| *ucyandMikeforever
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| *ucyandMikeforever's profile:I'm living in Memphis while waiting for Michal to get out of the hospital so we can move to Atlanta so we can settle down and have a family. I'm a big supporter of cousin marriages even first cousins because I'm a first cousin and soon to be married to my cousin Michal. I'm also 4 months pregnant so excuse me if I'm moody. =] |
Pregnant for the 4th time with my cousin. My family doesn't want me to keep it though!
Q. well ; i am currently preqnant for my mother's brother son - myfirst cousin. it was all a mistake. we were drunk and had sex. i want to keep the baby but my entire family is against it due to the fact they said it is cross dna and would come out ...
A. 8 August 2010: Don't do it keep the baby it will be fine my family said the same to me I'm pregnant with my first cousins baby 2. Ask you doctor to teat you they did that to me and the results said the baby had no defects. Keep the baby it shouldn't have to die ... (read in full...)
Have been safe but missed my periods. Might I be pregnant? Does air travel affect periods?
Q. Hey everyone, I'm very concerned because my period is over a week late. I am not on the pill and my boyfriend and I used a condom every time but once, and he pulled out. I took a pregnancy test a week after my missed period and it came back ...
A. 8 August 2010: I'm Shute the time zone had no effect on your period but the higher pressure in the air plane may have had a small effect but I think you won't have your period if you keep stressing over it. Relax don't think about it and it will happen... (read in full...)
Q. This is for all you guys out there what do you like a womans hair long or short? Witch is more of a turn on? Me personally I like my hair long. :) what do you guys think? Thanks for reading ~Lucy...
A. 7 August 2010: Me personally I like the way my hair is just barley past my collar bone in the front and down to my sholder in the back and I think short hair Is ugly :)... (read in full...)
Questions about my first pregnancy!
Q. As some of you may know I'm pregnant with my cousins baby and were about to get married. This is my first baby so i got some questions. 1~ Is it normal to have weird and unusual cravings? 2~ Why does my baby constantly kick me? 3~ What causes me...
A. 6 August 2010: Is it okay to have sex during pregnancy? Will it hurt the baby?... (read in full...)
Questions about my first pregnancy!
Q. As some of you may know I'm pregnant with my cousins baby and were about to get married. This is my first baby so i got some questions. 1~ Is it normal to have weird and unusual cravings? 2~ Why does my baby constantly kick me? 3~ What causes me...
A. 6 August 2010: I got another question my brother says I do too much stuff around the house (like clean and cook I get really mad when he says this) but I don't know why I do it I just get this sudden urge to do that kind of stuff. Like I'll just be sitting there ... (read in full...)
My cousin proposed to me, I want to say yes, but what will my family say?
Q. When i was 17 my cousin came down to Texas from Georgia for a family reunion and when she got there she came up to me asked me to go for a walk down one of the trails that led to the river. Somehow she knew exactly where she was going and we stopped ...
A. 5 August 2010: Things didn't go so well my step dad freaked out called me inbred and slapped me the face that's when he lost it a fight broke out but I got out off there I called the cops and they broke it up my step dad was arrested and Michal got put in the ... (read in full...)
Can't get pregnant
Q. Hi, so me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 years, I'm 25 and he is 29, we both have good jobs, we both have a car, we own a condo, we have a great little life, but... We want to have a baby. We have been trying for a few months, we want it ...
A. 5 August 2010: Just relax take a break from it for a week or so. The start trying again but don't worry and don't think about it and it will happen. The more you think about it the longer it will take. Trust me I'm 4 months pregnant right now thats what worked for ... (read in full...)
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