Competitive cousin is making me jealous!
Q. My cousin and I are the same age (literally a few months apart) and ever since we were small she has always been competitive with me. She’d always want what I had or wanted to do things I did like ballet and swimming and then try to beat...
A. 22 July 2023: Poor little rich girl. I can understand her being jealous of you, but what does she have for YOU to be jealous of? Constant insecurity, which drives her need to compete, and her step-daddy's money? Sheesh. (I am rolling my eyes here.)
I think th... (read in full...)
Should I text him and ask where we stand or should I end it?
Q. My boyfriend asked me for space and time after we had a misunderstanding and it’s been a month now of no contact. When I see him at public events he stares at me when he thinks I’m not looking but he makes no effort to come talk to me and doesn’t ...
A. 17 July 2023: "Closure" is grossly over-rated. Make your own closure by deciding, right here, right now, that it's over, because it is. Don't get drawn into contacting him to "finish" with him. He didn't have the backbone to end things properly and cleanly. He's ... (read in full...)
I told my friend she was my forever crush girl
Q. I told my friend through text she is my forever girl crush (I am also a girl) and she didn’t say anything. She usually responds to my text within an hour or less. I have explained it means someone you admire etc. is she uncomfortable did I freak her ...
A. 15 July 2023: Why would you send a text like that to your friend? As I understand the term "crush", it refers to someone towards whom you have romantic feelings. Perhaps you understand it differently? Perhaps your friend understands it differently? Whatever, I ... (read in full...)
He's a millionaire but says money is tight. Is he testing me?
Q. I’ve been divorced for 2 years. Separated in 2019. I haven’t dated in many years. Now it’s online dating which is daunting and sometimes intimidating. I’m aware this question is ignorant and judgmental. Please go easy on me. I met another divorcee ...
A. 10 July 2023: If he tells you his money is "tied up" and asks to borrow some until his funds are available, run and don't look back, lol. ... (read in full...)
Partner had surgery and hasn't touched me since then yet does all kinds of work for friends
Q. I am so frustrated and feel like leaving my partner. Me and my partner moved in together 1 year ago after he had heart surgery. We had been together 10 years. I feel I have been very accomodatong and patient. He has not come near me in any way sinc...
A. 8 July 2023: Everyone has a breaking point and you sound like you have reached yours. You say "I can't cope anymore!"
If you love this man and don't really want to leave, have one last ditch attempt at saving the relationship. Will he go with you for counsell... (read in full...)
Friend got birth control and lied
Q. My friend Lex I just found out rode her bike to what's basically an abortion clinic and got birth control. She told her parents she was with me and I almost got in trouble for lying for her when I knew nothing about it. Luckily I was at work like I ...
A. 5 July 2023: Nothing is "wrong" with your friend. She is just making her own way in life as best she can. Whether you share her views is irrelevant. Unless you think she is in danger (perhaps from someone older pressuring her for sex), why would you tell her ... (read in full...)
Friend is annoyed that I can’t increase my budget for her daughters birthday gift!
Q. ? It was my friends daughters 7th birthday and I bought her a present of a particular tv cartoon character that she loves. The present cost me £25. Just to note- I asked her mum what she would like and her mum told me to get her this. W...
A. 2 July 2023: Your "friend" is entitled and greedy. In your shoes, I would not pursue this relationship any further. The ball's now in her court. If she doesn't get in touch, leave things be. You don't owe her anything. ... (read in full...)
Does he want more than friendship or am I imagining it?
Q. ? ? ?Hi, I need some advice to see what’s happening. I e been working in my current company for 12 years and there this one guy in particular who managed this particular branch and is based about 90 minutes away from us. I used to deal...
A. 2 July 2023: Lady, you are playing with fire and, if you don't step back, you will get burned. Run this situation past your husband and ask him for HIS advice. ... (read in full...)
Guy found out I don't shave and now he has everyone making fun of me
Q. A guy I was sort of talking to (not flirting) and we kept getting pushed together. Friends would push us into conversations and make excuses for us to accidentally meet up but they did it on purpose. I sort of liked him and he made me laugh. Well, ...
A. 2 July 2023: You had a lucky escape. Don't put yourself in a situation again where you could be vulnerable. You are lucky things didn't go further than they did. Believe me, you will look back on this episode in your life and be grateful.
P.S. Izzie is not y... (read in full...)
My boyfriend's 10 year old daughter is coming between us
Q. Hi I am with my bf he’s frum Dublin I feel like she is trying to keep him away frum me she is only 10 I feel like I’m in the middle between me and his daughter she’s kinda annoying I just want to be with him not his kids. I don’t know what to do ...
A. 2 July 2023: If he's a decent man, his child(ren) will always be No 1 priority. Would you really want to be with someone who side-lined his child(ren) every time a new bit of skirt came along?
I find it ironic that you expect more adult behaviour from a 1... (read in full...)
My fiance sent photos of herself in underwear to a guy because she wanted to feel hawt
Q. hi all I am in a difficult situation. I have been with my GF for 3 years, we have been engaged for 1. We have a great relationship and planning wedding for the next 6 months. I noticed she was acting strangely a few weeks ago, more attached to...
A. 2 July 2023: You know you have a gut instinct for good reason, don't you? It's there to tell you when something is wrong and to protect you - IF YOU LISTEN TO IT.
In your shoes I would call off the engagement and see if your girlfriend steps up or walks aw... (read in full...)
I don't want to act jealous
Q. My FWB let his ex wife watch his cats while he was away. He has 4. I wasn't available. She stayed at his home 3 weeks while he was away, and I'm fine with that. She left pieces of clothing and incidentals in his home. She wants to pick them up she ...
A. 2 July 2023: What you are "OK with" and what you are not is entirely up to you. However, it would appear from your post that you are actually after more than just the "FWB" relationship being offered. Something to think about perhaps?... (read in full...)
I don't want to act jealous
Q. My FWB let his ex wife watch his cats while he was away. He has 4. I wasn't available. She stayed at his home 3 weeks while he was away, and I'm fine with that. She left pieces of clothing and incidentals in his home. She wants to pick them up she ...
A. 2 July 2023: Test... (read in full...)
13yr Penis Length
Q. Is it normal for a 13yr male to have a penis length of 3 centimeters or should I contact my doctor?...
A. 29 June 2023: Yes, go and see your doctor. This is not a medical site.
Why does your profile say you are 22-25, yet you say you are 13?
... (read in full...)
13yr Penis Length
Q. Is it normal for a 13yr male to have a penis length of 3 centimeters or should I contact my doctor?...
A. 29 June 2023: Test... (read in full...)
I want a proper lavish wedding but family is making me feel stupid for wanting to have this.
Q. I’m engaged and due to get married within the next 2 years. I’ve already been married twice before and both weddings were cheap so now I actually want a proper no expense spared wedding but my family think I’m being stupid. My first marria...
A. 16 June 2023: Nobody can make you feel guilty without your permission. This is what YOU want. Your fiance is fine with it. It is YOUR money. It is YOUR life. Do what makes you happy.
I bet the ones who are offering their opinions will still come to the wedding ... (read in full...)
I want a proper lavish wedding but family is making me feel stupid for wanting to have this.
Q. I’m engaged and due to get married within the next 2 years. I’ve already been married twice before and both weddings were cheap so now I actually want a proper no expense spared wedding but my family think I’m being stupid. My first marria...
A. 16 June 2023: Test... (read in full...)
Can I take my cat to my sister in laws house whilst I’m away?
Q. I need some advice please. I’m not sure if anyone can help as it’s not a relationship question. I have a 13 year old cat which I adopted 4 years ago. When I went on holiday 2 years ago, for 2 weeks, I left her at a recommended Cattery. Unfort...
A. 11 June 2023: I'm puzzled by your post as you don't appear to have any other options, given that you have listed them all and said why they are not possible (or desirable to you).
Friends? No.
Neighbours? No.
Cat sitter? No.
Cattery? No.
Don't go away? ... (read in full...)
Can I take my cat to my sister in laws house whilst I’m away?
Q. I need some advice please. I’m not sure if anyone can help as it’s not a relationship question. I have a 13 year old cat which I adopted 4 years ago. When I went on holiday 2 years ago, for 2 weeks, I left her at a recommended Cattery. Unfort...
A. 11 June 2023: Test... (read in full...)
Friends with an former fantasist lover? Bad idea
Q. Dear Cupid, Around a year ago, I made a new friend. We spent a lot of time together but it was for me purely platonic, never sexual or romantic though I enjoyed our friendship. Over time I suspected he might harbor deeper feelings but always assum...
A. 11 June 2023: You want it all but being a mature adult means we have to recognise that sometimes we really cannot have it all. We then have to make a decision on what is most important and sacrifice something else. You want to stay friends with this man but you ... (read in full...)
Friends with an former fantasist lover? Bad idea
Q. Dear Cupid, Around a year ago, I made a new friend. We spent a lot of time together but it was for me purely platonic, never sexual or romantic though I enjoyed our friendship. Over time I suspected he might harbor deeper feelings but always assum...
A. 11 June 2023: Test... (read in full...)
Is he a psychopath?
Q. I met him 3 years ago and fell madly in love. He was my first everything. At first he was sweet, we would talk for hours everyday. After the first year, things changed completely. He reaches out to say something so affectionate (i'm a woman he can't ...
A. 10 June 2023: It doesn't stop him because he knows, despite your complaining, you will continue to tolerate it.
Do you ask him where he goes and what he does the times he drops off the radar? I'm guessing not (or he doesn't respond) as you don't mention ... (read in full...)
Is he a psychopath?
Q. I met him 3 years ago and fell madly in love. He was my first everything. At first he was sweet, we would talk for hours everyday. After the first year, things changed completely. He reaches out to say something so affectionate (i'm a woman he can't ...
A. 10 June 2023: Test... (read in full...)
Put in the middle of an awkward work situation & lost a friend! Title (e.g. My husband
Q. ? ?I’m pretty annoyed at something- which I honestly do not believe is my fault but I feel like I’ve lost a friend and my workplace has questioned my integrity in a job I’ve had for 12 years! I have a friend that I’ve known since we were in...
A. 4 June 2023: What a dreadful situation. I am really sorry you had to go through this. Just thank your lucky stars you didn't actually recommend her for the job, even though your manager might be making out you did. I'd keep an eye on him, if I were you. He's not ... (read in full...)
Advice regarding my parents punishment for my behavior
Q. I would like some advice from parents please ? i must admit my behavour over the past 2 weeks has been very poor last weekend i was grounded for general bad behavour, i ignored my parents and sneaked out of the house to go to a party, my friends and ...
A. 29 May 2023: Have you really got nothing better to do than making up silly posts, which are not even original but so obviously all from the same person? Perhaps your time would be better spent taking a creative writing course. ... (read in full...)
I messed up at work and I need to undo the damages
Q. So I sent a text to a coworker friend who is also kind of my indirect supervisor calling her out and saying some not so nice things out of anger that I work with and actually value and enjoy their friendship. It is almost vital we get along at work ...
A. 29 May 2023: You were the one to mess up, so you should be the one to reach out. I think offering to treat your co-worker to lunch would be a nice gesture. Admit you were an idiot, sending the text, and ask HER how you can both move forward from this.
Lesso... (read in full...)
I messed up at work and I need to undo the damages
Q. So I sent a text to a coworker friend who is also kind of my indirect supervisor calling her out and saying some not so nice things out of anger that I work with and actually value and enjoy their friendship. It is almost vital we get along at work ...
A. 29 May 2023: Test
... (read in full...)
Boyfriends past behavior has made me feel like I've checked out of the relationship
Q. I'm unsure if I should leave my boyfriend of 6 years. We're very different people but it works. We have very similar values and I think that's why we've been together for so long. He's a lot more of a going out to clubs type than me, whereas m...
A. 28 May 2023: For me, your whole post can be summed up by this: "I haven't felt the same about our relationship since. Part of me feels like I've just completely fallen out of love with him. I just feel distant, I want my own space so much more. I feel partly ... (read in full...)
Why does he want to see me less?
Q. My boyfriend I've been seeing for two years says he only wants to meet up every two weeks instead of every week and that doesn't work for me he also seems to want sex every time we meet up several times a night and day. He doesn't seem keen on ...
A. 29 April 2023: He might SAY he loves you but his actions don't back up his words. Seeing you less frequently rather than more would seem to indicate either (a) he is tiring of you but hasn't got the decency to end the relationship, so is distancing himself slowly, ... (read in full...)
Cousin sex
Q. I am a 36 year old female and my cousin is 38 male. I have wanted to fool around with him sexually since we were kids and it just never happened bc we didn’t spend enough time together. He’s staying at my house without his wife for a death in the ...
A. 29 April 2023: P.S. Nice touch, adding the "death in the family" - just in case the post wasn't sleazy enough. ... (read in full...)
Cousin sex
Q. I am a 36 year old female and my cousin is 38 male. I have wanted to fool around with him sexually since we were kids and it just never happened bc we didn’t spend enough time together. He’s staying at my house without his wife for a death in the ...
A. 29 April 2023: Ha ha, there's always one troll hanging around. Knowing how most of the aunts and uncles on this site condemn cheating, why not step it up one and involve a cousin? Nice one. PMSL.
If, by some remote chance, this is for real, then you are stil... (read in full...)
Partner cheated and I think he's back to cheating with the same girl
Q. Myself and my partner of 10 years decided last week that we would separate. He slept with a colleague in December 2022 and we tried to move past it, work on the relationship etc but after 4 months he said he couldn’t try any more than what he was ...
A. 22 April 2023: You KNOW in your heart he is cheating on you. Showing you his colleague's number is blocked means nothing. She could have another phone. He could have another phone (you mention a work phone). He could have her number stored under a different name. ... (read in full...)
Advice regarding my parents punishment for my behavior
Q. I would like some advice from parents please ? i must admit my behavour over the past 2 weeks has been very poor last weekend i was grounded for general bad behavour, i ignored my parents and sneaked out of the house to go to a party, my friends and ...
A. 16 April 2023: You really need advice? You are at least 13 (according to your profile) so you are not clueless. You are a danger to yourself and a worry to your parents. You behaved disgracefully and worried them needlessly and now you need to take your punishment ... (read in full...)
My ex calls me a man hater but he's the one who treated me badly
Q. My marriage ended 4 years ago after my ex husband said he wanted to move on with his life. He left me, 2 children and a dog. He called our marriage of 18 years “horrendous”, said he wished he’d never married me, etc and ripped me off in the ...
A. 15 April 2023: Have you ever heard the saying "the best form of defense is attack"? That is exactly what your ex is doing. He KNOWS he was in the wrong. He KNOWS he was the one who screwed up. However, he is too immature and self-centered to shoulder the blame so ... (read in full...)
Should my partner not go to the wedding if I am not invited?
Q. I have been with my live in partner for over 20 yrs. His adult son (32 y/o) still won't accept me and refuses to see his dad if I'm around. The parents were divorces several years prior to our dating. The son has no relationship with his mother. ...
A. 15 April 2023: I feel for you, I really do, but you have to let this one go now. For 20 years you have strived to be accepted by a child - who continues to be a child, despite his adult years - and for 20 years he has stamped his feet, spat out his dummy and ... (read in full...)
Is this friendship ending my fault?
Q. Have I been immature or was I acting unreasonably? I had a best friend of 6 years and we haven't spoken in 7 months after an unexpected fallout. We were very close before and she was like a sister to me; we really trusted/loved each other....
A. 8 April 2023: Not sure if this is anyone's "fault" - or whether attributing fault is going to help in any way - but it may help you to google "Friend for a reason, friend for a season, friend for life". This explains very well (in my opinion) the different types ... (read in full...)
Is this friendship ending my fault?
Q. Have I been immature or was I acting unreasonably? I had a best friend of 6 years and we haven't spoken in 7 months after an unexpected fallout. We were very close before and she was like a sister to me; we really trusted/loved each other....
A. 8 April 2023: Test... (read in full...)
Is she that busy or just blowing me off?
Q. I’m new to the area and looking for friends and to spend my time productively. I met a coworker who is also female and we agreed to meet to exercise. However while no set plans and a good reason it seems she always has an excuse. Last time she said ...
A. 6 April 2023: If someone really wants to make time for you, they will find a way. If not, they will find excuses.
... (read in full...)
My wife is committing benefit fraud. I don't want to report her but I want her to leave me alone
Q. I hope I don't look like I'm bitter with this question but I'd like to know your opinions with this. I have 2 daughters aged 17 and 19 and I've been paying child maintenance. Admittedly it was only £150 when they were both little but I've always ...
A. 2 April 2023: I'm sorry if I am missing something, but I really don't see what the issue is here - unless you are looking for people to say you SHOULD report your wife? I'm not sure what you mean when you say you "just want to be left alone".
While apprecia... (read in full...)
My wife is committing benefit fraud. I don't want to report her but I want her to leave me alone
Q. I hope I don't look like I'm bitter with this question but I'd like to know your opinions with this. I have 2 daughters aged 17 and 19 and I've been paying child maintenance. Admittedly it was only £150 when they were both little but I've always ...
A. 2 April 2023: Test... (read in full...)
Are we going to reconcile or divorce - your impression please?
Q. Hi, So me and my wife met in 2018 and moved in with each other. We got married in 2020 and have a daughter born in 2021. My wife and I were madly in love and would do a lot together and spend 90% of the day together. Same job, same routine, same ...
A. 25 March 2023: I'm intrigued. This is the second time in recent times that you have split up, violence and police have been involved, and the only thing you are bothered about is whether she will have you back?
Let me ask you this: would you watch a film and... (read in full...)
| *oucannotbeserious's friends
These are mutual friends, so *oucannotbeserious has
added them and they have added *oucannotbeserious!