The man I've talked to online for 4 years finally confessed that he is married/kids. I feel like a home wrecker!
Q. I met a man online in a chat room when I was feeling a bit down and lonely four years ago, we have talked continuously throughout this time. But over the last year, we have grown ever closer and talk every single day. I finally felt ready to meet ...
A. 9 August 2014: You must not take this personally whatsoever.
This man started talking to you & he didn't tell you the truth regarding what he was doing to you emotionally online, nor did he disclose anything about his marriage, which was very low & very wrong of... (read in full...)
The man I've talked to online for 4 years finally confessed that he is married/kids. I feel like a home wrecker!
Q. I met a man online in a chat room when I was feeling a bit down and lonely four years ago, we have talked continuously throughout this time. But over the last year, we have grown ever closer and talk every single day. I finally felt ready to meet ...
A. 9 August 2014: You must not take this personally whatsoever.
This man started talking to you & he didn't tell you the truth regarding what he was doing to you emotionally online, nor did he disclose anything about his marriage, which was very low & very wrong of... (read in full...)
I fell in love at first sight and I miss him, but he already has a girlfriend!
Q. Hey, I met this guy at a 3 week group thing and there was over 50 teens there and there was this one guy there I really fell in love with my friends introduced me to him first and he was flirty and stuff, at the night time we had a dancing sechions...
A. 9 August 2014: You are still so young & you will move on with your life in due time, believe me!
I know exactly how you feel, because i have been through this time & time again myself.
It is NEVER easy to get over somebody we love or somebody we have strong f... (read in full...)
I fell in love at first sight and I miss him, but he already has a girlfriend!
Q. Hey, I met this guy at a 3 week group thing and there was over 50 teens there and there was this one guy there I really fell in love with my friends introduced me to him first and he was flirty and stuff, at the night time we had a dancing sechions...
A. 9 August 2014: You are still so young & you will move on with your life in due time, believe me!
I know exactly how you feel, because i have been through this time & time again myself.
It is NEVER easy to get over somebody we love or somebody we have strong f... (read in full...)
What kind of a relationship am I in?
Q. I was seeing this beautiful woman off and on for the last ten years. 8 months in 2005, 1 month in 2009, and 2 months just recently 2014. Everytime we have sex we never use condoms, and the relationship is always a secret. The reason why we ...
A. 7 August 2014: Sorry to sound so rude & to be so blunt, but i agree with the other readers on this one.
You are aware that your on/off gf is never going to commit to you, because this madness has been going on for 10 long years!!
I do not wish to sound arroga... (read in full...)
What kind of a relationship am I in?
Q. I was seeing this beautiful woman off and on for the last ten years. 8 months in 2005, 1 month in 2009, and 2 months just recently 2014. Everytime we have sex we never use condoms, and the relationship is always a secret. The reason why we ...
A. 7 August 2014: Sorry to sound so rude & to be so blunt, but i agree with the other readers on this one.
You are aware that your on/off gf is never going to commit to you, because this madness has been going on for 10 long years!!
I do not wish to sound arroga... (read in full...)
Any advice for a new relationship with an ex?
Q. I'm struggling to work out what this means - if anything... A few years ago I ended a relationship as he had started work in another part of the country and my work included weekends so we very rarely saw each other. We had many arguments about it...
A. 6 August 2014: I will be brutally blunt with you here.
Do not go back to him whatsoever!! Getting back with an ex is never, ever a good idea & in fact, in most cases it will never last long term.
The fact is that you both broke up once, so what makes you t... (read in full...)
Am I being a bitter twisted step mum?
Q. I'm not sure if I'm being completely pathetic or not about this situation so I think you in advance for any views on this matter I'm married to a man and we have 1 child together we both have 2 older children from previous marriages, my hb was the ...
A. 6 August 2014: I have read your entire story & without getting into every single specific detail regarding all you've typed, i am going to keep it as simple as i possibly can.
Whenever two people enter into a new relationship & there have been others from the... (read in full...)
Should I leave him for good for lying and verbally abusing me?
Q. I've been with my boyfriend for nearly two years, but from the second time I met him he talked about a 'friend' constantly. Every time I'd see him she'd be brought into the conversation somewhere. Then after a few weeks he said it was his ex ...
A. 5 August 2014: For goodness sake, please grow up!!
You are in your 30s, yet you behave as though you are only 18! I am sure there are many 18 yr olds out there, with more common sense & sorry to sound so brutal, but i speak the truth.
No woman should EVE... (read in full...)
She won't allow me to kiss or touch her, she's pregnant by so-called rape, why the change?
Q. hey guys i have been dating this girl for a year and everything seems fine and she is pregnant with the soo called rape child she doesnt allow me to kiss or touch her ,i feel like i dont exist even though we stay together and share the same bed ...
A. 5 August 2014: First & foremost, do you know whose child she is carrying, is it actually your child & if it is, then why do you or she refer to this innocent/unborn baby, as a "rape child"??
If two people love eachother, live together, sleep together, then the... (read in full...)
Should I let my fiance know I found out she was still an escort during our first month of dating, or should I let it go?
Q. Hi, I'm really having a hard time dealing with a bunch of things that I found out about my fiance. I don't know how to approach her about a lot of things I found out, and I also don't know what I really want out of the future. In order to rece...
A. 4 August 2014: You sound like a very nice & sincere guy.
Please do yourself the biggest favour & break up with this woman as soon as possible, because the longer this relationship with her drags on, the worse things will become.
She is not sincere, nor tru... (read in full...)
I'm sick of my mother being rude to my spouse!
Q. I'm sick of my mother being rude to my spouse. I've confronted her about this before but nothing has changed. My mom came to stay with my husband and I this last week. Everything was fine until the last night there. My mother wanted some take...
A. 9 June 2014: This is YOUR marriage & YOUR husband & if your mother doesn't accept your husband, for whatever reason, then i am sorry to say, but that is your mothers loss, period!!
You are both adults, who fell in love & chose to spend your lives together... (read in full...)
I feel like I have to choose between studing for my career and having a family
Q. Oh Dear Cupid... What can I say...I feel so lost at this point in my life right now. I feel that I'm having some sort of mini crisis and my brain is going crazy all over the place whilst I try to figure the answers out. It's causing me a'lot...
A. 6 May 2014: Hi there,
i am so elated/happy that you have benefited from reading our responses & i hope you have found some comfort.
I am happy to let you know that i found studying so much easier when i was much older to be honest.
Why?? Simply because ... (read in full...)
I feel like I have to choose between studing for my career and having a family
Q. Oh Dear Cupid... What can I say...I feel so lost at this point in my life right now. I feel that I'm having some sort of mini crisis and my brain is going crazy all over the place whilst I try to figure the answers out. It's causing me a'lot...
A. 5 May 2014: I would encourage you to place your faith in yourself & if you have religious faith, then in God & live your life, one day @ a time & don't keep putting so much pressure on yourself to have to be something, by a certain age.
If something is meant... (read in full...)
My girlfriend wants to settle and have kids. I'm going to lose her if I don't act on it within the year?
Q. So sorry for venting out but I have no one else to talk to about this. You see, I'm with this very wonderful woman for almost 5 years now. For me, I think she's the girl of my dreams and she's God's gift to me. Lately, questions about getting hitc...
A. 5 May 2014: You have both been together for 5 yrs & that is some time together!
There seem to be a few issues of serious concern on both ends.
I would advise you both to sit down, give eachother your full, undivided attention & talk it all through, WITHOUT... (read in full...)
What is a sensible waiting period after a date and when should I accept that the guy is simply uninterested in me?
Q. Hi, i have a question to ask, as i am feeling slightly confused @ present. I finally got to meet my online date for the first time, this weekend just passed and we hit it off so well and spent more than 8 hrs together, doing all sorts of...
A. 30 April 2014: Thankyou to all who took the time to reply to my post!
I sincerely appreciated your efforts.
I have good news to announce!
The gentleman i met last Saturday, has sent me an email yesterday, saying that it was really wonderful to meet me in ... (read in full...)
Is this man a sleaze bucket or am I a prude?
Q. I recently went on a first date with a guy in the public services blue uniform high up who I met online. He tried to kiss me intimately outside a pub in the car park which I found embarrassing and then text me later that he was going to be doing ...
A. 28 April 2014: You are not a prude.
Sorry, but this guy sounds incredibly sleazy & way too easy with you, particularly being a first date & you & he have only chatted for 1 week!
That is hardly enough time to know anything about him.
You know nothing about hi... (read in full...)
I'm scared of my ex and feel extreme fear, panic, anxiety and pain yet I cant seem to get over her
Q. Don't know if this in the right place for this? Anyone who has been through something similar your advice would be gratefully appreciated. Sorry if I'm a bit candid. My ex is a psychiatrist. She was controlling, abusive, cheated on me. She psyc...
A. 28 April 2014: Hi, my advice is going to be quite simple.
As you are a male, remember your innate, biological needs.
You need to be in CONTROL of your life once again & you need to find complete closure with your ex gf.
I would advise you to send her a le... (read in full...)
Does the CEO like me?
Q. Hello. I really like this guy from work. His really out my league. His the c.e.o, single and very friendly. When i first met him he was very warm and friendly. But i get so shy around him. So i try to avoid him. But i need to work with him ...
A. 16 April 2014: Please remain professional @ all times.
You are mentally analysing this situation, far more than you should.
I agree with all previous comments. You are surely treading on thin ice.
Regardless of what you think, feel, or assume here, he is y... (read in full...)
I feel that nobody likes me, that I'm ugly, that I'm just not a cool person to be around
Q. I feel like such a loser. I'm 21, going to graduate from college soon, I don't have many friends there unfortunately because I have drifted from a majority of the ones I made there; I've tried countless times to make new ones by joining clubs, a...
A. 4 April 2014: Please try to have more faith in yourself!
I am sure you are not ugly, nor boring. You have to change your mindset that's all.
Regardless of what a person looks like, if their mindset is of a positive nature, then many positive things will ... (read in full...)
How do I rescue this friendship without crossing the line?
Q. I have a female friend who is in a relationship with a good male friend of mine. She has been a great listener when I have a problem and both her and her partner are valuable friends for me. The problem I have is that I have been single for a lo...
A. 31 March 2014: Hi,
i am going to approach my reply to your question from a completely different angle/perspective.
Firstly, depending on how comfortable or confident you feel approaching your female friend, you may find it very therapeutic, to come clean w... (read in full...)
Did he just dump me? What is going on with him? Was I wrong to be so upset?
Q. During the Christmas holidays, I got back together with an old boyfriend when I visited home for Christmas. He was my first love and we dated 7 years ago, after we broke up, he never met anyone else and still loved me. I've always loved him so ...
A. 3 March 2014: I could be wrong, but from what you have mentioned, this entire situation seems like a warning sign, that you should take very seriously.
I am a female & within yr own age group & if i were in yr situation, i would opt to remain single once agai... (read in full...)
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