How do I become more comfortable with sex when my own body isn't responding the way I want it to?
Q. So, there's this young man. We've been together for a couple of months although we've known each other for longer than that. The mutual attraction developed slowly over several months until at one point it was undeniable, but it still took us a ...
A. 24 March 2019: I've gone through something a bit similar, only I progressed a little farther and want to share what I learned. (This may be long, I'm sorry)
I'm 24 and at the time, the guy I was dating was 29 (we've recently broken up over other issues).... (read in full...)
She's had more sexual experience than I have. Will I regret it later?
Q. I'm a 25 year old guy, my girlfriend is 33. We've been on/off for a year and have quite a strong bond (we broke up once, recently rekindled it, now its getting serious again. No other partners in the inbetween) I have a real problem with our...
A. 3 September 2018: I guess ask yourself these questions: "Why do I need stories to tell?" "Who am I going to tell my stories to?" Yea, sometimes people gossip and brag about what they do in bed, but in the end do people really want to hear about that? Who's be... (read in full...)
I have social anxiety. Where can I eat my lunch during my break?
Q. I just started working this week, and everything has been going well except for the fact that I never know where to have lunch. I can't go back home even if its a 15 mins drive because that will be a waste of gas. I can't eat at the cafeteri...
A. 2 April 2016: I have anxiety too, and I'm someone who tends to like eating alone as well, especially around people I'm not too familiar with. However, since we only have the one breakroom at work, I have to eat there. You can sit in the same room as your ... (read in full...)
My boyfriend, his Mermaid, and me. Was he disrespectful to add a mermaid? How should I handle this?
Q. I will try to make this short and sweet. My boyfriend (we have been dating for a 1.5 year broke up a few times for 2 weeks). He is a big tattoo guy, He has a sleeve and half a sleeve on the other arm. I don't mind them, as I think they look nic...
A. 30 January 2016: Personally a tattoo should only matter to the person who's body it is on. Why someone gets a certain image is completely for their own reasoning, and I honestly don't think they need to reveal that meaning to anyone. Plus it really should first and ... (read in full...)
I "hooked up" with a guy I hardly know. No sex, but did try to give him a Bj. Will my next experience with a guy be better?
Q. I'm a 16 year old girl and a few months ago I stupidly and carelessly "hooked up" with this guy I didn't know too well. Please don't tell me I'm an idiot because trust me I've told myself that everyday since. Before that I'd never soo much as held...
A. 30 January 2016: My advice is that perhaps things didn't go too well because although you're "tired of being the college virgin," you still didn't fully want to participate in these actions. I think you're definitely right that it was most likely peer pressure that ... (read in full...)
My best friend is beginning to annoy me
Q. Hello Thank you for taking time to read this, This question is a about a friendship nor a relationship but it's very important so I decided to ask. So let me cut to the chase and tell you my problem. I have a friend who's been my best fri...
A. 11 November 2015: I have been through the same exact experience. Except I let it go on longer than 5 years. We were friends for about 9 years all the way from elementary school up to being seniors in high school. She was a good friend at first with only occasional ... (read in full...)
I want us to return to being just friends. I've apologized. Yet despite that why is she distancing herself from me?
Q. I have a very close friend (a girl) who I have known for almost 6 years now. During the time that I have known her I watched her grow and mature into the young adult she is now. I find her to be attractive and I am especially attracted to her body...
A. 4 October 2015: Well like you said, it doesn't matter that you were drunk, what you said was still true. If someone told me that, I would back away as well as I would never be truly comfortable around the person again. It's not reassuring knowing that someone ... (read in full...)
What are some good ways for a 13 year old to make money?
Q. What are some good ways for a 13 year old to make money, I get paid for singing in a choir but my mum makes me by EVERYTHING myself (well not literally everything). My mums great,but when it comes to buying me stuff then... She's not so great! I ...
A. 25 August 2015: When I was younger I made money by babysitting and mowing lawn for my neighbors. You can try asking them if they want help with anything. Also, maybe ask your parents if they can give you an allowance for helping out around the house or something ... (read in full...)
I have growing frustration over the ladies my best friend has chosen to be her bridesmaids
Q. I'll aim to condense this down (hopefully i'll manage) my best friend is getting married in December and i'm her maid of honour - couldn't be more excited! but... she has made some random choices for remaining 3 bridesmaids - I think. I know ...
A. 23 August 2015: Well it is your friend's wedding, so she gets to make every decision on what she wants and how exactly she wants it. If she picked them as bridesmaids, then obviously they mean something to her. She wouldn't just randomly pick them out of the blue. ... (read in full...)
I'm not funny, are girls put off by guys like me?
Q. Girls say all the time that they want guys who are funny, well the truth is, that not everybody can make everybody laugh and be the life of the party. Some guys like me are not funny or sarcastic and generally don't have a sense of humor. I'll n...
A. 10 August 2015: It depends on the type of humor a girl is interested in. I do say I like it if a guy can make me laugh, because my instant reaction of him is then positive rather than seeing someone be rude and my immediate reaction is a negative one.
And y... (read in full...)
How can I convince my girlfriend that my sexual needs do matter?
Q. In college I had a friend named "Jon." He was a stage actor and while he was not conventionally handsome he was a leading man in the style of Gérard Depardieu. He was a decent guy and he had a lot a women interested in him at various points. ...
A. 5 August 2015: I'm no expert as I've never been in a relationship. But I do know people say you have to be sexually compatible as well as have personality chemistry to have a happy relationship. Whereas she ONLY had sexual chemistry with "Jon" and she ONLY has ... (read in full...)
Meeting people you admire and being disapointed, it is ok to feel this way?
Q. Recently a friend met a theatre actress after a stage show she admired, and though the actress took a photo with her ( and even sent a tweet the next day,)she seemed rushed when she her and others and not interested in chatting There wer...
A. 7 July 2015: When meeting celebrities/idols, things can go all sorts of directions. There's so many things that can affect the situation, like you said, they too have good and bad days, and if your friend caught the actress on a bad or stressful day, than the ... (read in full...)
He said he "was thinking about me while getting his lapdances,"and thinks it's not cheating. Should I give him another chance?
Q. My bf, J (23) and I(25) are both military and have been together nearly 3 yrs, mostly long distance (we're 10 hrs apart now). At the start, we made boundaries for cheating. Since we're both jealous, we said kissing, flirting and all the various ...
A. 16 June 2015: I don't have a definite answer for you but I do want to point out the fact that he DID choose to tell you up front about what he did, when he had every chance to simply keep it a secret and never let you find out.
I had a friend that met a guy on... (read in full...)
Why should I have to accept gay people, just because others do?
Q. I no we're meant to accept gays but I cant help but think its wrong and I don't hate it but I find it wrong I'm 13 by the way. I don't get why gays should be taught about in schools because why should I have to accept just cos others do? I do...
A. 20 April 2015: EDIT:
I do support the LGBT community, I just know that there are others with differing opinions and people are not going to accept everything, and to be honest we can't force them.... (read in full...)
Why should I have to accept gay people, just because others do?
Q. I no we're meant to accept gays but I cant help but think its wrong and I don't hate it but I find it wrong I'm 13 by the way. I don't get why gays should be taught about in schools because why should I have to accept just cos others do? I do...
A. 20 April 2015: Think of it as a class about world religions. Not everyone follows the same religion, but just because a class is being taught about several different ones, doesn't mean people are being forced to accept any of them.
If things are occurrin... (read in full...)
Will I become a more sexual person after my first kiss or is this just the way I am?
Q. Recently I have come to believe that I do not have feelings of sexual attraction unless they are built on a deep bond of friendship with someone. I have no desire to do anything with guys, not even kiss them, unless I feel extremely close to them. I ...
A. 15 April 2015: Just wanted to say that I am exactly the same. Never had any sort of relationship with any guy and don't really feel the need to. I have no desire for sex or even the desire to see men naked to be honest. I am attracted to men, but that's about it. ... (read in full...)
Why is my sister obsessed with facebook?
Q. I know things could be a lot worse but my 'problem' is that my sister is constantly on Facebook. And it irks me. I don't why. She posts pictures and updates about once an hour. She is 35 years old and has three kids (2 step kids) and is pregnant for ...
A. 14 April 2015: To be honest, I don't see what's wrong here. Obviously your sister likes using Facebook. Is that really so bad? You can unfriend her and you won't see any of her posts. I don't think she would be that upset if you tell her it's just because her feed ... (read in full...)
It turned me off that he accepted my offer to split the bill on our first date!
Q. I went on a first date with a guy I met, we connected and I really liked him, but then he was ok with me paying for my dinner. I offered to pay before he reached for the bill and he said "sure, if you want to." So he told the waiter to split it. He ...
A. 12 April 2015: I'm sorry but I agree with HoneyPie. You can't say one thing and then expect him to know you didn't really mean it. He is not a mind reader and it isn't fair to place him at fault for not playing into your reverse psychology. And I also agree that ... (read in full...)
Can I ask my boyfriend not to attend events this past FWB of his goes to?
Q. So my boyfriend of 2 years is great! I love our relationship and im incredibly happy. Although there is this one girl who causes problems and im at a loss as to what to do about it. Long before i met him he lived with another girl for about 2 years, ...
A. 10 April 2015: I think the fact that he has continuously denied contact with her for at least 6 months as you say, if not more, that he is perfectly trustworthy of working on a project with her. It seems that he no longer has feelings for her and it looks like he ... (read in full...)
My friends tell me I should give my boyfriend a BJ
Q. A lot of my friends are wanting me to give my boyfriend a blowjob, and he agreed to wanting me too when i asked. But i feel like we are kind of young for this to be happening. My friends said it was okay because we have been dating for 6 months, but ...
A. 2 May 2014: I agree with Honeypie. Your friends are definitely peer pressuring you. And it's YOUR relationship. Your friends should honestly not have any say in what goes on with your relationship, especially when it comes to sexual activities. That is between ... (read in full...)
How can I be not so obsessive?
Q. Hi this seems like a really weird question but I need to know what to do. I'm a 15 year old girl and I really like a boyband (not going to say who but it is NOT one direction). The thing is its sorta taking over my life. I listen to their music all ...
A. 23 April 2014: Honestly that's pretty normal for your age. I was the same way with my first band obsession at age 14. I was crazy obsessed and drew the singer every chance I could. One night I even had an amazing dream about him all because I was staring at some ... (read in full...)
Is there such a thing as having too much sex in a relationship?
Q. Hey guy, hope you're all good. I'll keep this short and sweet. Is there such thing as "too much sex"? I think me and my boyfriend are just overdoing it. We have sex 7 days in a row, but sometimes we have a one day break or two. I just feel like we ...
A. 6 April 2014: My guess is after awhile it's going to feel like a boring routine and less special if you do it as often as you're saying. Eventually one or both of you is going to become unhappy. Space it out to add more thrill for when the time comes.
... (read in full...)
Long to do list before 29 will set me back in my love life!
Q. I'm doing my first year of uni. I've always been a little lost as to what I wanna to EXACTLY, so I've decided to just do everything. That way I'll experience all that I want then have no regrets. My interests are education, the arts, psychology, ...
A. 2 April 2014: I think planning your life so specifically is a bad idea, because if one thing gets off track then you're whole plan is basically ruined. Plus there's no guarantees in life. You might want a job at 29 but people need to hire you. The place you want ... (read in full...)
Never thought it would go on so long or get so serious, and now I can't live with the lies
Q. You guys have probably never gotten a problem like this before...what I'm about to say is completely disgusting but please bare with me. I randomly met a guy online about 1 year ago. It was all just fun and games at first and a few days into ta...
A. 29 March 2014: Basically explain to him that you were extremely self-conscious and were afraid you'd be judged. But also explain how you are aware of what a horrible mistake it was to lie and keep the lie going. This way you'll be owning up to your actions. ... (read in full...)
I don't like the engagement ring he gave me
Q. I'm disappointed with my engagement ring. I feel like a horrible person. I love my fiance to death, but he picked out a gorgeous ring, with a sapphire as the centerpiece stone. It really is a beautiful ring-but I am very traditionally mi...
A. 24 March 2014: A ring is just a ring, nothing more. Him buying you a ring in the first place is what truly shows you he loves you. Besides, over time the ring becomes a part of you and you really don't even notice it. The point is, you're not seeing the big p... (read in full...)
I don't feel I'm her friend! Do friends share things with certain friends things they don't with other friends?
Q. So I've been partly hurt and partly withdrawn from a female friend of mine. I'm female too. I previously thought her and I were close and there were no barriers. I felt like we were two sisters. She has told me to do things for her like wash her ...
A. 14 March 2014: You are her friend, and perhaps she would have told you in time about the issue too. However, even though she tells you personal things, it doesn't mean you're the ONLY one she can tell them to. Also, I do think you might have a bit of an unheal... (read in full...)
As her boss should I let go and have sex with this woman who asked me?
Q. I am a divorced guy who manages about a dozen women where I work. This one woman asked me to have sex with her. We are both unattached and about the same ages. I said being her boss it put's me in a situation where it could become a lawsuit. She ...
A. 8 March 2014: I agree 100% with "Like I see it". She made very very good points about the danger this kind of relationship could have.
You have to ask yourself what you value more: your sex life, or your job which is allowing you to sustain a successf... (read in full...)
Should I ask him to the dance?
Q. The other day one of my friends found out that I like him and im not sure what to do. Were both seniors in high school (Me 17 and him 18) but ive never been in a relationship so im completely clueless. He said that he doesnt feel the same way ...
A. 5 March 2014: I think him saying he's willing to get to know you is a good sign. I think for now maybe sit with him at lunch and talk a bit seeing as how you can't drive to each other's houses. And I think the dance would be a good idea. But for now start with ... (read in full...)
Should I let this go?
Q. I'm absolutely fuming! Please read! Last night I went out to dinner for my friends birthday. There were 9 of us in total and a few friends of hers who I don't know. I wasn't feeling well as I had some work on my teeth and on tablets so I c...
A. 2 March 2014: I too have butt heads with a similar person, but the situation was that I had posted a status on facebook and this person had taken it way out of context and basically posted on her timeline "OMG, I just read a status that said..." and totally ... (read in full...)
So what is wrong with me and is there any way I can change this or at least become happier?
Q. Dear anonymous, I am writing to you because I can't deal with the pain and constant change of emotions I am currently going through. I cannot fully remember the last time I was truly happy. I am however taking my a levels which I realise is adding ...
A. 10 February 2014: You're not ugly or weird. I'm 19, a sophomore in college, and I still have not had a single boyfriend unless you count "dating" a player in my class for less then a week in 5th grade...haha I often have felt similar to you, but deep down I know... (read in full...)
Can you do fine without friends?
Q. Hey everyone, so I'll try to make this as simple as I can. I have a problem I'd like to talk about here and get advice, but also have a few questions. My questions basically has to do with friendships and people. How important is friendship? What...
A. 9 February 2014: Personally I think friends can be beneficial to your life, but it is possible to live without them. However, this will lead to a very boring and lonely lifestyle. My advice is start at finding one friend. I'm someone that prefers to have a very s... (read in full...)
My college classmates' opinions are sometimes nasty and thoughtless. How do I approach this?
Q. Going to try and keep this short and simple and its a minor issue but I kinda need some advice on it. I am currently re-taking my GCSE's in college, not because i'm a failure, but because i'd prefer to get m...
A. 7 February 2014: I agree that sometimes classmates don't necessarily KNOW how to respectfully express their opinion, but it still is their opinion. I know I hate it too but you can't let it get to you. I too took opinions to heart and had a breakdown over it. (lots ... (read in full...)
Who means more to you - the person you loved first or the person you love today?
Q. So I'm just curious here. Who do YOU guys favor more? Do you have more thoughts, special feelings, or emotions towards your "first love" or towards someone who's your "new" love??! I find myself going back and forth between these two guys and there ...
A. 3 February 2014: I don't know if this could apply but in the words of Johnny Depp: "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."... (read in full...)
How young is too young when it comes to settling down and having children?
Q. Hello helpers! This is a relatively quick question, but one that i'd love some input for! I'm 18 years old, turning 19 this year. I'd say I was pretty mature for my age (alot of this coming from bad experiences in childhood). I'm currently dating...
A. 1 February 2014: Just a thought. If you guys are as in love as you say, then you'll still feel the same in a few year's time. There's absolutely no need to rush into things. If you both feel this strongly, you can most likely rest assured that the opportunity will ... (read in full...)
My friends arent nice to my boyfriend!
Q. I'm 15 and my boyfriend and I have been dating for three months. Two of my best friends despise him but I really am fond of him, he has been not wanting to come over if they are there because they are really not very nice to him, I've tried talking ...
A. 26 January 2014: I will admit, I had a friend in high school who met a guy online and they started dating. However they had not met in person yet, and the guy got drunk at a party and slept with someone and got her pregnant, BUT he told our friend the truth of what ... (read in full...)
How do you deal with friends with a very different cultural and religious values?
Q. hello, i am in a serious trouble with myself. how do you deal with friends with a very different cultural/religion values between them? i am having a difficult time with it.. i spend time with them (off course they are my friends, so we go for movi...
A. 6 November 2013: Simply give them an ultimatum. Tell them "I'm not part of that group, I'm just supporting my friends. True friends accept each other for who they are, whether or not they follow the same choices. So either we can all be friends, or you can find new ... (read in full...)
Roman Catholic marrying an Atheist
Q. My girlfriend believes in god; I do not. We’ve always been very respectful of our respective beliefs. We were both baptised as Roman Catholics and raised in Roman Catholic families. As a Roman Catholic woman, you have a responsibility t...
A. 3 October 2013: My personal experience, both of my parents were raised in EXTREMELY religious families,dad was baptist, mom was catholic. Growing up my dad completely rebelled against being part of a religion and often went against his parents' wishes, my mom ... (read in full...)
I told him I liked him. He said nothing
Q. I told this guy that I had a crush on him. Before I was about to tell him I think he sensed what I was about to say. After I told him he just asked me how long I liked him and I said I don't know. I could not think straight my head was all over the ...
A. 2 October 2013: All I can say is that something similar happened to me. Not the same, just similar. We'll call me Sally. I had a crush on someone in my high school class for so long, that I finally decided to buy him a rose for Valentine's Day. However, I put t... (read in full...)
Going to meet my online girl and would really like to lose my virgnity with her
Q. hello. i'd really like your opinions and advice on my current situation... this is going to be a bit long, but PLEASE bare with me. i am 24 years old and STILL a virgin and it's frustrating. i'm not a bad looking guy by any means. i've b...
A. 30 September 2013: It seems that you oppose what everyone is telling you. And you justify it with your own reasoning. It pretty much seems like you just want the answer "Yes, go fly to Texas on a whim and lose your virginity."
No one here is going to think that's a... (read in full...)
Going to meet my online girl and would really like to lose my virgnity with her
Q. hello. i'd really like your opinions and advice on my current situation... this is going to be a bit long, but PLEASE bare with me. i am 24 years old and STILL a virgin and it's frustrating. i'm not a bad looking guy by any means. i've b...
A. 30 September 2013: I just want to point out one thing. You say you love her and she's the perfect match for you, yet it seems that it's not really "her" you're in love with. It seems like you're in love with the IDEA that this might finally be your chance to lose your ... (read in full...)
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