it only me who gets upset that some people cheat, and then want to keep that fact a secret from their partner?
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
4445 days ago
28 December 2012 (M) -
Some Posters seem to be condoneing cheaters and ex promiscus people. Why do people think that its ok to lie to their husbands or wifes??? I just read where one agony aunt said "don't beat yourself up over it you just felt a connection so yo...
Should I tell my friend that a guy tried to kiss his fiancee in a nightclub?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (M) -
I was in a nightclub the other night when a guy i know tried to kiss my friends fiancee. She moved her face so that he kissed her on the cheek rather than the lips he was aiming for. They then just continued to chat. I am now in a dilemma as to wh...
Since my miscarriage and his uncaring attitude I don't think I can love him any more. What are my options?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
I have really been feeling like I've grown to hate my boyfriend at times. There are times when I think what would I do without him? I feel I don't want to leave him because all my friends either live on the other side of the country or I've ...
Fake FB account and now I'm stuck. What do I do?? I never meant to hurt anyone.
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4449 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
i know.i messed up. i know i hurt people. i just want advice though. okay sorry if this is long.i fell fast and hard for a male friend. well i wanted to find out if he was insterested in anyone without him knowing i liked him. so i made a fa...
Friend or more? Is she playing games with me to get me interested?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4448 days ago
28 December 2012 (M) -
So there is this girl I've been liking for a while. Her friends tease her with me and she acts casual about it, some times she continues the joke herself. As of recent, another guy seems to be interested in her and she's nice to him and speaks to h...
She's gorgeous. My envy and jealousy towards her is out of control. What can I do? I'll lose her if I keep being like this.
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
I need help bad! Please help! Im in love with a woman but Im jealous of her. Shes gorgeous. Shes everything I want to be and pretend to be but aint. She's smart, funny, kind, thoughtful, classy, generous, shapely, blue eyes, professionally esta...
Does he see me as his rebound option? Is he reluctant as we work together? Or is he interested in me?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
Hi guys... I have a problem. Basically... I changed jobs less than 2 months ago and at my new job I have met a guy who is 6 years older than me. I'm 18 and he's 24. He's been in a relationship the whole time (couple of months) up until 3 d...
How do I get my friend back? At least to talk to me?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (F) -
I'm scared, lost and feel really down. This is basically one of those "how do I get my friend back" questions, however this is a little more complicated. My friend (male) wont speak to me. He cut me out his life with no explanation. We ...
Is the girl I know and like trying to make me jealous? Her actions confuse me
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
28 December 2012 (M) -
one day in school at lunch i was heading back to my table when i heard a conversation going on with a girl i know/like and her friends. she sat at my table with her friends a few seats down from me,every day at lunch. she was talking about a guy ...
Texting him for 4 months. Then he suggested FWB. Then ignored me totally. Am I right to be concerned by this?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4451 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
I've been texting this guy for around 4 months now and a few weeks ago we both told each other we like each other. Since then we've been texting everyday and have planned to meet up and go out somewhere. I should also mention that he also suggested ...
As it's her home area shall I ask her first where she'd like to go on our first date?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
27 December 2012 (M) -
So I think I might be into this girl. After we get back to college from Christmas break, I'm gonna see if she wants to go out. Where we go to school is her hometown, so she has her car, and she already has her favorite places, and knows everywhere...
Friends who I introduced to each other are not including me
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4451 days ago
27 December 2012 (M) -
So I have a friend from France, and she and her sister come and visit some times. I have gotten to know her sister well, and I have taken the two of them out with friends of mine here in New York. I introduced them to and they have gotten to know ...
Whats wrong with me? Why can't I make and keep friends?
This question has
1 answer
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4449 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
Does anyone else feel like it's more difficult than it rightfully should be to make friends? I'm 24, married, no children, moved to a new city in October 2011, and haven't been able to make 1 single friend. I've met plenty of people in the last 14 ...
Why did he wait so long to contact me? Then ask about a present, for him? Does he like me?
This question has
2 answers
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4448 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
I met up with this guy who is my friend's colleague We both know that my friend want to introduce us to each other that is why she organised the meetup. According to my friend, this guy is quite shy and not proactive in talking to girls and doesn'...
Ruined meal! I am disappointed with my friends and I don't know how to tell them how much. What can I do?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
I know there are people on here with real problems but if you could please take a minute to read my post I'd appreciate it. I feel really let down and annoyed by my so called friends. The 4 of us were trying to arrange a meal out before Chr...
I want somebody to love.
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
27 December 2012 (?) -
I feel like I will never be able to be successful with women. The only girls I have ever been good at flirting with are ones I am not actually attracted to deeply. I'm a virgin at 19 and am going through medicine. I had an ex who I was with for 2 ...
Do I waste my time on my crush who doesn't seem to have any interest in me?
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4450 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
Seven years ago ( I was a freshman in high school) I met this guy who I liked (he didnt know I liked him at the time) and became really good friends with. We did everything together eventhough he had a gf and he knew his gf did not like me. We used ...
Why did he change his story? He said he met her twice and now he says he never met her! Bad memory from smoking weed?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4449 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
Hello, My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years. We met online on a forum. I was aware that he also talked to another woman. I didn't have a problem with it at the time. We got to know each other better and he said he would like...
Has my Gf broken up with me? Due to my phone re-set I can't call her. No a word since last friday? What am I supposed to make of this?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4451 days ago
27 December 2012 (F) -
So i been on christmas Break for a couple days now, and i havent heard from my Gf Once. :/ The last time we talked was on Friday because i went over her house so we could spend some time Together. I been waiting for her to text me, call me and it's...
I'm in love with two people and I don't know what to do?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4451 days ago
27 December 2012 (M) -
I've been having a sexual relationship with a close family friend for almost a year now. We treat eachother like cousins and have done for years. We spend every new year and birthday celebrations together. The thing is this family friend is a guy. ...
Shall I trust him or not? My friends say he only sees girls for a short time and then dumps them. I don't want to be hurt.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4452 days ago
26 December 2012 (F) -
Just recently, one of my friends invited this guy to a movie with me and a couple of friends. He seemed really nice, and we'd been texting each other quite a bit. He then randomly told me he liked me, just completly out of the blue. I have to sa...
How do I get people to stop gifting me live Plants? I tell them I don't want them. I give them alternative ideas. They all ignore me
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4452 days ago
26 December 2012 (M) -
This sounds really stupid, but it is getting on my nerves to the point where it is very hurtful to me. The issue is that I really like plants and I have a green thumb. My wife and my in-laws knows this, so for some years know they have been gif...
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