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Archived questions from: 16 October, 2005 (see latest questions)

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I discovered my husband in bed... with my Dad!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6913 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - I am 24 years old and from Wigan, Greater Manchester in the United Kingdom. I came home from work yesterday to find my husband having sex with my father in our bedroom! Even worse, I heard it has been going on for a year now and I never knew! I felt so sick and disgusted I... (103 words

A bad history with my old boyfriend makes me instinctively say No to invitations now. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6914 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Hi, about a year ago I was with my first serious boyfriend. We were together for just under a year and we broke up because he started drinking loads and was very clingy (rang me on average 3 times a day). After we broke up, within days, he moved on to other girls and a couple... (219 words

If there's no connection, like he said, why is he so sweet and kind when he's with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6914 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Tying to figure out if this man really actually likes me or not. I'm in my late twenties and this guy I like is in his early fourties. We work together and he is a very awkward and shy person. At a company get party I got buzzed and told him how I've had a crush on him. ... (251 words

Planning on meeting my online lover soon, but my husband feels lonely and left out

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Dear Cupid, I am a 35 year old woman in a 12 year old relationship, 10 years of which I have been married. My marriage has been a happy one and I consider my husband to be my best friend. However, there is a problem. 3 months ago I met a woman in an internet chat room. ... (226 words

Don't know if I'll ever get my ex back, now that I've slept with him...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - help! I am miserable. About three months ago I split with my boyfriend because we were both a bit overwhelmed with our situation of living together straight away because of unavoidable practical reasons. He broke it offf though saying we wwould 'see what happens next but i ca... (607 words

Keeping tallies on sex and orgasm...

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

16 October 2005 (M - I told my wife that 3 of my ex girlfriends would write down on a calender everytime we had sex. They would put a check mark if they got off. They would put a circle if they gave me a bj. My wife things that was weird and thinks no girls do that, just my weird ex's. I think ... (71 words

Every weekend we spend together, my boyfriend "owes" a weekend to his mates...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Ok, well I am 18 years old. My boyfriend says that he spends every weekend with me and needs time to spend with the guys. I had no problem until he told that that with every weekend he spends with me he has to make one up for the guys. Is he getting tired of seeing me, am I ... (69 words

Was I just easy sex, or might there be something more between us?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Met a great guy at university, after a couple of months we starting sleeping together. He was my first. Now we live together with friends. He recently split with his girlfriend, and told me he was really confused and lonely and sorry for messing my head up. I love him but I ... (75 words

Our engagement is next month, but he won't introduce me to his folks. Should I be worried?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Hi, I have been with my boyfriend now for 2 years. He is 30 and I am 22. The problem is he won't let me meet his parents and when I ask him why he goes all quiet and doesn't like to talk about it. I thought it was because he is Chinese and I am white and that his parents ... (114 words

Both virgins, both agreed to have sex. Now she says she can't...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

16 October 2005 (M - I have met this girl three months from now. We love each other so much. The problem is that we have are all virgins. We agreed to have sex but she always say we are going to do it and now she says she can't. What do I do? ... (49 words

Can't say 'I love you'... Can't even discuss the topic, because I'm too afraid of being hurt!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5828 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - I am 27 years old and before now I have never loved anyone. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 months and I love him but I can't bring myself to say it to him. I have agonised over this thought for a few weeks as I have been scared about his reaction. I know he feels a ... (496 words

I'm 13 and he's 19. We've been texting, but I want to move on to more!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6835 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - I met this boy who I really like at a fair that always comes to town. We each got other people to swap numbers. Anyway we have been texting for about a year now and both said we like each other, but we have been with other people. I see him every day we say hello and that is ... (122 words

What should I do? I've become used to my husband's moods, but I think I love Dave...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6889 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - I have gotten myself into a very bad situation that is going to hurt my husband beyond belief if I follow through with what I want to do. We have been together since we were 15 (18 years now). I moved from UK to Australia to be with him which left me very lonely. I am a very s... (560 words

My husband's excessive friendship with a co-worker makes it difficult to trust him!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6063 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - I have been married for less than a year. My husband and I share the same cell phone invoice. A couple of months ago, I was going over it, and I noticed that several incoming and outgoing calls, some for up to 40 minutes were beeing made to the same phone number. I was so u... (839 words

My ex wants to hang with both us guys until she decides who she likes best. I don't like it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6914 days ago

16 October 2005 (? - Me and my girl broke up 5 months ago and she started dating another guy. Then we we finished school for the year. Now we are back and for the last 6 weeks she has said that she still has feelings for me. She and her boyfriend have broken up but she says that she doesn't ... (170 words

Met a wonderful woman online, only to find that she's started mentioning her 'boyfriend'!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6911 days ago

16 October 2005 (M - About six months ago I unexpectedly met a wonderful woman online; I hadn’t been looking for anyone at that particular moment so it was even more unexpected. We quickly became good friends and emailed each other a lot through out the days and evenings. I eventually started ... (138 words

Am I too young?

This question has 26 answers - newest was posted 5334 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Do you think 13 is too young to have a boyfriend? ... (13 words

It's not just an infatuation. So what are my chances with the instructor?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6835 days ago

16 October 2005 (F - Hey I am a 17 year old girl, and I have been in love with an english teacher at my school for the past 2 years( He is in his early thirties). I want him so much, I know I do, it is not just infatuation. However, I don't want his career to be compromised as a result of me p... (153 words

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