| *hos that chick xxx
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| *hos that chick xxx's profile:I have been through lots of things being a teenager so if any teens need help i can help them.
I live in a quiet little town where everyone know pretty much everyone
Im single but trying my best to show my ex my feelings for him as i love him so much );
Im a generally a happy person and im in the last year of school which is great then going to college to do a beauty therapy course :) xoxo can't wait tbh yayyy :D
I also help my friends with advice with boys and other stuff and they are always happyx |
Fun inexpensive activities I can do with my ex boyfriend
Q. Me and my ex are trying sort things out :) I wanted to know what activities we can do that are fun and dont cost alot I seriously can't think of much accept the beach, cinema, I would love any ideas given as we both like sport,hanging out,playin...
A. 14 March 2011: Thank you :) i will definitely do some of these activities :) as they all sound fun thanks once again x ... (read in full...)
Should I follow my heart and date the guy I love?
Q. I am 100% in love with this guy...I cannot imagine life without him he is just...amazing I love him. We tell each other that we love each other daily. So, about a month ago he technically broke up with me, we decided to wait for dating until we can ...
A. 14 March 2011: I think that you should follow your heart and talk to him especially as he has just broken up with a recent girlfriend as he may want a little space right now but let him know that your here for him no matter what happens and if he doesn't want to ... (read in full...)
I'm 16 yet from time to time I long for a baby. Can I get over this?
Q. Hey. So I'm only 16 but sometimes I get like really hormonal and obsessive about having a baby. Its not all the time, but when i do get it its like unbareable - like I just want a baby so badly. Its really scary and upsetting - why do i feel like ...
A. 14 March 2011: Hey
Babies are alot of hard work as my auntie is finding out she can't cope sometimes with all the stress.
Anyway you want to live you life to the full as i had these feelings too about a baby i would even go and buy little baby cloths but then my ... (read in full...)
How do I prove to him I'm worth it again
Q. My ex has been texting me for a week and it would only be late at night around 11:00pm and he would send me things like text back you douche and i would text back answering his text and he wouldn't text back to me but then on saturday he didn't text ...
A. 14 March 2011: Yh i know i should stop texting but i really can't as i still have feelings for him and i call him names but what i don't get is why does he only text me late at night as he only has a few lessons a day as hes in post 16 "/so why can't he text me ... (read in full...)
Friends vs. Relationships
Q. Have you ever been in a situation where you want to be with someone, but another person isn't happy about it, and therefore is standing in your way? Perhaps you've liked a sibling's friend, or a friend's relative, or someone your friend likes as ...
A. 13 March 2011: This article is great as it was the same for me and it took me alot too rebuild my friendship with my bestfriend now are relationship is great and the guy didn't want to work on a friendship also and he sed that he hates us both but oh well ive got ... (read in full...)
Is 14 too young to be in love?
Q. This is going to sound realy wierd... but is fourteen too young to be in love? I know it probably won't last and I really doubt my boyfriend and I will be together 'forever' but is it possible my feelings can be really deep, and that he also ...
A. 13 March 2011: :) i don't think your being immature for asking such a good question :) and yes you can fall in love at any age such as 14 to older such as my 61yr nan has fallen in love with a 60 yr man who is wonderful and don't forget you can fall in love more ... (read in full...)
Do guys get freaked out if a girl bleeds?
Q. I'm honestly curious and don't have anyone I can talk to about this. I was wondering if guys/boys can get freaked out when a girl bleeds during sex? Before you start lecturing me, I am NOT thinking about having sex. I'm too young and have no desir...
A. 12 March 2011: I don't think that it does because when girls have sex they will more than likely to bleed as i did when i first had sex my boyfriend wasn't freaked out he was like are you okay :)and so i don't think they do because you only bleed when on a period ... (read in full...)
I think I'm falling for him again, and my best friend hates him
Q. I used to like this on guy but we ended up as just really close friends. I thought I was over him, but I don't think I am, he is always there for me and doesn't mind helping me or me getting upset around him and we always give each other advice. I ...
A. 12 March 2011: The best thing to find out is ask him and if hes says that he doesn't then you have a great mate to be there for you i was in the same situation with my ex me and him are like best friends now it took me 3 months to get over him then i started ... (read in full...)
Help with an ex boyfriend as my head is everywhere atm :/
Q. I was going out with my ex for about 3 months we had a good relationship we then ended when his exams started :) we then didn't talk for about 6 weeks then out of the blue he started poking me on facebook and then he started texting ma saying wuu2 ...
A. 12 March 2011: I spoke to him to day and asked him if it was true that he still likes me and he said that he wasn't sure he wants me to go camping next weekend where there will be alcohol and weed as he smokes it i really don't know what to do atm plz can someone ... (read in full...)
Should I follow my heart back to my first love or stay with my current good guy?
Q. well, i have been dating this guy for almost three months. We have been through a lot together, he was my friend through some extremely hard times in my life. and i appreciate it and do love him. but recently, me and this other guy and i have ...
A. 12 March 2011: If it was me i would stay with your current boyfriend as like you said loves you more anything in the world and you leaving him might break him and if you love the guy then follow your heart but give your current boyfriend a chance because if you ... (read in full...)
Help for the first time?
Q. I have been going out with my boyfriend for six months now and i feel ready for sex, we've tried before but it just hurts me alot, so i was wondering if theres any advice for first time? i heard taking paracetamol helps....
A. 12 March 2011: If you and your boyfriend are going to try again talk to him to go slow and if you feel like your into much pain then stop or maybe try different positions i found that this was that helped me alot and i also got my partner to use lube that also ... (read in full...)
Do you think it can work out between a 17 yr old boy and a 20 yr old girl?
Q. Do you think it can work out between a 17 year old boy and a 20 year old girl?...
A. 12 March 2011: I think that age doesn't matter if you both are in a happy relationship and willing to give it ago then there is nothing to worry about :) go for it hope this helped abit ... (read in full...)
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