My married lover feels sorry for his wife and won't leave because of the kids. How do I break off this affair?
Q. I have been having an affair with a married man for ten years. I was twenty four then, and a student in his torts class. He says he loves his wife, but he loves me more. Because of their two children, he has to stay with her (he also feels sorry ...
A. 1 January 2006: dump him by e mail! he wants to have his cake and eat it. a toatally clean break and a new start is what you need.its the perfect time as we start a new year. good luck.
the o lie he is spinning you about loving you more than his wife is s uch a ... (read in full...)
My girlfriend won't swallow. Can I talk her around to seeing it my way?
Q. hiya, I was just wondering. I have been going out with my gilfriend for 3 years and I really want her to swallow my cum. Are there any ways in whichI can get her to do this? Thanx...
A. 1 January 2006: if you were practicing safe sex and were wearing a condom it woulodnt be an issue. you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink! dont force the issue upon your girlfriend or she will leave you!... (read in full...)
I helped set up two friends; they got married and moved away. Now he's back in touch...
Q. I'm in an utter state and I just need an outside perspective. About 2 years ago I met a really lovely girl on holiday, we stayed friends when we came home and she told me all about the problems, the man one was the guy she wanted who we'll just ...
A. 1 January 2006: if you choose to stay friends with him tell him that you wont be his agony aunt any more he should be voicing his concerns to his need to establish some boundries within the friendship. state quite clearly you will not be used as a sexual ... (read in full...)
I had sex with him the first time we, he hasn't answered my message. What's happening?
Q. Hi I met up with a guy from an online dating site on Sunday. I'm 32, and haven't been in a relationship or had sex for a year (yes - a year!!). The dating site is a good one - doesn't seem to have many of the usual players on it. Anyway - ...
A. 1 January 2006: phone him d see if he wants to meet up again. if he doesnt answer hes either run out of credit on his mobile or he isnt answering. try leaving a voicemail either which way expect nothing then you have everything to gain. it wont be the end of the ... (read in full...)
Haven't seen my guy in 10 years, but I'm still in love with him...
Q. Almost 10 years ago, I met a man. Basically although I have had very bad relationships with other men, this relationship was only sex but we got along great, We would talk about friends and family and he would drop what he was doing if I called. B...
A. 1 January 2006: you need to contact him. see him and talk about things and either achieve closure and move on or go back to him.
you must also realise that just because he has been the only non violent man youve been with that that doesnt make him special.... (read in full...)
Slept with my boss at a Xmas do. I'm not sorry, but I think he might be...
Q. Hi merry xmas! Here's another question you have probo heard before. Basically I'm 21, had my works xmas do and slept with one of my bosses. There was pure chemistry there. He's a lot lot older than me but now I'm really worried about going back...
A. 1 January 2006: firstly realise it was a one night stand. then tell him this. also tell him you dont want to ever have sex with him again. if you feel comfortable continuing working there, then thats all well and good. if you dont feel happy with working there ... (read in full...)
I don't understand why guys my own age just don't seem interested in me!
Q. I don't understand why guys appear to not be interested in me! I'm 16 years old and have had 2 bf's, and never even been on a date with an other guys. All my friends at school have all the guys interested in them and at work, all the guys are inte...
A. 1 January 2006: in order to understand boys and men i suggest you make friends with a few of them. then you can see why they do things. im 36 and i still dont understand their logic, but i have observed a lot of them and i know how some of them tick. dont plunge ... (read in full...)
The girl I love is engaged and needs time to decide to leave her fiance!
Q. I am in love with this girl. She is supposed to be getting married this summer to someone else. I just met her but it is love at first sight. She also feels very strongly about me or at least she tells me she does. She said that she needs time ...
A. 1 January 2006: leave her now! let her go.
if she needs to think about leaving her fiance then she doesnt love you! she is cheating on her fiance with you, what makes you think she wont do that to you when you guys get together? why should you wait around for some... (read in full...)
I'm not sure what to do to become more comfortable about sexual intimacy with my boyfriend...
Q. Hi, I'm 15 and dating this really great guy. We can talk about anything and are pretty comfortable with each other. My problem is that when it comes to being 'intimate' I freak out. All we've done is make out but I think he'd like to go further ...
A. 1 January 2006: just take things slowly. dont do anything you feel uncomfortable with. spend more time getting to know him. it sounds like you have handled the situation well so far. think about what you want. are you ready to loose your he the ... (read in full...)
My husband admitted that he's been seeing prostitutes, and I'm devastated!
Q. After 15 years together, I now find my husband has been using prostitutes/call girls on a regular basis. He tells me he still loves me,and is committed to me, and his two children. What he has with these women is "his private life" and does not ...
A. 1 January 2006: your husband doesnt think being unfaithful to you with prostitutes impinges upon your relationship?.......he needs to wake up and smell the coffee! he needs to realise he is being insensitive and inconsiderate of you and your family. you both need ... (read in full...)
My career is my life and my kids hate me for it. I'd love a relationship, but where are all the single men?
Q. I have been split from my ex-hub for 9 years now and have two children. I have had a few relationships which did not amount to anything but pain, and plunged myself into a career. This has had a major impact on my relationship with my kids who ...
A. 1 January 2006: firstly you havent allowed yourself time to get over your bad marriage. working hard is the coping mechanism you have employed to avoid facing the fact that its all over now. perhaps your children are a constant reminder of what you went through. ... (read in full...)
I'm not sure about my feelings towards my baby's father
Q. Feelings for my babies father. I started dating a guy about 2 years ago when I was on the rebound from splitting up from another partner. Things moved very quickly and within three months I was pregnant and he was talking about marriage and I p...
A. 1 January 2006: you should give the relationship a second go for the sake of your child. however you should only do this if you both want it equally.your ex partner is involved with your d doesnt work outt itaughter by the sheer fact he is her father so she will ... (read in full...)
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