I'm madly in love with my best friend's boyfriend!
Q. [Mod note: I think the age range given by the poster is incorrect. Poster, please verify your age.] I'm stuck, I'm madly in love with my best friends bf. This is what happened; so me and him had a thing while they were going out and we made out alot...
A. 30 March 2010: It's not love trust me. Try being a good person. Would you like it if that was you boyfriend and best friend messing around. Lowest of the low.... (read in full...)
How would you deal with your partner putting pictures of their deceased ex everywhere? Am I being insensitive?
Q. My man have his deceased ex pictures posted on everything, Am I being Insensitive? My man posts pictures of his deceased ex on his profile page. She died a year ago. The picture posted as his main photo is him and her together hugged up. At that mom...
A. 30 March 2010: My husband lost his first love 4 years ago. They were broken up but still friends. He was actually at the party she was when she left and was killed while driving drunk. While we were dating he did once call her his girlfriend and that pissed me off ... (read in full...)
He's 47, I'm 35 - he doesn't want mother of his little girl to find out about me
Q. *OP's own title* Ok, here is my dilemma: My boyfriend of 3 months and I are very happy together. The relationship is sound and we are on the same wavelenght. Some facts about him; He is 47, lives with his parents (!)never married but, has a 5 year...
A. 30 March 2010: Hmmm the whole "pretend we are friends" thing would also be too much for me I mean that would just make you feel like the other women which I'm not sure your not. When you met his family did he introduce you as his girlfriend? Have you never been to ... (read in full...)
I told him I was not stupid when he asked for a loan. Now he wont speak to me, ...did I handle this wrong?
Q. Can someone please help me out. I have been dating this guy that I once dated before. So getting to know each other would not be a deal. We were so happy getting back together. About a week ago his calls and txt messages had stopped. Even when I ...
A. 30 March 2010: I completely agree with the other person!... (read in full...)
My boyfriend thinks I am too young to be the mother of his baby.
Q. i am a virgin and would love to have sex with my bf and become his child's mom but my bf says that i'm very young to be the mother of his kid and he would make me pregnant only aftr i finish my college but i want it rite now and i have gone mad ...
A. 18 November 2009: Wow seriously way tooo young. I'm 25 and I"m too young. Your life after children is not really about you ever again. This is your time your time for partying and lots of boys and fun. Why do you want a child? Do you need to feel loved? What do you ... (read in full...)
My boyfriend puts alcohol before me and his children!
Q. My boyfriend of 7 months is a raging alcoholic and I dont know what to do. I did not know that it was this bad until recently. He is always putting his friends and his drinking before me. The other night he called me and said that he was on his wa...
A. 18 November 2009: Okay you need to strap on your big girl panties and leave this loser! You do not want to have children with this man. He is horrible! He cares nothing for your needs, He cares nothing for his own children's need and nothing should ever top that ... (read in full...)
What is the strangest place to have sex?
Q. Sorry for all the questions on here but I enjoy hearing everyone's comments on things, it makes you look at everything so much differently. The world is so diverse it is amazing. But as for my question. Where is the wierdest place any of you...
A. 5 May 2008: In the stairwell of the "parking can be fun" parking garage in downtown Memphis. Did i mention this stairway was housed in glass and looked out over a very busy street... good times haha!... (read in full...)
My girlfriend broke up with me after 4 years because she needs to make sure we were meant to be.
Q. My girlfriend broke up with me about a month and a half ago and for the first three weeks we didn't talk or get together because she said she wanted space to see if we were meant to be and find out what she wanted. After the three weeks she started ...
A. 20 March 2008: Honestly this girl sounds like she doesn't have a clue what she wants or needs. This is not good for you, trust me i've been that girl and i miss treated 3 differnt guys that truly loved me. What she needs is to grow up. If i was you i would start ... (read in full...)
I suspect my bf is married. What can you suggest? Am I reading too much into this?
Q. I think my boyfriend my be married but I am not sure. We have been seeing each other since last fall and here is what I have observed: We see each other twice a month for a date night (always checked by schedules). We have lunch or drinks 2 or 3 ti...
A. 5 February 2008: First flag to watch out for...You never meet his friends! This is not normal. This means something very bad always.... (read in full...)
Do I go out with him even although he has a girlfriend and says she mustn't know?
Q. hi, I'm 16 almost 17 and ive been with my boyfriend for 8 months but recently discovered one of the boys I know in my street as we are all very close because we live in like a culdesac sort of thing closed off. I noticed he looks at me when ...
A. 5 February 2008: Haha, seriously if a 23 year old wants anything from you it isn't a relationship. You are prbably just a piece of meat for this sad guy. I bet he wouldn't want anyone to know, hah. Trust me girl stick to your age group, As sad as that crop seems it ... (read in full...)
How does the rhythm method work? I want to use it.
Q. How on earth do you work out the rhythm method? Is this when you look at your period, and decide when it is safe to have sex? Could someone tell me how to do this? I'd really like to try and use it....
A. 5 February 2008: At 16 or 17 this really isn't a good idea, use a condom to protect you from stds and hiv. Plus, you don't want to end up with a kid at your age trust me, all fun time would be over!... (read in full...)
He slept with THREE different women while on a road trip. His excuse was "He had needs". I'm very hurt. What should I do?
Q. this past summer my boyfriend went on a month long road trip with his buddies. i stayed home to work for tuition money, so i couldnt go along. he called me everyday and we talked for a while. i never suspected anything bad was going on. but just a ...
A. 27 January 2008: He isn't even saying he is sorry. So ask him this while he was gone what about your needs, how would he feel if you banged 3+ guys while he was gone? Dump this loser he is acting like he didn't do anything wrong. You shouldn't take this kind of ... (read in full...)
Will my girlfriend be upset if I use the same ring I gave to my ex wife to propose?
Q. I want to ask my girlfriend to marry me. The engagement ring I intend to give to her is a Family heirloom. My father gave it to my mother. The ring is lovely and I'm sure she would like it. However, I have been married before and used the ring to ...
A. 20 January 2008: just ask her what she would rather have.... (read in full...)
She only tolerates the missionary position, saying almost all others hurt. Can this be corrected?
Q. My girlfriend and I have regular sex, averaging once a day. When we do, she prefers a very strict missionary position. She says she has comfort/sensitivity issues and it hurts her in almost every other position. Are there any women who have felt ...
A. 16 January 2008: a friend told me this a while ago "certain times of the month right before or after your period i think you uterus moves back or something like that and certain ways can hurt. ... (read in full...)
I feel betrayed because of his watching porn!
Q. Dear Cupid, My boyfriend is bisexual. Which inst a big deal except he isn't faithful to our relationship. It's happened several times thought 5 years of being together. Every time he promises that he loves me and that it wont happen again. but in ...
A. 16 January 2008: He needs to get help. He has a problem. You can't fix it.... (read in full...)
How can I stop him sending pictures on his phone?
Q. my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years keeps texting other girls. He has pictures of them and dirty messages which he sends and they send. He does not know I have seen them.....this time. I confronted him few months ago about them and he promised he would stop ...
A. 11 January 2008: Tell him you know he is still doing it and if you catch him again he will never see you or your baby again. That should knock him back into the real world.... (read in full...)
I love him but he abuses me and drains my confidence.
Q. I am 19 year old girl in love with a 25 year old guy. Its become almost more than 1 year that we are together. He stays with me with my family and even works in the same office. We are very close to each other and even physically involved. He ...
A. 2 November 2007: Wow, your putting up with way too much. It is never okay for a man to treat you like that. He should never compare you to anyone else like that! Plus he talks to other girls?? What? No way is that respectful. This guy is a loser, and you are a sweet ... (read in full...)
Can my boyfriend have babies at the age of 37 and up?
Q. hello! im 21, and still have a family to make i have the man of 5years i want and love, i have always wanted to have kids my b/f is 37 if your some1 or no a man thats had kids this age please let me no an give me some hope for a family ive al...
A. 23 October 2007: oh good news for you men can produce babies in thier 70s as long as they are healthy.... (read in full...)
I want to lose weight and I don't mind eating in moderation but I hate exercising. What's the best way I can exercise which loses a lot of calories in the shortest time?
Q. I want to lose weight and I don't mind eating in moderation but I hate exercising. What's the best way I can exercise which loses a lot of calories in the shortest time? Also how can I tone my stomach?...
A. 9 September 2007: all you gotta do is run.... (read in full...)
Ive just started dating the girl of my dreams but I'm feeling depressed??? Why can this be?
Q. I need some help. Ive finally started dating the girl of my dreams after 6 months of waiting and for the first time in my life im extremely happy, i feel better than i ever have before... but theres a problem, for the last week or so i've been unus...
A. 27 August 2007: Because you have nothing else to work toward.... (read in full...)
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