Dreaming about my crush...
Q. Hi Aunts and Uncles. I have a major problem about the boy I've been crushing on for 5 years. For the past week and a half, I have been having frequent dreams about said guy. They're normally about us dancing, kissing, or holding each other. I can't ...
A. 7 December 2010: Perhaps you should consider making a move and telling him how you feel. You've kept your emotions inside for quite a long time - it's no surprise that they're building up and filling your subconscious!
Maybe he doesn't have feelings for you, or ... (read in full...)
Can she end this ordeal for good and be a happy single lady?
Q. Ok. There is a girl whom I know. She is 19 and she is in a relationship with her bf for almost 5 years and her bf is 22. She tells me, She had broke up and patched backed with him countless times. She tells me her relationship is unhealthy. Her bf ...
A. 4 November 2010: You're entirely right - she deserves someone much, much better. Disagreements are a normal part of every relationship, but physical and verbal abuse are never, ever appropriate. The fact that he's extremely controlling only makes things worse.
... (read in full...)
Is oral sex so bad???
Q. i have a boyfriend. Our relation makes 1 year. we've gone so far during this one year (no sex)..only foreplay. i trust him a lot and i know he will never betray me. we are very open in sex topic. he is now abroad. a few days he was always askin...
A. 4 November 2010: Not all guys are the same - though most guys would certainly jump at the offer, there are some who might not feel comfortable with oral sex or who think it inappropriate. It's a matter of personal preference, and if he's made it clear that he isn't ... (read in full...)
Is wrong to have a boyfriend but to practice sex with a friend to get ready for boyfriend?
Q. I have a boyfriend now but one of my guy friends wants to be friends with benefits. I don't want to cheat on my boyfriend but is it wrong to have a friend with benefits to practice for my boyfriend?...
A. 4 November 2010: Wait a second...you clearly state that you don't want to cheat on your boyfriend, but you're asking if you can be "friends with benefits" with another guy? AND have sex with said guy in order to "practice"? Maybe I'm missing something here... ... (read in full...)
My boyfriend has been a major ass to me recently and I want to break up with him, but I'm scared I might be pregnant!
Q. Hey!So I'm a 14 year old girl that just recently lost her virginity. Since then I have had sex with my boyfriend quite a few times. But now I'm starting to become scared. All the times we have had sex we have never used a condom. I've researched a ...
A. 4 November 2010: If your boyfriend wasn't even responsible and mature enough to use protection, then I doubt he's going to help you get through as difficult a situation as a potential pregnancy. The fact that he's been treating you poorly doesn't help either. ... (read in full...)
If I meet up with my male friend (who I have no feelings for), will my boyfriend think it is ok to start meeting up with his ex's again?
Q. Basically. My boyfriend ruined my trust at the 1 year barrier as he had coffee with an ex without telling me, after about of month of telling me he didn't want to see her again, and me crying because he'd be texting her ALL the time. We had a big ...
A. 4 November 2010: This is a tricky situation, mostly because it would be so easy for him to turn around and call you a hypocrite. However, you shouldn't avoid talking to anyone of the opposite sex, because that wouldn't be fair to you at all - and besides, there's ... (read in full...)
My love life is a total ruin and I feel so empty! Advice?
Q. Hello everyone, I'm feeling awkwardly strong depressed. In the last 2 months I've been trying to watch at my life from a third person perspective. My opinion aobut it is terrible. I have no happiness moments, and those that seem to be some ate j...
A. 27 March 2010: Wow...you sound like an amazing person. I wish we could have a chat so you could know that there are indeed other girls out there who are into more than gossip and drama. Since it's clear that you're a genuinely caring, sweet guy, I'd hang in... (read in full...)
He seems to be interested, I want to approach him but am scared of rejection
Q. Hello! I am kind of interested in this guy from work, and looking for signs that he could be interested in me. There are a few things I’ve noticed, I just want an objective opinion on whether they could be signs that he's interested: . When we're...
A. 27 March 2010: I'd certainly say he sounds interested! Don't worry about him paying attention to other women...it might just mean that you make him nervous because he's attracted to you, and thus, he talks to other women instead. Go for it! Here's the logic... (read in full...)
I'm caught in the middle of warring friends
Q. Two of my friends have had a severe fallout.A guy and a girl.They are not romantically attached to each other.Neither am I.We are all a gang of bozos who hang out together.Both of them have been telling me stuff and I don't know what to do.I am so ...
A. 27 March 2010: If they keep putting you in the middle, you should tell each of them that you don't wish to be involved. Make sure they know that you're still there for support and a good friend when they need one, but let them know that you feel uncomfortable ... (read in full...)
I'm racked with guilt but think I'm developing a real crush for this guy.
Q. Dear cupid. I'm writing this letter because i'm at my wits end. Having lived with my boyfriend for 8 months, he had to move away to a new job having lost his here two months ago. He travels home every 2nd weekend and we stay in touch daily via phone ...
A. 27 March 2010: To be fair to your boyfriend, you have to tell him the truth. Imagine if you were in his place - if he were falling in love with another girl, it would be a really hard thing to accept, but it would mean that you'd move on and eventually find ... (read in full...)
I just can't kiss him... Epic failure at kissing?
Q. Arghhh, I feel really stupid and awkward now, and I'm pretty sure he does, too-I really need some help! I know that this is very long, but I just really need to pour my heart out to someone... We're both 15. We are both long haired music fan...
A. 27 March 2010: I'd just go with the flow, keep hanging out with him, and see what happens next. I think if you plan a day to try your first real kiss, you're just going to worry about that day and if everything will work out right! If you just don't think about ... (read in full...)
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