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*tephanie,jayne's profile:

hey :) im steph, i listen to what anyone has to say, and then i give my honest opinion on the situation, i just want to help because i know what its like to be confussed and have nobody there to help you out, i specialise in relationships and sexual health and appetite. im truthful and caring and i DON'T judge anyone! we all make mistakes! please give me your questions and ill do the best i can in answering them for you! :) speak soon. xx

Her bad attitude cause me to break up with her, did I make the right decision?

Q.   me and my girlfriend were together for about 7 months. I decided to end it last night because i feel like enough is enough. Every time i go out into town she has a problem with it, she is off with me when im in town and off with me the day after...

A.   2 February 2010: you made the right decission :) well done for sticking up for youself and leaving her and her attitude problem behind, she obviously doesnt trust you to have issues with you going round town with your mates, and if she doesnt trust you then the ... (read in full...)

Why doesn't my husband wear his wedding ring?

Q.   My new husband is always forgetting his wedding ring. It drives me crazy and a little offended as well. I asked him if he doesn't want to wear it and why, he says that thats not it and I don't believe him. Why do you think he doesn't wear it?...

A.   2 February 2010: Does your husband have a job were he has to use his hands alot or work with machinery? if this is the case then a ring is only going to get in his way and cause trouble for him so it would be alot easier for him not to forget it. Does he wear it at ... (read in full...)

My partner of 4 years will insert a vibrator, accept oral, but wont give me anything in return and just tells me to 'sort myself out'.

Q.   Hi. I am 23 and my girlfriend 25. We have been dating for just over 4 years and living together for 3. In all the time we have been together we have never had sex. We tried at the start of our relationship but it hurt and she has been relucta...

A.   2 February 2010: Ok well first off let me just say that you are a very patient and understanding person to stick by a relationship for 4 years that offers little if any sexual enjoyment at all!! if i was you i would of been gone within the first few months!!! ... (read in full...)

B/f's mom walked in while I was giving him hand job!

Q.   Help! My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now and we're completely in love. I've never been more happy and comfortable with anyone. Well, today we were at his house in his basement with his previously Catholic mother home. I'm not ...

A.   1 February 2010: ok first of all you are young so i can see why it may bother both your parents, but on the other hand you love each other and have been together a year and its unreasonable of them to think that you arnt going to be intermate!! They shouldnt be ... (read in full...)

He doesn't even want a bj! is he not attracted to me anymore?

Q.   hey you guys. ive been wanting to try giving my boy friend **** but he just doesn't seem to want a blow job. he keeps saying he doesn't want my mouth around that thing, but i can't help but think its me. . .is he not attracted to me anymore??...

A.   1 February 2010: Ok there are a few things you need to consider here. A. You may be rubbish and he doesnt like them. B. He may have had a bad experience of blow jobs that has put him off them so in this case you need to either show him that they can be good... (read in full...)

Given his ex is on the scene should I even be considering marriage?

Q.   My fiance continues to talk with his ex. I believe it is her that initiates the contact. I've read his emails to find this out. She says things like, I miss you more than ever and I miss you so much I could puke. It has been 3 years since they hav...

A.   1 February 2010: You have every right to give him conditions!! what he has done is just as bad as cheating, if not worse!! You should be the only woman for him and if he cant cut a girl he has only met once and will probably never see again out his life then he isnt ... (read in full...)

Are some people simply destined to be alone all their lives?

Q.   At age 25 i have never been in a relationship and obviously still a virgin never kissed anyone and as each day passes i see myself growing older and lonlier. I suffer badly from depression and anxiety i have no self esteem at all no confiden...

A.   1 February 2010: herpes is treatable if not curable so go to your GP and they may be able to prescribe something for you! take up a few hobbies (this is a brilliant way of meeting new people!) start going to the gym a few times a week, this releases something simply ... (read in full...)

How do other couples spend time together and feel connected when it's just a lazy winter day and there's really nothing to do?

Q.   Puzzled by b/f's behavior. This happens a lot. We're stuck inside. B/F is surfing the web on his laptop. I sit on the couch with him, and play a video game with volume turned off. After an hour he wants to watch TV. So I turn off the game but can't ...

A.   1 February 2010: You need to make things to do, heres a few ideas:- Go for a walk, go to the shop and get something nice in for tea then make it together, watch a film, if you can spare the cash go out for dinner. if you have a dog then take it for a walk together... (read in full...)

Can't handle girlfriend's sexual past!

Q.   Alright. So I've been dating my girlfriend for 3 months. She's wonderful. I believe I'm in love with her. I'm 25, she's 21. At the beginning of our dating, I asked her how many guys she had been with. The number she told me shocked me. She said, and ...

A.   1 February 2010: Wow it sounds to me as though you care alot for this girl and that your scared your not good enough to keep her tied down (even though you may not realise this!) Your girlfriends job is just a way of earning easy money and i dont balme her, times ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has an anger problem and I'm worried about my unborn child

Q.   im pregnant and worried about by boyfriends anger. been to the doctor as he has hit me in the stomach and i am worried bout hurting my baby. my friends say i should leave him! i don't know what to do. please help ...

A.   1 February 2010: I understand that you probably love this man and your having his baby and that you would like to forgive and forget and hope that he doesnt do it again but the truth is that there is a 99.9% chance that he will hit you again, or worse!! It is your ... (read in full...)

Help! I'm scared to tell my mom I'm pregnant... again!

Q.   Please help me, I just turned 16 january 20 and my boyfriend turned 19 dec 16, i got pregnant before and got an abortion 5 months ago and I'm pregnant again. my mom is extra strict and so is my family, once again my bf wants to keep it and I do too ...

A.   1 February 2010: Oh dear... Ok firstly if you and your boyfriend want to keep the baby then that is your choice not your mums but at the same time you are underage and this could get your boyfriend in alot of trouble. I'm confussed though, because from what you... (read in full...)

I'm regretting what I did to my sister when we were younger, what am I supposed to do?

Q.   ok, this is strange one. what have i done!! this is even weird and awkward for me to type but... for years ive been really anxious and worried about what happened to me and my sister when we were young. i was about 12 and she about 6. we played ...

A.   1 February 2010: Ok i can see why this is such a big problem for you, you obviously love your sister (the way a brother would) and deeply regret what happened when you were younger. I think it would help you to read up on Freuds study of "little Hans". It's an ... (read in full...)

I don't feel like having sex with my boyfriend any more

Q.   My boyfriend had fantasy sex with his friend (girl) he knows. It looks like every time he is imaging to have sex, he will think about this girl. But he told me he will never have sex with this girl in real life. Is he lying to me? He loves me...

A.   29 January 2010: fFrstly let me say your right to feel this way about the situation. I recently went through this problem with my boyfriend, he admitted to me that he has masturbated over his ex girlfriends since he has been with me, so i completley understand how ... (read in full...)

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