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How can I get smaller boobs?

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 September 2007) 10 Answers - (Newest, 26 August 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, *_M4ever writes:

This may come as an odd question but it is dear to heart for me. How can you make your boobs smaller? I am only talking about appearence wise.

I claim this as odd because all my friends want bigger boobs, yeah at times I do too, but for this I certainly do not.

For one of my jobs, which I actually get paid money for, I'm striving for a young look. My job: Singing with the New York City Opera's Children chours. Key word childrens. I am the oldest one there and am pretty tall there too, 5'3"(short in real life) I've gotten appearing sorter down by never really having my knees strait. I wear no make-up but conclear and I wear younger girl clothes, I wear braids, and usually a headband (which for some reason makes me look younger). I have made a little contraption out of my non underwire, strech bra but it isn't as effective as I'd like it so I wear a shirt with a built in sports bra too. On top of that I wear a baggieish tee-shirt, it gives me the impression of smaller boobs.

I am not wanting to get rid of them just flatting them out cause many the girls are very small there. One of my friends in it is a year younger but has been told this year she looks too old and well her boobs are no help. I'm a size B but I want more of a look of an A or a bit smaller. Please help with methods I could use.

Thanks for reading my long speech.


View related questions: boobs, bra , money

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A female reader, lauruska Slovakia +, writes (26 August 2010):

I think there is only 1 way - u need to loose weight and also push ups and exercise with weight might be useful. Good luck!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 November 2009):

I personally think it's kind of unfair that just because you're 'Singing with the New York City Opera's Children chours' you have to decrease your boob size!

Little kids can have big boobs and older people can have smaller boobs- it's not just about age but about body types and lifestyles as well.

I don't like when boob sizes are judged and stereotyped.

Boobs are boobs. They're part of our body and who we are and I don't think their size should imply anything.

Sorry for being a bit... well you know!

I think B cups are pretty youthful anyway.

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A female reader, M_M4ever United States +, writes (5 November 2007):

M_M4ever is verified as being by the original poster of the question

M_M4ever agony auntThanks again I got a smaller size sport bra and its amazing i look way smaller and i think it kept me in for this next year ;-) thanks

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 September 2007):

Tape your boobs down, or wear a minimizer bra however they may not sell minimizer bras for a size B cuz that's not a big size.

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A male reader, daglish Uganda +, writes (7 September 2007):

daglish agony auntSweetie, u dont need smaller boobs than u already have. Thats what makes u difft from other honeys. Pliz dont crave for any other size of breasts coz u just look gorgeous with those ones.

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A female reader, M_M4ever United States +, writes (7 September 2007):

M_M4ever is verified as being by the original poster of the question

M_M4ever agony auntthanks a bunch your guys! really helped ill be heading out soon to look for one of those sport bras. Im pretty much done growing height wise...well i am because i dont have my back brace anymore. THe look pretyt much just is now a normal thing, healithir in some cases....i dont wear as much make-up.

I would loose weight but my problem im already under weight for my age, im still healthly just under so intentially loosing would well result in bad things. So thanks and you can keep coming in with them.

Thanks it is a fun gig thats why i hope to hold on to it for at lest one more year, which i would soon be off to college and have to leave anyway.

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (6 September 2007):

TasteofIndia agony auntJust as "penta" said, a good sports bra will do the trick. I'm a C cup and when I use a really good sports bra, I look like a nine year old! I'd go to a sports store and find a hardcore bra that will flatten you out.

Congratulations on your job singing! It sounds pretty incredible!

Good luck, sweetness.


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A female reader, chachacha United Kingdom +, writes (6 September 2007):

I can think of three things:

1. lose weight - your breast is a place where you store fat, if you are slimmer, your breasts will get slimmer too

2. exercise - if you do weights (things like bench press), the muscles that hold up your boobs will be exercised and get stronger and you'll find that the fat element of your boobs gets smaller as you tone up the muscles around there

3. sports bra - don't get this in a department store, you want the Minimal Bounce bra that totally flattens everything out (for dancers)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (6 September 2007):

Hi babes, I know what you mean, if only I could make mine smaller when I'm in company meetings, although I'm a can be embarrasing and, like you, I take great care in what I'm wearing so as not to emphasise my assets. You are doing the right thing, a good sports bra and a loose fitting top are the best you can do. However, unless you want to tie yourself down with bandages, this is the most you can do. It is important not to cause yourself pain and, as your body is still developing, it is also important not to restrict this (serious consequences!), so keep with what you're doing. Whoever told your friend that her boobs make her look too old is very insensitive! I only hope the person wasn't one of the tutors or someone in a responsible position..! At the end of the day, it is vitaly important to be proud of who you are, don't try to contain your figure because you are developing into a woman and should be very proud of the fact. If you ever take part in an environment which makes you feel uncomfortable with that fact then it is that environment which is wrong, not you - I'm sure you're lovely as you are so hold your back straight and wear a well fitting bra. Good luck babe X

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A female reader, penta United States +, writes (6 September 2007):

penta agony auntHey Em. Anything I recommend would interfere with breathing, which you need to do well to sing well. Getting a good sports bra is your best bet.

Better would be to concentrate on the singing and wear loose clothing (so that you can breathe) and ignore what you look like.

Good luck.

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