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I told her that I was a virgin. Well she laughed at me... I'm not too sure how I should feel about this.

Tagged as: Friends, Virginity<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 July 2007) 7 Answers - (Newest, 12 July 2007)
A male age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Here's the story, I am 20 soon to be 21 (in a week) A couple days ago I met this girl and we got to talking. As the conversation evolved, we ended up talking about sex. Well this is the point where I told her that I was a virgin. Well she laughed at me... I'm not too sure how I should feel about this. At the time I just brushed it off, but now it is starting to bug me. A little help?

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A female reader, Shan14 United States +, writes (12 July 2007):

Shan14 agony auntIt is definetly okay 2 be a virgin at ur age!!! That is very good and she probably laughed cuz she has done over 10 time probably!!! But u should be proud of urself for waiting to have sex.

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A female reader, kit_e_kat United Kingdom +, writes (11 July 2007):

kit_e_kat agony auntWell she might have thought you were joking, she may have not known what to say, you could have made her nervous. Do you know how experienced she is. All in all it doesn't matter it's more special for most women when its your first time and often hers too because it makes her feel like you are sharing a special bond. There's nothing wrong with a guy who wants to wait, it says something about commitment, which is endearing to many women. Don't worry about it if you do then it makes you more nervous and when you come to it you might make yourself to nervous to perform. When the time comes remember that you and this person are sharing something special. If the girl you talked to is that shallow in that she would laugh at you for not losing it then she is the one with the big problem

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A female reader, love-him United Kingdom +, writes (11 July 2007):

love-him agony auntHey babe, there could be many reasons, but you still should not worry. she could have had a laugh as she didnt realy know what to do in this situation, maybe she was just trying to make you feel beter however she was nervous.. I hope i helped, good luck. Mail me if you would like to talk x x

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (11 July 2007):

Danielepew agony auntLet us say it clearly: maybe she was mocking him. But, he shouldn't worry.

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A female reader, Jen advice United Kingdom +, writes (11 July 2007):

Jen advice agony auntI would'nt take it to heart, she was probably just embarrased about what you'd just told her... at the end of the day you've only known her a couple of days. Don't let it bother you, i dont know if you was planning a relationship with this girl..but if she's still around after you told her about it then it obviously i'snt a problem to her.

Jen advice x

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A female reader, BEEN THERE DONE IT United Kingdom +, writes (11 July 2007):

BEEN THERE DONE IT agony auntHi hun,

She may of laughed because she didn't believe you, or because she felt uncomfortable I am sure she didn't mean it to be nasty babes, don't allow this to affect you sweet its nice to see some guys out there with morals and you stick by them....

You have only just met her are you going to see her again?

If so tell her how it made you feel I am sure she will tell you she did not intend for you feel like this and well hun, if she doesn't well she wasn't worth getting to know in the first place....

You take care hun you should be proud of yourself x

Love Donna xx

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A male reader, Stupid Lullabies United Kingdom +, writes (10 July 2007):

First of all, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin at 20.. I'm one and I'm 21, I have friends who are in their mid 20's who are still virgins. I like to think it shows a strength of character and an integrity rather than a deficiency or that "there's something wrong with you" as some people think. My view on it is, not having sex is not something I haven't gained.. it's something I haven't lost, and I'm going to keep it that way until I decide to change that.

I suppose her reaction could mean different things, you didn't mention anything she said. If it was just like a friendly giggle, then maybe it means she was suprised, but not necessarily judging you. In my experience girls usually have duel standards when it comes to guys and virginity. They want a guy to know what he is doing, but they tend to be turned off by promiscuity. It might be she is just a little suprised in a society that men are judged to be "more of a man" by the number of notches they have on their bedpost, that you are guy who has shown self-discipline and don't conform to that standard. On the other hand, if she was mocking you for being a virgin, then you have to ask yourself.. is it worth getting upset over someone who would think there is something to laugh about when she meets a virgin? Obviously its upsetting, but my advice is, if that was her reaction, the problem isn't you it's her.

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