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Archived questions from:
August, 2011 (see latest in Trust issues category)
Trust issues: Help and adviceHow do I stop other women trying to steal my good looking boyfriends?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4942 days ago
31 August 2011 (F) -
I work with my ex and I have a member of staff that flirts round him and it is making him attracted to her. She is the type of girl that knows how to play it i.e leave them wanting more -as in, she asked him-I know you from somewhere, and it has ...
He doesn't want to break up but keeps on cheating on me!
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4943 days ago
31 August 2011 (F) -
My boyfriend of 4 years has cheated on me, is over friendly with all his gal pals, always hugging them, getting drunk with them, calling them sweet names, always wanting to be with them, sharing everything with them. He has cheated on me with some ...
Are all woman like this? Or are some more faithful and genuine than my ex?
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
4943 days ago
31 August 2011 (M) -
I'm just wondering if I'm too trusting or maybe too innocent. I've only been involved in a relationships, on two separate occasions, each time with the same person. In each case she cheated on me with an ex boyfriend. In fact it turns out that s...
Her first On-Line guy. me. How can I convince her to take a chance with me in person?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4942 days ago
31 August 2011 (M) -
I have been talking to this girl online for a while now. We talk everyday, we tell each other how much we are starting to care about each other and she says she crazy about me. I will be the first guy she's met online, the first issue is that she is ...
I couldn't take back my ex, and now I wished I had!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4944 days ago
30 August 2011 (M) -
Dear Cupid, right now I have no idea what to do. Anyone that can give me words of comfort, advice or anything would help me so much. I will try to explain what has happened as best I can and show how i feel as much as possible. Basically, it ...
How do men really feel about wives and girlfriends?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
4943 days ago
30 August 2011 (?) -
I would like advice from the guys out there please. I see a lot on the internet and t.v. and so forth about when guys all hang out together, such as the ball game or the bar, guys night out. They all bash their wives or gf. They say "being with ...
My boyfriend's lifelong friend is a gorgeous stripper. How can I be less jealous?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4944 days ago
30 August 2011 (F) -
Hey there, I am in an interesting predicament. My bf and I have been together for 8 months, and we are very much in love. I am conflicted over his relationship with his life-long female friend. She is very attractive (and a stripper), and h...
How am I ever going to trust him again?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4928 days ago
30 August 2011 (F) -
I recently asked what I should do regarding my partner of 5yrs who was texting another girls for sex first of all thanks to every one who helped. but now my new thing is I've agreed to stay together but can't stop thinking about it how am I going to ...
I feel so jealous and insecure when he looks at other girls
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
29 August 2011 (F) -
Hey So my boyfriend lives a long way away and he travels up to see me every weekend nearly, and im so in love with him. there was one night at the pub when this girl he knew came in with his step sister, and he'd had alot to drink but he jus...
How do you just 'relax' in a relationship? I'm afraid of scaring him off
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
29 August 2011 (F) -
I'm afraid I'm going to ruin this 10 month old relationship with my projecting and second-guessing. I'm a viscerally emotional person--I tried antidepressants for 12 years and they just make me flat, so I refuse to go that route again. These ...
What help is available to give us some support? My Step son is terrorising the family with his behavior.
This question has
7 answers
- newest was posted
4944 days ago
29 August 2011 (M) -
This is very long but there is no way to shorten it. I have been in this relationship with my GF for 3 1/2 years now. She has both a daughter (8yrs) and a son(11yrs). My relationship with the daughter couldn't be better. It's the step son. H...
Insecurity problems because of my previous relationship
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
29 August 2011 (M) -
Hey guys, im going to start school again in a few days and would like some relationship advice. I had my first girlfriend last year and really liked her but we broke up because she liked this other guy. Anyways Since then i find that i cant really ...
I want sensual affection. He wants to take it slow. But is he really into me this time?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
29 August 2011 (F) -
my partner broke up with with me 3 months ago due to not being able to handle his life-- it seems as though he wanted a simple life and getting rid of me would eliminate one stress. I acted desperate- crawled back a million times and got rejected ...
He will not share his feelings with me any more. Does he really still care about me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
29 August 2011 (F) -
hi i'm 17 and my boyfriend is 19 and i believe he stopped caring about me and i dont know how to make him understand how hurt i am and i truely love him with all my heart. i put up everything of me into this relationship .... but the thing is im a...
My fiance says he doesn't trust me!
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
29 August 2011 (F) -
I have been with my partner for 6 1/2 yrs, we are coming up to our 1yr anniversary for when we got engaged. And yesterday, he tells me that he doesnt trust me. He didnt give me specifics...but he says he has problems trusting that a good ...
He says they're only text messages, but they're about trying to meet up for sex with another woman!
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
I seen some text messages on my partners phone which indicate he trying to meet someone for sex but she turns him down when I confront him he pleads with me and begs me to stay saying its only messages and he regrets it. Now we been together 5 yrs ...
Three questions for men!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
Three Questions to guys : 1.)Do men go out their way to make an ex/ or current girlfriend jealous? And if so, how? 2.)Why would a man in a 3 year relationship make an online Dating profile? 3.)What are the signs that a man is no longer ...
Am I just paranoid or do guys really get sidetracked and focused on these Facebook girls?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (?) -
Hey everyone, got a slight issue and would love both girls and guys opinion on this. This guy that I'm seeing/dating at the moment, he's a model and he's ALWAYS adding hot, gorgeous random girls on Facebook in mass amounts (like 10 a day). then ...
My boss and I text each other, now his wife is furious at me. Did I do something wrong?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4552 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
This is a strange one I'm having mixed opinions about. Basically my boss is 20 years older than me, and married... and male also! However we text back and forth just silly jokes, general day to day stuff, and sometimes just to see how each other are ...
My friends say I am losing my dignity. How do I get over being rejected by him? I am beside myself with grief.
This question has
12 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
Hi, I'm 31 and have guy issues. Oh always!!! i wake up with (Everyday) what feels like a knot in my stomach and feel like I'm about to be sick as reality of what has happened hits me. I thought I met the perfect guy and his very good lo...
He never calls, Accuses me of things. should I break-up with him for good or what?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
Hi! i have been dating my boyfriend for 6 months its a long distance relationship. At first things were ok,he would call every day and now our relationship is on and off. i ended up breaking up with him for a week and we got back together, since we...
How can I tell him? Have I lost him forever? Or could I make this work?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
So there's this guy i feel in love with. We went to high school together we both recently graduated in may. He left to go to another state for college. There was no time nor room for a relationship. I don't think he wants to do a long distant ...
How do I tell her I am truly really faithful ? And avoid her getting mad at me again?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
I need help I know a guy at my age still had hormones and can't help but to notice a pretty girl. I have a girlfriend of 2 years and she can't stand it if I so much as look in a direction of another girl. She says her friends have boyfrien...
The one that got away. Did he care? What could I do to get him back, if ever?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
So I’m sure we all have a story about someone we loved and it didn’t happen or wasn’t meant to be for circumstances beyond our control but for me, I messed up a good thing completely. So it’s the same old story girl meets boy, girl likes boy like...
We want to moved in together. How do I tell her parents? They don't know we have been dating.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
Okay, so I've been dating my girlfriend for almost four years now. I'm 19 and she is 18. Everything would be great except that her parents are very strict, in fact they don't even know we are dating since i have been hanging out with her and her ...
Do I support her in her wish to work in the porn industry? OrI find reasons to help her decide against it?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
4935 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
She says she wants to do porn.. my fiance is a very beautiful woman however due to her past (abusive mother and a father who was never there) she has almost no self esteem and because of that was often taken advantage of by men when she sought l...
Boyfriend has disgusting habits, will he ever stop? Everything else about him is good
This question has
20 answers
- newest was posted
4926 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
Me and my boyfriend have been together for several years and live together. For the most part it's been smooth sailing. Then we moved to a big city a few months ago, which made me germaphobic and him less careful about things. I don't know what to ...
Jack and Jill Are Crushing
No replies yet: Be the first to answer! 28 August 2011 (F) -
Jack thought Jill was hot. She wore short, jean skirts with leggings underneath. She had nice legs. Her shirts were always nicely filled and her lips looked very...lush. She was smart too. Really cool. Jill though Jack was cute. He was funny, h...
Girlfriend wants to live separately but not break up. Am I being selfish resisting this change?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3076 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
My girlfriend and I are in our mid-40's and have been going together for just over a year and a half. We've been living together for the last 6 months. She told me last month that after the year lease is up on our rental house that she wants us t...
Ladies, aged less than 30, would you date a guy even if he isn't ''FUN''?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
4944 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
Would you consider a relatively young male to be dateable even if he is a 180 degrees from the hard party bad boy persona? I am not saying that I am weak, nor that I can't stick up for myself and who I care about. I simply have no interest in ...
His communication sometimes is tardy. Am I expecting too much from my LDR?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
my boyfriend and i have a long distance relationship. we see each other maybe once every few weeks. for the most part we text or skype sometimes. But seems like every time he is with his friends he takes hours to reply or sometimes doesn't even...
Why does she dress hot for work but not for me?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
4944 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
She dresses HOT for work, low tops, flouncy skirts, sometimes no panties. When she comes home she dresses down, pyjamas instead of negligee, baggy pants instead of skirt, baggy dresses etc. I see all the answers saying this is innocent and to just...
Are we both too proud? Why am I like this? I never wanted to hurt him or to get hurt so easily
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4940 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
I am 19. Seeing a now 35yr old man. We have been seeing each other for nearly two years. I secretly love him, and he has told me he loves me. But, he has gone away on bussiness and I miss him. We spoke to each other on Skype every morning and nigh...
How do I get over the put-downs and insults, rather than feel hurt by them?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
I met a guy almost a year ago who came on very strong. At first I was not interested in anything serious as he said he didn't want kids. But, he then changed his mind, and really came on heavy with saying he was in love, he wanted to be with me, ...
He's been talking to other girls. should I let go of him or stay because of familiarity?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
My fiance and I have been together for more than a year and a half. I love him dearly and would move mountains for him, and for a while, I believed he felt the same. He was my first, and I was hoping my last. But now our relationship is on the rocks ...
Is it me? Does my attractiveness make people not take me seriously?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
For some reason, nobody takes me seriously. For reference, I've heard from my friends that I have a fairly, ahem, attractive face and body. I've been told I'm very pretty and have quite the voluptuous body. And I'm not trying to sound arrogant or ...
Can you please help give me some clarity? Because I am drowning in all these relationship troubles.
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
Okay I have many issues with my relationship but I will bring up one at a time and see what we can figure out solutions. First off I am a 30 year old female in a 8 year relationship with someone who is 1 year older than me. He has 3 kids and I ha...
My Family or my Bf? I am worried that the choice I make will ruin my other relationship(s
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
I need someone else's opinion. My friends/family and fiance seem to be biased for obvious reasons. Here's my deal: I am 19 and my fiance is 24. My fiance went into the Air Force after 1 year of dating. Our relationship was great and he had to join ...
Do I believe my boyfriend or my friends who claim he cheats, and they hate him for it?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
What should i do with my boyfriend who my friends hate?! I have a boyfriend who my 8 best friends don't really like. They have heard numerous rumors about him cheating on me and texting girls weird things in the past 7 months that we have been dati...
I enjoy having sex with my male cousin. Should I be so scared about others finding out?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
4931 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
Hi everybody, this is me confessing something I would never tell anyone. While I wish I can write more in details about it, I'm making it short. This is also a gay thing, so if you are not comfortable about it don't read further. I am not very ...
Should I tell my parents that I am bi-curious? They have never known about my relationship with this bi-girl
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
4889 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
A semi-quick question for anybody willing to answer; I don't know if this love is true blue? I'm going to have to explain this better for you to be able to analyze, so...I am head over heels for my best friend. The feelings are mutual for her, ...
He still has a thing for his ex. Can I compete with that and if so how?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4947 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
I met this guy a few months ago through mutual friends, i was automatically attracted to him, we have flirted online and kissed once(however we were drunk). My friend accidentally blabbed to him i liked him and apparently he seemed pretty chuf...
How can I overcome all my doubts and get my dating life re-energized again?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
28 August 2011 (M) -
I'm a shy guy and about two years ago I was having a six year period without a single date. Then I met this girl and started dating and we clicked quite nicely, kissed, finally, on the 5th date. But she was from a different background, and since my...
My teacher is about to get married. But I want to see him again. How can I?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4853 days ago
28 August 2011 (F) -
i have fallen for my teacher i mean it im in love with him. iv left school about to start college and all i was thinking about was him for 2 months he is 27 going to be married soon :(. When i was in school he alway use to be nice to me and make...
How do I get over this amazing girl I knew who now doesn't talk to me? And deal with my fighting parents?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4880 days ago
27 August 2011 (M) -
Hey guys, My parents have been tearing each other down for about 10 years now. Half that time, I've trying to fix their marriage. But its killing me trying to do that. I sleep for at best, 4 hours a night. I've failed a ton of tests at school....
First my BF lies about kissing the girl in the bikini, then he says he put the picture up for "revenge" from me, and he doesn't even like her!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
27 August 2011 (F) -
I have had a boyfriend for a bit over a year. We were not official for a while but always exclusive. We became best friends, even through our ups and downs and were alywas there for eachother. We had a really bad phase a few months ago, but recently ...
My Gf keeps telling me how her one night stand guy was better than me. How do I handle this and not get so upset?
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
27 August 2011 (M) -
Months ago my girlfriend and I had broken up. Soon after we did she had drunken sex with a man she didn't know. well and we had gotten back together and she had told me the details and I was crushed that she had did things with him that we were pla...
Is it normal to feel neglected by your partner and less loved at times? Should I tell him how I feel?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
4947 days ago
27 August 2011 (F) -
Earlier today, my boyfriend of 3 years and myself were talking generally about survival. I asked him whether he'd risk his life for mine, and he turns around saying that if there was a chance I'd live, he would. But if I were doomed, there'd be no p...
Can anyone explain the possible reasons for his behavior? Is he going through a crisis?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
4945 days ago
27 August 2011 (F) -
A man and his wife had just moved in to manage a small volunteer group. There in the group, they met a several new friends, including me and some members of my family. They start to make good progress with the group. Very soon, he man and his wife ...
My girlfriend has gone away to college, I'm scared she will cheat with her guy friend
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
4946 days ago
27 August 2011 (M) -
My girlfriend has just gone off to college and we are taking a small break since we will both be at college for some time. We still love each other but when she was leaving she was so excited to go to college that she didn't seem like she would miss ...
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