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Archived questions from:
July, 2015 (see latest in Trust issues category)
Trust issues: Help and adviceHow do I regain my dignity back after lashing out at my cheating ex and friend?
This question has
13 answers
- newest was posted
1878 days ago
31 July 2015 (F) -
Hi, I was on before about finding out about my ex and my friend having an affair. For months I acted normal and said nothing as I had no real proof - just a gut feeling. I was going to just cut them out of my life and move on - until I discover...
How do I get over him cheating? And to add to my woes he got into a better university than me.
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
30 July 2015 (F) -
So its been 6 months since my ex cheated on me at a party and I found out by looking at his phone he didnt regret when I said I wanted to talk about it he left and I never saw him other than at school. I went to the same school he did because ...
Single Mothers: does it ever get any easier in the absence of your child's father?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
30 July 2015 (F) -
This is a question for any single mothers out there: does it ever get easier without your children's father? My problem isn't regarding financial support, but the emotional side of the situation. My son's father has been absent since his birth. For ...
Obsessed with a girl in my class. What are my options?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3509 days ago
30 July 2015 (M) -
Hello, I'm 13 yrs old and I'm obsessed with a girl in my year but I'm too shy to talk to her and since its the holidays i don't have contact with her. I want to follow her on instagram but feel like everyone will find something fishy going on a...
What can I do about my hunch that I should leave my great Gf?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
30 July 2015 (M) -
I've been with this girl for 5 months -known her for 8-. I was dubious of having a real relationship with her at first because I didn't feel as much for her as I did for other girls I've been in love with, but things just happened and here I am. ...
Should I be concerned that my Bf is asking for ''space'' when it's all been going so well?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
My question: Should I be concerned about my boyfriend asking for space when everything has been going so well? Also, did I respond in a good way when he asked for space? Background information: I have been in a LDR for a few months with a ma...
Used a fake name on a dating site. Then chatted there with a great guy. How do I break this news to this great guy?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3513 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
Hi all. In a bit of a small situation that I'm tryin to get out of and I would appreciate a little help. I joined a dating site last week. I started chatting to this guy who is great. Exchanged numbers and been texting back and forth since. Thing is ...
I would have loved to go out with him. But was he genuine?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
Omg there's this guy who I find very attractive. He lives two hours away from me and he's a cop at the weekend. we hit it rite off talking etc he asked would I go home with him and I said I'm not into one night stands. When he heard this he...
Failed past relation. Then online friend. How can I regain my health and get over my ex?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3512 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
i'm 23 years old female, felt in love for 4 years with a cheating guy. many cupids here helped into knowing that i was in a kind of abusive relationship, and it took me a lot of courage to actually let go of my boyfriend. i had a male friend who ...
We're both bisexual. Do you guys think he may fancy me too?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
Okay.. so basically I am really awful at knowing when someone may fancy me and half the time if someone does like me.. I don't realize until they tell me years later, which is normally down to low self esteem, so I thought I would ask you guys for ...
We've been together 6 years and still his ex keeps contacting him. How can this woman be discouraged?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3501 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
Dear cupid me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 years and his ex girlfriend won't leave him alone. She keeps pushing him about wanting to know if he is still in love with her. What can we do about her ...
I felt I had no other option than to do what I did. But will he suss out that I sent it?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
What do you guys think about sending fake messages under a pseudonym? I know you are going to think this trivial and trouble making - but I just need your answers:- I needed to get a message to this bloke on Facebook - he had blocked me (all beca...
Why should I date someone who'll still be in prison until 2016?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
Hi all. I've been single for the past 2 years because i have lost my boyfriend from suicide. Currently i'm studying on a distance learning program. As we mostly discuss our studies online and leaving our contact details for study group. So there w...
Unrequited love. It's been so long, but I can't get over him. Should I call him to ease the pain?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3501 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
I fell madly in love with this boy back when we were college seniors. We were really close and we spent a lot of time together. One night, I told him how I felt for him. I didn't really get a clear answer from him but I knew that he didn't love me ...
What's an assertive, direct, funny response to their hot and cold dating behaviour?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
29 July 2015 (M) -
A recurring situation is I'll go on a date with anothe gay guy. thing seem to go well. They'll send me a thankyou message after, and continue small talk here and there. I'm pretty direct and will try to lock off a second date, thats when they st...
How do I cope with all this pain? I don't know how to cope with this betrayal
This question has
10 answers
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
I have just found out my ex boyfriend has had an affair with my female friend. For months I suspected something was going on, and so me and my boyfriend split because of my lack of trust. My friend however, always denied it until recently -...
What choices are there for me to consider? I don't want my son subjected to all this tension any more.
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
29 July 2015 (M) -
So I am in a situation where my one and a half year old son, fiancee, and myself are living together with her mom and dad's house so we can save money. Of course it has turned into a complete disaster. My fiancee and I now argue over things like...
How to make a complicated situation better? Do I have a chance with my baby's dad as in a relationship?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
There's a guy I've been into for a really long time. We always would flirt and it seems like there was something there between us. Well we complicated things by hooking up and had a baby. The damaging part is that when I found out I was pregna...
What can I do? First he refused me. Then I caught my husband watching porn and masturbating in the middle of the night!!
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3514 days ago
29 July 2015 (F) -
Please help me!!! I caught my husband watching porn and masturbating in the middle of the night!! Early that night I wanted to have sex with my husband. I kissed and touched him, but he was too busy playing with his phone and completely ignored ...
Are guys playing games when they first act interested towards a girl and then choose to ignore her?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
28 July 2015 (F) -
Okay so, i really need guys to answer this questiom, or girls due to their experience with dating. So, ive been talking to this guy for 2 weeks now, and I've met him at a party actually, and he said hi to me and tried to talk to me but he looke...
A request to watch over someone has turned into a big family feud!
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3516 days ago
28 July 2015 (F) -
Okay so this is twisted and I'm stressing over it a lot. There's this guy who happens to be my aunt's husband's nephew. I met him a few months back and liked him. I hit him up and we started talking, but then I got caught and my mom and aunt were ...
Should I be cautious? I am not sure about his Tinder past
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3516 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
I have been chatting to a guy online and we seem quite similar in our outlook. He said he had a longterm relationship and then went on the dating app tinder and slept with 5-6 women as only wanted something casual but realised he wanted more. ...
Friendship only: How can I tell him that I want friendship and no more than that?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3515 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
Hello everyone A couple of months ago I met a man. We're both in our late 50s and single. We live about 100 miles apart and have met up four times and had a great time. He always gives me big hugs hello and goodbye, and he bought me flowers...
Is she trying to tell me that she is available? Or did she just want some consolation?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (M) -
Hello dearcupids, 2 years back, i started chatting with a high school crush in facebook. She was 2 years junior to me. I thought she already has a bf, so i didn't flirt with her. I had normal friendly conversation. She replied to my every ...
Am I letting him down when I'm unwilling to have virtual sex with my LDR boyfriend?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
My LDR boyfriend often wants virtual sex where we are on Webcam. Thing is, he doesn't do the sweet talk or sexy talk.. he just wants to see and then he masturbates and is finished within 2 minutes... while I have yet to feel anything. This is w...
We have a 6month old baby together. How can I tell him I don't think I love him now, without hurting him?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
I am currently engaged and have a six month baby with my partner but I don't think I am in love with him anymore. I love him like a brother, we are buying a house together and I still want to live with him and raise our child, but i don't want a r...
How come men get away with playing reverse psychology with women when they are dead wrong?
This question has
15 answers
- newest was posted
3513 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
How come men get away with playing reverse psychology with women when they are dead wrong? I snooped and found something that i really wanted answers to. If its true i will have trust issues with my husband. Well, i tried to control myself but he s...
Three years together and my Gf has asked me to pay ($5000) towards a medical procedure she wants. What would you do if in my situation?
This question has
11 answers
- newest was posted
3512 days ago
27 July 2015 (M) -
I'm in a serious relationship with my girlfriend for the past 3 years. She's always been independent and has never asked me for anything. For the past couple of months however she has been thinking of getting a surgery that insurance won't help wit...
At this rate I don't want to have sex with him. What can I do about our volatile on or off relationship?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
I am 30 and my boyfriend is 29. We are in an on/off relationship. He is always the one initiating the breakup when he gets upset or feel attacked/disrespected. We don't live together and we have sex about once a week more or less. We've been back ...
Is this history repeating? Could my current GF be similar to my ex? What can I do?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (M) -
My girlfriend and I have been together for nearly 3 years now.. we are planning a baby and to buy a house together. Sometimes we have blazing rows which out me in bad form. Last blazing row we had ... I started thinking about my ex. Just curiosit...
If I don't have children now, is this my only chance? what if I regret it?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
Hey everyone, this is how I truly feel but I wonder whether anyone else has felt this way? I'm nearing mid 30's and my partner and I have been trying for 2 years to get pregnant to no avail. It's been a horrible, stressful time. The longer...
Do I make a move? Or how do I give the signals that I'd like him to make a move? Does he like me?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3516 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
Im 20, in college, and i am 90% sure this guy likes me but i have no idea what to do. Let me preface this: I'm a shy person. Like clinically shy. Especially around guys. I always tend to either shut down or say too much around them. Or I make ...
My fiance disrespected my family. Should I give him a second chance?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
27 July 2015 (F) -
I have cried my eyes out tonight. My fiance of 3 years disrespected me and my family. I'm in disbelief and denial. Here is the story. We are in LDR right now, sometimes the frustration is too much and mostly from his part. He has done a lot for m...
I can't stand living at home any more but my mother wants me to continue living at home. How can I stand up to her reasoning on this?
This question has
4 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
26 July 2015 (F) -
I am 23, just graduated from college, and looking for a new job as a registered nurse. I have had a few interviews, and have a good feeling about some of them. However, some of them are quite far from where I live now, yet my mom is against me movi...
He's 30. Should I try to enjoy some fun with this guy or back off?
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3518 days ago
26 July 2015 (F) -
So, I met this guy and feel like there was an attraction between is. Since then, we've been chatting on Facebook and I feel well probably do coffee or something at some point. I know I'm getting a little ahead, but I've been thinking if I sh...
Long term is he the man for me? Should I stay or go?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3518 days ago
26 July 2015 (F) -
Hello, I have been living with my boyfriend for over a year, and we have been together for a year and a half. Right now I am very seriously considering breaking up with him, but I am having a hard time making a choice. In many ways he is very g...
Is there hope that this mostly LD relationship can survive? Should I give him another chance?
This question has
1 answer
- newest was posted
3518 days ago
26 July 2015 (F) -
My bf and I have been together for a couple years. Half of our time has been together in person and the other half of it has been long distance. We are still currently long distance. However, after quitting his job (they were going to fire hi...
Do I trust him or not? Something is making me wary.
This question has
9 answers
- newest was posted
3517 days ago
25 July 2015 (F) -
I have just started seeing someone but I am finding myself a little wary of his actions. I trust him yet I don't think I do. For example last week he said he was going to watch a film at 9pm and said night. I thought that was odd because why ...
I worry my girlfriend will lose interest in me
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3518 days ago
25 July 2015 (M) -
Me and this amazing girl have been dating for about 8 months now. We do Love each other very much. But to be honest I feel very inferior to her, and I haven't told her. She's a musician and going to college for commercial music...Which actually I ...
Did I cut him off too quickly?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3519 days ago
24 July 2015 (F) -
Ok so i was dating i had met a guy online. We had been dating for around two weeks and from the first we clicked instantly. We had gotten along so well that we were speaking everyday throughout the day he had told his family and friends about me and ...
How do I find out what web sites my husbands on and see his profiles
This question has
8 answers
- newest was posted
3522 days ago
22 July 2015 (F) -
How do i find out what web sites my husbands on and see his profiles...
Cousin issues. Should I just leave her alone, because she is family? Or reach out to her?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3522 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
Ok so my cousin and I are on very bad terms right now. We are both females. To make a very long story short, I invited her over my house that night so that we can have a little sleep over or whatever. But someone facetimed me and while I was ...
I have self confidence issues. Why wouldn't my boyfriend defend me when nasty remarks were said?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3521 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
I have almost zero confidence when it comes to my body. I'm a size 16, and due to being bullied as a child due to my weight I have never had any confidence with guys. I have had boyfriends in the past, but I had been single for nearly two years...
I am 14 and am feeling a lot of stress with school expectations, family upheaval and boyfriend issues. Can you help me get through all this, please?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3522 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
okay so in my family, my twin brother and I live with our cousins and they have guardianship over my twin brother and I. Just recently they have decided to relinquish that custodianship of my twin brother, but not me. It's because my brother is a li...
He says it's not him. Yet the swinger's site show he's a member. What can I do? I don't want to lose our relationship.
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3521 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
hey everyone, I really need some advice! Me and my partner have been together for 5.5 years, we were childhood sweethearts and got together at 16! Our relationship has always been good, we are both very laid back and therefore we don't t...
We broke up. Why is he so keen on me talking to him?
This question has
6 answers
- newest was posted
3522 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
He knew he wanted to break up with me but requested a break. I ended up breaking up with him and he did not put up a fight. This was in may. He keeps coming back and at first I just said I do not want to be friends. I do not want to talk. Leave ...
Do I leave him....or stay? Or breakup and choose the other boy?
This question has
3 answers
- newest was posted
3523 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
My boyfriend started to like someone else and he told me and I've been so hurt and the question is so we stay together? But there's more... We keep almost breaking up then seconds later we tell each other we miss each other. He loves me and he's sto...
I feel he's not the man I thought he was. Should I still travel to meet up with him?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3523 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
So I have been talking to a guy I met on a date site for 3 years now. We live over 2000 miles apart. We always tried to make plans to finally see one another in person but they never came through for one reason or another. He skyped with me once and ...
How can I let go of these guilt feelings when I didn't do anything wrong?
This question has
2 answers
- newest was posted
3523 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
I was in a relationship for about a year and a half with a guy who ended up moving across the country for a job. We broke up due to the strain a long distance relationship caused on both of us. Before we were in a relationship, he felt it was his ...
Do I tell my husband about what happened on my night out? Or keep it a secret? Am I being contradictory?
This question has
5 answers
- newest was posted
3520 days ago
21 July 2015 (F) -
This post seems a bit contradictory to be frank but I need someone to see from my point and I don’t want to be blasted for it either. I will try keep it to points and cut it down as much as I can. I rewind 10 years maybe... My husband was my t...
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