My mother embarrasses me in public about my speech impediment
Q. I was born with a severe speech impediment. Not a big deal since 90% of people can understand me with little issue. The issue is once a week, my parents, siblings, nieces, nephew and I would go have a family dinner once a week. My mom instantly...
A. 7 March 2022: Yes you could react differently. Depending on what you want to accomplish you could handle things much differently. Since you know you have a speech problem you need to be prepared beforehand.
You said your mom ordered for you as soon as the ... (read in full...)
I hate cheating on my wife, but I feel no affection from her
Q. Just want to get this out of the way first, while you are reading my issue, please note, that in no way i justify my actions to be right. I have been married for 8 years now, we have 2 kids now. When we got married she was a virgin, so und...
A. 8 January 2022: First of all let me just say you would be a fool to try to justify your actions. Its disgusting. Now with all due respect im gonna tell you what nobody else will say. You dont care about your wife and you never have. She knows this and its probably ... (read in full...)
Ever since our threesome, I'm quite attracted to this man
Q. im 26 years old.female, married 3 years ,no kids and need some advice...about a year ago my husband and i had a threesome with a single friend of ours, after having a few drinks together at a wasnt my idea for this to happen , but it ...
A. 6 January 2022: I cant believe you thought this was a hmgood idea. You said you cant see uourself breaking it off with this new guy. So dont. Enjoy as much sex as you can with him now. You might hit the lottery and your husband might be okay with being a cuckold. ... (read in full...)
My 19 year old sister is planning on having sex with a 51 year old man she met on the internet!
Q. Ok I will just admit it....I found my sister's email acct password and I snooped. So looking through everything I find all these messsages from a man she met online...theres a ton of them, it starts out with them basically getting to know each ...
A. 2 January 2022: They are both consenting adults. They are not doing this to impress you or win your approval. Love is blind. You are being shallow and need to worry about your own love life instead of snooping around others. What do you think your mom is gonna do?? ... (read in full...)
I'm terrified I'll be a bad kisser!
Q. Hi! Im a 16 years old girl and I never kissed anyone and thinking about it just freaks me out, i know that I don't know how to kiss! I am going to be a bad kisser and since I am pretty popular at my school I know that I will be laugh at! Please help ...
A. 2 January 2022: I know this is very bad advice but if you wish to learn to kiss well quickly your best bet is to find some one to practice with. Someone you find attractive but not emotionally connected to. Kiss them until you are confident enough to kiss your ... (read in full...)
Any advice on how I can totally let go during sex and show him how much he means to me?
Q. Hello all, Just looking for some advice on my new relationship. I'm a 33 year old female and my partner is a 24 year old male. We've been together for around five months. I've never been in a relationship with a younger man before but he's ve...
A. 24 December 2021: Study sex. Read as much as you can on the subject. Become comfortable speaking about it and open up those lines of communications. Explore what it is that interest you and see if you both have mutual fantasies/fetishes you both want to experience.... (read in full...)
Me, Him & His Sugar Mama
Q. So back in 2009 I went on holiday for a few months to my homeland. My father owns a home there so that’s where I went to stay. A man who I didn’t know came to the house one morning looking for my father, he said he used to work for him and noticed ...
A. 22 December 2021: Something is not right here. I feel as though you are convincing yourself this is something more important than it really is. You deserve ti be married if he loves you. Just leave now before you get more attached.... (read in full...)
Six years and no proposal. Should I leave?
Q. I started my relationship 6 years ago right away after breaking up with my ex. It was very toxic, he was 6 years older, abusive, controlling, a liar but he also became a replacement for my dad in the sense that he was there for me after every issue ...
A. 22 December 2021: He should have married you on 6 months. He's wasting your time. Leave now while you still have your looks... (read in full...)
How do I create an excitement in the initial phase of living together?
Q. Hi! Thanks in advance for reading and giving your valuable inputs. I am getting married in a couple of months and I think I'm going through some kind of anxiety- about the wedding, about my decision to marry him (this is crazy and completely unnec...
A. 21 December 2021: Premarital counseling is what you need. Honestly it sounds like you are totally unprepared for marriage. First off i can tell you are not getting married because you love this man and truly desire to submit to and let him lead both of you. Your job ... (read in full...)
A married friend I had not seen in a long time hit on me. I don't know what to do
Q. I was doing grocery shopping the other day, when on the way out to the car park, I saw my friend Steve, said it was good to see him as I hadn't seen him for ages (he'd actually left the town I've lived in since 2012, way back in 2016, and returned ...
A. 21 December 2021: Sounds like you like him as well and maybe you should give him a chance. He shouldnt stay in a marriage he is unhappy in and im sure his wife doesnt deserve to be neglected. If she is pretty like you said she is its better that she find someone that ... (read in full...)
My friend uses her self inflicted heart condition to gain sympathy
Q. My friend is a hard drug user. When I met her 10 years ago she was clean and stayed clean for the next 5 years. When I first met her I told her that normally I would never have a close friendship with a drug user as those people are on a differe...
A. 21 December 2021: Just let your friend know that u care for her and she is welcome to come into your life anytime as long as she is sober. Tell her know that you still love her for who she is but you hate what she does. Make that distinction clear. Finish by saying ... (read in full...)
Is this the end of Dear Cupid?
Q. Is this site reaching the end of its life? Not to say that I want it to be but are we actually providing a genuine service to anybody any more? Back in the "good old days" we'd have a couple of hundred questions posted every month. Now we do...
A. 21 December 2021: I just found this not long ago but from what i have read most of the advice you give is terrible. No offense but most of the advice is given from personal experience. I mean its as if they asked you what would you do in the situation? When the ... (read in full...)
I'm beginning to see my boyfriend as a free loader
Q. Free rider? My boyfriend of 8 months now seems like a free rider..tell me.if am mistaken I didn't notice anything until it was time to go on vacation. We went to Cancun and all but 500$ was paid with my points all inclusive. 500$ went on my credi...
A. 21 December 2021: Obviously you are smart enough to see he is using you. That resentment that you are feeling is for a reason. So i want to know why you havent dumped him already? Is it because he is very attractive or is the sex that great? Be honest with yourself. ... (read in full...)
I found out my wife cheated. Sad and don't know what to do
Q. My wife of 20 years or so.I found a letter that my wife wrote to a man. Who she was having an affair with the letter was so detailed about the sex she had with him.I pick up the phone called her work and told her about the letter .She said it was ...
A. 15 December 2021: It sounds like you don't want to leave so I assume you are still in love with her correct? Try to look at where you were lacking in the relationship. What was she getting grom him that you were not providing to her. Maybe you can work past it, maybe ... (read in full...)
I am in love with my sister
Q. Hi, please can I get advise, first no I’m not a troll, I’m genuinely after advise so if your not going to take me serious then don’t comment! I’m 33yo and I’m in love with my 38yo sister and have been for about 18 years, I’ve had serious relation...
A. 15 December 2021: I think she probably already knows. You will only break your own heart if you remain around her. Could you be okay seeing her with another man? If you cannot comfortably imagine her having sex with another man you cannot even be her friend. You are ... (read in full...)
My wife accuses me of cheating when I don't the says she will cheat to get even
Q. Hello, I work as a sales manager for a company where we sell a certain type of industrial product and sometimes I have to assist customers with on site repairs and solving issues. Today, I had such a problem. I told my wife when I left at arou...
A. 27 November 2021: Sounds to me like she is trying find a way to cheat on you guilt free. Perhaps she simply has too much free time on her hands. Ssuggest she get a job and u work less hours if possible. If she has been cheated on in the past remind her that it wasnt ... (read in full...)
Is my girlfriend using her friends to control and manipulate me?
Q. Me and my girlfriend have been together for just under 2 years but she’s letting her friends stick their noses into our relationship and it’s really starting to annoy me. I’m also beginning to think I’m being controlled and manipulated. Am I just ...
A. 27 November 2021: A man should know within 6 months if he wants to marry a woman. If you dont feel you want to its because you shouldnt. Its very obvious thatvyou are being manipulated but you are just afraid of losing her because she is the only girlfriend you ever ... (read in full...)
Do I delete her on facebook?
Q. Hi aunts need your help with this one as it’s a strange situation to find myself in. so recently I bumped into a female from school who I’d known and she used to have this crush on me or so she says. we never got together at school, as I did...
A. 27 November 2021: She could have been locked ut of her account. Also u should not have given her your facebook if u suspect she is a shady person like that. Dont ever assume the worst from people. Innocent until proven guilty. Maybe she saw your posts/photos and ... (read in full...)
I thought my husband was having an affair. He was sneaking out to eat fast food
Q. My question is basically "Was I so wrong to be this concerned?" Been married for 13 years; we married after 2.5 years of dating, married mid-2008. From mid-August to last month, I suspected my husband was having an affair, he'd always go out in...
A. 27 November 2021: First of all u spent over $500 to investigate your own husband just to find out he wasnt having an affair. You didnt consult with him before spending that $$$. If he works and pays his share of the bills dont worry about what he decides to spend his ... (read in full...)
Excited by the thought of anal sex but would it just hurt?
Q. Heyyyy, advice please lovely’s. I’m really intrigued by the thought of anal sex and want to try it with my new boyfriend. But is it actually worth it or will it just hurt? I have a really high sex drive as it is and love to experiment, but ...
A. 20 November 2021: I think u should definitely find the right partner to do it with. U say u love penetration so I am sure u will absolutely love it. However if u do it with the wrong person. It could ruin the experience for u completely. Unless ur planning multiple ... (read in full...)
My friend told me we couldn't meet because she was afraid of covid then I see on social media that she was out with friends. Why did she lie to me?
Q. I’m a little confused and hurt by something that happened last week and need advice please. A friend that I’ve know for over 10 years made a lunch date for us. We used to meet up often prior to covid but with restrictions etc… we have seen mes...
A. 17 November 2021: You are just her simp. She doesn't value or respect your friendship. She hasn't reached out to you because you are sending out stalker vibes. Dont call or text her anymore. If she doesn't reach out to you again be prepared to move on with your life. ... (read in full...)
I ended the affair, we are both still married to our spouses and now years later, he wants to be friends. Why?
Q. I had an affair that was emotional for years and then physical for months. I ended it pretty quickly knowing how wrong it was - even leaving my job to get away from him all together. For the past couple of years he has continued to reach out, which ...
A. 11 November 2021: He wants to continue to bang from time to time. Cut him off or leave your husband.... (read in full...)
Did I paint myself into a corner?
Q. couple of years ago I did some experimentation and regret what I did. confessed to my parents about it, which I shouldn’t have and it didn’t go down well. I’m worried I’ve gayed myself permanently and the attraction the females have had for me has ...
A. 11 November 2021: Figure out what you truly desire. Dont fight against it. If you are gay embrace it and if you're not u should be confident you are not because you were brave enough to give it a try. Keep doing you and get over it. Just move on.... (read in full...)
My fiance still puts his ex wife as number 1
Q. So my fiance and I have had a bumpy relationship. When we first got together like officially, his ex wife didn't want to let go and accept he didn't want their relationship anymore. Things got out of control so we took a break for a year, with ...
A. 11 November 2021: Its up to you to demand the same respect you have given. If not be prepared to leave if you love your son. No one should ever undermine your parenting choices. I would begin preparing to leave. If you are not welcome to join him and his ex he ... (read in full...)
Do I get back together with my ex?
Q. Me and my ex broke up at the beginning of this year. We weren't sleeping together, we were arguing and we just couldn't agree on anything. After lockdown it was a slow build up that tore us apart. Some really bad arguements happened and we really ...
A. 11 November 2021: Seriously you can teach him to satisfy you sexually. It seems it might be too late however. If you are just lonely learn to make yourself happy. Jumping from guy to guy to feel validation will just leave u feeling cheap easy and empty. ... (read in full...)
I am just not interested in my husband any more
Q. I am married and for whatever reason I am no longer sexual involved with my husband. Lately I’ve been turned off by him and I’ve been stressed out by him. Previously I loved having sex with him on a daily basis. He he usually turned me down and ...
A. 11 November 2021: Im sorry to hear that you have not been interested in your husband lately. Something must have turned u off. You should figure out what it is that changed and work on correcting the issue. Are you turned off by all men or just your husband???... (read in full...)
My partner's porn watching really makes me feel unconfident
Q. So I recently found out my partner is watching porn again which makes me really unhappy. The first time I found out he was watching it was whilst he was in the bathroom with the volume turned up, so it was quite obvious and he made no effort t...
A. 8 November 2021: Yes you are being very sensitive which is understandable. However i have to ask if your intentions are to start a fight?? If not then just give him his space and privacy to watch porn. Unless you can watch ot with him without relating everything to ... (read in full...)
| *ofcalifornia's friends
These are mutual friends, so *ofcalifornia has
added them and they have added *ofcalifornia!