Why would my therapists become cold and distant towards me?
Q. I've been in therapy for a 1 1/2. I've had a psychologist and a family therapist who I've grown close to which has given me strength to get to where I am now. However, I've had to be passed onto a psychotherapist because I was having problems...
A. 1 May 2016: Also, if a client feels that their life is spiraling out of control and they're starting to have suicidal thoughts or tendancies, then the professional is bound by law, to report this to senior staff or even the Police, so it's a very serious ... (read in full...)
Why would my therapists become cold and distant towards me?
Q. I've been in therapy for a 1 1/2. I've had a psychologist and a family therapist who I've grown close to which has given me strength to get to where I am now. However, I've had to be passed onto a psychotherapist because I was having problems...
A. 1 May 2016: Hi,
IIifton is right. What she has mentioned is what i was going to mention to you.
May i also add,
the issue with any professional Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychotherapist or Psychiatrist is that all of them are bound by ethical law, no... (read in full...)
Why would my therapists become cold and distant towards me?
Q. I've been in therapy for a 1 1/2. I've had a psychologist and a family therapist who I've grown close to which has given me strength to get to where I am now. However, I've had to be passed onto a psychotherapist because I was having problems...
A. 1 May 2016: Hi,
IIifton is right. What she has mentioned is what i was going to mention to you.
May i also add,
the issue with any professional Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychotherapist or Psychiatrist is that all of them are bound by ethical law, no... (read in full...)
When is it the right time to leave?
Q. Okay. To answer my question I strongly believe you will need my whole backstory. So lets just jump into it. We met at 16, it was bliss, romance, and teenage rebelion at its finest. She was perfect and at this moment i knew I was in love. ...
A. 28 April 2016: Hi,
reading through your entire msg, i hear and feel your pain.
May i say, i have no idea what you are going through, but based upon everything that you've shared with us, my first piece of friendly advice would be, have you and your wife ev... (read in full...)
What should I do with my gamer boyfriend?
Q. As if my boyfriend didn't play games already enough. Now he wants to play 4 hours straight two nights. While he plays every night for 3 hours. Like is he serious!?!? When were supose to be spending time together. I want to spend time with him, e...
A. 28 April 2016: Hi,
you sit him down and very calmy and rationally, you explain to him the importance of one on one, quality time together, away from all of this modern worlds high tech devices and daily stresses.
You express to your bf that YOU would really... (read in full...)
What other lies is she telling me? What should I do in this situation?
Q. Dear cupid I have a problem with my girlfriend of 5 years whom we once quarelled as she was saying that I don't trust because when I happen to be at her work place people who know that we are an item working around her as she is a street vendor a...
A. 28 April 2016: I agree fully with "WiseOwlE".
He has pretty much summed up, all i wanted to express to you.
I will add though, if you do not trust your gf and if she, according to your thought processes, cannot be trusted, or UNLESS, she has given you much r... (read in full...)
Why hide a text? Am I being naive to believe him?
Q. i have been with my bf for 3 years. we bought a house in 2014 and he had finalized his divorce in 2015. 6 months ago I caught him driving by his ex's house and confronted him and he denied it. then the other day it came up again and he said he ...
A. 28 April 2016: Hi,
i completely agree with "YouWish's" comments.
The fact that he was still married whilst you guys began dating, is pretty much the main issue here.
He was not completely over his past, he hadn't had enough time to find his complete closur... (read in full...)
Why does he want this all of a sudden!
Q. Hi aunts. Just a quick question. I'm in a very loving sexual relationship with my fella who I'm planning on living with later in the year. Everything is great and when we aren't together we message loads which I love. Our messages are loving ...
A. 27 April 2016: Your partner sounds quite pushy, to "assume" that you will somehow enjoy/love and react like crazy, with the act of "fisting"!
I wouldn't go there with a ten foot pole, but if you decide to, it's your perogative.
From what i've heard about it, ... (read in full...)
My Bf has secretly been having sex with this woman for more than 6 years. Should he remain friends with her and her partner? I say no.
Q. My boyfriend has been friends with this couple for 20 years. They moved states away a long time ago. They email, talk and text Facebook always. I found out recently that he has been having sex with her for like 6+ years and they have secret ...
A. 27 April 2016: Hi,
your story sounds totally surreal to me & i'm sure to many readers.
May i just add, your bf hasn't only cheated on you twice, but for 6 years, 6 long years! That's the reality of what is.
Your bf has slept with another woman behind you... (read in full...)
He’s been chatting with women online and now has booked a solo trip to a country where one lives! I need opinions on this!
Q. Hello everyone, Me and hubby have been together 7yrs and married for 3. We have a 4 yr old daughter..He has been talking to women who he has friended from social media. He doesn't know any of them. But to some he will start talking in a way...
A. 26 April 2016: Hi,
your husband is having an emotional affair with this woman and other women behind your back and if you'd never caught him out, he'd never have told you, which makes his overall behaviour even worse.
Do not make excuses for him and i have t... (read in full...)
I want a second chance, how can I show him it will work?
Q. Hi all, me and my ex decided to be friends because we didnt get to spend much time together ( together 4 month ) and thought itd be better as friends even tho we both still want the same things . he said he wanted to keep me in his life and wanted ...
A. 26 April 2016: Hi,
this man is NOT SERIOUS ABOUT YOU, full stop!
It's very simple actually. If he were totally committed to you and if he were serious about the two of you, trust me, he'd make sure it worked out for you both and you wouldn't have to play des... (read in full...)
Does she love me for my money? She never offers to pay!
Q. My girlfriend Lisa and I have been going together for almost ten months and our relationship seems to be sailing along quite smoothly. We're very compatible. We always have a lot of fun together and she never nags me. She's beautiful, classy and ...
A. 24 April 2016: Hi,
with all due respect, looks and charm alone, will get you nowhere long term, UNLESS, she is the real deal and she does have the best of intentions at heart.
From all you've stated and from all I've read, it appears that your gf has made... (read in full...)
Is he into me or just looking for friendship?
Q. Long story short, I recently met this guy in one of my classes. He seemed really cool and he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him Friday night. First off, we both paid for our own ticket..I mean we're college students and imax movie ...
A. 24 April 2016: Hi,
based on everything you've stated, i would say that this guy is a great guy and a great catch!
In this day and age, whereby so much is based around sex, it's so refreshing to know that there are young men and women out there, who aren'... (read in full...)
Filled with fears of rejection. So what can I do?? How to get the courage to talk to him?
Q. Long story short I like this guy in my college. Our mutual friends are really close so me and this guy are always in situations where we could talk. In fact we're usually stood right next to each other but talking to other members in the circle. I ...
A. 24 April 2016: I would also add,
this is a great way, for you to practice being more confident, because at the end of the day, you have nothing to lose, good or bad.
It's better to find out sooner and then deal with what is, than not to know ever, what could... (read in full...)
Filled with fears of rejection. So what can I do?? How to get the courage to talk to him?
Q. Long story short I like this guy in my college. Our mutual friends are really close so me and this guy are always in situations where we could talk. In fact we're usually stood right next to each other but talking to other members in the circle. I ...
A. 24 April 2016: Hi,
perhaps you could break the ice by giving him a warm smile, when he makes eye contact with you.
After that, you could add a few words and that could be, whatever you feel comfy saying at that moment.
You could try giving a small compl... (read in full...)
He's with a girl I know. I have a crush on him. Is it love? What should I do?
Q. Dear Cubid Basically I have had this crush on this guy for a long time now. I know I feel something for him however I do not know if I love. I am young and I do not know what love is yet, but I know I care about him a lot He is is so sw...
A. 24 April 2016: Hi,
i am going to advise you in the same way as "Honeypie", because i think she has pretty much summed it all up and as i would've said it.
Please take the advice given very seriously, because it's the right thing to do and the right way to be.... (read in full...)
Am I a rebound? I'm concerned about his continued contact with his ex.
Q. Hi dearcupid, I have been dating a pretty nice guy for the last few months. Everything seems pretty good except I'm concerned about something. I'm not sure if I have a right to be concerned. What I'm concerned about is he is still in frequen...
A. 23 April 2016: Hi,
just to add, where i stated, we decided to remain platonic friends, because we had an "amicable relationship", was meant to read, because we had an "amicable break up".
Sorry abou that.
... (read in full...)
Am I a rebound? I'm concerned about his continued contact with his ex.
Q. Hi dearcupid, I have been dating a pretty nice guy for the last few months. Everything seems pretty good except I'm concerned about something. I'm not sure if I have a right to be concerned. What I'm concerned about is he is still in frequen...
A. 23 April 2016: Hi,
sorry to be brutally blunt, however, i do believe he has dated you on the rebound.
There is no way that a man can suddenly get over a 3 year relationship so quickly.
Your bf dated his ex gf for 3 years, a pretty long time, then only TWO... (read in full...)
Are they turned off by my virginity?
Q. I loved two different guys once upon a time... The first guy was into me, we had alot in common. We went on a couple dates and we discussed sex, marriage etc. When he found out I was a virgin tho , he said he couldnt be with me anymore.. The...
A. 12 April 2016: Hi,
you have done nothing wrong at all.
You have simply connected with two men, who you were not completely compatible with.
We learn our lessons in life and with these two experiences, you've learnt something valuable from that.
B... (read in full...)
What is it with men? Do they want what they can't have?
Q. I wrote a question back in November, wondering if this guy was still a player or not. Long story short, I did cut contact with that guy, So for months I hadn't heard anything from the "reformed" player (nor have I laid eyes on him) until today when ...
A. 9 April 2016: Hi,
your msg is quite ironic, because i am going through exactly the same situation at present, actually much worse and i am married!
I blocked him immediately, so no more harrassment.
You must stop giving any attention whatsoever to ... (read in full...)
My Bf had two pictures of his ex in his jacket pocket. Now what do I do?
Q. My boyfriend and I have been having the same recurring issue. When we first moved in I found a letter from his ex, from when they were going out. I got mad at him and told him to throw all the stuff out. Now today, 3 months after I look into his ...
A. 8 April 2016: Please don't give your new bf such a hard time, otherwise you may be calling him your "ex" boyfriend.
You have no right, to ask somebody you've not been with too long, to throw literally "everything" from his past relationships away.
That co... (read in full...)
Any suggestions on how to deal with this angry and feeling-entitled stepdaughter?
Q. I have posted in 2013 about my husband having a child which he never knew off. She contacted my youngest daughter via fb and after having paternity tests done it was confirm it is his child. She is 34 this year. She was rude from the beginning, ...
A. 3 April 2016: I am going to go against the supposed "norm" here.
Why don't you show a wee bit more compassion and ask your husband to contact his daughter and talk to her.
Your husband isn't responsible at all, regarding contributing any financial suppor... (read in full...)
Should I text him to rekindle what we had? Or should I leave it?
Q. I met a wonderful guy off Tinder at the end of January, we had been texting constantly for 6 weeks and have been on 4 dates and we kissed on dates 3 and 4. All the dates went really well and he even said that he had a great time. After the 4th ...
A. 3 April 2016: I would strongly encourage you to NOT text him at all.
The fact is, if HE was interested in continuously connecting with YOU, he would, it's that simple.
He has cut all ties with you, because he has come to some sort of realisation, hen... (read in full...)
His birth family comes before his spouse and children. It's depressing. What can I do?.
Q. What would you do if you had a husband who continuously put his family first particularly his mother, has stated to some members of his family in front of me that family comes first before a woman. Had a monthly phone contract and ran up ...
A. 3 April 2016: You need to talk to your husband regarding YOUR feelings surrounding your his behaviour.
I always suggest seperation and divorce, as a last resort, HOWEVER, if you sit your husband down and express all your concerns to him and still nothing ... (read in full...)
How do I tell my family about our wedding plans? We want just a small ceremony!
Q. hey everyone......my boyfriend and i have been dating for 1.5 years now. we love each other and we are ready to tie the knot and start having children. we cant cant wait to have a baby. so we have decided to get married. the problem is we do...
A. 3 April 2016: Hi,
i know what you're going through, because i went through the very same thing.
In the end, we did have a reception, it was icredible and we don't regret it one bit, however, it did cost a lot of money.
I would encourage you to sit you... (read in full...)
How do I ask my Mom for the package I ordered? It's a vibrator
Q. Okay I've been thinking about sex a lot and often. At my school and area it's not hard to hook up and I'm not like that,so I bought two bullet vibrators. My mom ordered a mouse pad for her computer and lucky me they came on the same day.... She got ...
A. 2 April 2016: Hi,
this would depend upon whether of not, your name and address appeared on the exterior of the package, which i doubt, because of the personal nature of your items.
I guess if your name was on the package, your Mum wouldn't have been very h... (read in full...)
Was anything wrong with me? My Bf is my sexual partner but now he's saying he thinks I was not a virgin when we met.
Q. I was a virgin before I met my boyfriend. He found me too wet the other day when we had sex, like he just slipped in so easy I could feel it..so he claims i slept around or I masturbate but I do none of those things. He is the only guy I have ...
A. 2 April 2016: Hi,
your bf sounds very selfish, domineering, insecure, interrogating and narrow minded, i'm sorry to say.
You were turned on by him, so as a result, your body reacted positively and that can not be a bad thing.
The bad thing is that, your ... (read in full...)
He's asked for a second chance and I said no. Should I let him back? He's so jealous.
Q. I was in a relationship with this guy and at the beggining everything was great.it was my first relationship so i was really excited so was he. he was really in love with me and after a month he first told me he loved me. BUT he was jealous all ...
A. 1 April 2016: You need to stop telling yourself that he will change, just because you had some good times together.
The fact is, you had many more bad times and it's because of these bad times, that you are contemplating what to do.
Two months id a very... (read in full...)
Should I end this relationship? It hurts me to end something that has so much potential and beauty to grow
Q. Hi guys, I'm in a dilemma. I come from a very traditional Pakistani family but born and raised in the states. I grew up wanting a Pakistani guy who looks like me and has similar values and upbringing because it's so complex and detailed. An...
A. 1 April 2016: Hi,
i am going to be totally blunt here.
Your hesitations, are primarily encircling around the fact that this guy you like, is "black".
Even if he's not Pakistani like you, but he were "white", i have a strong feeling you'd be much mo... (read in full...)
I don't want to be fired but feel uncomfortable with what my boss is requesting me to do
Q. I started my job yesterday as an administrative assistant, at a private accounting firm. My boss told me today she wants me to call tomorrow a credit card company and be her and ask them to waive a fee for her. I feel kind of uncomfor...
A. 31 March 2016: Also, i would strongly encourage you to take this to HR or onto somebody more senior than your boss.
If you don't know who to approach, ask at HR Dept and find out.
You should speak up and say something, because if you don't, you are leaving ... (read in full...)
I don't want to be fired but feel uncomfortable with what my boss is requesting me to do
Q. I started my job yesterday as an administrative assistant, at a private accounting firm. My boss told me today she wants me to call tomorrow a credit card company and be her and ask them to waive a fee for her. I feel kind of uncomfor...
A. 31 March 2016: Hi,
this is wrong and illegal, plain and simple!
Stand by your moral and professional code and always keep your good principles intact, no matter what anybody asks you to do.
There could be a myriad of reasons your boss is asking you to do... (read in full...)
After we had sex I assumed he would not be back!
Q. I met a guy on a dating site. We met up and ended up sleeping together. This was my first time involving myself in something like this. I watched him during the date and he is mature, understanding and well-balanced. I had a feeling that we would ...
A. 31 March 2016: Hi,
it sounds as though this guy does like you, however, as to why he's returning and what exactly he should want, is still up for question.
It's anybodys guess really.
My personal opinion is that yes, he did like and enjoy the sex with y... (read in full...)
Do all women like to be watched while they are bathing?
Q. When I ask my wife how she will feel if some one peek in her bathroom and watch her bath, she got extremely horny. Is that normal... how do I know she got extremely horny?, I was doing an intercource with her when I asked. So she basically went ...
A. 30 March 2016: Some women may enjoy the act of being watched, but many don't.
In the case of those who do enjoy it, it'd be more likely to be their partner watching them, that'd turn them on, not being watched by some random stranger.
If a woman did get tu... (read in full...)
Is it wise to confront him with all that I have found out about him in contact with his ex? We have been together for 12 years
Q. I have been with this man for 12 years I just recently found out that he has been paying for his ex bills though their kids are grown Found out Thur text on his phone with texting and calling each on it the daily found text where they are send...
A. 30 March 2016: Hi,
the fact that you had to find out via text msgs isn't nice at all and must leave you feeling very betrayed.
You ought to confront your partner and ask him outright, what is going on with his ex and what are his feelings toward her as of... (read in full...)
He's asked for a second chance and I said no. Should I let him back? He's so jealous.
Q. I was in a relationship with this guy and at the beggining everything was great.it was my first relationship so i was really excited so was he. he was really in love with me and after a month he first told me he loved me. BUT he was jealous all ...
A. 30 March 2016: Hi,
your ex bf has deep rooted issues and they are primarily regarding control and possession.
He thinks he can manipulate you with his emotional state.
You say you love him and he loves you, but from reading your msg, i am under the conc... (read in full...)
Truth or fake? Wish I never catfished him. Do I tell him the truth and end up with losing him, because he feels betrayed?
Q. So I had this crush and I found his boyfriend on online. I started talking to his boyfriend but used him to get info on his now ex. As it turns out me and him click I really like him as a friend and now after nearly 4 months of talking I feel bad...
A. 30 March 2016: Hi,
i would advise you to be honest with him, if you value his friendship that much, but only if you feel comfortable enough doing it.
Either way, it's not going to be easy. By remaining quiet, you carry inner guilt and stress and when you do ... (read in full...)
How can I stand tall this time without letting him back into my life?
Q. Hello and thanks for your help. I've been with my boyfriend on and off for 4 years. His attitude isn't good to say the least. He dictates how long I need to stay when I'm with him. If I can only stay a couple hours he argues. He wants me to cons...
A. 29 March 2016: Your on/off bf is the ONE WITH THE ISSUE here, so do NOT TAKE ON BOARD ANY OF HIS CRAP, ANY OF IT!
He is messing with your mind and until now, you've ALLOWED it to happen.
Remember, YOU are in full CONTROL OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS and your bf has ... (read in full...)
Dumped by a cowardly text!
Q. Hi I am hoping for some guidance with something that has happened to me this week. My boyfriend of a year dumped me by text. It was literally a line saying lets call it a day, following a couple of harsh texts between us. Ironically, I act...
A. 27 March 2016: Hi,
let him go and do not feel compelled to contact him whatsoever.
He "chose" to break up with you via a text msg, so as far as he's concerned, you're not worth much more.
He didn't break up with you in an amicable and respectful manner, s... (read in full...)
I think I'm turning into a bunny boiler! How do I explain things to my ex and move on?
Q. Help - I think I'm turning into a bunny boiler!! How do I reverse this and make people trust me again? Without going into too much details - I was dumped by my ex, blocked and given no explanation. He wouldn't answer my calls or explain what I'd...
A. 26 March 2016: This is where you have to be logical, sensible, true to yourself and honest about this entire situation.
Your ex doesn't see it necesaary to explain anything to you, nor talk to you, or have anything to do with you and that's his absolute right, e... (read in full...)
My wife refuses to accept my wish to be a woman.
Q. I would like to know why, my wife cannot understand that I want to be a woman. She see's me every day for the past 2 years dressed as a woman, she knows I pluck my eyebrows and have my ears pierced, she has even caught me more than once being with ...
A. 22 March 2016: You are who you are and you have the right to be who you want to be, HOWEVER, forgive me for saying so, but i think you are quite a selfish and seemingly self-absorbed individual.
Why? Because you are married, you married your wife when you were... (read in full...)
Where is the passion? Can the passion be revived? We have become platonic friends
Q. me and my boyfriend have been together 10 years. He is 9 years older than me. at first we were always making love but its got less and less over the last few years, and we have not been intimate since last year, Recently I found flirty texts bet...
A. 21 March 2016: Hi,
it's quite normal for the passionate intimacy to fizzle out a bit over the years, in even the best of unions, especially if not addressed by both parties.
You both met when you were younger, you are both aging, growing together and thi... (read in full...)
How do I stop? I'm constantly craving male attention and end up obsessing over those who give me this attention
Q. I have a recurrent issue that seems to be getting out of hand and worse. It seems that every time a man flirts with me or shows interest, I start to revel in this attention and I start liking them. For instance, a guy has recently joi...
A. 15 March 2016: Hi,
i would strongly advise you to speak to somebody you trust in relation to this matter.
I don't think it can ever hold you in good stead, if you crave attention from every guy that you come into regular contact with.
There are so many rea... (read in full...)
Is it possible to start things over with my alcoholic husband whom I don't trust?
Q. I am 27 and married with three young children. I felt pressured into marrying my husband after our first child was born, and I really thought if I loved him enough we could make it work. He loves me. He loves the kids. He works hard, but he is ...
A. 14 March 2016: Hi,
i'm sorry to read of your dilemma.
I have to be straight with you though.
As i read through your msg, i keep getting the feeling that your self-confidence and your self-esteem are very low.
Your marriage wasn't really something that... (read in full...)
| *emmenoir's friends
These are mutual friends, so *emmenoir has
added them and they have added *emmenoir!