writes:Am a 20 years young woman who is in love with a 50 years old man he wants us to get married as soon as possible,i don't no how to brake the news to my parents . Reply to this Article Share |
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reader, MariaTrent +, writes (2 June 2012):
You are soooooo young and inexperienced. If you care about your own happiness -- be wise about this. Listen to the excellent, caring advice all the others have offered -- otherwise, you could end up having to pay him $$ alimony for life, or go to jail. A fantasy relationship can quickly turn into a nightmare. I'm speaking from experience. It was a fantasy-turned-physically abusive marriage. The military led us to a foreign country. I kissed the American ground when I returned. I was never so thankful to be single again. How long have you been dating him? What do you really know about him? Is it lust or is it love -- be honest with yourself. Google something like "100 questions to ask your boyfriend". Know him. If he is a good guy, then you will know it; if not, run for your life, girl.
reader, downonmyluck +, writes (1 June 2012):
hi, I have to agree with everyone else here that have given you answers,etc.But one thing comes to mind here....is this guy working or not?? If not,he's probably looking for someone to take care of him financially. In other words, he might have intentions of just using you as his bread & butter.
reader, WishIwasAKidAgain +, writes (17 May 2012):
This is just insane. Not to mention creepy, disgusting, and vile. Run the other way NOW! This man isn't in love with you at all as much as he is with himself. There's a big difference between love and lust, and I'm sure it' the latter for him. He wants to show how hot is wife is to everyone who will see him so he can feel young again. Assuming this marriage made it past one year, you'd feel you made a big mistake and realize you missed out on your youth. You don't mention how you look. Are you insanely obese? Can you not find someone around your own age? Is there any reason you can't do better? Ask yourself those questions and you might find your own answer......
reader, nator +, writes (15 May 2012):
Honestly, that's a big NO NO. Telling your parents will most probably give them a heartache. Think reall hard about this. This man could have been in the same claSs as your dad years back. Your 20, you still have loads to do with your life. Please don't rush and regret yourself later on.
reader, Gorgeousgal +, writes (14 May 2012):
Sigh. What the hell do you know about anything at 20? Is it money, honey? Does he treat you like a princess, adore and worship you? A 50 yo guy has baggage, you have none yet. You are light and free, almost brand new and in the prime of your life. He is a middle aged twit who thinks he's won the sex lottery and wants to put his brand on you so he can feel like " the man". Sorry if I sound cynical, but honey, he's a grownup.........it's actually creepy. Find somebody who can climb mountains with you, have a bunch of babies when you're ready, and who you wont be visiting in the retirement villa when you're just starting to take off as a woman in your most sensual years. (or it might be worse, you could be stuck nursing the old codger at home, plus having to keep him " happy" if you get my drift :) c'mon now, don't break your parents hearts, or waste the best years of your life........if you really must think you're madly in love with him, at least don't marry him until you're 25 and your brain starts taking precedence over your hormones:)
reader, The Realist +, writes (10 May 2012):
I noticed something in your question. You refer to yourself as 20 years young and him as 50 years old. This leads me to believe that you know that he is old. It's tough for me to think of the relationship that you two would have. If you are sure about this then it would probably be best to be very straight forward with your parents over dinner about who he is. Be prepared for some intense questioning about why you want to be with him.
reader, Dorothy Dix +, writes (9 May 2012):
Hi there. Even if you are in love with this 50 year old man, the 30 year age difference puts you in two totally different stages of life.
He has probably already been married and has grown up children about your age!
And do you know if he is divorced or is he still married?
It's possible he might already be married.
And apart from that, he would not want children if he's already been married and done all that.
It would probably be the last thing he wants!
Even if he has never married, your interests are probably very different from each other.
You are at an age now, where you ought to be going out with your friends and partying and just having fun. With no ties.
He on the other hand, would most likely be very happy to sit at home with you and watch television every night of the week.
If you decided you really did love him enough to marry, you would probably regret it not long after.
You would see your friends having their freedom and going out and having fun or maybe travelling, and there's you stuck at home with a baby and you can't go out at all!
You would then see what you were missing, and you wouldn't be very happy.
You really need to keep your eyes wide open to what your life could become, should you go ahead and marry this man.
It may seem like a fairytale now, but the bubble would soon burst once reality set in.
Think very carefully about this before making any kind of decision.
If you have only just met, well then you probably don't really know if you actually love him.
And this can take some time - a few months at least.
And as far as telling your parents is concerned, I wouldn't be telling them until you are sure of your feelings for him.
They probably won't be very happy about it.
Your parents are probably about his age!
reader, dirtydevil +, writes (6 May 2012):
i think u should marry a guy of your age....plssshhhhh...think before u leap
reader, So_Very_Confused +, writes (3 May 2012):
Why the rush to get married?
how long have you known him?
how did you meet him?
I need way more information before I have an answer