writes:Do you know what the biggest lie is? The lie that people believe that our lives are shaped by fate thas the biggest lie. Everything we do is the careful path that God set us up to make our personal legends. What is our personal legend you ask? It the mission, the reason why we are set on this earth and why do almost 90.99 percent of us believe this? Because we never have had our personal legends set yet most people learn their person legends at a young age but people give up on it due to that fact that most people think this: I already know my goal in life. and after that they just give up. Its sad isnt it? everything has a personal legend everything the sun the air the grass everything! Also everything that has a personal legend will help you get it too. but be warned if you try to mess up someone else's person legend your own legend wont be achieved but believing in fate is the greatest lie do you believe in this lie? if so why? Reply to this Article Share |
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reader, birdynumnums +, writes (21 July 2009):
There is no such thing as fate or luck, you make it yourself. BUT, you also make your own karma and it influences that around you - in the sense that you will reap whatever you sow, you will draw from whatever you put out into the universe. And it isn't predestined, it's all liquid and flowing, and Every SIngle One of our own personal choices and endeavors influence where we go, what we accomplish and what happens to our lives.
All the rest are life's natural stumbling blocks and hurdles, and they too, are a test of our strength of character. In the end, you become what your were meant to become, not because of fate, but because life is a test of your own character.
reader, quarky +, writes (19 July 2009):
There is a theory that everything that has happened and will happen in the universe is completely pre-ordained by the very stuff that makes up everything from the tiniest particle to the most massive stars. Not pre-ordained by God, but by the Universe itself.So the choices you make are simply the illusion of choice.I'd like to believe there's more to life than that!
reader, xcharlottex +, writes (10 July 2009):
Personally, I believe the most ignorant thing I (or someone) could do is rule out an option without knowing the answer. It could be that we can't find an "answer" (god, etc) because there isn't one, our lives could be just sequences of choices we make, by chance most of us will have a strange chain of events leading up to something that makes us think it's fate. However, the simplest answer is usually the correct one which is "we know nothing." There is so much that is beyond our comprehension, and was beyond our comprehension before someone figured it out, take the vast progress in physics, or any science for example. We'd be fools to rule something out without disproving it by practice 1st, surely? You're better off keeping an open mind to everything but believing in nothing.
reader, anonymous, writes (5 July 2009): I had a conversation with my mentor awhile ago about this topic. We're both unlabeled spiritual people with a 'special' relationship with the universe. The topic came up as I stared into my cup of tea, watching the broken leaf bits swirl around in the brownish liquid. He asked me, "Do you believe those tea leaf bits swirl around under the whims of your touch or under the influence of (a) god?"
Almost immediately, I answered along these words, "Most of humanity's idea of (a/the) god(s) is an infinitely powerful entity with an infinite 'range' of omniscience. Therefore, if (a) god exists, it must already know from the beginning of time to the end of time, that things will be as (a/the) god(s) has created and 'planned' them out to be.
If humanity's version of (a/the) god(s) is true as told in the Koran and the Old and New Testaments, then the allowance of free will counters that same omniscience and omnipotence of (a/the) god(s). In other words, if (a/the) god(s) created everything and already knows what will happen - that in itself has already countered the basic reasoning of "free will". These two aspects cannot exist in the same universe, by the logical mechanics beset within the physics of basic understanding.
Even if (a/the) god(s) exist beyond our comprehension and logical thought process, it would not make sense to having (a/the) god(s) exist in the first place before humanity. As it counters reasoning of being "beyond our comprehension"."
My mentor nodded and said nothing more. However, I asked this same question to a few of my friends and unfortunately, have received either a "I don't know" or some other 'premature' thought.
Many humans assume too many things. Many humans try to justify everything with something "beyond our comprehension". Ultimately, it's all perception and interpretation and for some of us, a play on words.
"Fate"... "Destiny"... "Choice", "Hindsight", "Prophecy", "Fortune Telling", "Astrology", "Tarot", "God(s)"...
God(s) is an ancient deity that will continue to thrive on the neediness of humanity coinciding the unknown. As with fate, destiny and even 'choice'.
reader, anonymous, writes (5 July 2009): Ha. By the way, fate isn't something that God , or Gods or higher beings set up, fate is an overruling power that is can not be cancelled by anything else, if you make a decision in your life, of course it will change it in some way, opening up a new path.
reader, Blue_Angel0316 +, writes (3 July 2009):
The word Fate is used in the Bible. It's Hebrew Meaning is "to believe in. What happens is indeed part of God's eternal plan for our lives but we DO help shape the outcome. It's by the choices we make and how WE choose to live. Fate is something which is sent to us thru the Grace of God and thus helps to mold us and sends us to our Destiny. God's choice by our saving redemption and ressurection is Life after death by Salvation. Destiny by the sins of Man and his unGodlyness is Certain DEATH!!!
God bless,
reader, ladydela +, writes (3 July 2009):
ladydela is verified as being by the original poster of the question oh yea im 11 years old =^.^=
reader, ladydela +, writes (3 July 2009):
ladydela is verified as being by the original poster of the question i mean i am a christan myself and i also believe in evolution but i still think its a lie that our lives are shaped by fate.
reader, brokenhearted_04 +, writes (28 June 2009):
I agree 100%!!!!!
reader, Prodigy2000 +, writes (28 June 2009):
I am of the opinion that people calling things that have previously happened 'fate' is a convenient label to describe a sequence or chain of improbable past events.It bears no meaning of itself and I don't believe that anything is 'fate' or preordained (unless you take a strict deterministic view of the physical world).I agree that people shouldn't see their lives as mapped out - in fact, I'd go so far as to say it's dangerous. When people pre-absolve themselves of any responsibility it takes away the impetus to make difficult decisions and to take care in life. If you think that you'll walk the same path regardless.Then again, on the plus side, a belief in fate could be therapeutic to people who have lost friends and family or gone through hard times. The idea that it was all "meant to happen" is undoubtedly some comfort to them.
reader, anonymous, writes (27 June 2009): I think it's a bit harsh to call this a lie just because you don't believe in it. Would you call christianity or evolution a lie?
I believe in fate to the extent that it directs us to main paths, but we have to make the right decisions along the way.
For for instance, I went through a horrible relationship for three and a half years in HS. it made me miserable but I didn't ahve the courage to end it. Meanwhile, my current husband was feeling as if he would never meet anyone and never be loved and decided he would rather die. He made SEVERAL very VALID suicide attempts. They all should've worked but there was always something miraculous to stop it. Like one time, he purposely got so drunk that he knew he could not swim. He rowed out to the middle of a lake and jumped. But there, in the middle of the lake, completely alone was an anormous rock that went from the lake floor, to the just below the visible surface. He landed on this one, huge, lone rock and was knocked out upon hitting his head. When he awoke, he was sobered and left the lake. This has happened so many times it's the most incredible thing i've ever heard.
Two weeks after I broke up with my horrible bf, I met him through some ffriends that i had nkown for ages, as had he but somehow we had never met, which is good becuase i had a bf and would've paid no attention to the other guys. We met one month before he was off to basic training. Training which he was supposed to leave for five onths earlier but was delayed four or five times and landed after we met. It's history from there, as he's the love of my life and i thank my lucky stars he was alive and hadn't left yet.
He said I saved his life.
Now.. maybe you call this God, i'm not sure. But I don't have faith in that way and i believe in fate. Either way, this is how is has turned out so i think it's best to just respect other peoples' beliefs.
reader, Anne-Marie x +, writes (27 June 2009):
i totally agree. i don't see why so many people believe that their lives are mapped out... you choose what happens in life, it is controlled by you. i think some people believe in it because it makes their life chocies easier when they think whatever they choose god has picked for them. xx