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Blocked from facebook after first meeting!

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 December 2013) 8 Answers - (Newest, 30 December 2013)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

The other night, I went to a bar with some friends. It's a bar where we go quite often. There is this guy who I always see there as well. He usually look at me a lot but never talk to me. It's been going on for about a year. I never really was interested

Anyways, that night, he came and talked to me. He was nice. We danced and laughed and we kissed. At the end of the night he said he hoped we would see each other again soon and he left whitout asking for my number. When I arrived home, I entered his first name (that is all I had) in facebook and he was the first person to come up I didn't do anything about it (no friend requests, no like, no post, no inbox, no nothing).

The next day I was debating wether or not to inbox him. When I searched for him again, I couldn't find him. When I went into my history and clicked on the link to his profile it says I could not access the page, but when I searched for him while logged out of my profile I found him. Which means, I was blocked. Why!?

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A female reader, AuntyEm United Kingdom +, writes (30 December 2013):

AuntyEm agony auntI doubt he blocked you on FB, I just dont think a guy would bother unless he was hiding something, or indeed you DID send a message and he wanted to brush you off.

You kissed and yet he didn't ask for your number...that means he wasn't interested enough to take things further or couldn't.

It always amazes me that women are so surprised that guys who have girlfriends already would hit on another woman in a bar...a lot of guys do this all the time and so do women, I guess they just like the thrill and fortunately social networking and modern phones allow them to delete and block that person once they have had their fun.

Just forget the guy, he didn't ask for your number for a reason and that speaks greater than the words he spoke on the night.

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A female reader, llifton United States +, writes (30 December 2013):

llifton agony aunti agree with honeypie completely. he most likely has a girlfriend and is hiding you from her. he's eliminating all future evidence in an effort to never get caught for cheating.

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A female reader, YouWish United States +, writes (30 December 2013):

YouWish agony auntOh yeah, most likely cheater alert. Dancing, laughing, kissing at a date with a stranger? All behaviors he wouldn't want his wife or girlfriend to know for sure!

You looked up his FB - you didn't see a significant other?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 December 2013):

Does he have any way to see if someone checked him up on facebook? I don't know if the stories of that happening are true or not, or if it's just a trick. It "could" be that he saw himself getting checked out and freaked out about it. Or, someone told him that you were trying to friend him. OR (more likely) he blocked you close to when you checked on him and its a coincidence. Why block you? My guess is that he wants to keep the relationship bar-only and doesn't want certain areas of his life to merge. Many people like their lives compartmentalized, I wouldn't take it personally but definitely keep your distance next time.

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A male reader, M Proops United Kingdom +, writes (30 December 2013):

Most definitely sounds odd,i think he wants to hide something.Keep your distance from him.

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A female reader, Lieutenant United Kingdom +, writes (30 December 2013):

"We danced and laughed and we kissed.". You have a conversation for the first time with a random guy you met at a bar and end up kissing him? I guess I will never understand the logic of some people...but I digress.

He could have blocked you for any number of reasons. It could be completely innocent reasons, such as wanting to keep that part of his life private until he gets to know you better (assuming that he has intentions of gettinng to know you better). It could be that on hindsight, he reached a conclusion that he doesn't want anything to do with you. This is completely understandable if he is someone who is looking for a relationship and you kissing him without really knowing him was a turn off.

There is also the possibility that he is already in a relatioship and made a mistake at the bar, so is trying to prevent exacerbation of his mistake into a serious situation. It could also be that he wants to hide something from you (e.g. the existence of a wife) that you would be able to see on his fb (assuming that he intends to contact you and get to know you better).

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (30 December 2013):

Sounds like he has a boy friend and did not want him to find out about you.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (30 December 2013):

Honeypie agony auntSounds like maybe he has a GF? And he wanted to make SURE you couldn't contact him through FB?

Does sound odd though.

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