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Nepal  (Male   XML/RSS

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Why am I so hairy? When will the body hair stop growing??

Q.   Hi, I am a 15 year old. For people of my age I have so much facial and body hair - i have side burns, chest hair, hairy legs, hairy buttocks and hairy back. I am quite worried about it. I was hoping if you could tell me whether this is normal (...

A.   23 May 2012: same problem here bro ... (read in full...)

Why am I so hairy? When will the body hair stop growing??

Q.   Hi, I am a 15 year old. For people of my age I have so much facial and body hair - i have side burns, chest hair, hairy legs, hairy buttocks and hairy back. I am quite worried about it. I was hoping if you could tell me whether this is normal (...

A.   5 May 2012: hey there im also a really hairy guy im 17 and i live in nepal that is in south east asia so im from aryan race and my ancestors came from central europe so its genetic but for a guy of my age its really hard i see guys walkin down the street ... (read in full...)

I didn't know what to do so I ran back into my house!

Q.   hi ...ok this is a question ....i want girls to answer it...plz i need help..ok im a guy of 17 who loves a girl who falls to be my neighbour...we hav been living in the same place for many years still we never hav talked or i dont even know her ...

A.   5 March 2012: thanx...guys this makes me really motivated and make me feel good.i personally thank you Grassisgreen,Stephnie really glad u answered thanx a millions... (read in full...)

I don't know her name, but I know I'm in love with her

Q.   hey guys i'm in love with a girl who lives in my neighbourhood.its been a year since i have fell in love with her, but its been long since i haven't seen her .i don't know much about her, even not her name but all i know is i love her she was livi...

A.   3 January 2012: thanx man that u tried to help me. im really feeling better thanx for your opinion pal... (read in full...)

I'm afraid my body is strange and a guy won't like it

Q.   I'm 15 and my vagina lips and labia hang farther down than most girls. I've read about this online because of my insecurities... And so far, most of the results say that it's normal. But i'm still scared that I will be judged for it (I refuse to ...

A.   2 January 2012: dont you worry.....these are some of the things which we guys dont notice mostly and it really dosnt bother us cuz we dont have a bit of idea how exactly it in my opinion dont you worry about it ... (read in full...)

I cant control my erections! Help!

Q.   Am a reserved guy of 22.anytime a girl tourches or even playing or discussing romantic issues with a girl i usually gets an erection which i can't control or surpress.i don't actuallly know what's wrong with me or know the reason for that or what ...

A.   19 December 2011: hey there is no problem with it..its normal man...see even mine gets erected all of a sudden when im listening to a lecture in class...n not a single lady teacher teaches us.... so u guy its normal with us n when talking or being touched (maybe in a ... (read in full...)

How do I get closer to the girl I love?

Q.   ok im a 17 yrs old boy and i love a girl who is my neighbour.i dont know her name nor have i ever talked to her.for her education she lives at anither town and is back for her vacations so she is here right now and i dont know what to do......should ...

A.   14 December 2011: i do love her....alot all day i dream of her..n nothin else i dont even want to look at any other girl ..ah yeah thanx for your suggestions ...but currently she isnt here but maybe she'll be back in some months .....thing with me n her are pretty ... (read in full...)

He's been extremely annoying with his continual requests for anal sex!

Q.   Hey everyone, I have a fantastic boyfriend who I love very much. BUT (isn't there always a but?) he keeps pressuring me to have anal sex with him. I'm happy to do it once a week or so, but every day is too much and it hurts. Also, he doesn't like ...

A.   3 November 2011: hey im a guy n i think its abusive .....first of all anal sex isnt good for health at all n on top of that "EVERYDAY" he is crazy he's nuts this thing u wrote to him n show all the suggestions u have got so far n try to convince him to ... (read in full...)

Do I have to compromise and give up my goals to find love? Caring for animals is my passion. Can I find love too?

Q.   Will I ever find someone with the same goals as me? I am interested in love, men, etc....finding "the one", but what I am most interested in in life is animals. I want and dedicate my life to making sure I help as many animals as I can. Its time ...

A.   8 October 2011: cool dont worry about guys do first what u love give as much time n dedication to these animals who u really love......n finding a my opinion dont u worry cuz u will find some one someday sooner or a little later in your life ... (read in full...)

Boyfriend finished oral sex rather than stopping so we could have sex!

Q.   last night i gave my boyfriend a blowjob thinking that it was just a starting way for us to have an intimate moment that very same time. but then i was surprised that instead of him getting into the mood, he just blew it all by himself and nothing ...

A.   5 October 2011: yeah like the guy above said u gotta communicate........cuz there are things n we guys cannot understand whats on a girls mind so go talk to him have a good peaceful conversation n let him know how u feel n what u want so that he could be up to your ... (read in full...)

Does Size Make The Man?

Q.   I’d like to first thank Tennisstar88 for giving me the idea to write this article. Even though this is a sensitive topic to most men, my hope is someone will benefit from reading it. Enjoy! ------...

A.   4 October 2011: great view doc. i am a male n i dont know what women think about penises....its size bla bla bla......... ive seen in males n felt pesonally how we feel about our really worries that how our partner will feel about it but reading ... (read in full...)

Does she regret what she did, does she miss me

Q.   My gf and i broke up about 3 months ago.We dated for 3 years.She also has a 3 and a half year daughter,which i took as my own,because the childs father wanted nothing to do with them,he has never seen the child.She broke up with me to be with the ...

A.   4 October 2011: i dont think she either misses you nor regrets right now....... but in the long run she'll realise that what you did for her and her daughter, all those sacrifices and the main thing accepting someone elses child And when the guy kicks her ass agai... (read in full...)

I'm only 15, if nothing's happened with a guy yet, will it ever?

Q.   im 15 and i have not had any interact with a boy. ive never been kissed, or had a boyfriend or had sex. i get attention quite a bit from older men. but im worried that if i havent manged to do anything so far it will neverhappen. like i keep ...

A.   4 October 2011: hey ur just 17 and i too havn't kissed or had sex or been in relationship wit a girl....i wonder if ive ever touched a stranger or a female classmate.So,i think u still have time dont worry about it u will get someone some day..........but ... (read in full...)

Is it because of age factor or something else? Please help me

Q.   i fell in love with a girl, who was just 15-year-old when i was 22. It has been more than 1 year having this relationship. She is about to be 17 in october 22 and i have been 24 lately. She loves me alot. She claims to love me more than all the ...

A.   3 October 2011: age ....... i dont think the gap is too big my mom n dad have 10 yrs difference but they are happy.... no need to worry about it she will grow up as time passes BUT she wont be as MUCH AS your age....leave this age behind and n try changing your ... (read in full...)

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