| *tuckinthemiddle81
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| *tuckinthemiddle81's profile:I am a full time student studying mental health for Human Services. Since I was a child I have had my share of familial problems and numerous therapists until my teens. I have always liked to help people in some way, shape or form. I once worked with children with special needs for a few years as my nephew has special needs.
I love to read and fill my brain with as much information as possible.
By being an "agony aunt", I hope to bring some advice to others who need it in their time of need as I have also receieved great advice from this wonderful website with lots of helpful, open-minded people of all ages from all over the globe. |
Will dwarfism and lack of confidence make me less appealing to boys in middle school?
Q. So, I know I have a wonderful boyfriend, but I'm going into middle school. Now, I've heard this is where, some boys actually FINALLY like girls. And we're being combined with another school. So MORE BOYS!! Yay. But I have a disease, with dwarfism, ...
A. 17 August 2008: I agree with her. Boys are very immature at that age so don't stress it. When I was your age up until high school, boys picked on me and were put off by me just because I didn't wear make up or dress like a girl--I wore my father's 3x size clothes ... (read in full...)
Financial, Work Related and Family issues, is having this overwhelming effect on both of us. Any advice please?
Q. Hey there dear cupid. I have been with my boyfriend for going on a year now. Here lately things have been rocky between us due to alot of things going on for both of us outside of the relationship. Financial issues, work related issues, and fami...
A. 13 August 2008: I have been experiencing this myself with my boyfriend as of late. We have totally different families with big issues, he's been hating his job lately, our finanical differences are huge and we only get to see each other once or twice a week if we ... (read in full...)
Stuck between my wife and daughter and going insane. Please help.
Q. Oh God, where do I start.....I am sorry to bore you all with my problem but I just reached the end of the road trying to mediate between my daughter who is 16 and my wife. I dont know what to do anymore. I have been married for a year and been wi...
A. 16 July 2008: I agree with birdy. You should let your wife and daughter read your entry--if not read this one, write a list of the samethings you told us and have all four of you sit together at home and read them your list/letter of the things that drive you ... (read in full...)
I'm looking after my younger sisters and brother while my mum is ill, and I need some tips.
Q. this is nothing to do with relationships or anything but i need a bit of advice, my mum has been ill for the past few weeks, she has been in and out of hospital and is unable to do much. this means i have been looking after my younger sisters and ...
A. 15 July 2008: First off, Jennie, I want to commend you for being your mother's and siblings' rock. You are doing a smashing job taking responsibilities into your own hands. Not many young people your age take on heavy situations like yours and I hope you know ... (read in full...)
He hardly takes any initiative to see me more than once/twice a week for 1-2 hours, this makes us fight all the time!
Q. Hi, I have been in a relationship for 1.5 years now. It has always been complicated with us because it started with the guy being really interested in me. He was so into me that he was ready to do anything and everything for me. 2 months into the...
A. 14 July 2008: It sounds like your on and off boyfriend really is "on and off". I can imagine how you feel, one minute he wants to be with you and the next he wants to hang out with his buddies. The good thing about him wanting to hang out with his friends is he ... (read in full...)
I feel like I can't get out of this abusive relationship! Help!
Q. I'm in a situation that I feel like I can not get out of. I'm living with my boyfriend of five years and we have two young babies together. I don't want to be with him anymore because he drinks, and when he drinks he becomes very voilent. He beat ...
A. 7 July 2008: Please, the first thing you should do is go to this website: http://www.safehorizon.org/ http://www.safehorizon.org/page.php?nav=bdpage=resources These are both on the same site for domestic violence/battered women. You can find a ton of inform... (read in full...)
I'm not very fond of my aunt and I don't know if it's wrong to feel this way!
Q. Have any of you ever felt like so far away from a family member,like emotionally? Well,a couple of days ago,my grandma told my mom that her aunt(my great aunt),had asked about her. My mom's not exactly fond of her. My mom told me in the car yest...
A. 7 July 2008: It is perfectly fine for you to feel the way you feel. You are your mother's daughter and you have heard stories about your aunt treating your mom bad. You feel defensive about your mom--who doesn't?! I have a very similar problem actually... (read in full...)
I'm really nervous when it comes to making out!
Q. ok so ive been with my boyfriend for just over 2 weeks and basically im really quite nervous when it comes to making out, im not nervous with other things that people usually are but i am with that and when it comes to making out i get scared and i...
A. 7 July 2008: It is perfectly normal to be nervous about making out. When I had my first kiss at your age, I was SUPER nervous. I still have the letters I wrote to my best friend that I never gave her that screams worries to her in all CAPS, "WHAT IF I HAVE TO ... (read in full...)
These panic attacks are ruining my life!
Q. Hey everyone, thx for reading. Basically ive been having panic attacks on the tube n buses n car (newhere travelling) for 2 and a half years and i was able to control it better, until a week ago i had the worse ones ever and was stuck in between my ...
A. 7 July 2008: Hello,
I'm 26 years old and I have had panic attacks for five years now. My first attack was in an overcrowded train and I thought I was having a heart attack. My chest tightened, it was very difficult to breathe, I began good sweats and my visi... (read in full...)
I've realised now that I want him back, but he's got a girlfriend, what can I do?
Q. A couple of years ago i went out with a man and for ages i felt like i had been pushed into the relationship by his meddling mum, and after a couple of months i decided he wasn't right for me and i dumped him. Skip a year later and his mum died. I ...
A. 7 July 2008: The best thing you can do is live your live at this point. Do not make a mistake and wait around for him to dump his girlfriend because that may never happen...or won't happen for a long time. But also do not regret those happy times you shared with ... (read in full...)
A bright yellow orange liquid on the toilet paper had me worried. What was it?
Q. About 6 months ago, when I went to the bathroom to do a "number 2" i noticed some bright yellowy orangish liquid on the toilet paper after I had wiped. i am 14, have not got my period and have never had sex. this hasn't happened again and i have ...
A. 6 July 2008: I agree with her. You probably either popped a polyp or vessel while pushing. Or it can also be something you ate that changed the color of your bile. Example: The first time that happened to me I freaked a bit, told my mom but I realized that it ... (read in full...)
He dumped me via email! How can I move on and regain trust in men?
Q. I just got dumped today by my boyfriend (now ex, I suppose) of 4 months by email today. He sent it to me in response to my calls yesterday when I had a horrible feeling that he was avoiding my calls. In the email he said that he will still st...
A. 27 June 2008: This guy sounds like a real piece of work...and by "piece of work" I mean piece of sh*t. You obviously know you deserve way better than what he was giving you in the first place--which doesn't sound like much. It sounds like he wasn't in the ... (read in full...)
I told her that anything could happen with me giving her a lift! Silence from her. I need feedback!
Q. I asked your opinion before on this subject.. I thought I did well but guess what happen.Im in love w my best friend and we had kissed we spoke a bit about it and whe i asked if she was ok with it she hessitated and then said no...After that ...
A. 26 June 2008: It sounds like your best friend is a bit confused--if you hadn't already figured that out by now.
I had a best friend since third grade who always told me that she had a "crush" on my personality and that if I were a boy, she would totally go out ... (read in full...)
Pain during intercourse...what can I do?
Q. why do i have lower pain during intercourse? its so painful i have to ask him to stop sometimes. it really sucks and i feel so bad for him what can i do?...
A. 9 June 2008: First off, don't feel bad about it. It's happened to the best of us. I sometimes have pain during intercourse (even after I initiate it) and have to stop mid way through. For me, I know it depends on two things: either I am ovulating and my lower ... (read in full...)
Are women not attracted to shorter men?
Q. i have heard a lot of times that women naturally are not attracted to shorter men than them or they tend to look down on them maybe with disrespect. how true is this, ladies?...
A. 23 May 2008: If she's a good woman, she would be attracted to you no matter your height, weight, race, or creed. As long as you treat a woman right, she will respect you and like you for who you are.
I have been with my boyfriend for 1 1/2 years now and he's... (read in full...)
How do I get over falling in love with my therapist?
Q. I realize that the following question has been posted in so many different ways, over and over again, but I am in need of some really sound advice. How do I get over falling in love with my therapist, especially when you know without doubt that ...
A. 22 May 2008: I say get another therapist and fast. It is not going to help your original reason for going to therapy in the first place and now you ahve another issue to contend with-your falling in love with your therapist. The less you see of him/her the ... (read in full...)
Since saying no to giving him oral he never asked me again. How can I make our sex life better?
Q. How can i get my b/f back. We been together for a year. We been having arguments over little things and he always says that it's my fault. Anyway, one day he asked me to give him oral sex which i realy hate, and he told me if i do give it to him i ...
A. 22 May 2008: First off, NEVER do what you don't want to do. It is your life, your choice to do what you feel and what you feel comfortable doing. Giving oral sex is not for everyone. Some don't like giving it, some like it. It took me a few months to actually ... (read in full...)
How do I find the motivation to get excited about life again?
Q. I have had this problem for over a year now. I seemed to have lost motivation to do a lot of things. How do I get excited about life again? I will start an exercise program and stop after a week. I bought some supplies to start up a hobby I use...
A. 16 May 2008: I have had this problem recently on and off due to familial situations and lack of friends. I like to keep things to myself and stew in my problems until I become depressed and withdrawn and did the whole self-loathing thing. But recently, a few ... (read in full...)
What should a girl my age look for in a relationship? I'm 14-15.
Q. what should a girl at my age(14-15) look for in a relationship?...
A. 15 May 2008: Fun! Fun! Fun (thats safe)! At this age, you're just feeling out the waters on boys and "adult content" situations. Don't take boys too seriously and don't rush anything especially when you are not comfortable. Its good if you find someone that you ... (read in full...)
She backs out at the last minute for whatever reason. Any ideas what's up?
Q. Okay, here it goes... I have gone out with a decent amount of women and am puzzled by this one. Generally speaking, I would just chalk this up as a loss, but I'm not sure if I should. The two of us went to school together years ago, haven't ...
A. 14 May 2008: This sounds familiar because she sounds a lot like me a year and a half ago.=-/
Before I met my boyfriend a year and a half ago, I was a virgin and I never dated much (only about two guys before him and they were douches). I solely conc... (read in full...)
My periods aren't normal, but the test was negative.
Q. Im 16 i was late on my last period it eventually came but wasnt like normal. im now late again, i took a test earlier today and it was negative. But im kind of dissapointed, i know i wouldnt be able to support it but i guess part of me wanted a ...
A. 14 May 2008: You may not think you have no purpose, but you do. I think we all have a purpose in life even if it is just some mundane thing that we do for loved ones, friends or strangers.
I had a similar experience last year where I thought I was pregnant beca... (read in full...)
My smile is awful! What can I do about it?
Q. OK, I'm 15, and I have a really awful smile! i'm quite pretty (ish) but when i smile showing my teeth it kind of makes my chin jut out, and my teeth are awful anyway even though ive had braces. Please, does anyone have any advice on what i can do ...
A. 12 May 2008: You already have pretty good self confidence-which is awesome! I'm sure you are a very beautiful young lady. I use to hate smiling too (I still do sometimes) because once in high school, my boyfriend at the time's brother called me "Shark Teeth" ... (read in full...)
I speak to him and smile at him when I see him, how else to back up my conquest plans?
Q. Hi, I would like to ask anyone reading this about advice, okay, so there is this guy I like however he is quite shy and hangs out with the 'popular' people, I speak to him and smile at him when I see him, but I dont know what else to do. I ver...
A. 11 May 2008: There is only one true way to find out and that is the awkward task of asking him flat out, "Do you like me or what?" I ahve been through that so many times in my day, it doesn't matter how old I get, I still go through that. The easiest way to make ... (read in full...)
Why am I so scared of ending this relationship with my drug addicted boyfriend.
Q. Okay i'm 19 and i've been with my boyfrend for over a year now, i met him at the beginning of university. I'm moving in whith him and a few friends next year but the problem is, is that i don't know if i want to be with him anymore. He does drugs an...
A. 11 May 2008: It sounds like you really do love your boyfriend and that you would do anything for him, bu tit also sounds like you're neglecting yourself in terms of what you deserve and really need. You need someone to be there for you, someone to rely on and ... (read in full...)
How do I get better at small talk with strangers?
Q. As much as I try, when I meet new people have trouble making small talk. Part of it also relates to my confidence (nearly non-existent). What are some good topics that don't make me look overly friendly? And how do I generally improve my confiden...
A. 11 May 2008: Making small talk didn't come easy to me either up until a couple years ago. I guess you could say I was a bit "anti-social" because I was always on the computer, I didn't have many friends and I thought all people were stupid (I went through my ... (read in full...)
All my mates have got girlfriends but I havent!!
Q. I've never had a girlfriend, although kissed a few girls - but no relationship. Am I looking in the wrong place? I'm 17 and about to finish school. Where will I find girls? All my mates have got girlfriends but I havent!!...
A. 7 May 2008: I'm gonna tell you something everyone has told me since I hit puberty at 12, "You will find someone when you LEAST expect it." And, let me tell you, I wanted to rip their f*cking faces off when ever I heard people say that: my mom, my cousins, my ... (read in full...)
Why doesn't he call me his girlfriend? Is he ashamed of me?
Q. I've been dating a guy for a year and 7 months. We have the same interests (but not too many as to keep the relationship intersting), we talk for hours on the phone, he takes me to special places I've never been before, etc. I've hung out with his ...
A. 30 April 2008: Both of these ladies had such great advice. I don't feel as alone now and letting it out to someone feels so much better! I also feel empowered by their advice and now I have enough confidence to go through with it this weekend. (This is a wonderful ... (read in full...)
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