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Things went well...until she blocked me on Facebook! Any advice?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 November 2009) 8 Answers - (Newest, 10 November 2009)
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

Morning all,

I'm in a dilemma and I think I did something to blow a potentially good thing. I have been talking with a girl for the last month or so, and everything was going so well -- chatting, chemistry and what not talking on the phone, plus chatting online, so I decided to head to up to see her.

I live in Maryland, and she's in Maine.

I drove up to see her this weekend, and things could not have gone any better. We did dinner and a movie and spent about 5 hours together that night. After the date, we ended up kissing for well over 10 minutes in the car before I decided to call it a night.

We met up the next morning, and we attended a birthday party for a friend of hers. Well, she didn't have enough time to buy a gift, so I bought a gift card and fronted the money until I got paid back. We had a good time at the party and I took pictures for her friend -- I do pro stuff part time, and that was that.

Thereafter, she invited me over her place and I met her kids. We had a lobster dinner -- she, I and the kids at her place -- and then we cuddled up and watched a movie.

After the movie -- it was late, she was tired, but she invited me to her bedroom and we cuddled and kissed again passionately until she went to sleep. There was no sex involved, but it was fairly steamy. I slept in her bed until morning and then we had breakfast, before I had to leave.

Again, we had passionate kissing for about ten minutes, and then I drove off. When I was driving home, I sent her a text message, and then I saw her Facebook profile noting a message noting, "not sure if having an open heart is or good or not".

So we talked some more, and she says she enjoyed her time went well, plus her kids and pet loved me. I will also add that she said that she's not trying to rush into anything and I told her that neither am I. She also added that she falls hard for men, and she has had to let a lot of them go. She is a nine year divorcee.

So, we chat on Facebook the day after, and then I replied back to a few of her posts. Thereafter, I don't see her -- she's posting in the meantime, and decided to block me. I give her a call, and sent her text. The funny thing too is that her daughter decided to also friend me, but I told her that I should wait and get permission before anything.

I emailed her seeing this -- I didn't think there was any problem beforehand -- and said what's wrong. She unblocked me and said, "I need you to give me space -- it's weirding me out a bit. Thanks."

So, I said -- look, I am sorry, but we used talked like this and especially what happened this weekend. She then told me to chill out and take 10 steps back and I said sorry to her.

I don't know where all this came from, but it is very weird. I would not ordinarily even entertain the thought of meeting up with her; however, things went so well this weekend, that I think I'm just going to wait and see what's going on.

I will not email or call to see what's going on at least until next week, or if even the weekend.

Any advice?

View related questions: divorce, facebook, kissing, money, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2009):

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Dasey: I am not going to at all, that would be weird. I told her thanks for writing, but I rejected the request.

Yeah, I am not sure what happened. The whole weekend was a storybook, I am not sure what took place between when I left and now.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2009):

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Thanks for the info, everyone. I'll see what happens by this weekend. It's been a painful few days...

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (10 November 2009):

Give her time. She clearly thinks things moved a little too fast, so be patient. I would say leave it for a week or two, then just say hi and ask her about her. Keep it friendly.

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A female reader, dazey New Zealand +, writes (10 November 2009):

I wouldn't even e-mail her. If she wants space give it to her. She asked for space then rejected your attempt to resolve so it doesn't sound like she likes to be pursued.

Whatever you do don't make facebook friends with her daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that WOULD be weird.

PS not so good on me US geography but you live a long way apart isit? Maybe let this one go....?

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A male reader, Heartbroken in love United States +, writes (10 November 2009):

this is wut happens when u move too fast. physical intimacy that happens too soon can make or break a relationship. now that u have been passionate with each other now she feels pressure to ask herself if she really wants this. I wud just agree with her, give her space, and if u have to move on then move on.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2009):

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Thanks. Well, she unblocked me on Facebook and the lovely picture we took together is still up on the site in one of her latest photo sets.

I would be pretty hurt if she didn't talk to me again, but in the middle of our conversation Sunday she said she wanted to take it slow and that she was scared, while exited as well.

However, considering I fronted money to help her buy a gift certificate for the party we went to (she could not get out and she lived too far away from the store), plus fronting money for a ticket she had (her license was suspended), she paid me back also that day, I was thrown for a loop.

I was going to try her next week or Sunday.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks. Well, she unblocked me on Facebook and the lovely picture we took together is still up on the site in one of her latest photo sets.

I would be pretty hurt if she didn't talk to me again, but in the middle of our conversation Sunday she said she wanted to take it slow and that she was scared, while exited as well.

However, considering I fronted money to help her buy a gift certificate for the party we went to (she could not get out and she lived too far away from the store), plus fronting money for a ticket she had (her license was suspended), she paid me back also that day, I was thrown for a loop.

I was going to try her next week or Sunday.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2009):

I'd say give her the space she needs. She is probably confused about how she feels. I'd give her a week then write her a nice email saying briefly what you're up to and asking how she's doing.

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