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*untieJ agony aunt


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*untieJ's profile:

I enjoy helping people with life's dilemmas & believe I've been around enough to have enough life experience to help most people out.

I like to share a bit of my own life experience if I can,I think it help paint a clearer picture for people if they are finding it hard to come to a decision.

I'm a very honest person,I believe that telling people what they want to hear is no good even if the truth is painful it has to be told!

I genuinely care and want to help the people that post on this site.

So if you have a question don't hesitate to inbox me if you want further advice.

Don't worry your auntie J is here to help ;)

I met my boyfriend when he was my personal trainer and can't help worrying he might meet a new girl the same way!

Q.   I met my boyfriend when he was my personal trainer and taught the classes in my gym. We got along really well and became friends - started taking a yoga class together. There was a lot of sexual chemistry between us and eventually we gave in. He ...

A.   25 September 2014: Hmm...How long have you been with him? I wasn't suspicious of this guy until I read that he was with someone directly before going with you! Did he dump her to be with you? Was it long term? If so then I can see him doing the exact same to you ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend's friend is monopolizing his time and boyfriend seems to be suffering because of it

Q.   Hi there, Long story short my boyfriend and I have been together for roughly 2 years. Our relationship is the kind where we spend lots of time together (every night together even though we live apart), school, groceries, getting a snack at 2 in th...

A.   25 September 2014: Please don't take any of what am about to say in the wrong way! Does your boyfriend socialise with his friends without you regularly? If you are always about maybe Nick feels that he does't get to spend any quality "guy" time with your boyfrie... (read in full...)

Ex boyfriend's pervy behavior makes me question a reconciliation

Q.   My ex and I were together for many years. We've been broken up for quite awhile due to various reasons and I've been moving on fairly alright. We're no longer friends on facebook but can see certain recent activity, if we check, and we both do as ...

A.   25 September 2014: If you were moving on & you were happy why go back? Especially if he is exhibiting the same/similar behaviour to what has caused issues in your relationship first time around. Have a frank (face to face) conversation about why you find his... (read in full...)

He Lied About Dating Someone - Should I Not Be Friends With Him?

Q.   Last summer, I fancied a male friend (used to flirt with him a bit but nothing more than that) whom I got on with quite well. I told him I liked him, and he turned me down, saying that he was already seeing someone. There was a mutual guy frien...

A.   25 September 2014: He was just trying to spare your feelings most likely because he likes having you as a friend & didn't want to hurt you or make things socially awkward. This other guy though sounds as if he's just mixing things up between you two. ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend lies and tells me he doesn't watch porn. My self esteem is at an all time low

Q.   Me and my partner have regular and amazing sex, we experiment and I have sexy outfits aswell n rolplay......I found out afew months ago he watches porn, I hate the stuff and I've had a lot of bad relationships becuz of it.....he knows how I feeling ...

A.   24 September 2014:  Not understanding something or having never done/watched or taken part is something is normally where a dislike or fear for something comes from that was the point I was trying to convey. [mod note: this aunt and HappyPlace are welcome to take the... (read in full...)

My boyfriend lies and tells me he doesn't watch porn. My self esteem is at an all time low

Q.   Me and my partner have regular and amazing sex, we experiment and I have sexy outfits aswell n rolplay......I found out afew months ago he watches porn, I hate the stuff and I've had a lot of bad relationships becuz of it.....he knows how I feeling ...

A.   23 September 2014: Ok then I guess you know it all then "happy place" It's very true most people are fearful/doubtful & against porn because they've never sat down & actually watched it. As long as someone is not watching porn non stop 24/7 & it's effecting the... (read in full...)

My boyfriend lies and tells me he doesn't watch porn. My self esteem is at an all time low

Q.   Me and my partner have regular and amazing sex, we experiment and I have sexy outfits aswell n rolplay......I found out afew months ago he watches porn, I hate the stuff and I've had a lot of bad relationships becuz of it.....he knows how I feeling ...

A.   23 September 2014: I honestly don't see why females have such a bad out look on porn & 99% of the time it's because they have never watched it them selves. I watch porn it's a normal part of modern life. Why would it make you feel bad? It's someone you will never know... (read in full...)

Worried about my sister. Am I overreacting?

Q.   I am a bit worried about my sister and am looking for some advice as to whether I'm overreacting or not. Basically, she is 25 and has never had a relationship or even been on a date (she is also a virgin incase anyone thinks she's into casual hook...

A.   22 July 2014: On reading this about half way down I'd wrote your sister off as a little bit of a dreamer but on reading the whole thing I do think you should be worried. Not about the whole "dating" thing but about the competitive weight-loss ect. That real... (read in full...)

I stress over everything. What are some tips to help overcome insecurity?

Q.   I'm super insecure- about everything really, from my relationship with my boyfriend to my relationships with my friends, to my appearance, personality, etc. I know it's a problem, and I know it'll continue to make me unhappy if i don't try to chan...

A.   22 July 2014: It's natural to be insecure about about yourself at points but don't let it effect your everyday life & relationships with people it just isn't worth it! I honestly think that a lot of peoples insecurities come from caring about what other pe... (read in full...)

Do I just leave her alone? I wanted closure but she said she doesn't need it

Q.   Should I simply leave her alone? I have just finished college and I do not date at all but one day, I met a girl in the library and we quickly got along really well as new friends and we found out that we had so much in common. Over time, we st...

A.   22 July 2014: You're clearly very young & sound like you don't have a lot of dating experience to fall back on,so I'll be cruel to be kind. Am sorry that your feelings have been hurt ect but you're going on at her a bit much. You were friends & from what I'... (read in full...)

I've met his friends but not his family -- is he not as sincere as I'd thought?

Q.   I've been seeing a chap for two years; he is a widower and I am a divorcee with a young son. 'My' chap has met my family (parents and sister) and I have met his friends but not his family. I don't want to come over all 'bunny boiler' about th...

A.   22 July 2014: Families are funny things,it could be a anything from not getting along with them very well to his family being close with his late wife. Perhaps his family were close to his late wife & they also miss her terribly? I don't see why you can't ju... (read in full...)

A stranger came up to tell me he liked me. Is he a threat?

Q.   Hello, I was walking to work yesterday morning 7am, half way there I saw a man come jogging around the corner and he suddenly stopped about twenty yards infront of me then continued tonwalk towards me. I have to admit I did feel uneasy in my ...

A.   15 July 2014: Do you stay far from your work? If so it's highly unlikely it was him at your door. I do however find how he approached you a bit odd but perhaps he's just very confident in approaching women. You could have just remembered the email wrongly. ... (read in full...)

Will my doubts disappear about my boyfriend?

Q.   Hi, Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on my situation. I've been with my boyfriend for around 3 years, we had a 3 month split in the middle, and since the last 8 months, everything has been almost perfect. We are both thoughtful and caring t...

A.   15 July 2014: Why did you spilt in the first place? I don't fully understand why you said you split up! ... (read in full...)

I have been invited to spend time with my Bf's elderly grandmother. What can I do there so don't feel like a freeloader?

Q.   I'm going away for the Summer, to my boyfriend's grandma place. She's quite the old lady (90 I think) and lives in a very, very small town by the river (the whole town has about 20 houses). She owns a farm, so I'll be getting home cooked meal...

A.   15 July 2014: Why not just offer to help around her house/farm or take her some flowers? to plant? ... (read in full...)

My friends betrayed me when I was vulnerable

Q.   Hi everybody, I'm guessing I'm going to get a lot of opinions on this question, I'm feeling pretty rubbish about it and I understand I was irresponsible. Please don't answer my questions with insults or lectures as I've had that off my parents and ...

A.   1 July 2014: I am totally shocked by this!!!!!!!! The fact your friends left you alone in such a state AND for the fact that they basically assaulted you!!!!! Yes well all do silly things,yes we all go out & drink a little too much once in a blue moon but we d... (read in full...)

Did something die in him and he's just in it for the sex?

Q.   I apologize in advance for the lengthiness of my story. I just really need to vent as a sort of closure. Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated. I've been seeing a guy for the past 7 months. I know him for over a year as a former cowo...

A.   1 July 2014: I too was in a very similar situation with an older man. First few weeks were all hearts,flowers,dinners out & getting to know one another. He told me he was in love with me ect. Then I pointed out that a female friend was a bit too close & ... (read in full...)

Worried about my boyfriend and his ex, what can we do about the problem?

Q.   I'm sure you guys get these kind of questions a lot, but I'm currently going through this. Basically, when my boyfriend and I first got together a year and a half ago, he was still pretty hurt about his ex cheating on him and the break up they ha...

A.   1 July 2014: Yeah it's perfectly normal to feel they way you do,so don't worry on that part. Although it is clear to me that your boyfriend may not be 100% over his ex. In my honest opinion I think that if you enter into a (new) serious relationship with som... (read in full...)

I want her molester jailed

Q.   I'm 31 and my girlfriend is 20. She is my life and I love her so much and i'd do anything for her. We are together 1year and half . Last night alot of things she told me about a guy who groomed her at 12 years to 14 and i cant get it out of my ...

A.   1 June 2014: This is not YOUR issue to deal with it is your girlfriend & if you continue to go around telling people her business you might find that pretty soon you won't have a girlfriend! She has obviously had lots of time to think about this over the year... (read in full...)

My 17 yr old son met an American girl while gaming online and now her parents are offering to pay for his ticket so he can meet her! I'm scared that he'll never come back!

Q.   Hi Looking for some advice! My 17 yr old son met an American girl while gaming online 4 yrs ago! They have been chatting on fb and Skype since and now he wants to go to America to meet her! Apparently her parents will pay for his ticket!! I have t...

A.   1 June 2014: That's totally crazy there is NO WAY you should let him go! So many people on the internet pretend to be someone they are not. He could be going over there only to be met by someone who wants to do him harm! It's half way across the world & you ... (read in full...)

Is my paranoia from past hurt destroying my new relationship or is my new guy just a snake?

Q.   In EVERY relationship I've ever been in I've been lied to, cheated on and had horrible mind games played on me. I've had boyfriends move in with other partners behind my back,get engaged,get other girls pregnant and move away to name but a fe...

A.   9 September 2013: Thanks for the advice,I've never actually told him about how I feel think if I just spoke to him I'd put my mind at rest?... (read in full...)

I don’t understand myself anymore

Q.   Dear all, I will start with a small introduction; I am 28 and had only one single romantic relationship in life. After the breakup, I started a hellish dry spell that still lasts to this day (more or less 3 years now). After doing a lot to improve...

A.   8 September 2013: I think it's a culmination of a few thing with yourself. 1) Your bad experience with you ex. You are perhaps putting up walls & don't even know your doing it in order so not to get hurt again. Just remember that not everyone is your... (read in full...)

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