We live together. But she goes to visit her Mom at weekends. Why do I miss her so much over the weekend?
Q. I am 25. I been with my girl friend for four years. We live in the Same house but she goes to see her mom every weekend and when she leaves I get sad. I feel like i want to cry and I don't want to go out side. I don't know what that is, but I neve...
A. 8 July 2015: Hi again,
i would also like to add, that you need to sit your gf down & ask her why she feels the desire & need to go to visit her Mom every single weekend, when you guys have been together for 4 years?
This alone, is somehow quite odd, but a... (read in full...)
We live together. But she goes to visit her Mom at weekends. Why do I miss her so much over the weekend?
Q. I am 25. I been with my girl friend for four years. We live in the Same house but she goes to see her mom every weekend and when she leaves I get sad. I feel like i want to cry and I don't want to go out side. I don't know what that is, but I neve...
A. 8 July 2015: Hi, it's ok to miss the one you love whenever they go away for a day or two.
What isn't healthy, is when you feel so down that you don't feel the desire to go outside, to feel any extra happiness, regardless of whether she's there or not.
The f... (read in full...)
This not wanting tomove on is not healthy!
Q. Okay, where to even begin... 3 years ago I split up with a guy I had been seeing for 8 months. It wasn't official but we were only dating each other. Anyhow, he broke things off after my friend told him (without my knowledge) he needed to commit to ...
A. 9 March 2015: Hi,
i would suggest that you seek some professional Counselling, just to determine the what & why, etc; of your previous & current behaviour.
When attending a Counselling session, please bear in mind that the assistance provided to you,... (read in full...)
Does my friend think she's better than everyone else?
Q. I have a friend of mine who is very attractive and comes from a family that has a lot of money. She is pretty sarcastic but anyway we were out one night and I introduced her to a group of my other friends and the whole time she was just staring them ...
A. 9 March 2015: Regardless of your friends looks, actions, etc;, i actually feel/think that she may be very insecure & perhaps she worries about what others think of her, when she is out socially with you & she may even worry secretly, as to what you think of ... (read in full...)
Is it normal for my fiance to call his parents and check in with them when we go somewhere
Q. A little background. When my fiancé was in his late 20's he was in bad car accident and he was in a coma for 3 weeks and rehab and then went home after 3 months. That sent his parents into a frantic mode, which would be a normal response to that ...
A. 9 March 2015: I don't think there is anything seriously wrong @ all with what your fiance has been doing, considering what almost happened to him years ago.
"Provided he is not going over-board, with ph calls to his parents."
(Btw, over-board could mean d... (read in full...)
How to avoid Date Rape?
Q. I've been seeking out nothing more than casual sex online and made this blatant on my dating profile. However, getting date raped as a result has become a fear. I'm afraid that, in the situation where I want to take things slow, postpone the act...
A. 5 March 2015: Ok, seriously, i would NEVER get involved with any man, in any type of CASUAL sexual encounter.
There are many reasons as to why it is not highly recommended, nor fullproof, but primarily, bec you are getting together, in the physical @ some poi... (read in full...)
He doesn't love me but wants to stay friends. Should I?
Q. Hi have been in Relationship for 2years wants to continue friendship but has told me he does not love me .we are both in our early sixties .Do I move on or stay as friends???...
A. 5 March 2015: Ultimately, what you choose to do, is purely up to you, but if i were in your shoes, i would most definitely break all ties with this man, despite all you once had together.
He has told you outright, that he no longer loves you & he simply w... (read in full...)
How do you start a relationship over?
Q. My fiancé of 2 years left home 3 weeks ago. He says he still loves me but we need to start our relationship again. I want a life with him so starting again is hard. Should I re-propose to him? Or should I let him go?...
A. 5 March 2015: Hi,
i hope all went well, when your partner came over to your house.
I would like to know how you both got on & what happened, if you don't mind me asking.
Please reply, when you have a chance.
Thank you in advance! :-)... (read in full...)
How do you start a relationship over?
Q. My fiancé of 2 years left home 3 weeks ago. He says he still loves me but we need to start our relationship again. I want a life with him so starting again is hard. Should I re-propose to him? Or should I let him go?...
A. 4 March 2015: From reading your story, all i can say is to allow him his space, while he actually decides what it is that he actually wants.
You may love him & wish to be with him, but if he requires his space, his freedom, his wanting to start over again?? ... (read in full...)
I had an affair, but then decided to go back to my husband. However my feelings for the guy I had an affair with are still there!
Q. I'm married with 1 son, we had lot's of ups and downs in our family, I went through drug abuse and loans, violence from my hubby. He is change now, he does neither of 'em anymore. I am glad of it, until... one of my friend told me that he love me, ...
A. 3 March 2015: You truthfully need to sit down & re-think over everything that has occurred within your life, over the years.
I would suggest that you seek some professional assistance/help, in order to help your own state of mind & perhaps, to help you resolve ... (read in full...)
Worried about moving away from my parents with my partner. Should I wait or should I go?
Q. Hi there, I'm 27 and I've not moved out of my parents house. At the moment i'm facing the prospect of moving over an hours drive away with my partner to be closer to my work, but I have a lot of concerns about it. I've never moved out or l...
A. 3 March 2015: There are many facets to your question, but the basic fact is that, you are not too sure, period!
This tells me that you should remain where you are & not follow your partner.
I wonder about a number of things.
You've been togther for 6 years ... (read in full...)
This could be my last chance at having a baby but everything is all wrong!
Q. I am 35 and my bf is 27. We have also only been together for 3mths. I discovered that I am pregnant. I have no kids and to be honest, at my age I had pretty much given up on the idea of it ever happening as I am prob too old now. I was on the ...
A. 26 February 2015: The first thing i would do, if i were you, is to make an immediate appt with your GP.
This is critical & you need to discuss all your fears & frustrations with he/she & you will be given numerous options, but GPs don't always give out the best adv... (read in full...)
Is it too late to restart my life at 35?
Q. Do you think that at 34 (35 in 2 months) its too late to restart your life? I am living in a country that is not mine... With a man that I no longer love and can't stand him touching me... in a job that sucks... I just have this need to pack and...
A. 26 February 2015: Age has no boundaries, period!! Age is just a number, despite what anybody says.
I know many people who are over 50, 60 & beyond, who could give those half their age, a real run for their money!
I am way over 30, in fact, close to 40 & i can ho... (read in full...)
Man I started talking to online won't stop sexting me! Opinions?
Q. Right, hi everyone. :) So I'm hoping to throw this out there and see if I'm overreacting. The other day I started chatting with a guy online and we seemed to hit it off. We exchanged numbers and the next day we decided - quite spontaneously...
A. 25 February 2015: Oh gosh!
This craziness has to stop & right now!!
By continuing to chat with him, in any form or shape, you are the one allowing him access, permission into your life, your world, your mind/psyche.
Get rid of him NOW & BLOCK him completely. ... (read in full...)
I don't think my wife should be communicating with an ex, she doesn't agree!
Q. My wife and I have been married for 10 years. Unfortunately I ignored her for much of that time and we drifted apart. We recently rekindled our marriage but I innocently found something on her Facebook. I went to log in to my Facebook but it was ...
A. 24 February 2015: Make it up to your wife, trust in her.
Unless you have absolute, concrete, negative evidence to go by, which i doubt you will ever have, bec if your wife didn't love you &/or had found another, she'd have left you many years ago & surely you must... (read in full...)
How can a husband handle such an issue?
Q. Is it proper for the woman to always pin her phones preventing her husband to never have access to her phone? Even when the husband demand that both of them should remove pin code from their phones, she refused. There after the maids alleged that ...
A. 24 February 2015: Sir,
may i also add, that a modern woman has a right to have her own privacy, even within her marriage, provided she is not being dishonest & disloyal to her husband.
If your wife chooses to place a pin on her ph, so nobody can get access to he... (read in full...)
How can a husband handle such an issue?
Q. Is it proper for the woman to always pin her phones preventing her husband to never have access to her phone? Even when the husband demand that both of them should remove pin code from their phones, she refused. There after the maids alleged that ...
A. 24 February 2015: Sir,
before you get too over-heated, worried, angry, etc; regarding your wife's seemingly bizarre behaviour, please try to give her the benefit of the doubt & try to see things from her angle too.
Have you & your wife ever had any serious conf... (read in full...)
Should I stay with my girlfriend of 6 years?
Q. Hi, I just wanted to get some advice on my relationship as probably I could do with it. I'm 33 and my girlfriend is five years younger than me. We have been going out for 6-7 years. I’m not sure if I should stay with her. When she has no problem ...
A. 24 February 2015: Hi there,
you sound like a very nice guy, a very kind, empathetic & tolerant person, who really cares about his gf.
May i say though & with all honesty, no matter how much you care about & love yr gf, she is not going to change her ways, period... (read in full...)
My sister wants to go out with my ex
Q. Hey im ayden and im a 16 year old girl and Ive got a problem. My problem Is that I was with my beyfriend for a whole year and we broke up around 7 months ago.he is a year older than me and my sister is two years older than me and recently she told ...
A. 24 February 2015: Hi,
your sister should respect the fact that you once dated this guy & that he couldn't have been completely up to scratch, or else you'd have still remained with him.
That doesn't mean that he was a bad guy, on the contrary, but you guys bro... (read in full...)
Does the volume of semen a man ejaculates matter to a woman?
Q. I was talking with a female friend of mine and she called herself a "slug girl." I asked her what she meant by that and she said she she gets very wet when she gets turned on. She was quite embarrassed to admit that. However, I think most men thin...
A. 24 February 2015: Hi,
the qauntity of semen ejaculated, has little or nothing to do with what we women find sexy, or find to be a huge turn on.
If a man ejaculates inside his partner, well she wouldn't know, nor even feel how much was actually ejaculated anywa... (read in full...)
Advice for moving out of your parents' home on a low income?
Q. Hi. I would like some advice on how I can move out of my parents house. Id like to get out ASAP. My household is pretty dysfunctional. My parents always fight, my dad drinks, they both verbally abuse me and question my every move. My dad has tried ...
A. 24 February 2015: Hi there,
i really feel for you! I am a Mother, i have 1 son, who is a few years older than you & i cannot imagine what your life must be like right now.
You would be better off moving out, after what's happening @ home & if that's your pref... (read in full...)
How can I stop cum leaking out after sex?
Q. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now, but there is this thing thats been annoying me for some time now... Whenever my boyfriend cums in me after sex, it never like stays in me. Whenever I stand up I can feel it leak out, especial...
A. 20 February 2015: Hi,
as a woman & a nurse, i will let you know that it is very normal for excess ejaculate to come out of your vagina after sexual intercourse.
Quite frankly, although i am not dismissing your concerns/feelings, i don't see any issue here, alth... (read in full...)
We've been on three dates now, so why isn't he making any moves or asking me out again?
Q. I have been on 3 dates with this guy I met online 3 weeks ago, we plan one date a week. The last time we went 3 days ago out we met up with another couple (my friends) for a meal then after we hung out alone for a few hours just walking around town ...
A. 19 February 2015: Yes, thank you.
Please keep me up to date with what happens after your date & in the future.
I am happy for you, that you guys will hang out tomorrow night.
Of course, do have fun, but remember to continue getting to know each other on a deep... (read in full...)
He says he'll end it if I abort the pregnancy
Q. pls guys i need ur help, i am 23 nd my boyfrnd is 27 we have been dating for about 3yrs now, we love each other so much, he has promised to marry me nd we dont have any problem. He is into a very good biznes, nd i am currently working. We both ...
A. 19 February 2015: I would like to add that my Mother was very upset with me too, when i got pregnant out of wedlock, but after she met her grandson, she was the happiest & most loving Grandmother.
She once told me, years later, that she was so happy that i didn't h... (read in full...)
He says he'll end it if I abort the pregnancy
Q. pls guys i need ur help, i am 23 nd my boyfrnd is 27 we have been dating for about 3yrs now, we love each other so much, he has promised to marry me nd we dont have any problem. He is into a very good biznes, nd i am currently working. We both ...
A. 19 February 2015: Hi there,
i feel for you, it's a very hard decision to make.
I am female & i had my only son when i was around your age.
At the time, my ex did want a baby with me, but strangely, after i got pregnant, he asked me to go & have an abortion.
... (read in full...)
Should I reach out to my rich grandfather for help?
Q. I don't come from a wealthy family. The only person in my whole family who has been well off is my grandfather. He's very rich. However, I rarely speak with him. He's a somewhat distant person from our family and I've always felt rather weird around ...
A. 19 February 2015: This comes down to the word, "integrity" & "self-integrity", period!
You should never ask anybody for $, particularly a family member that you have no relationship, nor close connection with.
If you did, i can almost guarantee that your Grandf... (read in full...)
We've been on three dates now, so why isn't he making any moves or asking me out again?
Q. I have been on 3 dates with this guy I met online 3 weeks ago, we plan one date a week. The last time we went 3 days ago out we met up with another couple (my friends) for a meal then after we hung out alone for a few hours just walking around town ...
A. 19 February 2015: Hi, thank you for sending me your msg.
I read it & yes, i do comprehend what you said, however, after all that has been said & done, the fact remains, you still have some reservations/concerns about the two of you & where exactly that you stand wi... (read in full...)
Am I the problem or is it them?
Q. Hey guys. You see, at the start of this academic year, all of my friends went off to college while I stayed at school for sixth form. I knew straight away that they would all make new friends and I was fine with that, but it's getting to the p...
A. 18 February 2015: Please try not to worry.
I remember being your age & what a wonderful time of my life that was! Great memories of my youth!
I have a son, not much older than you & may i tell you something.
You are so young, just starting your young adult lif... (read in full...)
Can I ever win him back or is that unrealistic? I'd like another chance to reconnect. What can I do?
Q. Okay I feel like an idiot even writing this but I need other peoples insight. I was with my ex for 6 years, I have borderline personality disorder which caused alot of stress and fights and I believe ultimately was the ending of our relation...
A. 18 February 2015: I also wanted to add that you should continue seeking professional Counselling, as you need to continue working on your own self confidence.
Please do what's best for you, not what's best for him!
Also, regardless of what anybody looks like, ... (read in full...)
Can I ever win him back or is that unrealistic? I'd like another chance to reconnect. What can I do?
Q. Okay I feel like an idiot even writing this but I need other peoples insight. I was with my ex for 6 years, I have borderline personality disorder which caused alot of stress and fights and I believe ultimately was the ending of our relation...
A. 18 February 2015: Hi there,
i have read your entire msg with interest.
I must confess to feeling a wee bit sad for you, because i can see/feel, how much you loved your ex bf.
As the previous reader has said, you sound like a really kind, caring & loving so... (read in full...)
We've been on three dates now, so why isn't he making any moves or asking me out again?
Q. I have been on 3 dates with this guy I met online 3 weeks ago, we plan one date a week. The last time we went 3 days ago out we met up with another couple (my friends) for a meal then after we hung out alone for a few hours just walking around town ...
A. 18 February 2015: First big mistake!
You should never have invited any of your friends to join the two of you, on your 3rd date only!
I mean, are you serious?!
That is way too soon & he is obviously put off by what you did, he doesn't wish to offend you, tell ... (read in full...)
Everything was going great, and out of the blue she disappears!
Q. What is going here? We've been dating for some time now, ans she has this knack for cutting me off, putting me in no-contact status, like a bolt out of the blue. I've noticed a certain trend in which everything will be great between us for a couple ...
A. 18 February 2015: I am unsure as to how long exactly the two of you have been dating, however, i would suggest a number of things.
First & foremost, do not chase her! Allow her to come back to you & to you she will.
When she does, sit her down, tell her you & sh... (read in full...)
Everything was going great, and out of the blue she disappears!
Q. What is going here? We've been dating for some time now, ans she has this knack for cutting me off, putting me in no-contact status, like a bolt out of the blue. I've noticed a certain trend in which everything will be great between us for a couple ...
A. 18 February 2015: I am unsure as to how long exactly the two of you have been dating, however, i would suggest a number of things.
First & foremost, do not chase her! Allow her to come back to you & to you she will.
When she does, sit her down, tell her you & sh... (read in full...)
How do I tell my fiance and my friend that I've fallen for his girlfriend?
Q. I have been feeling ill with a current situation I have got myself into. I have been previously married which ended after she had an affair and got pregnant. I eventually found my current partner. I have a close friend whom I have known all my life. ...
A. 26 September 2014: Please, oh please, be a gentleman!!
You made your own bed & now you must sleep in it!
I can tell you, my partner is every single bit a gentleman & God forbid, if i had ever had any contact with a man such as you, i would be running for the ... (read in full...)
After 2 months of dating should I ask him where he thinks things are headed?
Q. I went on a first date with a guy I'm currently seeing 2 months ago. We hit it off straight away and have been out together about 15 times since then over the last 2 months. We get on really well and there is a lot I like about him. I have spen...
A. 25 September 2014: I have just been through the exact same thing, so i speak from personal experience.
Patience pays off!
I am also a qualified Cousellor & i will tell you bluntly, that in my opinion & even in the opinion of many relationship experts, 2 month... (read in full...)
What do I do with the expensive gifts my ex gave me?
Q. my question is very simple and small that I have broke up with my gf last night in a legal way ....now I don't know what shud I do with the expensive old gifts she gave me....should I through them out so that I cud fully forget her ...
A. 25 September 2014: What concerns me is that you & your gf only broke up last night, although in a legal way.
May i ask, Why the rush to get rid of all her expensive gifts so soon?
Ok, i understand that within every culture, things are done differently, however, 1 t... (read in full...)
He Lied About Dating Someone - Should I Not Be Friends With Him?
Q. Last summer, I fancied a male friend (used to flirt with him a bit but nothing more than that) whom I got on with quite well. I told him I liked him, and he turned me down, saying that he was already seeing someone. There was a mutual guy frien...
A. 25 September 2014: To get straight to the point, first & foremost, please remember that this guy is a guy, period!
He is not female, hence his reasoning, biological thought patterns being different to yours.
Cut him some slack & just accept him for who he is, regar... (read in full...)
She told him she used to have a crush on him?
Q. Should i be worried that my girlfriend (and mother of my child) told her guy friend on Facebook that she used to have a crush on him in high school? Not sure why she would choose now of all times to admit that to him, but nevertheless its got me ...
A. 22 August 2014: This is ridiculous, really!!
Everybody has a past & her past is simply that, her past!!
If she were still in love with him, she would not have been so open, believe me! She would keep it secret, because that is what most women do, if & when th... (read in full...)
We want a boy but I don't want my husband to be disappointed if it isn't
Q. Hello! I am 12 weeks pregnant, due in March 2015! My husband wants, a little boy, therefore I do to. I even talk to my stomach as if I were having a boy. But lately I have had a lot of anxiety inside me. I am so worried that, I will have a girl, I ...
A. 22 August 2014: Congratulations to you both!!
Let's just say that there are millions on this planet that would kill, that would lose a limb, just to have what you have, literally!
You are so young & already married, so does it really matter what the gender ... (read in full...)
Should I tell her how I feel? Should I ask her out?
Q. I wanna make plans to do something with this girl I like, I think She kinda likes me too but I'm not Sure yet.... Anyways I wanna ask her out but I'm afraid she'll say No or reject me, we remained friends for now, but I wanna change that... Should I ...
A. 21 August 2014: Sorry to sound so brutal my friend, however, you are only between 13 & 15!! Way too young to be asking girls out.
You should just keep it simple, remain friends for as long as possible & when you're older & if you still feel the same way about he... (read in full...)
How do I feel more comfortable with my penis size?
Q. This is a usual thing for some blokes but how do I feel more comfortable with my penis size? guessing the main answer is to sleep with more women and hope they are really nice lol One issue is because I don't like my size it holds me back as I fee...
A. 14 August 2014: You are worrying for nothing, believe me!
My advice would be that whether or not you feel that your penis size is not of the norm, who cares what women think about that!
I am a woman, yet i will be the first to admit, that many women can be very ... (read in full...)
The man I've talked to online for 4 years finally confessed that he is married/kids. I feel like a home wrecker!
Q. I met a man online in a chat room when I was feeling a bit down and lonely four years ago, we have talked continuously throughout this time. But over the last year, we have grown ever closer and talk every single day. I finally felt ready to meet ...
A. 9 August 2014: You must not take this personally whatsoever.
This man started talking to you & he didn't tell you the truth regarding what he was doing to you emotionally online, nor did he disclose anything about his marriage, which was very low & very wrong of... (read in full...)
The man I've talked to online for 4 years finally confessed that he is married/kids. I feel like a home wrecker!
Q. I met a man online in a chat room when I was feeling a bit down and lonely four years ago, we have talked continuously throughout this time. But over the last year, we have grown ever closer and talk every single day. I finally felt ready to meet ...
A. 9 August 2014: You must not take this personally whatsoever.
This man started talking to you & he didn't tell you the truth regarding what he was doing to you emotionally online, nor did he disclose anything about his marriage, which was very low & very wrong of... (read in full...)
| *emmenoir's friends
These are mutual friends, so *emmenoir has
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